, THE LATEST, THE BEST, SELECTED 1 GAMES Every six months the Yugoslav Chess Federation brings out a Rew book of the finest games played during the preceding half year. A unique. newly-devised system of annotating games by coded signs crvoids all language obstacles. This makes possible a universally usable and yet reasonably-priced book which brings the newest ideas in the openings and through­ out the game to every chess enthusiast more quickly than ever before. Book 7 contains 616 games played between January 1 and June 30, 1969. The best games from the most important chess competitions in the world. including the Spassky-Petrosian. Larsen-TaL and Soviet Union-Yugoslavia matches and eighteen tournaments. Among the tournaments: Alma-Ata (Soviet Union Championship), Wijk aan Zee (Beverwijk), Malaga, Novi Travnik (Yugoslavia Championship), Venice, Sarajevo, Monaco, Netanya, Luhacovice, and Ljubljana. A special section features 15 Brilliant Combinations and 60 Endings from actual play. Also, a table listing in order the 10 Best Games from Book 6, showing how each of the eight Grandmasters on the jury voted. The FIDE Section gives a com· plete list of all living Grandmasters and International Masters, both active and inactive. Also, complete rules for the World Chess Team Championship (Chess Olympiad). Contains an English.language explanation of the annotation code, an index of players and commentators, and complete crosstables of every tournament from which games were selected. Aleksander Matanovic, Yugoslav Champion, is Editor·in· Chief. Commentators include Averbakh, Benko, R. Byrne, Geller, Gligoric, Hort. Korchnoi. Larsen, Pelrosian, Soviet Champion Polugaevsky, Suetin, and Uhlmann. Book 7, Immediote Shipment. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Postpaid, $5.50 CHESS BOOK 6 Book 6 contains 821 games played between July I and December 31. 1968. A great selection of theoretically important games from 28 lournaments and matches, including the Lugano Olympiad, World Student Team Championship (Ybbs), Mar del Plata, Netanya, Am· 4 sterdam, Skopje, Debrecen, Sombor, Havana, Vinkovci, Belgrade, Palma de Majorca, and 867 Games Athens. July.December, 196'1 Special New Feature! Beginning with Book 6, each CHESS INFORMANT contains a section for FIDE communications, replacing the former official publication FIDE REVIEW. Postpaid, $5.00 The FIDE section in this issue contains complete Requlations for the Tournaments and Match· es for the Men's and Ladies' World Championships. Prescribes the entire competition sys· tern from Zonal and Interzonal Tournaments throuqh the Candidates Matches to the World Championship Match. BOOK 3 Book 6 has sections featuring 51 brilliant Combinations and 45 Endings from actual play 748 Games during the preceding six montbs. Another interesting leature is a table lising in order the Played January-June, 196'1 Ten Best Games from Book 5 and showing how each of the eight Grandmasters on the jury voted. Contains an English.language introduction, explanation of the annotation code, index Postpaid, $5.00 of players and commentators, and list of tournaments and malches. Crosstables given for every tournament. Book 6, Immediate Shipment. • • • • • • Postpaid $5.50 TlON OFFER-ALL FOUR BOOKS ABOVE FOR $13.50 Books I, 2, and 5 out 01 stock. Please do not order unless we readvertise them. Mail your order, with check or money order in the amount of your purchase, to: 479 Broadway U. S. CHESS FEDERATION Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 N.Y. State residents: Add proper sales tax lo all prices given. NOTE FOR PURCHASERS OUTSIDE THE U.S. All prices in U.S. dollars! Our Canadian friends should add 10 % to cover currency exchange differential. Other non,·U.S. purchasers, please add 15% to cover added handling and shipping charges. 434 CHESS LIFE & REVIEW ~ UNITED STATES Volume XXIV Numbe,' I I November, 1969 EDITOR: Burt Hochberg ASSOCIATE EDITOR CONSULTING EDITOR Jack Straley Battel! I. A. Horowitz CHESS FEDERATION PRESIDENT Dr. Leroy Dubeck CONTENTS VICE·PRESIDENT Frank Skoff Junior World Championship Gomes, by Dr . Petar Trifunovic ............... .436 SECRETARY U. S. Open, by George Koltanowski ...................................................... 438 Eric Bone Observation Point, by Mira Radojcic ................................................... .440 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR E. B. Edmondson Chess life Here and There ................. .442, 443, 450, 452, 454, 456, 474 REGIONAL VICE.PRESIDENTS Triumph of a Dark Horse, by Robert Byrne ......................................... .444 NEW ENGLAND The Fifth Game, by Boris Spassky ....................................................... .446 EASTERN William Goichberj" Canadian Championship and Zonal .................................................... .448 Denis BaITY Allen Kaufman The Rubinstein Memorial, by Anthony Saidy ........................................ 448 MID·ATLANTIC James Van Horn Dr. Fred A. Sorenson Games from Recent Events, by Hans Kmoch ..................................... .45 J Lewis Hucks SOUTHERN Samuel Fulkerson The Art of Positional Ploy, by Sommy Reshevsky ................................. .453 Robert Cole Donald Schultz SMl's Southwestern Open, by Burt Hochberg ....................................... .455 GREAT LAKES Robert Byrne James Grau College Chess News, by Peter Meschter ............................................... .457 Theodore Pehnec NORTH CENTRAL Peter Wolf Industrial Chess, by Matt Pavitt .... ... .. .... ......... ................................... .458 Richard Verber Aleksander Liepniecks Booster Chess, by William Goichberg .................................................... 460 SOUTHWESTERN Ken Smith ROOert drleger Benko's Bafflers, by Pal Benko ........................................................... .461 Dr. Alfred Sorenson PACIFIC A. M. Gardner Larry Evans on Chess ............................................................................ 463 Russell Miller Col. Charles Daly Postal Chess, directed by Jack Straley Battell ...................................... 465 Solitaire Chess, by AI Horowitz ......................................................... .468 NATIONAL CHAIRMEN and OFFICERS ARMED FORCES CHESS.. ........ Maj. Arthur Joy Rating Reports Received ...................................................................... 469 ByLAWS .................... ................ __ ... ,James Van Horn CHESS EDUCATI0N ...................... Dale Gustafson Where to Ploy Chess ............................................................................ 470 COLLEGE CHESS ............................ Peter Meschter COUNSEL & TREASURER........ Davlcl Hoffmann Tournament Life .................................................................................... 471 INDUSTRIAL CHESS .....•........ Matthew A. Pavitt JUNIOR CHESS ....................Major Robert Karch MASTERS AFFAIRS ....................•..... Robert Byrne MERIT AWARDS .................................... Eli Bourdon NOMINATIONS................................•..... John Osness RATINGS & PAIRINGS ...........•........ Arpad E. Elo JOIN THE UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION TAX DEDUCTIBILITY.................. Harold Dondis TOURNAMENT ADMINiSTRATION ..................... USCF !s a non.profit democratic organization, the official l10vernlng body and FIDE (World ·········.·········.· ...•......................... George Koltanowski Chess Federation) unit for chess in the USA. Anyone Interested in advancing American chess TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR CERTIFiCATION .... is el!gible for membership, with benefits which r:lclude a CHESS LIFE & REVIEW subscription ........................................................ E. B. Edmondson and eI!gibility for USCF ratin\l• U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP ............ .... Maurice Kasper WOMEN'S CHESS ................................ Eva Aronson Regular Membership: 1 year, $10.00; 2 years, ~19.00; 3 years, $27.00. Junior Membership (Under 21 at expiration date): 1 year, $5.00; 2 years, $9.50; 3 years, $13.50. Sust~lnln9 Member_ WOMEN'S INTERNATIONAL -Kathryn Slater ship (becomes Life after 10 consecutive annual payments): $20 .00. Once a Sustaining Member. ship has begun, each successive year's dues must be paid befol'e the expiration date. Other­ wise, the sustaining cycle starts over again at year One and at whatever rates are then in WORLD CHESS FEDERATION effect. Life Membership: $200.00. (F.I.D.E.) CHESS LIFE & REVIEW is pUblished monthly by USCF and entered as second·class matter at East Dubuque, Illinois. Non·member l-yr. subscription: $8.50, foreign or domestic; single copy, Fred Cramer 85~. Change of address: Allow six weeks notice; please ll ive us both the new address and the old address, Including the numbers and dates on the top line of your stencil. Vice.President, Zone 5 (U.S.A.) Address all communications, and make all checks payable to: UNITED STATES CHESS FEDERATION, 479 Broadway, Newburgh, N.Y. 12550 NOVEMBER, 1969 435 Junior World Championship Games by Dr. Petar Trifunovic Black wants to open the Bishop file. 14. P·QR3 QR-Nl 15. P-QN4 P-KN4 ARTFUL DODGING 24. P.R4 ....... Black shrewdly evades some attempts On 15 ......... , PxP; 16. N-N3! White Now 24. P·KB3, to bring the Bishop wins back the Pawn, with an attack. by White to draw and confounds him into play, is imperative. with unknown lines and a bad Bishop. 16. PxP e.p. RxP 24. .... .. .. PxP 25. RxP ....... This move looks good but is an error FOUR KNIGHTS OPENING Allowing the doubled Pawns saddles leaving Black with no attack, 16.. ....... , A. Un:ica Anatoly Karpov White with a weakness unnecessarily. PxP,
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