Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 12-6-2000 Arbiter, December 6 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. " .. , • .:,,-, <'f ".". ,,-~. "-.', ' .. :",:/:\~~.~~,.:, n: .;~~~~" • •.~ i ,- ",.of ... • photo illustration by· Daniel Wolf the Arbiter All ticket$ Qnly $11.50 available at all Ticketweb' outlets" including Recofd', Exchange, Newt & Harold~, Board Room,andKB's . .Music Exchange", bycpH,ihg ,..-t~800·965-4827,dr' . www.ticketweb.com:'· . - . Produced by Bravo Entertainment/Bill Silva Presents. Get more show info at www.bravobsp.com -------------- ~- Acbiter 3 December 6, 2000 -------------- lWA-" BSU'smembership In the Worker Rights Letters: Just sick of protesters ... page 16 .Consortium aids the battle against F-spot: Marching against violence ... page 17 exploltatlon •••page 12 Guest opinion: America is too great for hate ... page 16 ::J ",;i· After intense student lobbying the Faculty Senate agrees to grade Pel:;·,···,·r···········::· ..mJ.. replacement ... page 4 Sergio Meyers: from BSU student to Hollywood ... page 19 Take Back the Night and the Day rally, Dec. 7... page 5 The Boston Pops knocks the socks offpop ... pag~ 20 on campus Rancid and Communion on the same page ... page 21 Logging for paper pulp protested ... page 4 OUTfield forms to support freedom of sexual orientation of staff and faculty ... page 9 . Student government Is budget debate racism or fmancial prudence? ... page9 Gemstate Classified Advertising for the top and the. bottom ... page 22 The Associated Students of Idaho unite ... page 6 Dilbert...page 23 the Nation' Congress jeopardizing higher education funding ... page 10 Crossword ... page 23 Calendar ... page ·15 The ..Weather: "I'm so tired. I don't knowwhatto Will Koetter's move hurt the team? ... page 14 do." From "I'm SoTired" by (Who else?),J.Lennon Big West Conference awards to some big names ... page 14 and P.McCartney .1!P---IIIIf£:'7~;'}ir':Opyedltor KaraJanney The Arbiter Scott Horting Josh Jordan photooraphers adverUslno manaoer 1910University Drive, Devin Kelly Rafael Saakyan Bannister Brownlee Boise, Idaho 8S725 wrlUno coaches Jim Klepacki Daniel Wolf Phon~(208)S45-820+ F~(208)426-S198 editor Vern Nelson Christina Latta Jordan Mardis account maintenance e-mail: [email protected]!D Carissa Wolf David Cain Megan Marchetti manaoer Yael Avi -Isaac Jenny McDougle art director Lyn Collins www.arbIteronUne.com Mona Morrison Stephanie Pittam manaolno editor The Arbiter is the official student editorial advlsor EvyAnn Neff John Threet adverUslno reps newspaper of the students of Boise Dr. Dan Morris Lesleigh Owen oraphlc deslon Sid Anderson . Stste University. Its mission is to . news editor Robyn Post Zebrlna Thompson Jenny Corn p'rovide a forum for the discussion of writers Sean Hayes Nicole Sharp Josh Hammari issues impacting the campus and Stephanie Bodden JimToweill . Ryan Hancock offlce manaoer community. The Arbiters budget Lena Brainard consists of fees paid by the students a&eedltor - Lee VanderBoegh Laura Choffrut Stuart Bryson of Boise State University and MikeWmter Wendy Venable oeneral manaoer Sam Garcia Laura Wylde Brad Arendt volunteer advertising sales. The Arbiter is dis- tributed to the campus and commu- Fawn Goldy Daniel Wolf AmandaE. Decker-De Sharo on-One editor nity on Wednesdays during the Renae Hall business manaoer Dudley Bowman scliool year. The first copy is free. Kate Hollinan photo editor Rich Mortensen Additional copies are $1 each, Brian Holler Ted Harmon payable to the Arbiblr offices. fi ~_ •• ~- 4 --------..:...--------------H6WS 2000 Faculty says Tree-free campaign• grows Student activists ask forreduction in campus paper use change grades. national movement of students . other concerned campuses. Only 20 percent of the by Devin Kelly demanding that their campuses .the Arbiter use only tree-free products world's old growth forest and "Our campaign is nationally five percent of the u.s. old Grade averaging policy recommended A. ctivist students at Boise significant because Boise growth forests remain. The nstate decided to start a Cascade's headquarters are in majority of forest loss has by Christina Latta tree-free paper campaign on our hometown. Universities, occurred in the last so years, in the Arbiter campus. They are attempting to which are some of Boise large part due to logging. From persuade students and the Cascade's biggest customers, 1994 to 1998 Boise Cascade he Boise State Faculty Senate recently passed a bill that could, administration to stop using will be watching BSUclosely", was the number one purchaser Tmean good news for your grade point average. On Tuesday, paper products purchased from added Justin Dobbs, a BSU stu- of timber from forests. By Nov. 14, the Faculty Senate approved a bill to replace the current Boise Cascade, one of the pri- dent: . 2010, it.is estimated that two- grade averaging policy with a revamped grade replacement policy. mary companies they say is The University of Indiana, thirds of the world's plant and Since 1995, Boise State has used grade averaging to determine responsible for. logging and Southern Oregon University, animal species will be extinct. a student's grade. Previous to 1995, grade replacement was used. destroying old growth forest and the University of North By continuing to purchase With grade averaging, students can retake a failed course, but areas here and abroad. Carolina are also all involved products from Boise Cascade, then the grades of'those two (or more) courses will be averaged The campaign, started by with the tree-free campaign. activists say BSU is directly together to determine the final grade. the Idaho Progressive Student . Tree-free paper activists say if contributing to the problem . Grade replacement also allows a student to retake a class. The Alliance, went into full swing efforts are successful, BSU will grade of the most recent class is then used to compute the stu- on Nov. 29. Activist students prove to be a great example to dent's GPA. In the majority of cases, the most recent class has the gathered in the Quad to erect a better grade. forest of homemade cardboard While grade replacement can improve a student's GPA, all trees, each displaying a message Tree-free trees: By using tree-free paper, student courses, including failed ones, are shown on transcripts. about logging or the environ- After lobbying efforts by the Student Senate last year, the ment. The group handed out activists say Boise State can serve as an example for Faculty Senate asked the Academic Standards Committee to look flyers printed on tree-free Kenaf other universities concerned about reducing the effects into the policy of grade averaging. paper, attempting to show ~f logging in old growth forests. • Several factors were involved in the proposal to change the pol- passersby viable alternatives to icy.The committee found that many students, because ?f personal traditional paper use. photo by: Ted Harmon, the Arbiter ' circumstances or other concerns may have done poorly In a class or The students approached in several classes. With grade averaging, students often found it BSU president Charles Ruch impossible to catch up and maintain a good GPA. and university administrators Circumstances that hinder students' .acadernic performance can Nikki Hampton and Greg be a problem on a campus like Boise State, where there are many Blaising with samples of tree non-traditional students. When not following a strict four-year free paper and an informational plan, many students face obstacles that can lengthen the period it campaign statement. The stu- takes to obtain a degree. dents demanded in' the state- "Agrade should be measuring not how quickly you learn," said ment that BSU switch to tree- Jack Hourcade, member of the Faculty Senate. "It should measure free paper for all of the printing how much you learn." '. and office supply uses on cam:" Another contributing factor in the proposal wa,sthat the major- pus. The statement' stressed ity of universities across the country use grade replacement. that BSU immediately halt all Also, comparative GPAs from a school with grade averaging can purchase of paper supplies often be lower. from the Boise Cascade '1\ student from the University of Idaho can have a higher GPA Corporation, saying the corpo- than a Boise State student with the exact same course content," said ration contributes to old Hourcade. "It's not fair to Boise State students." . growth logging and large scale Some students even find grade averaging tends to discourage environmental destruction. them from retaking a class. Micaela de Loyola, a BSU "Where's the incentive to go through a hard class again if your student involved with the grade might not improve that much?" asked ASBSU Senator, Nick action, said, "In this day and Leonardson. age, with so many paper alter- Leonardson lobbied the Faculty Senate last year to reconsider natives like Kenaf, cotton, the grade averaging policy. straw, hemp, and other fiber. Richard Pompian, chair of the Academic Standards Committee, There is just no justification for found that Boise State faculty was greatly in favor of grade replace- turning the world's few ment. remaining old growth forests 'We polled faculty members about what they thought the best into paper." , policy was," said Pompian. 'The plurality wanted. grade replace- Other fibers are all known to ment." be more versatile, longer last- The grade replacement policy will likely go into effect for the ing, and more renewable than Fall 2001 semester. paper created from trees.
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