B 20004D BULLETIN OF THE ANTIBOLSHEVIK BLOC OF NATIONS Freedom Fighters Celebrating Easter in the Forest Verlagspostnmt: München 8 January-Febriiary 1964 V o l.X V -N o . 1 CONTENTS: Congressman M. A. Feighun (USA) It is Important to Recall H e r e ............................................... 7 Ku Cheng-ltang (National China) The Moscow-Peiping R i f t ....................................................... 8 Jaroslaiv Stelzko ( Ukraine) Accusation against Khrushchov Before U.N.......................... 12 Hon. Charles J. Kersten Warned President John F. Kennedy 15 Dr. A. Ilic (Croatia) United in S tru g g le.....................................................................18 Admiral Carlos Penna Botto (Brazil) What Must he Done to Thwart the Communist Threat? . 21 V. Kajum-Khan Attacked by M o s c o w .................................... 26 Declaration of the Ninth Conference of the Asian Peoples’ Anti-Communist League ..........................................................2? l\ ilia Nakashidze (Georgia) The Ideas and Aims of A B N ...................................................30 Karoline von Mende Great L o s s ...................................................................................38 News and V ie w s ........................................................................ 40 On the Solution of the Macedonian Q u estion ......................... 48 Picture on the cover: The original photo of UPA West Command. Soldiers o f the Ukrainian Insurgent Army celebrate Easter in the forest. II ÊÊ:. jjZEMzziïmszsiûiŒtzziié. Publisher: Press Bureau of the Antibolshevik Bloc of Annual subscription DM 12.- in Germany, 8 Dollars in Nations (A.B.N.) U.S.A., £ 1 and 4 shillings in Great Britain and Austra­ lia, and the equivalent of 8 Dollars in all other Munich 8, Zeppelinstr. 67 countries. 1 single copy 1 dollar 40 cents. Remittances to: Post office Transfer account: Munich Editorial Staff: Board of Editors. 58 000 or Deutsche Bank, Munich, Filiale Depositen­ Editor responsible: Mrs. Slava Stetzko. kasse, Neuhauser Str. 6, Account No. 307430 (A.B.N.), or Bankhaus Otto Dierks & Co., Munich, Marienpl. 28, Articles signed with name or pseudonym do not Account No. 2313. necessarily reflect the Editor's opinion, but that of the author. Manuscripts sent in unrequested cannot be Erscheinungsort: Mönchen. returned in case of non-publication unless postage is Herausgeber: Presse-Büro des Antibolschewistischen enclosed. Blocks der Nationen (ABN), Mönchen 8, Zeppelin­ straße 67/0, Telefon 441069. It is not our practice to pay for contributions. Schriftleitung: Redaktionskollegium. Verantwortlicher Redakteur: Frau Slawa Stetzko. Reproduction permitted but only with indication of Druck: Buchdruckerei Universal, München 5, Rumford­ source (A.B.N.-Corr.). straße 29. New Revol utioirary Liberation Strategy The fundamental question — the preparation of a revolutionary insurrection as a means of liberation - is solved hy life itself and hy an organized campaign on the part of the organizations of the underground movements. A revolutionary cadre and an organization which together constitute a formative and organizing revolutionary factor, a revolutionary influence on the soldiers of the Soviet army, in particular on those of non-Russian origin, and the enlightenment of these soldiers as regards their duty to their fatherland and not to the Russian occupant, — these are the essential factors which guarantee the success of an insurr­ ection. These soldiers of the Soviet army must go over to the side of the organizer of the revolution, that is to say to the insurgent troops. The revolutionary organization provides for an adequate preparation of the insurr­ ection in ideological, political, psychological and propagaudistic respect hy initiating mass campaigns. It organizes insurgent cadres and draws up the plans for action, that is to say it furthers the fighting spirit and open fighting action of the masses against the occupants. The Berlin blockade in 1948 created the psychological precondition for the first insurrection in the concentration camps of Vorkuta, when 80,000 prisoners escaped and in armed combats gave proof of the offensive spirit of the anti-Russian revolut­ ionary fighters.After their escape from the concentration camps these prisoners, who were joined by soldiers of the Soviet army and hy deportees and exiles, planned to carry on a partisan war in the forests of the Urals, for at that time most people were convinced that war would break out between the West and Russia. World War II had brought about a revolutionary change in the mentality and psychological attitude of the peoples. They realized the fickleness of the Soviet Russian regime, and at the same time their self-confidence in their own strength grew considerably. The two- front war waged hy the UPA and OUN had clearly shown that an armed people would he capable of gaining a victory over Russian tyranny. The people were now stirred by a spiritual revolution, hy the idea of a spiritual and intellectual liberation. And this led to the founding of the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nation (A. B. N.) in 1943. A.B.N. symbolized the real strength of the peoples subjugated hy Moscow in the form of a joint front as the only possible way to liberation. Within a short time a huge revolutionary impetus in the mentality of the peoples became a reality: the peoples overcame their fear and their armed masses began to play an active part in the common fighting front. And this process could no longer he held up. It included in particular the younger generation. There are various reasons why the regime could not and still cannot stop this process, even though it may delay it. The Russian imperium has assumed unbelievable proportions: the ratio of the Russians to the non-Russians is now at least 1 : 2. And the Russians will no doubt find it impossible to deal with a three-front conflict: the subjugated peoples, the free world, and in addition the complications with Red China, although the conflict with Red China is on the whole overestimated hy the West, as the former British Ambassador to Moscow, Sir William Hyter, rightly remarked in the “ Observer”, when he affirmed that the elements which separate Russia and Red China from each other are far less than the momentous factors which exist as differences between Great Britain and each of these Red countries. Immediately after Stalin’s death there was every danger of a revolution within the Russian imperium which would undoubtedly have led to the collapse of the Red 1 Russian imperiuin if a) the West had pursued a consistent liberation policy and had exerted its pressure, b) the Russian tyrants had not made certain concessions in order to neutralize all offensive action on the part of the peoples at least for the time being, and c) if the Russian leaders and their henchmen had not been called lo account to an even greater extent and had not been freed from fear and physical terror of the Stalinist stamp. The Russian imperium and its messianistic idea - Communism - are by no means phenomena which can be isolated from the revolutionary historical process on a global scale, i. e. the process which included the de-colonization of the world and the collapse and decay of empires; and for this reason the attitude of the free world to the peoples subjugated in the USSR is of decisive importance. For the reasons for the insurrections on the part of these peoples are unalterable. The fight against Bolshevism comprises the sum total of the manifold elements of the free and the enslaved world which clash with each other. An isolated fight on the part of the subjugated peoples is impossible, for Bolshevism as an idea which aims at the conquest of the whole world is not an isolated phenomenon. The various phases of America’s policy are accompanied by various reactions on the part of the subjugated peoples. From a policy of containment via the promises of the policy of liberation to a policy of waiting for an evolution of Bolshevism to liberalization and democracy - these are the three phases of US policy to which, as already pointed out, the subjugated peoples have reacted, whilst the Berlin blockade led to the resolve to hold up Bolshe­ vism by the application of violence, namely to the first insurrection in Vorkuta. When a declaration on the inevitability of a liberation policy was issued, when Radio Free Europe appealed to the peoples to rise up in revolt, and on the occasion of Stalin’s death, numerous insurrections and also open armed action occurred in many of the concentration camps, in Berlin, Poznan, Budapest, Kyiv and Lviv (in Ukraine). A characteristic feature of the present stage of the revolutionary fight are public riots and armed action - frequently of a spontaneous nature - on the part of the masses, strikes, demonstrations, and also large-scale and even armed clashes in the concentration camps and in various towns, — incidents which all help to further the ideological political consciousness and solidarity of the masses. And whenever the authorities are forced to yield a little, the consciousness of the masses in their own strength increases. Such incidents are producing a new type of leader. These leaders hail from the masses, and according to the situation they either remain the acknow­ ledged leaders amongst the masses, or else they become leaders in the underground movement and organize the armed fight there. The masses gain more and more experience in their fight against the Russian occupants and finally mount the bar­ ricades. Armed action in some concentration camp or other, or for instance in Odessa, in the Donets Basin or in Novotcherkask might well lead to an all-national revolt on the part of the peoples. The rise of individual persons to the rank of heroes who are waging a courageous fight in order to defend the people against the occupant creates the nimbus of a revolutionary romanticism in the eyes of the younger generation and spurs on the masses. In this respect the leader of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), Stefan Bandera, and the Metro­ politan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Josef Slipy, have undoubtedly become symbols of the fight for freedom to their people.
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