Ecoiog~calMonographs, 63(3), 1993. pp. 25 1-275 LC 1993 by the Ecological Society of America SELECTION ON FLORAL MORPHOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINANTS OF FECUNDITY IN A HAWK MOTH-POLLINATED VIOLET' CARLOSM. HERRERA Estacidn Bioldgica de Dofiana, Apartado 1056, E-41080 SeviNa, Spain Abstract. This paper presents the results of a 5-yr field study on the determinants of individual variation in maternal fecundity (seed production) in the narrowly endemic violet Viola cazorlensis (Violaceae), at a southeastern Spanish locality. Flowers of this species are characterized by a very long, thin spur and broad morphological variability, and are pol- linated by a single species of day-flying hawk moth (Macroglossum stellatarum; Lepidop- tera, Sphingidae). The primary aim of this investigation was to answer the question, What are the relative importances, as explanations of individual differences in fecundity, of variability in floral traits and of other fecundity determinants that are of an extrinsic nature, such as microhabitat type and interactions with herbivores? The floral morphology of individual V. cazorlensis plants was characterized by means of both "conventional," linear measurements of the size of flower parts (petals, spur, peduncle), and shape analysis of corolla outline (using thin-plate splines relative warps analysis). Spatial (among substrate types) and temporal (among years) patterns of variation in flower, fruit, and seed production by V. cazorlensis plants are described, with particular emphasis on the comparative effects of floral morphology, herbivory (by mammalian ungulates and two species of lepidopteran larvae), and substrate type (rock cliffs, bare rocks at ground level, and sandy soils), on cumulative seed production at the individual plant level. Cumulative seed production of individual V. cazorlenszs plants depended significantly on average floral morphology (both size and shape components), thus revealing the existence of phenotypic selection on the floral morphology of this species at the study population. Among all the floral traits examined, spur length was the only one for which no significant relationship with fecundity was found. Type of substrate largely determined differences between V. cazorlensls plants in the impact of herbivory (plants growing on the soil exhibited the greatest reproductive losses to herbivores), and it also influenced plant size and flower production per reproductive episode. Plant size, in turn, influenced the supra-annual fre- quency of flowering and the number of flowers produced in each reproductive event. Flower production and herbivory levels significantly influenced (positively and negatively, re- spectively) fruit number, which was the major direct determinant of seed production. Path analysis revealed that the main determinants of individual variation in cumulative seed production over the study period were, in decreasing order of importance (absolute value of "effect coefficient" in parentheses), cumulative fruit production (0.946), mean flower production per reproductive event (0.868), plant size (0.441), herbivory by ungulates (-0.221), and average score on the first relative warp (0.107), a descriptor of flower shape. After accounting for the effects of substrate type, herbivory, plant size, and flower and fruit production, individual variation in floral morphology (aspects of size and shape) explained a negligible proportion (2.1%) of total individual variation in cumulative fruit production. Phenotypic selection on the floral morphology of V. cazorlensls at the study population, although statistically significant, was therefore almost inconsequential as a source of in- dividual variation in maternal fitness, its effects being heavily "diluted" by the ovenvhelm- ing influence of other factors. As exemplified by this study, selection on the floral phenotype may often become largely irrelevant in evolutionary terms because other ecological factors are far more important determinants of fitness differences among plants. A realistic as- sessment of the potential relevance of selection on plant reproductive traits thus requires a quantitative evaluation, in its natural scenario, of the predictable consequences of such selection. Key words: endemic plants; fecundity determinants; floral morphology: flower shape; herbivory; monophily; path analysis; phenotypic selection; pollination; relative warp analysis; seed production; shape analysis; Sphingidae; Violaceae. I Manuscript received 1 April 1992; revised 2 November 1992: accepted 9 November 1992. CARLOS M. HERRERA Ecological Monographs Vol. 63, No. 3 shown that a statistically significant proportion of the Assessing the adaptive significance of reproductive "opportunity for selection" (the variance in fitness) traits has figured prominently among the objectives of depends on the existence of individual variation in studies on plant ecology in the last few decades (for reproductive attributes, but the magnitude of this pro- reviews see, e.g., Howe and Smallwood 1982, Real portion has rarely been evaluated. This fact has both 1983, Rathcke and Lacey 1985, Lovett Doust and Lov- methodological and conceptual implications. First, ig- ett Doust 1988). Rigorous tests of adaptive interpre- noring extrinsic factors that affect fitness may compli- tations of plant reproductive traits require, at least, (1) cate, or even invalidate, inferences regarding selection. the existence of some variation in the trait under con- As stated by Mitchell-Olds and Shaw (1987:1154), "in sideration, either occurring naturally or induced by ex- the same way that unmeasured phenotypic characters perimental manipulation; and (2) demonstration that may bias selection estimates, failure to consider en- such variation influences plant fitness, generally mea- vironmental factors that simultaneously affect char- sured in terms of differential reproductive success. When acters and individual fitness will also bias estimates of trait variation occurs naturally and the units under selection gradients." And second, the inclusion in se- comparison are individual genotypes (i.e., reproduc- lection analyses, in addition to reproductive traits, of tive success is measured on a per plant basis), studies as many ecological factors as possible that affect fitness, satisfying conditions 1 and 2 above are apt to detect will provide more realistic estimates of the proportion selection in natural plant populations (Lande and Ar- of the opportunity for selection that is uniquely due to nold 1983, Arnold and Wade 1984a, b, Crespi and phenotypic variability in reproductive traits (Mitchell- Bookstein 1989, Crespi 1990). This "phenotypic se- Olds and Shaw 1987, Crespi 1990). lection" approach has its foundation on the conceptual Inquiries into the adaptive value of plant reproduc- distinction between selection and evolutionary re- tive traits should thus attempt to answer not only the sponse to selection, the former being described in pure- question, Is there a significant relationship between ly phenotypic terms (variability among phenotypes in individual variation in reproductive success and the fitness), without recourse to the inheritance of char- reproductive trait of interest?, but also, What is the acters (Lande and Arnold 1983, Arnold and Wade relative importance of variation in reproductive traits 1984~).Despite some disagreements on aspects of in explaining differential reproductive success under method and interpretation (Mitchell-Olds and Shaw natural conditions? This would require the following 1987, 1990, Schluter 1988, Crespi and Bookstein 1989, additional steps: (3) identifying as many factors as pos- Crespi 1990, Wade and Kalisz 1990), the phenotypic sible that influence significantly individual variation selection approach has been widely adopted by inves- in reproductive success under natural conditions; (4) tigators inquiring into the evolutionary significance of elucidating their mutual relationships, and quantifying phenotypic traits. Recent studies following this ap- their combined influence on within-population vari- proach have been most successful in documenting the ance in reproductive success; and (5) determining the evolutionary significance of within-population varia- relative importance of variation in reproductive traits tion in plant reproductive traits like, for instance, phe- in explaining differences in reproductive success. While nology (Kalisz 1986, Biere 199 1, Dieringer 199 1, Ga- the identification of relationships between reproduc- len and Stanton 199 l, WidCn 1991, Herrera 1992~) tive traits and reproductive success (steps 1-2) can be, and floral morphology (Galen et al. 1987, Galen and and often is, conducted on experimental plant popu- Newport 1987, Nilsson 1988, Galen 1989, Herrera lations, the assessment of the relative imvortance of 1990a, Robertson and Wyatt 1990, Campbell et al. variation in reproductive traits with respect to other 199 1, Johnston 199 1, Stanton et al. 199 1). ecological factors (steps 3-5) requires the study of nat- These and other investigations have illustrated re- ural populations. lationships between reproductive success (as an esti- mate of fitness) and reproductive traits. Most often, Objectives of the study however, they have not evaluated the proportional im- This paper presents the results of a 5-yr field study portance of variation in reproductive traits in relation on the determinants of individual variation in mater- to other concurrent factors that may also influence re- nal fecundity
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