,l^^^:-4iP*i^^ ~ ci^S!^^«t^' '- . ' " -2-' t f j ~' ': ' ij' £LJr ' : - -j Z*<^ S^^§r- : ¦ v ':: ' " :'-: SS^i^vc; ;\-;.;-;j'; .; i'j :!- - 'VTI- ..' - - -- y : r: ¦::~ ~ -. ¦ \ . -'k. -*- *^ t \^A^^§J .i .¦?:;:- ¦ :;- . ¦¦¦ ' -'SH-"^ ^ ;'^.C T - ... rT- : .lf ^ * i .^'€r£j ?+_j *?. S^^m^ r-p ** - ' ' ¦ ¦?; ;¦¦ " ¦ " : : - '; - • : - . -- .. .. - . - --•fc^'J ^ ^ ' ^^ • *'' ^- -- >f -"yj **^^ Hereditary ¦- ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦: ¦ ¦ ¦ ~ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ _^ " bohdsinen, knovf^ ye not, ¦ . " - "" -:. • " ..•"' .'"*"•" ' : " ' ' ' •! ;^ ': "' " V'Wm " .', . - .. ' ..) ' . ¦! j- '" ' . .. • . " ' '.. '-.. -'* ' :.'i' ' -' - . ' " r i HX 's :!>\ 'JF *¦ ," ' .: i T: /;*:/ ')¦¦ '¦ . ¦! \T'. ' - -. ' :' - " " " ' Who vvbuld be -free himself must strike the blow V 0 tr e princi ; ¦ Onward and we conquer ! ^.•Lft " ples .of doiiioewC}', aiid if he . ¦ ; $59£ T.wt*-e;,i^ . Backward and we fall! "»P House oft " ^ ; Tmj .PEOPLE' . domnions,%he; would bear aristocratic ^t S CHARTER AND SO ' ¦ "¦'¦ ' SURltEXDER!" - S&£-4$&^,;y-^^ Of ,*$> • * fMIife ^y*.-^ TO THE OLD GUARDS. ^-aorotion. (loud.,:hml^c6nrih*oeu*olfeefiiiR) -^";f Loved and c oe*^^tnictii^t:hemM», Honoures Comrades, . jeet£?,! antil ^henY ^ We have fought many and nllf^uld<:t&.; shel{ei*iu3fe many a battle -Moturp^iving, he wouirabandon :, ' ' - . together—and, although some hpjwould accep allbblitical^twfel^- • have deserted t ofnc¦ ither gi-atuitynorSi'e onr standard, others are immured in the dun- AisvsDrvices, .but, like - QUbitiM^ Oiri£Si^^)S««bE^**--'> geon, and some prematurely consigned to tlie .WPii?Wfi!».fJ>;.:.t1>:; !•!» ploygli, - nnd- opeh'-M^ilfel - ^ cold .breast^;|fatu^-chddrcn; lie;w6uld bo -iWlwsm^^1^-^' grave, yet ; l ; ¦ :bailiffbf,-Qi'e- tailing ' ' •iUi,,- AU.-P; - ' '^ nrillio^^vhbTjwould bcdcc^E^^^-'- V'' • -"Freedom 's hattlc once begun, :60&. ' L01DON SiTIIBBAY fflill^ 1849 v 'i^- :::: :^ now barren' land ; w*it!^^ -.- .;,. " Bequeailied by bleeding " ¦ - steads':; be would placc^ffl- at reproductive sire to son, : ' ¦- ¦ ¦ 1 ¦ ~ ' ' " " " " ' * -r- iab%ffif%A?X "# - T----' ' - - - " ¦-•""""'' ' ' ', , ¦ -' ¦¦ ¦ • ¦;¦ ¦ i ¦ ¦ "¦— ' ¦ ¦ m^. | r * _ ' uunisonnison with fl» m.,.i. :„t-n.-x - " r.ro .. -; ,...-. - - ....- . - . :v- . .. - -'^•'"--. -' " -";^ TSSJjkS i :- :- ¦ . ¦; . - ¦:" . .'. - •: . ' •-.•>¦.... ,. — . ... Tho baffled oft is ever won !" the march of^ intellect and pro- lification to which I have alluded made law* ¦irinkihg 'the' now idle, ppSdiiifers of food .aiid :ce\m0fii gress . ( Hear, and ¦ ! | power ,would\havG its due influence\upom theiru'er ':ah^': ^ I adopt the motto of Daniel than any other people upon the hear.) My indignation grows apace, when I reflect n^?be would inlividualise it. A sumeb of manufactures/ , he:yvqiilU ask n6^re;^4f4r O'Connell, fece of the preventatives.. ( Hear, hoai\ ) : . If, as he had antici- - ; '' * ":. earth ;Avhile upon the great powers of that mi hty- mass of in- Cabiiiei^inistev receives £5,000 . ward beyond what' : such a lieavchly sight cpuldi^f but do not nse it in the physical. sense, but as , as regai*ds physical force 'and g a^ year; or pated, Fiuan'cial Reform was to b'e'urgcd aii'd.pres' ' 'f- ' ' tellect which is excluded by the present nearl bOO setl bestow ; when 'his heart Svas gladdciJo^a 'thd:si|fiiC' -.- "^ emblematical of the time aims, they differ from all other nations. electoral y aXweelc^ha^^at'llO^iiweek as ofimmediate necessity, he would have hailed' (^ ; because if Labour In a. law. .The GREATEST class of the greatest ^ - it as of cheerful -and domestic .wives, of sober,: indjiS-^'S.i physical revolution in people would sunportatw^ ahd^at a L'corruj^^^ " "- ¦ does not now strike^^ tb.e^lo*,>vmcriisto shake other countries many of in the world are at this very moment nearl ; > :,ti'ious, and contented "husband , surrounded by then??, '^v . v y the only fi ve- to|$£fdmii : ? sure;,*^bnf ;-wh6ri it!;was 'c'6mmir^e"d-;t6Vl;'h%'' ' ' " '¦ ¦ off its manaclesand shacTdes the aristocracy, a portion of the middle persons throughout Europe that are , y ' -d^ p^denee lieaitliy, cheerful; smiling, liiippy; offspring. ,T0$j i' * .-. • , the labourer *wHl without poli-. r; bf .it- Whig Minister,-''bdsdd.Hupom-exp^dicnb '-^H : z ; classes, and tical power. (Cheers.) Why is ?, (Hear,^ ar,- and '" Shaine; '') It^s^nol£&- '' ' yi c^ may-look .lightly upon such ' a'. - prospect, - whic&fie^^l^iv*. .;-.¦% be for ever a pulmg:beggarj looking for doles, a majority of the army, all coa- this Is it bocattse: ;saw t-hrough>th'b- ;j ugg ' you are too degraded to make an shame, >wif .it is'^ shamep v le: ^ had biit 'shadowed' forth 'ih-the distance; but a|pp(g|^^;;:$: and alms,; and cbiHly lesce with the people to^overthrow despotism ; effort to throw oft- thfe*"^ call their ..^attention" : to the" fact—tliatwth' ' ; while, if profitably the incubus that is wei hing ;you- th(3: h:he' e 'pro- all 'oddsiho w-ouldyfcai-lessly struggle-to iturrf^he^f^^Wi loyed while the people of this country g down to the r- ?M?"3§£v°£ %sa upon whose^disuriioii'nt posed- reduction..; of; , ten . millions! a-year would emp at reproductive work, it would make are governed earth ? I do;hot believe it '^EHe present, hell into a future paradise. (Mr. Q'C&nhoivTlH^-S?-© on •^ : ;y6u have liad.tlie ca- ^ts.^»eersy; wbWaHafoous' give six shillings/and ei htpenee.a year to eachVone v the rich richer, tb.c"p(>6r;nch said^the up ^-> ra]^^tin*ee" y'priM pacity tp' "En land . g resumed his seat amid the most enthusiastic-' aM' -ft?5tSf-.':£?- : : , ¦ country m^e g wha1--^a£$& of tho thirty millions of population; or something. - * :": ::: ' ;> - J "'* " ' " ' ' :j - every aristocrat^' every middleriiah ls^-for.clet ho man: think' ' rapturous applause.) . - . ... ' '^ r a Pai*adisi. : - -;>^.^i- . .. / .. •; . i' ,;every shopr tl*aPthe>potfoi^Bf?ihw ;ii."vonr'uP?n'Hvfl«r"t'i rt*^Si;;U^:^S^^ca.-^ o:^Vi cunder;a farthingia day,;:; liter.) tlie '^^rM^^^m keeper,, wonderful island is " (Lqud^aiig Ay>;.b.ut!>^Mr^ 3itLANTiNB;:m6ved third:res<fllrtuin^^M?^fe' T al-year you every fanner, every officer, every, sot tKexreatibm .that-^was;prcsumin'g tliat tbs wprkiilg cWsscl;woulil-' -f V%^^^M^ ^T have with CROWDS i5 a-weelc| |i^ ilpjlovvs :^'? ;Tha't this^mjeetiiig, therefore, hi ' pyaa Wi^^ij.^ jhonigjrr ^-' dier, and every policeman , considers] iii his and :CORONETS; but,ibn"$he vcori a-week receiyfi;'tlieir!fair share ofthe reductibn *-*'!Eet\Kun': rme:^^ trary.the: mightCand-grandcur of'JEnglahtfiis' to eig h"dred<^^ .¦f"?9e., 9f .- . '\Jwi-lj-.bIe vand:; legitimate.^pu'r*iqse, -Valso y&i<Z:$% "3; - daty, uecauseic is his interest td.inahitain—- tlie h ||p ^ now: 8lih*S'tfift iii'siirhifinnnnn hf Nntifihal Tlolit- Aii'mv-f ' ' •g^e^P^^^diit ? ~. Ilikve invariably "trarned work of 'the strong arms and'mafestic' intellect's 'of uW ^^o-#fi>ar thousan^-^Eotidi: ^hl^gesJtselt to^roteiilgtttei-and, by evci-y pen ceabh^^ '- - 'M inasmuch as y° shouts tfavyj'K^raha^ '^dlau'hV'ileimenns, 'iijpiri :' i' ; yqa oiapploacTiihg conflicts, and ' "tMaii upon your industry they live, and the toiling; aiid; industrial tpbi'tions;ofthe commu- ; to.e upon; all the -necessitjF;^ [- \- i * ra^ef. of'•,* Sh »| ahd^V TdoW?$M GoyemriientakExpences,;-' as cpmpared>vith:the:"^S8: pfaddp(ing ' ' ' - • - -- abandon thejra^ .-!?™m > your industry is gathered more than nity. ; (Loud cheers.) iWhy, . then, do you not stir ;,byj 1jhe;-un'wprei3ented ;M these principles, as ths basis of a soukd • ' '" yourselves nor,^ |p$feis~ "fo^ ^ustnined . conciliator}" public " opinion, ^by;iwhieh alone all - •.' driven-:to desperation and eyxa all - the Despotisms of Europe and rdfcho ? (Hear/) Europei is up ; dynasties have .cohsyqueht^prqfit^made by. the capitalist. -: . 3?liq.pro- - madness^? ?I: have! faded away-^liavc pevished pt^^^dowrii great abuses in astatecsn bo effectually remedied;'' : '¦ :; : BepnWic of America extract fi'om indusby. f. Despotisms have been pbseii l'Ctluctibhwould "ive you a favthing.a -lay^ - ' taken ""my "lull share of the; consequence.' 'I ^ annihilated '.thrones have beoii hurled into the abyss ' r|;iMr. M'GaATn seconded the iresulution. ile cou- . : >>.OJd; - Ouards, I am aware of the influence oe%"e-^^»|^n|plpnffl ^d^ that-is, if you haa your ftiirshare of it ; anj lefc liini sidered that the warried^ybu' of tie result-of the^gitatioii of of oblivion !—and , amidst all these glprious achieve- canie ujp^p^ ^lritaii^^ l ir time was eminently favourable for a that, /vj ce ask; where was the working^ihWi that room, or ^eteiTnitV'd strug ; 1839, "* *a^ employers have over their slaves. I am ments.vybiij- alone, have been quiescehtS«(Qh'eers;) 1 'the gle; to secure the triumph of Demo- 4ii i-egal syit^^thji^djluicts^t'the -^ in couiitry,;wlio was iioti conijclled to submit to cracy^ in thiscountry:'""(Hear.) To ' be ^ isi to be awaa-e that- at Birmingham, in Manchester,- A French"patriot spoke truly when he uttered; the a graduated scale of^ WhiUevei' part of ; . : - you-^cgdEto forewarned forearmed ; at . ^^ reduction based upon Ldboiir c-intjheiital Europe ihey looked, they beheld and in the Market-pla famous sentence,—'' Forahation to be free, it is ^^^n^f^^^- 'coinpetiti ' 'th6'' ,tbe pep- —of e^reaultofthe present ce of Nottmghim, they ^ qn .ih mai4i:^^ ple.humSin^ despotismi and winniug fer ' • ' agitation. sufficientthat she wills it.".,, FoivEngland to befree,. ons \br:a;sixth themselvo-i • ^ may , array.them in eavage brataLvand " san- - : | l}. , 0^®, ^^ tae of-I :- In 1841 f onr aid was ^sought by the J?ree ,^ it will be' suffi6ieml*!^t'''h^'''cliilaren. have courage TQilcTi. JJ.S .would allow'^ armp ^^f eWj'br-sW- niillibiis 'or.a tliird-br 'th • We^smga tberty. m i i-ance <yas7-a Republie¦ *: #* : *$& £ 5 guiu-^.OTposition to me: 1>ut I'declaie-^-and v d-^o-)ui§tioh^^ r\om°e w-asa itepub ic-^-anu the day was no far in the . ¦ "?. Traders;':and" when we could' hot be seduced to demand their freedom. I have much pleasure m thousand four hundred families, which the farthing a day, t : - : most solemnly—that I would rather perish in ^, at five arc subjected by this infernal future when Germany would be a Republic.
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