Statement and Return Report for Certification General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 New York County - All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County New York Vote for 3 Page 1 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Assembly District 64 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,673 EMERGENCY 10 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 144 AFFIDAVIT 42 Total Ballots 4,869 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,581 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,400 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 2,583 DIRK WITTENBORN (WRITE-IN) 1 FRANK NERVO (WRITE-IN) 1 KIRSTEN STOLDT WITTENBORN (WRITE-IN) 1 MIRANDA NELL (WRITE-IN) 1 RUDY GIULIANI (WRITE-IN) 1 WILLIAM WELD (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 8,570 Unrecorded 6,037 Assembly District 65 PUBLIC COUNTER 2,919 EMERGENCY 1 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 205 AFFIDAVIT 36 Total Ballots 3,161 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,065 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 2,173 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 2,098 ALAN GALIN (WRITE-IN) 1 BETSY GOTBAUM (WRITE-IN) 2 DAVID DINKINS (WRITE-IN) 2 DONALD TRUMP (WRITE-IN) 2 FERN A FISHER (WRITE-IN) 2 GARY GALPERIN (WRITE-IN) 1 MORRIE KLEINBART (WRITE-IN) 1 RICHARD PARSANY (WRITE-IN) 2 SHELDON SILVER (WRITE-IN) 2 Total Votes 6,351 Unrecorded 3,132 Page 2 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Assembly District 66 PUBLIC COUNTER 3,159 EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 179 AFFIDAVIT 38 Total Ballots 3,376 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,439 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 2,618 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 2,472 KAREN SENKO (WRITE-IN) 2 MATTHEW GELLER (WRITE-IN) 3 Total Votes 7,534 Unrecorded 2,594 Assembly District 67 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,955 EMERGENCY 22 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 203 AFFIDAVIT 81 Total Ballots 5,261 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 3,730 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,896 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,763 ALEXANDER HAMILTON (WRITE-IN) 1 ANDREW TULLOCH (WRITE-IN) 1 BRIAN LADY (WRITE-IN) 1 ELIZABETH KABLING (WRITE-IN) 1 GERALD LEBOUITS (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES DOBNER (WRITE-IN) 2 JAMES PRIZANT (WRITE-IN) 2 MARYANN MANTIL (WRITE-IN) 1 RICKEY RAY RECTOR (WRITE-IN) 3 SCAMPHE GORDON (WRITE-IN) 2 SCOTT STRINGER (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS GOLDEN (WRITE-IN) 1 VICTORIA BROWN (WRITE-IN) 2 Total Votes 11,408 Unrecorded 4,375 Page 3 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Assembly District 68 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,709 EMERGENCY 7 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 128 AFFIDAVIT 73 Total Ballots 4,917 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,544 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 2,891 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,183 CHARLES ROTH (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC DORSCH (WRITE-IN) 1 MARIENNE O'GRADY (WRITE-IN) 1 MELISSA MIVERVEN (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 8,622 Unrecorded 6,129 Assembly District 69 PUBLIC COUNTER 5,184 EMERGENCY 6 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 196 AFFIDAVIT 61 Total Ballots 5,447 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 3,604 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,907 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,873 AL SHARPTON (WRITE-IN) 3 BILL WEINBERG (WRITE-IN) 1 DAVID CARAWAY (WRITE-IN) 1 GEORGE BUSH (WRITE-IN) 1 KARL BISSINGER (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICIA MCGRATH (WRITE-IN) 1 RALPH DIGIA (WRITE-IN) 1 TITO SINHO (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 11,394 Unrecorded 4,947 Assembly District 70 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,966 EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 158 AFFIDAVIT 67 Total Ballots 5,191 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 3,023 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,291 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,323 FREDIC MCBRIDE (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 9,638 Unrecorded 5,935 Page 4 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Assembly District 71 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,643 EMERGENCY 11 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 157 AFFIDAVIT 67 Total Ballots 4,878 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,900 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,149 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,117 Total Votes 9,166 Unrecorded 5,468 Assembly District 72 PUBLIC COUNTER 3,511 EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 46 AFFIDAVIT 35 Total Ballots 3,592 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,092 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 2,228 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 2,148 Total Votes 6,468 Unrecorded 4,308 Assembly District 73 PUBLIC COUNTER 3,237 EMERGENCY 4 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 273 AFFIDAVIT 25 Total Ballots 3,539 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 2,288 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 2,430 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 2,308 BOB MORGAN (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC COSTELLO (WRITE-IN) 3 JAMES BROOKE (WRITE-IN) 1 RALPH NADER (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN P. MCCARTHEY (WRITE-IN) 1 STEPHEN COLBERT (WRITE-IN) 1 WILLIAM CLINTON (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 7,035 Unrecorded 3,582 Page 5 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Assembly District 74 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,776 EMERGENCY 0 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 202 AFFIDAVIT 39 Total Ballots 5,017 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 3,150 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,445 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,259 Total Votes 9,854 Unrecorded 5,197 Assembly District 75 PUBLIC COUNTER 4,877 EMERGENCY 7 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 207 AFFIDAVIT 45 Total Ballots 5,136 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 3,016 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 3,214 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 3,072 BERNARD BLOCK (WRITE-IN) 2 BERNIC KESSICH (WRITE-IN) 1 DENNY FARRELL (WRITE-IN) 1 DONNA HANOVER (WRITE-IN) 1 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (WRITE-IN) 1 HAROLD B BEELER (WRITE-IN) 2 JAMES PEPE (WRITE-IN) 1 JIM FABIO (WRITE-IN) 1 KATE SUZUKI (WRITE-IN) 1 LUZ MARTINEZ (WRITE-IN) 1 ROBERT R. REED (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN WISSMAN (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 9,316 Unrecorded 6,092 Page 6 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Total for Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York) - New York County PUBLIC COUNTER 51,609 EMERGENCY 68 ABSENTEE/MILITARY 2,098 AFFIDAVIT 609 Total Ballots 54,384 HAROLD B BEELER (DEMOCRATIC) 33,432 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (DEMOCRATIC) 36,642 ROBERT R REED (DEMOCRATIC) 35,199 AL SHARPTON (WRITE-IN) 3 ALAN GALIN (WRITE-IN) 1 ALEXANDER HAMILTON (WRITE-IN) 1 ANDREW TULLOCH (WRITE-IN) 1 BERNARD BLOCK (WRITE-IN) 2 BERNIC KESSICH (WRITE-IN) 1 BETSY GOTBAUM (WRITE-IN) 2 BILL WEINBERG (WRITE-IN) 1 BOB MORGAN (WRITE-IN) 1 BRIAN LADY (WRITE-IN) 1 CHARLES ROTH (WRITE-IN) 1 DAVID CARAWAY (WRITE-IN) 1 DAVID DINKINS (WRITE-IN) 2 DENNY FARRELL (WRITE-IN) 1 DIRK WITTENBORN (WRITE-IN) 1 DONALD TRUMP (WRITE-IN) 2 DONNA HANOVER (WRITE-IN) 1 DOROTHY CHIN BRANDT (WRITE-IN) 1 ELIZABETH KABLING (WRITE-IN) 1 ERIC COSTELLO (WRITE-IN) 3 ERIC DORSCH (WRITE-IN) 1 FERN A FISHER (WRITE-IN) 2 FRANK NERVO (WRITE-IN) 1 FREDIC MCBRIDE (WRITE-IN) 1 GARY GALPERIN (WRITE-IN) 1 GEORGE BUSH (WRITE-IN) 1 GERALD LEBOUITS (WRITE-IN) 1 HAROLD B BEELER (WRITE-IN) 2 JAMES BROOKE (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES DOBNER (WRITE-IN) 2 JAMES PEPE (WRITE-IN) 1 JAMES PRIZANT (WRITE-IN) 2 JIM FABIO (WRITE-IN) 1 KAREN SENKO (WRITE-IN) 2 KARL BISSINGER (WRITE-IN) 1 KATE SUZUKI (WRITE-IN) 1 KIRSTEN STOLDT WITTENBORN (WRITE-IN) 1 LUZ MARTINEZ (WRITE-IN) 1 Page 7 of 8 BOARD OF ELECTIONS Statement and Return Report for Certification IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK General Election 2007 - 11/06/2007 PRINTED AS OF: New York County 11/19/2007 10:06:50AM All Parties and Independent Bodies Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York), vote for 3 Total for Judge of the Civil Court - County (New York) - New York County MARIENNE O'GRADY (WRITE-IN) 1 MARYANN MANTIL (WRITE-IN) 1 MATTHEW GELLER (WRITE-IN) 3 MELISSA MIVERVEN (WRITE-IN) 1 MIRANDA NELL (WRITE-IN) 1 MORRIE KLEINBART (WRITE-IN) 1 PATRICIA MCGRATH (WRITE-IN) 1 RALPH DIGIA (WRITE-IN) 1 RALPH NADER (WRITE-IN) 1 RICHARD PARSANY (WRITE-IN) 2 RICKEY RAY RECTOR (WRITE-IN) 3 ROBERT R. REED (WRITE-IN) 1 RUDY GIULIANI (WRITE-IN) 1 SCAMPHE GORDON (WRITE-IN) 2 SCOTT STRINGER (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN P. MCCARTHEY (WRITE-IN) 1 SEAN WISSMAN (WRITE-IN) 1 SHELDON SILVER (WRITE-IN) 2 STEPHEN COLBERT (WRITE-IN) 1 THOMAS GOLDEN (WRITE-IN) 1 TITO SINHO (WRITE-IN) 1 VICTORIA BROWN (WRITE-IN) 2 WILLIAM CLINTON (WRITE-IN) 1 WILLIAM WELD (WRITE-IN) 1 Total Votes 105,356 Unrecorded 57,796 We certify this statement to be correct, and have caused the same to be attested by the signatures of the members of the board, or a majority thereof, on Date Secretary Chairman Chief Clerk Canvassing Board Canvassing Board Deputy Chief Clerk Page 8 of 8.
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