PORTLAND ] ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862. YOL. 12. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY IMF PORTLAND DAILY PRESS REAL LEI. BUSINESS CARDS. | ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. WANTS, LOST, FOUND. TO Emotional Poetry. Published every day (Sundays excepted) by th THE press. (From tlio Atlanta Weekly). j. n. ro«c. For tie ill. POBTLAIVB PI'BLISHING CO., F. House on New St. for Sale ! WEDNESDAY We’ve made it up witli tlie pCet. 45. Patterson’s High Valise Last, on Nea MORNING, JIUE 4,187a. He comer Homo In tlie new block wrote at between G. T. to us the other At 14*0 Exchange Sr, Portland. and Counsellor Law, E. Depot and State St., a and Brackett streets. F no Bathing Room day, sa; ing that he Attorney LOST,small \ alisc. Tbe finder 24 Btory house 17 finished will bo rewarded b> Water closets, (Its and .Sehago. I’cssessior would overlook the and Terms ; Dollars a Year in advance containing tbe same at 03 State «Thc Gossip and past would like some Eight Real Estate Bulletin. ANEWrooms with closets and clothes presses, and every eaving St. Jo3-3i* given immediately. Apply to F. G. FAT1EBSON Gleanings. ST., money. ITe enclosed a 11191-2 EXCHANGE modern improvement; good cellar an I seworage; dealer in Real Estate. Ju3d2w poem, and hoped we THE MAIXe"sTATE PRESS and Foderal hoii>o he 'ted by furnace. Lot 3* x 92. This is a rare would for it of Exchange Sts.,) WANTED! A Danbury man says the sale to pay at the usual rates. So we (Comer TO on Fint-Cla^ opportunity for a purchaser to buy a goo 1 piece of only way la MONEY To Let, called piWished every Thursday Morning at $2 50 ! of flral Estate prnportv, centrally locate to F. G. PAT- ROOD CAKPR'VTERK. nl a store is at auction. in our valuable M,27 PORTLAND, ME. tf iiiyliLl IHortcngcN Apply Enquire in the put up sub-editor and read year, if paid in advance, at $2 00 a year. ■ n >*orti ltd nu«i tlcfnily. Rent Estate TEKSuN, dealer in Real Estate. ju3d2w SIX WHITNEY & SMALL tenoment of 5 ro ms upper pari MEANS, of hoose 22 Brarnhall St., to a family without him the as bcaslit and sold. Kcuts collected. Apply ju3u3t 86 Pearl street. A poem, follows: Bateh of Advertising: ot children. Gas and a of water. The Venn. One inch space, to plenty good Pv, and mock us For Sale. *lw Stockings with red spots ate to be worn in 11. Inc, eng-li of column, constitutes a “square.’’ PATENTS F. Ci. PATTERS UN, ju3 50 mUE located Ills business In Wanted. con,° and »ra r-no; $. per square daily Hint week; 75 cents per Real subscriber, having with lOtv shoes this summer, so that »S!fil«tabJth*rHe weep When w *ek oontinn- Estate and Mortgage Broker. .1. now odors his rcsidenco No. C for house work at mosquito spring’s violets are dvln- after; three insertions, or less, $1 00; — Boston, Deering general No. 211 Cumber- IX ALL — To Let. * ien "ln ng every other after first week, 50 cents. over Eowell’a Jewelry Store, stieet for sale. The house, with its improvements, is AGIULland Street. ju3*3t bites wen’t show. Bio ilf,™1 r ,ll1' er i» flow n— day one t or. A B own Sts. -1 nnt doad Half three insert ions or less, 75 cents; np25d(f foefims first class. Price oni\ $13,000. Terms oasy. Can he mo a small family, the sccontl floor of house No. uf. ,!vakc florets to living, square. smllcs are fir weak, 50 week aftor. examined from 10 to 11 A. M. and 3 to 4 P. M. 1 C'arletttn Street, with hard and sort water. And s sadder than Ions; $100; cents i>er daily gas, And nnd additional. For Sale. Will be sold with the Furniture if desired. Wanted. oj ihe Call Providence a “slow” hope too sunlight, deceiving. SPECIAL Notices, one third CO Apply premises. ju2-dti city, indeed I ^ Under of 00 per square U N R I E S. GEO. M. HARDING. A MILLINER at W. L. 337 of (he head “Amusemlnts,” FEET of land on North street, near ju3U2t Snell’s, CongrrsR SI. an active man was run over yearn. 6 ilRl Why, a funer- 'Vbat c on per week; throe insertions or Jessr>i ♦ Walnut. Price low. Terms c&*di, by mbs tlie morrow," the Maine State- 2\j’jl/V/l/ J ±1-_ju2-dtf To be Let. Ana the Vlvert/eements inserted in balance time. to F. G. Poit- al there last nights say Our shallow profound in Apply PATTERSON, For Sale. Rooms, of Friday. iiuies terror and Press” (which has a large circulation every part or WM. L. 5 Board irfrpdrc mystery an* sorrow— lor land, SOUTHARD, Pemberton Square, Wanted. »> of the State) for $1 00 per square first insertion, Boston. HOUSE No. 5 Park place. A desirable Furnished C. E. SMITH, raps them close as a mantle around—** for each SCRIBNER & myl2codrf in a No. 2 Tainan Place. and 50 cents per square subsequent inser- JORDAN, BRICKHouse, in good order. If not sold by June 10th *7° Pfrsons private family where there roySOdlw* “That’s will F°®ariMio oilier Conn-, had added ever so enough’’ said our sub For $a!t% be leased for a terra of years. Inquire of JOHN boarders. Not particular as to the Salisbury, many editor, Address all communications to C. 93 w0 and Let. stories to at j 71 Middle cor. PROCTER, Exchange stieet. ju3dlw foodfn?i°’ni sleeping rooms, good, plain To ghost one of its glancing dolefully the mass of PORTLAND PUBLISHING Street, Exchange, mWO double tenement Houses on Cotton street— require 1. A fair will be houses, known as remaining CO. <m,y good price paid on Atlantic near St., and A No. 13, two tenements, five rooms each—No. D, far tbe rigut place. Address Store "engross the “Tichnor place.” manuscript, “if you print al! that, we shau’t House Lots For Sale. llorse cars. Suitable for a Shoe Store or fancy iiS E., two tenements, seven rooms each. Also House No. H. B. Post OIBce. \NEW POKTUSD, DESIRABLE RUSSELL, or Groce ies. to S. A. have room for the or 28 Brarab&ll street, arranged for one or two families; lot on the corner of Danfortli eod3w« and domestic goods Apply book-notices, yonr arti- This and Brackett house ma>-*_ No. 37 St. Lawrence St. 'business cards! lot 40x113, fronting on tico streets. property is A streets, suitable for 3 good ANDERSON, The cle on Secure Trade De- lots. dlw then codtf Norwalk, Cono., gas company the Credit Mobilier; and besides that’s Inventions, Marks aud newly finished anu in complete order, and will be Wanted. mar26 hopes — to silence the signs in all Countries where Patent sold as the health of the owner demands a change of —ALSO satirical remarks of its custom- too objectionably dismal.” So wc didn't climate. to LEON M. BOvVDOIN or s. G. housework. at S1J To Let. ROSS & Apply One lot on Spruce street. -ir%.A »S99.^,P^ktotfo Enquire ers with a new STURDIVANT, Laws Real Estate and Broker, Middle Street, retort. print that poem, but wrote to the Poet—en- exist. PATTERSON, Mortgage Four lots on Congress street. rflHE Cottage House No. 11 Cedar corner Oxford my 5 tf One lot on p MORRILL. WHOLESALE COAL HEALERS the corner of Pearl and Federal street?, my30olw__W. 1 streets. M. G. PALMKlt. closing him tome money and promising more Assignments made and sent, for record. fronting the Park. ©>dtf An Illinois man Wanted to Bent. mylG has traveled Pal- if he would us with some lines of 119 Commercial Portia Couauba ini or by letter Iree. Letters Two lots on Church street. through oblige a oil. personally FOR A estine at answered. SALEr One lot on Deer street. GOOD sized Parlor and two rooms in d is promptly SUPERIOR in sleeping To Le*. disgusted because- “he didn’t mote cheetful return mail Models and mrnished. Hay Farm, South Gorham, on Iocation- description. By Sole in Maine for the sule and of Drawings o Hteral terms. of JOHN Inquire at 327 Street. a agents shipment miles from Portland Inquire ™,.?nE00d Congress of G rooms. A without find darned Interference and Disclaim- A eight bv C. 93 st. ‘"I--0 dlw HO USE small family buckwheat cake after we the the Celebrated Coal mined Messrs. Ham- Extensions, Rc-Usues, PROC1ER, Exchangs my29d9t En- leaving received following: by ers attended to at living prices. JOHN L. CURTIS. \ young children. Sabbath keeping people. America.’’ lw*tbontf ECSTASY. mett Neill & Co., of Philadelphia. Examinations made and opinions given as to the my22 Houses for Sale. quire at No. 1U8 Newbury sticet. my27dtf We have patcntibilitv of inventions. my23d&w3m Wanted “The of the mom shall be scattered— also for sale at lowest market price, 0n *^ree^ from $1000 to $ 10,- Immediately. gnld A Nice Siivbnrlian To Let. shut And the wild dance of the stars Scranton, and Pittston Residence 3 HnSoUSBS Always your bed-room door before re- whirling j^ilkesbarre, Lackawanna, Coat Makers. of Pos- In delirious circles heaven Jo:»1h, shipped from the vicinity of New York. Ves- FOR LEASE. The commodious Four houses on State street, prices from $5000 to Steady employment and No 38 State street, corner Gray. You through FIrTYgood wages. Good board once. tiring. may have to in the Shall break down black bars. *"’« procuicJ for the tranportation of reals from two story brick house on Stevens’ $50,000.
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