SENIORS HOLY CROSS GAME WISH UNDERCLASSMEN SATURDAY SUCCESS THIRD BROWN GAME FOR EXAM WEEK MONDAY It's here because it's true not true becaus e it's here. VOL. 1. No. 21 PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 22, 1936 5c a Copy. PROVIDENCE - BROWN TUFTS, PURPLE CLASH IN THIRD GAME President Awards Pins To Journalists; AT ALDRICH FIELD Two Alumni Also Given Recognition MEET FRIARS !N Providence College and Brown will decide the city and state baseball championships HONORED BY PRESIDENT Expresses His General WEE END TILTS next Monday in a twilight game Satisfaction for which starts at 5 o'clock at Aid- rich Field. Cowl's Work McCarthy May Face Providence efve>ied the City Yesterday, following the cele• Tufts; Sherry Looms Series with Brown last Satur• bration of Mass by the Rev. J. as Threat day as the Friars backed up the T. Fitzgerald, O.P., Vice-Presi• fine pitching of Karl Sherry with dent, the members of the The Friar ball tossers clash opportune hitting at Aldrich ALEMBIC and COWL staffs Field. Score 5-0. The Provi• with Tufts this afternoon on the were given handsome merit pins dence tossers played much bet• home lot and tomorrow trek up in recognition of the literary ter ball in this second tilt with to Fitton Field to meet Holy work done this year. The Very the Bears and gained a victory Cross at Worcester. Each clash Rev. Lorenzo McCarthy, O.P., over Amby Murray, who had is important to the Egan forces President of the College, assem• white washed them previously. and a victory over the purple bled the pressmen in his office, Sherry was the outstanding man does not loom as an impossibili• and commending them for the on the field and had Bruno pop• ty. The rejuvenated Providence good work done in the cause of ping up all afternoon. team has been clicking of late Catholic and Collegiate journal• and packs enough guns to win ism, presented each with the both encounters. coveted pin. The Rev. Paul C. Tufts Here Today Perrotta, O.P., Moderator of the S. C. Y. PAN TO Publications, and the Rev. Ger• Tufts invades Hemdricken Field this afternoon on a swing ard M. Precourt, O. P., Faculty through Southern N. E., facing Business Adviser, were in at• LECTURE TODAY tendance. R.I., Brown and Providence. Courtesy of Providence Journal Two years ago at Medford the Joseph A. Fogarty, '23 Francis L. Dwyer, '24 Alembic Awards Friars were defeated by the Chinese Scholar to Ap• For excellence of service in Jumbos 8-7 in an extra inning pear Before College, the publication of the College's contest. Jack Mayo, who bat• Guzman Groups Alembic-Cowl Staffs bi-monthly magazine, the ted in the winning run as a COLLEGE HOST ALEMBIC, the following were pinch hitter in that game, will Enjoy Day's Outing Sponsored by the combined accorded pins: probably catch today for the Joseph P. Dyer, '36, Editor-in- departments of Business Ad• Medfordites, and Izzy Harris, Group of Thirty Spend Day TO TERTIARIES Chief. who has hurled some swell ball ministration and Political Sci• At Shore; Chicken Din• Brendan J. McMullen, '36, for Judge Ken Nash's tribe, will ence, Mr. Stephen C. Y. Pan, not• ner is Served Distinguished Group Business Manager. toe the slab. Jack Egan will ed Chinese journalist and inter• E. Riley Hughes, '37, Associ• throw Frank McCarthy or Za. Headed By Bishop, national correspondent for the The members of the ALEM• ate Editor. (Continued on Page 3) Provincial Erville Williams, '36, Assist• World News Agency, will deliv• BIC and COWL staffs, together ant Editor. er three lectures to-day to vari• with some guests, numbering The regional division of the thirty in all, enjoyed a pleasant Thomas Hogan, '36, Assistant Maguire Names ous sections of the student Third Order of Saint Dominic, Editor. outing yesterday at Shawomet commonly called Tertiaries, will body of Providence College. Francis Del Deo, '38, Art Edi• Beach, R. I. The party assem• hold a solemn conclave at the Senior Boards tor. For the edification of those in bled for Mass in the College College this Sunday, May 24, be• (Continued on Page 6) the Business department, Mr. Chapel at 9 a. m., celebrated by ginning at 3:30 p. m. His Excel• Announces Committee Members Pan will discuss the topic "Trade the Rev. T. J. Fitzgerald, O.P. lency, Francis P. Keough, Bish• for Social Activities COMMITTEE NAMED FOR Trends in the Far Eastern Mar. After the awarding of the merit op of the Diocese of Providence, of '36 Class kets." This afternoon, he will pins, which followed the Mass, and the Very Rev. T. S. McDer. '37 MUSICAL COMEDY present the main features con• the party proceeded by motor mott, Provincial of the Domini• Three Senior committees are cerned with the Chinese system caravan to the beach. The tide cans in the eastern United A committee composed of this week making final plans for of jurisprudence, while his final being favorable, a good swim States, head a distinguished Archie Macdonald, Arthur Con• a number of activities which will lecture, "Catholic Action in Chi• was enjoyed, after which the group of prelates and preachers stantino, and E. Riiey Hughes, mark the final days of the Class na," will be delivered to the stu• who will attend. has been drawn up from the of '36 at Providence College. The commissary department, under dents at Guzman Hall this eve• The Fathers of the College Pyramid Players to formulate appointments, made by John V. the competent direction of Don ning. will sing the Office of Compline tentative plans for next year's Maguire, Jr., President of the Duck Schriever prepared over Mr. Pan is eminently equipped an open fire a most appetizing during the exercises and will musical-comedy, it was an• Senior Class, are in preparation nounced the other day by the to lecture on these topics, for, repast of mashed potatoes, peas, conduct the beautiful rite of the for the Junior Reception, Par• Rev. Urban Nagle, O.P., mod• on his graduation from the Uni• broilers, frankfurters, and cof• procession of the "Salve." ents' Night, and the Commence• erator of dramatics here at versity of Kwantung, he en• fee; for dessert, ice cream and ment Ball. DR. JOSEPH J. REILLY TO Providence College. tered the newspaper field and cake. The intention had been The Junior Reception on June was for three years associated "to rough it." The food SPEAK AT COMMENCEMENT "This committee will make 1 is the traditional ceremony with the Central News Agency, preparatory plans for next was good, but the preparation which elevates the Junior Class during which time he traveled year's show, and although their was a little rough. The good Dr. Joseph J. Reilly, Professor to the dignity of leadership and extensively throughout his na• of English at Hunter College, plans will not be definite, their salt bracing air proved a good marks the end of the Senior so tive country, as well as in Eu• New York City, will deliver the efforts will keep alive the sauce which so whetted appe• cial activities. Donald Schriever rope and to Rome where he had baccalaureate address at the thought of the musical-comedy tites that was left of the auto• is in charge of the reception the honor of a private audience commencement day exercises of in the minds of the student He is being assisted by Anthony with His Holiness, Pope Pius XI. load of food which had been Providence College on June 14. body," Father Nagle explained- carried down. Verrone, George Mihos, Guido At the present time, Mr. Pan Dr. Reilly is a well-known Bizut Pizzuti, Thomas Higgins, at the request of the Apostolic After dinner, the boys amused authority on the English lan• H. C. FROSH PUMMEL Daniel Galasso, John Tonderys, Delegate is pursuing special themselves with games. guage. He has lectured exten• DOWNTROD YEARLINGS Stanley Gay, and Walter Si- courses at Catholic University sively throughout the country, wicki. and is attending the Foreign including Rhode Island, and he The Holy Cross Freshmen At a meeting of the Parents' Service School at Georgetown. includes among his friends and whipped the Providence College Night Committee complete plans FINAL EXAMINATIONS acquaintances many prominent yearlings, 9-5, last Tuesday af• for the evening were discussed COLLINS HOLDS LOWELL FOR UNDERCLASSMEN personages hcre^ ternoon at Hendricken Field. Bill by Frank McLoughlin, chairman. AS FRIARS WIN, 10-0 BEGINS MONDAY Osmnaski, former Central High The evennig of June 10 has LARGE GROUP OF ALUMNI star, hit a homer with the bases been chosen as Parents' Night. Lefty Collins set down the Final examinations for Ju• AT HOLY COMMUNION loaded in the third to score The complete climax to the Lowell Textile team with two niors, Sophomores and Fresh• four runs for the invaders. The Providence College Alum, Graduation activities will be hits, one of them very scratchy men will begin Monday, May The Crusaders gained three ni Association opened its Spring reached with the Commence• and Providence pounded out a 25, at 8:30 a. m., and will end more tallies in the fourth on program on Sunday of this week ment Ball, which is being held victory with 14 hits at Hen- on Monday, June 1. This date two singles and a double. De- with its annual Communion on June 11. James St. Germaine drich Field Wednesday. Score, examinations for Seniors laney of the visitors held the will mark the completion of Breakfast at Harkins Hall.
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