FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 2 *934 ¿ y NUMBER 193 * ÜNlTtO ^ Washington, Wednesday, October 6, 1937 PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. [T. D. 4765] Executive Order Income Tax AMENDING EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 7 6 7 7 -A , OF JULY 2 6 , 1 9 3 7 , REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE INSPECTION OF INCOME TAX RE­ ENTITLED “ CIVILIAN CONSERVATION CORPS” TURNS, FORM 1042B , BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REV­ ENUE, OTTAWA, CANADA By virtue of and pursuant to the authority vested in me under the Act entitled “An Act to establish a Civilian Con­ To Collectors of Internal Revenue and Others Concerned: servation Corps, and for other purposes” approved June 28, Section 55 (a) of the Revenue Act of 1936 provides: 1937 (Public No. 163, 75th Congress), Paragraph No. 3 of Executive Order No. 7677-A dated July 26, 1937,1 is hereby “Returns made under this title shall be open to inspec­ amended to read as follows: tion in the same manner, to the same extent, and subject to the same provisions of law, including penalties, as re­ “3. The Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Interior, turns made under Title n of the Revenue Act of 1926; the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Labor, and and all returns made under this Act shall constitute pub­ the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs are requested to lic records and shall be open to public examination and cooperate with the Director of the Civilian Conservation inspection to such extent as shall be authorized in rules Corps in carrying out the purposes of the said Act of and regulations promulgated by the President.” June 28, 1937. Each of the said Secretaries and the said Pursuant to the above provision of law the President Administrator shall appoint a representative who shall, orders that income tax withholding returns, Form 1042B, upon request of the Director, confer with him and under filed under the provisions of Title I of the Revenue Act of his direction aid him in prosecuting effectively the pur­ 1936, or such Act as amended, shall be open to inspection poses contemplated by the said Act.” by the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, Canada, F ranklin D R oosevelt for the purpose of enabling the United States Treasury De­ T he White House, partment to administer effectively the provisions of the Tax Sept. 29, 1937. Convention, dated December 30, 1936, between the United States and Canada which was ratified August 13, 1937. [No. 77171 Such inspection shall be as follows: [F. R. Doc. 37-2950; Filed, October 4,1937; 2:43 p. m.] Upon receipt by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue of income tax withholding returns, Form 1042B, duplicate copies thereof shall be forwarded to the Department of Na­ Executive Order tional Revenue, Ottawa, Canada. AUTHORIZING THE INSPECTION OF CERTAIN INCOME TAX RETURNS R oswell Magill, BY THE DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE, OTTAWA, CANADA Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Approved, By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 55 (a) F ranklin d R oosevelt of the Revenue Act of 1936 (ch. 690, 49 Stat. 1648, 1671), it The White House. is hereby ordered that income tax withholding returns, Form [F. R. Doc. 37-2949; Filed, October 4,1937; 2:43 p. m.J 1042B, filed for the calendar year 1937 and each subsequent calendar year, shall be open to inspection by the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, Canada, for the purpose of enabling the United States Treasury Department to admin­ TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ister effectively the provisions of the Tax Convention, dated Office of the Secretary. December 30, 1936, between the United States mid Canada which was ratified August 13, 1937. Such-inspection shall be [ 1937—Department Circular No. 1] in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed by Values of F oreign Moneys the Secretary of the Treasury in the Treasury Decision re­ October 1, 1937. lating to the inspection of returns by the Department of National Revenue, Ottawa, Canada, approved by me this Pursuant to.section 522, title IV, of the Tariff Act of 1930, re­ date. enacting section 25 of the act of August 27, 1894, as amended, the following estimates1 by the Director of the Mint of F r a n k l in D R o o s e v e l t The White H ouse, the values of foreign monetary units are hereby proclaimed Oct. 2, 1937. to be the values of such units in terms of the money of account of the United States that are to be followed in esti­ [No. 77183 mating the value of all foreign merchandise exported to the *2 F. R. 1605 (DI). 1 See page 2437. 2435 2436 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, October 6, 1937 United States during the quarter beginning October 1, 1937, expressed in any such foreign monetary units: Provided, however, That if no such value has been proclaimed, or if the value so proclaimed varies by 5 per centum or more from a value measured by the buying rate in the New York market FEDERAIÄREGISTER at noon on the day of exportation, conversion shall be made at a value measured by such buying rate, as determined and V , '9 3 4 ^ United ^ certified by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and pub­ lished by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant to the provisions of section 522, title IV, of the Tariff Act of 1930. Published by the Division of the Federal Register, The National [seal] S tephen B. Gibbons, Archives, pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Acting Secretary of the Treasury. Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. L. 500), under reg­ ulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee, with the [F. R. Doc. 37-2957; Filed, October 5,1937; 12:28 p. m.J approval of the President. The Administrative Committee consists of the Archivist or Act­ ing Archivist, an officer of the Department of Justice designated by the Attorney General, and the Public Printer or Acting" Public WAR DEPARTMENT. Printer. M odification of R egulations Governing T he U se, Adminis­ The daily issue of the F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail tration and N avigation of Ohio R iver, Mississippi R iver, to subscribers, free of postage, for $1 per month or $10 per year; single copies 5 cents; payable in advance. Remit by money order Above Cairo, Illinois, and T heir T ributaries payable to Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Subparagraph B “Visual Signals”, under Paragraph 5 of the regulations approved by the Secretary of War on Janu­ Correspondence concerning the publication of the F ederal R egister should be addressed to the Director, Division of the ary 4, 1933, to govern the use, administration and navigation Federal Register,. The National Archives, Washington. D. C. of the Ohio River, the Mississippi River above Cairo, and their tributaries, is modified to read as follows: “B. Visual Signals: At locks where density of traffic or TABLE OF CONTENTS other local conditions make it appear necessary or advisable, the sound signals given by the lock will be supplemented by Department of Agriculture: the following visual system: Agricultural Adjustment Administration: “At single locks, a green flashing light will be displayed Agricultural conservation program, 1937: P age on the land wall opposite the upper gate, at least 15 feet North central region, Bulletin No. 101, as above the land wall, showing upstream through an angle of amended, Supplement No. 5------------------- 2438 120 degrees; and the same type of light will be displayed Farm Security Administration: opposite the lower gate at least 15 feet above the land wall Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, policies in showing downstream through an angle of 120 degrees, in­ carrying out provisions of Titles I and IV— _ 2439 dicating that the lock gates are open and that the lock is ready for entrance. Federal Power Commission: “At double locks similar green flashing lights will be dis­ Order for rehearing: played on the land wall opposite the landward lock gates. Southern California Edison Co., Ltd., and San In addition, amber lights will be displayed on the interme­ Joaquin Light and Power Corp------------------- 2441 diate wall opposite both the upper and lower gates of the Federal Trade Commission: auxiliary lock indicating that the auxiliary lock gates are Findings and order to cease and desist in the matter open and ready for entrance. of: “These flashing lights will operate only when the respective Christmas Club, a corporation------------ 2441 gates are seated in the recesses, contact being made auto­ Orders appointing examiners, etc., in the matter of: matically by the gates when fully open. Abraham and Straus, Inc------------------------------- 2444 “In all cases, however, vessels will use the whistle signals Bloomingdale Brothers, Inc----------------------------- 2444 prescribed in paragraph 5A to signal for a lockage.” President of the United States: Approved, September 23, 1937. Executive Orders: [seal] H arry H. W oodring, Civilian Conservation Corps, cooperation to carry Secretary of War. out purposes of Act----------- ._------- ---------- 2435 F rank C. B urnett, Brigadier General, Income tax returns, inspection by Department of Acting The Adjutant General. National Revenue, Ottawa, Canada, author­ ized ___________________________________ 2435 [F.R. Doc. 37-2953; Filed, October 5,1937; 9:41 a. m.] Securities and Exchange Administration: Notice of and order for hearing in the matter of: S pecial R egulations to G overn the Operation of Certain General Public Utilities, Inc------ ---------- 2444 B ridges Across the Illinois R iver, at P ekin, P eoria and Order setting hearing on application to strike from J oliet, Illinois listing and registration in matter of: Supplemental to rules and regulations to govern the op­ Warner Quinlan Co., common stock, no par value.
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