'^' ~;tl . j 1^-1 • ^ .Cl. p -^u'V’'-H.(i> • K- ,3 ‘ A .' ■iS.,ja ^ eOOOWMtT ?*SP (dBSsllled AdvMrtW^ (FOURTEEN PA0B8) TOCB VOL. Lin., J /0 .9. MANCKBSIXB^ OONNw WiSDIiEBttA^, 1 1 , 1 9 ^ -X Strikers Carry NRA Protest Caj^tal, Then SBt Iii Oh Textile Code MAY NO EXTRA SESSION H a ir in g FIMCffiCKON FOR BOOZE REPEAL NAZI JS A E T STOP State Department Starts LABOR UNIONS Federal Groups Prepared to CUBAN LABORITES ■r^-1 Regulate Sale of Liqaor CALL FOR STRIKE Probe of Attack on Amer­ m ANALYZES Unless T b ^ Settle Diffef^ As Soon As the 36th State ican in Germany— Police SM AU TOWN VOTE ences Among Themsdrei Votes for Change. Protest Goyemment’s Non- Refused to Take Action. Qnickly Congress to Be Recognition of Unions^ Washington, Oct. • 11.— (AP)— Washington, Oct. 11 — (AP) — Secretary Hull today ordered a de­ Says eo 1932 Basis Demo- Ashed for Power to ADow President Roosevelt within the next % tailed checkup by American diplo­ week will coordinate the differ^t Students Ask Compromise matic representatives in Germany the Gorermneat to Make Federal groups stud3dng steps to be crats WooU Ikye Carried on the status of those prosecutions taken if prohibition is repealed, in Havana, Oct. 11.—^(AP)— The an effort to find a basis for new of N{ul storm troopers, that were State by 40,000. legislation. National labor • confederation of promised by the (German govern­ With S3 states now on record for Cuba has called a general strike to ment for participation in attacks on American citizens. repeal, it was said at the White protest “the government’s repres­ Bridgeport, Oct 11.—(AP)—A W(whington, Oct. 11.—(AP)— House today that Federal agencies The State Department’s investi­ sion and non-recognition of the con­ Power to step in and end labor dis­ concerned were concentrating gation Is expected to form the b{isis report on the small town elections in on what to do between actual repeal federation” for an indefinite date. of future American policy toward Connecticut O ct 2. in substantiation putes may be (uked of Congress by Gemmny in connection with the and the time when legislation can This threat, developing today, of his claim that the political trend the administration unless organized be enacted and what legislation to added another obstacle to the task many reports of violence {igainst workers settle their own Internal United States nationals in Berlin was unmistakably Denaocratic, was propose. of President Ramon Grau San Mar­ sent to National Committeeman dlssentlons (md arbitrate before It was emphasized on behalf of tin, whose resignation vsirious fac­ and other German cities within re­ cent months. Arehlbfdd McNeil today to Natlon- striking. the President that a special session tions are demanding. {Q Chairman James^ A. Ffu-ley at Such (m ultimatum already has of Congress has never been consid­ ’The confederation said its protest The Inquiry was ordered follow­ ing receipt of an offici{d report on Waushlngton. been delivered to two unions—car­ ered and that there is no prospect against the government also was The report gave analysis of the penters and iron workers—^whleb of one being called. directed against “the closing of an alleged attack upon Finland Velz, a native bom American at Dussel- vote by towns (md counties with in­ have halted construction work on liquor Policy labor centers, the destruction of dicated percentages of loop and Whether the administration’s dorf, in which the department was the Justice Department building in documents and furniture, and the giUna to the Democrats as compued the capltid witb an argument over Uquor poUcy will go beyond enact­ arrest of workers.” advised a police lieutenant to whom the victim appealed refused to take w ith 1932. which should install radiator en­ ment of domestic tax and import Definite assurance that students The percentages were computed closures. duty legislation is not yet clear, al­ action, saying the assault must will "lay down their arms and pick Shouting “We’ll make our own Codes on the picket line,” striking sUk workers frotn Paterson, N. J., are by taking the total number of votes though some actibn is required to have been his own fault. have told labor,” said Edward up their books,” was given today by pictured above in Washington as they arrived to attend the NRA hearing on the proposed amendment c ^ , using the highest Republican take care of the situation between Most Have Facts. F. McGrady assistant secretary of Ruben de Leon, leader of Cuba’s to the textile code and to protest its provisions. Led by Ann Burlok, the “Red Flame” of the last Secretary Hull, when asked candidates and the highest Demo­ labor, “That unless the unions set­ repeal and new legislation. militant student directory. cratic candidates in ratio comp(ml- Several groups are exploring the hunger march, the strikers heard the code assafled by Senator Hamilton Kean of New Jersey (shown whether the department may pub­ tle that dispute betweer themselves Thus, it appeared the armed sons with the vote of 1932. ’The question independently. The Presi­ below in Inset), and defended by George A. Sloan, president of the Cotton Textile Institute (shown stand­ licly announce that it cam no longer and settle it quickly, we will go to ing, lower left.) Listening to Sloan’s speech are General Hugh S. Johnson (left), NRA administrator, and claimed Democratic gain for the dent believes the time is ripe for youths were giving ground in their guarantee the protection of Ameri- Congress when it convenes in Janu­ oft stated determination to have a Donald R. Rlchberg, NRA counsel. c{m citizens in Cxermany, said it is state was found to be 6.4 per cent ary and ask power for the govern­ these to get together. Democratto Vote. attorney General Cummings and hand in the government of the strife first necessary to gather infinite in­ ment to make the decision in cases McNeil in the report qaid the the State Department have been tom island. formation on just what is being involving Federal buildings. Democratic vote was 43L69 per cent looking into the importation end of De Leon’s failure to reiterate the done by German authorities. ’ Wotdd Set Precedent of the total. With the dties vot­ the matter, while the Treasury and familiar defy—“Grau must remaiq MRS. K E L Y FEARED Hull said he is p{u’ticularly inter­ "That, of course, would constltuta its internal revenue bureau have in ttie Presidency’*—also was con­ ested in the dispe^tion of authori­ ing on a ImmIs of 1932, a Democratic SEVEN PERSONS Kn.l.F.n majority of 40,000 would have been a precedenr for the goremment beat examining related problems sidered significant. ties in Germany to make arrests later in asking the power to handls registered in the state. and taxes. Beady For Compronilse and to {ifford protection at the {ic- an such cases, whether they involve ^Mdently, oppositionists conclud­ GANGSTER HUSBAND tual time the assault is committed, The greatest gain in the sum­ mary by counties was found in Mid- government buildings or not, so ed the students were ready to listen WHEN AIRPLANE FALLS as well as in the promptness with long as it disrupts business gener­ to some sort of a compromise pro­ which prosecution and punishment ally.” (Oontiimed on Page Two) WORLD RECOVERING, posal In efforts to break the dead­ of the offenders {u:e carrlde out. A hint of administration dissatis­ lock which has resulted from grow­ Says He Threatened Her Protests Made. faction at continuing labor unzNBSt ing demands that President Ramon Big An Metd Ship Crashes ’The very fullest representations, waa given to the American Fedeiv Grau San Martin retire in favor of BOWEN SENTENCED the secretary said, have been made atlon of Labor umvention last nlg^ LEAGUE IS TOLD Carlos Mendieta, veteran Neitional- and Forced Her to Take to German authorities in connection BRITAIN DENIES by Hugh S. Johnson, industrial ad­ 1st leader. in Flames — Witnesses with the Velz case ufider st{mding ministrator. Commenting on plans to reopen TO SEVEN YEARS Part in Plot instructlons.at Americqa diplomatic Quoting Dr. .Mexander Saehf, the schools November 1, De Leon representattvee in Genoany. REPORT OF MUTINY NRA economist, as saying- thecs E n of Ecoboduc Restoratioii said: Heard Tmrific Ex|dosion ’The action includes a request for were now fewer strikes thqn is a ^ prompt steps to apprehend the ether recovery in faMocy, ‘The tranquility of the country Oklahoma caty^ Oct. 11.— and return to normal^ de|^da Before Machine Dropped. tonctirr, fonrf . offenders, prosecute end punish . Has Began, Says Sonth Flashing a frequent smil,e,/^thrjm and nuike amends in any rea­ does not need to striks vpan the xemening o£ the uidw si- Kelly, SO yeaf did wife of George ty and the hkh scho^a" sonable way possible. Secretary -Rdmors Had It That Saflors spder^tbe Roosevelt plan. t (M S^he GtUn) Kelly, testified to­ Hull said he bad no information <rf " "Fnun tte begiLsing to the esd African Delegate. ' "The only thing that will take «s Chesterton, Ind., Oct 11— (AP) — G ^ of Grinmial A isadf day in the couple’s tri{d for the out of the university again,” he y«ai (ure given a cr .plete and high­ ’The scattered bits of a giw t twin- Charles F. Urschel kidnaping con­ (Contlniied an Page Two) of H. M. S. ly effective protection pf your added, “is another Machado.” spiracy that she was the unwilling (The deposed President, Gerardo motor transport plane—one of its On a Woman.
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