Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Student Newspaper University Archives and Special Collections 5-12-1932 Campus Crier Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Campus Crier" (1932). CWU Student Newspaper. Book 101. http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_student_newspaper/101 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives and Special Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU. It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU. BUY FROM OUR SPRING CONCERT ADVERTISERS Campus Crier FRJIDA Y, :M:A ¥ 13 • WASHINGTON STATE NORl\IAL SCHOOL Vol. No. 5 ELLENSBURG, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932 No. 28 NORMAL HOSTS TO THINGS YOU ANNUAL SPRING ORCHE*'Tii ~~~k~~~D I MEETINGS OF SENIORSSATURDAY lcLU.· es· URGV' ~ D SHOULD RNOW CONCERT TO BE At 8 :00 p. m. on Wednesday, May ALL CLASSES In conjunction with the Y. V. I. A. 4, a small but appreciative audience A. track meet to be held on the Rodeo TOSE LLTICKETS attended the orchestra recital. Mr. HF.. LD TUESDAY f ield Saturday afternoon, May 14, t he Announcern'ent has been made of OFFER\ EDFRIDAY · P yl ~ and his orchestra performed very ...., Yakima valley high school seniors will FOR SPRING PLAY several scholarships to be awar ded to I a.bly. be entertained on the Normal school talented young pianists allowing them The first group of numbers com- campus. This has b~en done many t he privilege of attar.ding the Sum­ Complete Program Announ­ prised the Ballet Music from Rosa- Sophomores and Juniors years in the past'and has proved very Lucrative Pr:{])position or- mer Colony for Pianists conducted by mond's by Schubert, the Largo by Ready for Annual Picnic, popular both with the Normal school t he famous pianist and teach'er:. Sigis­ ced for Musicale By Handel, and the March of the Priests, students and with the high school f ered By Busi n es mond Stojowski at the music depart­ Directors by Mendelsohn. The first of these se- Committees Appointed students. Manag·ement ment of the Univer sity of Washington lections, as pla,yed, displayed contrast- The general eommittee in charge in Seattle, August 9th to Aguust 27th. ing effects of string and woodwinds. of events consists of Mr. Sparks, Mr. The scholarships are s.ponsored by The complete program for t he an- Handel's Largo, a meditative compo-The joint meeting of the Soph and Nicholson, Miss Coffin, Willard Rub- All clubs on the campus are urgecl. t he Stojowski Students' Association, a nual spring musical offered by t he sition, began with a clarinet obbliga- Junior classes was called to order by lin, Felix King, and Alma Bloch. This to participate in the sale of tickets for nat ional organization which numbers Normal school music department was to, the melody soon to change to t he Ralph Backs at t'en o'clock Tuesday committee has asked the following the all-school play, THE ROYAL among its patrons Mrs. T. Whitrrey announced today by the joint directors, violins in a solo effect. Stirring cli- morning in the auditor ium. clubs to be responsible for t he differ- FAMILY OF BROADWAY, to be g iv­ • Blake and Mrs. Frederick Steinway of Juanita Davies and Francis J. Pyle. maxes .were pleasingly a utained. Men- Mr. Sparks explained the Senior ent pha ses of the entertainment. H ost en in the J unior High 'school auditor­ N <i!w York. Scholarships will be The concert is to be given Friday delshon's March of the Priests con-Day pr ogram a nd asked for the co- and hostess~ s : Each house president ium the evening of J une 1. The com­ awarded by tr,y-out to be held at evening, May 13, at 8:15 in the N?r- taitie~ con~ i d e rab l e dra.matic !10.wer operation of all of the students in act - will appoint a c·ommittee of two for mission and the extra prizes make Meany Hall, University Campus on the mal school auditorium. Participatmg I and mtens1ty, suggest mg re!Ig1ous ing as hosts to the visiting s ~ni ors. each house; registration and guides, this sale a very worthwhile project. morning of August 9th. organizations will be the orchestra of fervor. The composition varied from The Press Club and the Off~Campus Press IC'lub and Off-Campus Club; It offers a good opportunit y to the .. Following are the requir'~ments for 42 pieces the mixed chorus of 56 in degree of forfissime the quieter club we11e >assigned the duties of es- dance, social commissioner and com - clubs to show their interes t in school the competition: voices, the •women's ensemble, the passages were variations of the same corting the visitors about the <Campus. m~ t tee; dinner, Women's Leag u~ com- affairs and a1so to add to the money 1-Applicants must be under thirty men's glee club, the women's triple theme as the more powerful passages. A motion by Alverson was carried m1ttee. The banquet program will con- in t heir treasuries. years of age; t rio, a nd the men's quartet. Miss Da- The second part of the program t o the effect that a commitee 'be aP.- sist of an address of welcome 1by Dr. Two and a half cent s will be given 2~Must ·he pianists of advanced vies will appear as sol·oist, playing the consisted of a piano solo by Lawrence pointed to both Sophomores and Ju;.. IMcConnell , music by t he musi~ de- for each adult ticket sold a t fif ty standing; piano paTt in the Grieg CONCERTO. Wanichek, playing Chopin's Valse in iors to make all plans for the Sneak. partment and awards by the president cents and each high sc'hool student 3-Must show need for financial as­ The numbers are as follows: C sharp Minor. This selection was Just wh'en the Sneak will be held and of the Yakima Valley Athletic Asso- ticket at thiry-five cents. When 10(} sistance. I ~ery well played and sympathetically where is a thing that no one knows, ciation. tickets have been sold by a club, that All communications should be ad­ Jupiter Symphony (First Move- mterpr~ ted . especially the Freshmen. The program for the day as worked club will be g iven a prize of $5, in a d- dressed to Ruth Allen McCreery, Mu­ ment ' · ·-···-··············-............... Mozart For the ne:ct part of the entertain- The freshman class meeting was out by the ·general committee is as dition to the regula r 21h cent com- sic Department, University of Wash­ Marc'h Militaire ...................Saint-Saens ment the strmg orchestra offered an Iheld last Tuesday morning in. r oom 130 follo.ws: 10:00 a. m.-tennis matches, mission. Thus the sale of 100 t ickets ington, Seattle, Washington. Normal School Orchestra, Funcis J . I Et.ude by Pochon, hy Au.bert, a~d a for the purpose of discuss·ing . plans Yakima Valley J unior College vs. will yield $7.50. A commiss ion of * * * • p le, Director , Mmuet by Haydn. The first of th e ~e for the F reshman picnic. Washington State Normal School at 5 cents will be given for each adult J T.wo hundred twenty-five girls and P . Y . A M' G .- was a very fluent melody, whose c!I- d b . Ellensburg; 10:00 a. m. tour of cam- ticket sold after the 100 mark has th ~ ir sponsors from nine communities iano Concerto m mor........ neg t' d d f t' An .announcement was ma e Y Miss pus and buildings ; 1 :30 p. m., Yakima been r eaflhed·. E very club in school Allegro modeTato n~a ic passaigl es wdereTrh·en Ae;e b orA. is- Coffin in regard to t he Senior day ~ recently took part in the sixth annual Ad . snne e acce eran o. e ir, Y u- h' h N h I Valley high school. track meet at t he should 'be able to sell at lea·st 100 Yakima Valle;y Play Day on the Ya­ ag10 b t b t'f 1 1 d 1 d w 1c the ormal sc oo sponsor s an-Rodeo Field; 6 :00 p. m., banquet in k Allegro marcato her t,hwa s. a . eau 1t hu tmhe 0, Y• Payed nually for all seniors in the valley. t icets. kima high school grounds . .Sports and Y e vio 1ms wi e ce1 1os an the dining hall; 8:00 p. m., all school It 1·s expected that every club will J uanita Davies and Orchestra b . 1 f . h' · . h . 1 They are to be the guest s ·of the Nor- entertainment were put on under the ass-vw s urms mg a ric musica 1 k - mixer in the Student P avilion. wish to take part in this sale. Every direction of Miss Marguerite Carpen­ II background. Haydn's Minuet was Ima school at the tr~c m ~ et ne.xt Sat- The registration booth maintained student should be interested in this . l' th th t d' urday mornmg and m the evenmg are by the Press Club and the Off..iCampus 1 b th d ·11 to ter, assisted by senior high school Air ·- --·-··-·- .. --··---·····---·----··········--· ... -Bach l1ve 1er an e wo preco; mg num- to be guests at a banquet for which p ay ecause e procee s w1 go girls.
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