ANNUAL REPORT ʹͲͳͷǧͳ Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment Department of Social Justice and Empowerment Government of India http://www.socialjustice.nic.in Design & Printed by: Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., W-30, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi. Content CHAPTER CHAPTER/SECTION Title Page 1. Introduction 3 1.1 Background 3 1.2 Mandate of the Department of Social Justice & Empowerment 3 1.3 Population of the Main Target Groups 4 1.4 Functions 4 1.5 Organizational Set Up of the Department of SJ&E 5 1.6 Important Constitutional Provisions relevant for the Department of SJ&E 5 1.7 Some other important Constitutional Provisions 6 1.8 Agencies for monitoring safeguards 6 1.9 Status of Subjects allocated to the Department of SJ&E vis-à-vis entries in the Seventh, Eleventh 7 & Twelfth Schedules of the Constitution 1.10 National Commissions, Foundations and Corporations 8 1.11 Parliamentary Committees 8 2. ʹͲͳͷǦͳ 13 2.1 Celebration of 125th Birth Anniversary Year of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 13 2.2 Meetings with Social Welfare Departments of States/UTs 23 2.3 Credit Enhancement Guarantee Scheme for the Scheduled Castes 23 2.4 ϐ 23 2.5 International Day for Older Persons 24 2.6 New Building of National Institute of Social Defence 24 2.7 New Scheme of Skill Development 25 2.8 India International Trade Fair, Pragati Maidan 26 3. ʹͲͳͷǦͳ and 12th Five Year Plan. 29 3.1 Plan Outlay & Expenditure 29 3.2 Major Schemes implemented by the Department 29 3.3 Categorization of Schemes 30 3.4 Scheduled Castes Welfare 30 3.5 Other Backward Castes Welfare 30 3.6 Social Defence 30 iii Annual Report 2015-16 CHAPTER/SECTION Title Page 3.7 Vision in the 12th Plan 31 3.8 Target Group-Wise Approach in XII Five Year Plan-2012-17 31 4. Scheduled Castes Development 35 4.1 An Overview 36 4.2 Statutory Framework 37 4.3 Liberation & Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers 44 4.4 Schemes for Scheduled Caste Welfare 45 4.5 National Commissions 67 4.6 Foundations 69 5. Other Backward Classes Development 79 5.1 An Overview 79 5.2 Central List of Other Backward Classes and amendments thereto effected during 2015-16 79 5.3 Statutory Framework 80 5.4 ϐǡ Ǧ ȋȌǦ 81 5.5 Schemes for Welfare of Backward Classes: An Overview 82 5.6 Schemes of Educational Empowerment 83 5.7 ȋ Ȍ 87 5.8 Ƭȋ Ȍ 88 Ǥ Social Defence 93 6.1 An Overview 93 6.2 Statutory Framework 93 6.3 Senior Citizens 93 6.4 ȋ Ȍ 98 6.5 ȋ Ȍ 99 6.6 Substance/Drug Abuse 101 7. Skill Development Programme 109 7.1 Introduction 109 7.2 Targets and Achievements 109 7.3 Implementing Agencies 109 iv Content CHAPTER/SECTION Title Page 8. North Eastern Region and Gender Budgeting 119 I Programmes in the North Eastern Region 119 8.1 Introduction 119 8.2 BE, RE and Expenditure earmarked for NER 120 8.3 Scheme-wise Expenditure in the North Eastern Region and Sikkim 120 8.4 Special provision for North Eastern States 121 II. Gender Budgeting 123 8.5 Introduction 123 8.6 Schemes 123 8.7 Schemes of Finance & Development Corporations 124 9 Monitoring & Evaluation 129 9.1 Monitoring the Performance of the Schemes/ Programmes 129 9.2 Monitoring of schemes implemented through NGOs 129 9.3 Finance and Development Corporations of the Department of SJ&E 130 9.4 Evaluation of Programmes/Schemes of the Ministry 132 9.5 Mechanism for Selection of Programmes/Schemes for evaluation 132 9.6 Evaluation/Research Studies sanctioned during 2015-16 132 9.7 Evaluation/Research studies Reports examined during 2015-16 133 10. Other Activities 137 10.1 IT Initiatives 137 10.2 ϐ 137 10.3 Media Unit 138 10.4 Fairs/ Exhibitions 138 10.5 Implementation of Reservation Policy in Employment 139 10.6 Guidance and Help 140 10.7 Citizen/ Client Charter 140 10.8 Public Grievance Redress Mechanism 141 10.9 Implementation of Right to Information Act, 2005. 141 10.10 Vigilance. 141 v Annual Report 2015-16 ANNEXURES Annexure TITLE PAGE Chapter 1- Introduction 1.1 ȋȌ 145 1.2 Organizational Chart of Department of Social Justice & Empowerment 148 1.3 Standing Committee on Social Justice and Empowerment 149 1.4 Composition of the Committee for the Welfare of Other Backward Classes 150 1.5 Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 151 ͳͷʹ͵ǡʹͲͳͷǦͳǦͳʹ 3.1 Schemes wise distribution of funds during 2015-16 of Department of Social Justice and 152 Empowerment Chapter 4- Scheduled Castes Development 4.1 State/UT-wise details of measures taken for implementation of the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 154 1955 4.2 State -wise cases registered for offences against SCs and STs by police and their disposal under the 155 PCR Act, 1955 during the year 2014. 4.3 Cases relating to SCs and STs with courts under the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 during the 156 year 2014. 4.4 Number of exclusive Special Courts set up under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 157 ȋ Ȍ ǡͳͻͺͻ 4.5 Number of exclusive Special Police Stations set up under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled 158 Tribes Prevention of Atrocities Act, 1989 4.6 State/ UT wise measures for implementation and monitoring of POA Act, 1955 159 4.7 State-wise cases registered during 2014 under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 161 ȋ ȌȓȔ ǡͳͻͺͻ ͶǤͺȋȌ Cases registered by Police and their disposal under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 163 ȋ ȌȓȔ ǡͳͻͺͻǡʹͲͳͶ ͶǤͺȋȌ Cases registered by police and their disposal under the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes 165 ȋ ȌȓȔ ǡͳͻͺͻʹͲͳͶǤ ͶǤͻȋȌ ȋ 167 ȌȓȔ ǡͳͻͺͻǡʹͲͳͶ ͶǤͻȋȌ ȋ 168 ȌȓȔ ǡͳͻͺͻǡ ǡʹͲͳͶ 4.10 Central assistance released under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for implementation of the 169 Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955 and the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes POA Act, ͳͻͺͻʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.11 State/UT-wise position in regard to amount provided as incentive for inter-caste marriages 170 vi Content Annexure TITLE PAGE 4.12 State/UT-wise central assistance released for incentive for inter-caste marriages and number of 172 ʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.13 State/UT-wise central assistance released for relief to atrocity victims during the years 2013-14 to 173 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.14 Status of comprehensive rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers as on 31.12.2015 174 4.15 Ƭϐ Ͳ͵ 175 ȋͳͷǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.16 Central assistance released under Pre-Matric Scholarship to the Children of those engaged in 176 ʹͲͳʹǦͳ͵ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.17 Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC students studying in classes IX and X during the years 2012-13 to 177 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.18 Ǧ ϐ ʹͲͳʹǦͳ͵ 179 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ ȋ Ȍ 4.19 Ǧ ϐ ʹͲͳʹǦͳ͵ 181 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ ȋ Ȍ 4.20 ϐ Ƭ 182 ʹͲͳʹǦͳ͵ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.21 ϐ ʹͲͳʹǦͳ͵ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ 183 31-12-2015Ȍunder the Scheme “Upgradation of Merit Scheme for SC Students” 4.22 ϐ 184 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 4.23 Ǧ ϐ ʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶ 190 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ Chapter 5- Other Backward Classes 5.1 ȀǦ ȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 192 5.2 States/ UTs-wise Physical & Financial Achievements under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme 194 of “Pre-Matric scholarship to OBC students” 5.3 States/UTs-wise Physical & Financial Achievements under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme 195 of “Post-Matric Scholarship to OBC students” 5.4 State wise location of hostels sanctioned under Centrally Sponsored Scheme Of Construction of 197 Ȁ ʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶǡʹͲͳͶǦͳͷʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 5.5 State-wise Physical and Financial Progress of the Centrally Sponsored Schemes of “Construction of 201 Dz dzʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 5.6 Details of grant-in-aid to NGOs under the scheme of 'Assistance to Voluntary Organizations working 203 ̵ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌǤ 5.7 Abstract of state-wise details of grant in aid to NGOs under the scheme of 'Assistance to voluntary 204 ʹͲͳ͵ǦͳͶʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ vii Annual Report 2015-16 Annexure TITLE PAGE 5.8 ȀǦǤϐ 205 ʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǤͳʹǤʹͲͳͷȌ Ǧ 6.1 ǦȋͲΪȌ ʹͲͳͳǤ 206 6.2 ͲΪ ȋǦȌ 207 percentage as per Census 2011 6.3 ȀǦ ȋΨȌ 208 6.4 Oldage Dependency Ratio as per Census 2011 210 6.5 Progress Report of Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 211 6.6 Grant in aid released to NGOs under the scheme of IPOP during the year 2015-16 213 ȋ͵ͳǦͳʹǦʹͲͳͷȌ 6.7 ʹͲͳͷǦͳ ȋ͵ͳǤͳʹǤͳͷ 258 6.8 Abstract of State-wise details of Grants in Aid to NGOs under the Scheme of Assistance for 260 ȋȌʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǤͳʹǤͳͷȌ 6.9 State-wise details of Grants-in-aid released to NGOs under the Central Sector Scheme for Assistance 262 ȋȌʹͲͳͷǦͳȋ͵ͳǤͳʹǤͳͷȌ 6.10 ȋȌ 279 Ƭ ȋȌ and for Social Defence Services Chapter 7- Skill Development Programme 7.1 Major training courses organized by the NSFDC during the year 2015-16 280 7.2 Major training courses organized by NSKFDC during 2015-16 282 7.3 Major training course organized by NBCFDC during 2015-16 284 viii Content ϐ Abbreviation Full Form Description Acts PCR Act, The Protection of Civil In pursuance of Article 17 of the Constitution of India, the 1955 Rights Act, 1955. ȋ Ȍ ǡͳͻͷͷ ϐ on 08.05.1955. The Act was amended and rechristened as PCR Act, 1955 in the year 1976.
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