Weekend Mass Schedule: 1st Saturday: 8:00am Our Lady Of Perpetual Help Saturday: 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am Roman Catholic Church 1303 St. Jude Avenue Weekday Mass Schedule: Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 12:15pm New Iberia, LA • 70560 ~ Tuesday & Thursday: 5:15pm Phone: 337-365-5481 Fax: 337-365-5483 Email: [email protected]~ Website: www.olphni.net Confessions: 30 minutes before each Mass; Saturday: 3:00 pm-3:45 pm, and by appointment. STAFF Pastor Fr. Bill John Melancon Parochial Vicar Fr. Korey R. LaVergne Deacon Durk Viator Trustees: Michael Bonin Anne Minvielle Catholic High School Advisory Council Representative: April Byrom Bookkeeper—Joan Berard Office Assistant-Charlene Guillot Adm.Asst./ Safe Environment/ Middle School Formation Peggy Tauzin Elementary School Formation Anna Breaux Receptionist—Anne-Claire Viator Bulletin Editor/Office Assistant Sandy Babineaux Sacristan Karen “Kerrie” Laviolette Custodian Roxanne Hebert Office Hours Monday 11:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm- 4:00 pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Friday 8:30 am- 12:00 pm Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time HOUSEHOLDS IN GOD’S SERVICE ….We will serve the Lord In the ancient world, “household” was a wide-reaching To make the choice of whom to serve, whom to concept. When Joshua today speaks of his household serv- believe in and trust, it is necessary sometimes to come ing the Lord, he meant not just those people who lived in- to a moment of crisis. The concept of the Eucharist side his walls or those related to him by blood or marriage; was so difficult that many who followed Jesus could he meant slaves or servants and their families, and anyone not accept it. But those who had an intimate indebted to him in any way. Even his livestock and other relationship with Jesus, not one based on signs and possessions would be consecrated to service of God. In our miracles but based on love, knew that their lives had world, we value allowing individuals their freedom to been forever changed. There was no going back; there choose how they live, and wouldn’t think of offering our were no other “gods” to serve. There was the One, and pets to the service of God. But, as we discern our vocation everything depended on that fact. It is love that makes as disciples baptized into Christ, we can come to realize the choices clearer. how far-ranging the “households” of our lives still are: how We don’t completely understand this mystery, or we act toward our spouses, children, roommates or anyone many mysteries of life. But in the intimate relationship we live with; our behavior with neighbors; or in public as of faith, we believe and trust in the One who is we encounter many “strangers” every day in stores or traf- faithful. We have been given a great gift, and we fic who suddenly are “next door” to us. How can we use cannot possibly understand it fully. But we know we our time, our resources, or gifts for selfless reasons rather have been loved, that we love in return, and “we have than personal gain? No matter what life our witness to the come to believe.” It makes all the difference. Good News calls us to, we all have a “household” that Copyright*205, World Library Publications. must be consecrated to service of the Lord our God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. THE STRUGGLE Asked to name a saint of our times, many of us would say “Mother Teresa.” Born in Albania, she began religious life TODAY’S READINGS as a sister in a teaching order, which sent her to a girls’ First Reading — The LORD, our God, protected us along school in Calcutta, India. She was shocked to see the dismal our entire journey (Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b). poverty beyond the school grounds. In 1948 she responded Psalm — Taste and see the goodness of the Lord with unquestioned faith to an inner calling: to leave the (Psalm 34). teaching order and serve the destitute in Calcutta’s slums. Second Reading — Christ nourishes and cherishes the Very soon, other women joined Mother Teresa in her works church because we are members of his body of mercy, forming the Missionaries of Charity. Over the next (Ephesians 5:21-32 [5:2a, 25-32]). fifty years Mother Teresa became a world-renowned symbol Gospel — We have come to believe and are convinced that of compassion and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. A book you are the Holy One of God (John 6:60-69). All rights reserved. published after her death contains letters she wrote to friends, superiors, and confessors, and reveals that this small, energetic nun had spent long years in a spiritual desert. She had such deep longing for God, but felt no faith, READINGS FOR THE WEEK love, or fervor. Her fame increased, but except for a brief Monday: 2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; few weeks in 1958, her faith did not return. She said her READINGS FORMt THE 23:13-22 WEEK smile was a mask, as she struggled mightily to see any value Tuesday: 2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:10-13; in all of her labor: if there is no God, there can be no soul Mt 23:23-26 and Jesus is not the Christ. She had even stopped praying for Wednesday: 2 Thes 3:6-10, 16-18; Ps 128:1-2, 4-5; a while because it seemed so meaningless. Mother Teresa Mk 6:17-29 apparently died with her doubts in 1997. Prominent atheists Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51 Friday: 1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10-11; declared that the letters show that all religious faith is a Mt 25:1-13 sham. Those of us who struggle with faith are encouraged by Saturday: 1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 18-21; her heroism. Like Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Mt 25:14-30 Ávila, and many others, she kept doing God’s will in spite of Sunday: Dt 4:1-2, 6-8; Ps 15:2-5; Jas 1:17-18, spiritual darkness. Her dying wish was that her letters be 21b-22, 27; Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 destroyed, but the Church decided to keep them. Perhaps now we know why. All rights reserved. Copyright © 2009, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. MASS INTENTIONS ANNOUNCEMENTS SATURDAY, August 25th Happy Weekend, Everyone! I wanted to take this 4:00pm—Rodney Gonsoulin/ Ella & Walter F. Shipp, opportunity to thank everyone who has made me Dr. & Mrs. Rene Broussard/ Ella Mae Sedotal/ feel so very welcome here at Our Lady of Perpetual Joey Glenn Broussard/ Danny & Nolan Meche/ Help. I especially want to express my gratitude to Betty & Howard Lasseigne/ Mark deClouet/ everyone who attended and provided a dish for the Ryan Segura/ Arnold “Bud” Pellerin/ Welcome Potluck Supper hosted in my honor a few weekends ago. Everyone’s love and generosity has Glory Delahoussaye & Saul/ Norris P. Rader, Sr./ made my transition to priestly ministry as pain free Sue Marsalis Robichaux/ Mildred & Dudley Boudreaux/ as possible. I love serving God’s people here at Fr. Kenneth Bienvenu /Janet Bienvenu Desormeaux OLPH and I look forward to the next three years of 5:30pm—Elmae & Henry Pesson/ blessings that God will provide me here in New Fr. Kenneth Bienvenu Iberia. SUNDAY, August 26th 7:00am—Fr. Paul Bienvenu/ Father Korey LaVergne Lester & Cynthia Babineaux Lopez 9:00 am— All Parishioners of OLPH 11:00 am—Ernest Freyou/ Marie T. Dore/ Albert Pisani/ Tony Gassiot/ Irving East/ ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Eugene & Ruby Duhon/ Saturday, August 25th Errol & Jeanette Robichaux Family/ 4:00 pm—Layne Boudreaux, Robley Morvant/ For the Souls in Purgatory/ Bennet Boudreaux Patricia Verret/ Henry “Hank” Fontenot/ 5:30 pm—Makeira Lancelin Fr. Paul Bienvenu/ Dave LeBlanc, Cora & Jayden Lancelin Tony Grissaffi, Odessa & Robert H. Scott, Sunday, August 26th Robert C. Scott, Cesar Pare’ 7:00 am— Marcus Jacob MONDAY, August 27th—Angelus @ noon 9:00 am— Ensley Landry 12:15pm--Domingues, Delcambre, & 11:00 am– Zoe Robinson, Crochet Families/ Wyatt Bergeron Very Reverend William Blanda TUESDAY, August 28th Novena to OLPH @ 5:00pm 5:15 Mass —Fr. Howard Blessing In Prayerful Remembrance of WEDNESDAY, August 29th our beloved deceased. 12:15pm—Lawless Dore/ Fr. Kevin Bordelon Please pray for the soul of Warren Comeaux THURSDAY, August 30th who recently died and for 5:15pm— Fr. Millard Boyer those who mourn for him. FRIDAY, August 31st—Angelus @ noon 12:15pm— Fr. James Bradley/ Domingues, Delcambre, & Crochet Families/ ************************************************** The Vocation Cross will be in the The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in Memory of home of Brenda & Boo Derouen Lawless Dore the week of August 26th, 2018. The OLPH Lamp will burn in The Perpetual Helpers of Memory of Lorinda Barras & Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cynthia Babineaux Lopez BEREAVEMENT COMMITTEE.. The St. Joseph Lamp will burn If you are interested in helping this important in Memory of Lester Lopez & ministry, please call Brenda Derouen this week Cynthia Babineaux Lopez @ 365-2841 or 278-4930. ST. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA Other Events & Diocesan News Centennial News-Sunday August 26, 2018 All four Gospels tell the courageous story of Jospehites come to Acadiana— In August of 1920, Joseph of Arimathea, through the invitation of Bishop Jeanmard, the Josephites sent Fr.
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