Name Office Residence Direct EPABX Direct Address/Email Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor 32, Chhatra Marg, Delhi University,D-7 Singh, Prof. Dinesh (Fax) [email protected] Dy. Registrar (V.C’s Office) Sharma, Sudhir 1110 33/12, Shakti Nagar Delhi-7 [email protected] Asstt. Registrar (V.C’s Office) Kumar, Sunil 1178 4/1504, St. No.14, South Bola Nath Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi-32 [email protected] S.P.A. to Vice-Chancellor Kapoor, Ms. Vinod 1100 572, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9 1113 Committee Room 1109 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Pro-Vice-Chancellor Pachauri, Prof. Sudhish 27667899 1102 42153615 17-B-1 HT Apt. Mayur Vih. Ph-I Delhi-92 27001102 9811713296 [email protected] P.S. to P.V.C. 27667758 1102 27667899 1104 27001104 Dean of Colleges Dean of Colleges Lal, Prof. Malashri 27667066 1105 26213595 C-26, Chirag Enclave, ND-48 27001105 9810065218 [email protected] (Fax) 27666642 [email protected] P.S. to D.C. Kapoor, (Ms.) Harsh 27667066 1106 27864738 D-275, Prashant Vihar, Rohini, Delhi-85 27001106 9213819003 S.P.A. to D.C. Dhingra, Sat Pal 27667066 1106 47050286 14, Jagriti Apt. Pitampura Delhi-34 27001106 Director, South Campus Director Umesh Rai, Prof. 27662865 1217 27666298 A-1, 29/31 Chhatra Mrg, DU, Delhi-7 27001217 24113045 7113 9958969578 [email protected] 24116427 (Fax) 24110876 (Fax) 27662503 27666731 S.P.A. to Director 27666731 27662865 1217 27001217 Registrar Das, Prof. Tarun Kumar 27667853 1116 (Fax) 27666350 Asstt. Registrar (Registrar’s Office) Pandit, Omkar Nath 27667853 1116 9999447581 D-10(29-31), Chatra Marg, DU, Delhi-7 27001116 Sharma, Deepak. (P.A.) 27667853 1116 9811909052 M-1, Shastri Nagar, Delhi-52 Committee Room 27001553 1553 Director, Campus of Open Learning Director Dubey, Prof. C.S. (T/F) 27666713 27666091 C-10, Maurice Ngr. DU, Delhi-7 (Fax) 27666295 64586180 [email protected] 27662776 9811074867 S.P.A. to Director Chitkara, Lata (PA) (T/F) 27666713 9810165630 F-9, Dharma Kunj, Aptt. Sec-9, Rohini 9 Name Office Residence Direct EPABX Direct Address/Email Reception Office (Old Vice-Regal Lodge) 27662724 1101 27001101 Treasurer Kripanidhi, Mr. P.S.. 27662851 1218 9818928162 27001218 Proctor Kapoor, Prof. Satwanti 27667291 27667297 38/21 Probyn Rd DU, Delhi-7 (T/F) 27667221 9560603288 [email protected] SPA to Proctor Aggarwal, R.K. 27667291 1120 C-3/297, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-53 (T/F) 27667221 27001120 Deputy Proctors Singh, Dr. Ompal 27667291 1333 27666699 7, University Road, DU, Delhi-7 27667221 +919917999999 [email protected] 27666688 +919971999999 [email protected] 27001899 EPABX No.1899 Kazim, Dr. Mohammad 27667291 27662051 38/18, Probyn Road. DU, Delh-7 (T/F) 27667221 9818543226 [email protected] Deswal, Dr. (Ms.) Renu 27667291 9711742276 D-122, Mahendru Encl. Model Town-III Del-9 (T/F) 27667221 25453208 [email protected] Sharma, Dr. Anuradha 27667291 9654480205 4B, Hindu College, University of Delhi (T/F) 27667221 [email protected] Singh, Dr. Manoj Kumar 27667291 9899756887 5/21, University Road, DU, Delhi-7 (T/F) 27667221 27662219 [email protected] Sharma, Dr. Gyan Prakash 27667291 9953397096 A-174, Gujranwala Town F1, Delhi-9 (T/F) 27667221 [email protected] Sehgal,(Ms.) Lt. Parminder 27667295 0124-4284067 P-117, GF, Uppal Southend, Sohna Rd 9810355020 Gurgaon. [email protected] Singh, Dr. Sanjeev 24110237 24114024 Flat No. 5, Type-V, 2nd/F, Blk.-1 South Delhi 9212002844 Campus, Benito Juarez Road, ND- 21 [email protected] Joint Control Room (T/F) 27667221 Finance Officer Prasad, Mr. Z.V.S 27667878 1129 27666381 A-4, 29/31, Chhatra Mrg, DU, Delhi-7 (Fax) 27666023 9958688255 [email protected] 27001129 Sr. PA to F.O. Satya Prakash 27667878 1128 27666225 19/3, Cavalry Line, Delhi University, Delhi-7 27001128 Dean, Students’ Welfare ([email protected]) Dean Khurana, Prof. J.M. 27667092 27662913 A-2/8 Maurice Nagar Flats, Delhi-7 (Fax) 27666518 9810651142 P.A. to DSW Dewan, Ramesh 27667092 59, Kohat Enclave, Delhi -34 Section Officer Samnotra, Manju 27667092 9818392312 25/137, IIIrd Floor Shakti Ngr. Delhi -7 Joint Dean, Students’ Welfare Kapoor, Prof. Avinashi 24116178 64604531 C-151, Naraina Vihar, ND-28 9350571397 [email protected] Jt.DSW & Media Coordinator Malay Neerav 27666073 9811132067 A-1, Prof. Bungalow, St. Stephens College, Delhi-7 [email protected] [email protected] Dy. Dean –I/C (University Information Centre) Kumar, Dr. Satish 27662507 9811512533 Flat No.2 SF Mall Apt. Mall Road, Delhi-54 27006900 [email protected] 10 Name Office Residence Direct EPABX Direct Address/Email Dy. Dean, Students’ Welfare Tuteja, Dr. Gurpreet Singh 27662812 45518972 71, Ambika Vih. Paschim Vih. ND-87 9312225500 [email protected] Kumar, Dr. Rakesh 27662812 9810348999 101, Gaurav Adhikari Society, C-58/6 Sec. 62 Noida [email protected] Bajaj, Dr. Amrita 27662812 9811351872 89, J-Block, Saket, N.D. 17 29250306 [email protected] Kumar, Dr. Chandan 27668212 9968068105 C-190, Divyajyoti Aptt. Sec.-19, Rohini, D-89 [email protected] Singh, Dr.N.Santakrus 27662812 9311110502 66, SF, Pkt-17, Sec-24, Roini, D-85 [email protected] Tiwari, Dr. Bipin Kumar (OSD) 27662812 9811426337 Flat No.115 FF Mall Apt. Mall Road, Delhi-54 [email protected] Dy. Dean, Culture & Youth Affairs Gupta, Dr. (Ms.) Suchitra 27667450 1639 27667075 15, Hindu College, DU, Delhi-7 27662315 [email protected] Dy. Dean, (Foreign Student’s Registry) Basra, Dr. Amrit Kaur (T/F) 27666756 25259754 GH-14/936,Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-87 9810819914 Dean, Works Bhatla, Prof. S.C. (T/F) 27666744 1424 27667736 A-3/8 Cavalry Lane, DU, Delhi-7 9818737090 [email protected] Dy. Dean Works Tyagi, Dr. Neeraj 27662378 27876165 E-409, Aastha Kunj Appt. Sec. 18, 9871987357 Rohini Delhi-89 [email protected] Dean (Examinations) Dean (Examinations) ([email protected]) Prof. Rup Lal 27667934 1250 9810785766 38/3, Probyn Road DU, Delhi-7 27001250 9560603268 [email protected] Majumdar, Ms. Reba (Steno) 27667934 1251 27662719 C-138, Reids Line, DU, Delhi-7 (Fax) 27667336 OSD (Examinations) Kumar, Dr. Satish (T/F) 27662449 1288 Flat No.2 II/F Mall Apt. Mall Road, Delhi-54 27662737 27001288 Librarian (Offg.) Jindal, Dr. S.C. (T/F) 27666034 1127 27666551 D-16, 29-31 Probyn Rd DU Delhi-7 27666428 [email protected] (Fax) 27667911 [email protected] (Fax) 27666404 Kumar, Sunil (PA) 27666034 1127 B-2/666,Keshav Puram,Del-35 27666428 [email protected] International Relations ([email protected]) Dean (Science & Technology) Sreenivas, Prof. K. (T/F) 27667771 1436 27666415 7/5, University Road, Delhi-7 9810958703 [email protected] Dean (Social Sciences & Humanities) Prakash, Prof. Anand (T/F) 27667771 1436 27666681 C-10/29-31 Chhatra Mrg, DU, Delhi-7 9810385238 [email protected] Technical Officer nd Gupta, Ms. Deepa 27667771 1436 0120-4324097 H-50, 2 Floor, Sec.39, Noida-201303 9811568597 [email protected] Planning ([email protected]) Dean (Planning) Prasad, Mr. Z.V.S 27662985 1618 27666381 A-4, 29/31, Chhatra Mrg, DU, Delhi-7 27001618 9958688255 (Fax) 27666023 Dy. Dean Singh Dr. Param Jit 27662985 9910100438 GF Flt.No.101 C&D Blk. Shalimar Bgh Del-88 [email protected] 11 Name Office Residence Direct EPABX Direct Address/Email Associate Consultant Rustagi, K.C. (T/F) 27667718 1132 22091894 F-6/3, Krishna Nagar. Delhi-51 9958411707 [email protected] Statistician Kumari, (Ms.) Pushpa 27001132 1132 27127130 A-7/9, SF, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-7 Office 27001131 1131 School of Design Officer on Special Duty 27662985 1618 27001618 Dean (Academic, Activities & Project) Lal, Prof. Malashri 27666744 1301 26213595 C-26, Chirag Enclave, ND-48 27001301 9810065218 [email protected] [email protected] Dy. Dean (Academic Activities) Singh, Dr. R.K. 27666860 9910970870 Warden house (Boys Hostel) SRCC 9868545772 DU Delhi-7 [email protected] [email protected] Dy. Dean (Academic Activities) Ragi, Dr. Sangit Kumar 27666758 9810960009 Dean, Research (Physical Sciences & Mathematical Sciences) Dean Kumar, Prof. Ajay 27666227 1107 9810009887 C-2/96, West Enclave Pitampura, Delhi-34 (Fax) 27662284 [email protected] 27001107 [email protected] Dean, Research (Humanities & Social Science) Dean Dua, Prof. Pami 41050001 C-58 Soami Nagar, New Delhi-17 [email protected] Dean, Research (Life Sciences) Dean Chaturvedi, Prof. M.M. 27662729 C-15 SF 29-31 Chhatra Mrg. DU Delhi-7 9891294293 [email protected] 9968468700 Advisor/ Dean Alumni Affairs ([email protected]) Advisor Rebeiro, Prof. Sydney R. (T/F) 27666665 1124 26953434 [email protected] 27001124 [email protected] Dy. Dean, Alumni Venkat Raman, Dr. A. 24113353 1124 24110587 4-B, Teachers Qts. SDC New Delhi-21 27001124 Advisor (Programmes & Legal Affairs) Sankaran, Dr. Kamala 27662474 1518 26485696 211, Deshbandhu Appts. Kalkaji, ND-19 9810512637 kamala. [email protected] Advisor (Account & Administration) Chadha, Mr. Rajesh 1339 9810641295 1146, Sec. 12, R.K. Puram New Delhi ADMINISTRATIVE BRANCHES Academic Dy. Registrar (Academic) Ram Dutt (T/F) 27667819 1103 27662684 D-1/29-31, Probyn Road, DU, Delhi-7 [email protected]. Khera, Sarita (PA) (T/F) 27667819 1103 U-100, Upadhyay Blk, Shakarpur, D-92 27001103 Section Officers Aca.I (Malik, Suman) 27001151 1151 547/2nd Floor, MKN Ngr, Delhi- 9 Aca.II (Kashyap, Manju) 27001152 1152 9999265965 B19, 2ndF, Swasthya Vihar Delhi 12 Name Office Residence Direct EPABX Direct Address/Email SCHOLARSHIP CELL ([email protected]) Asstt. Registrar Pandit, Omkar Nath (T/F) 27667853 1116 9999447581 D-10(29-31), Chatra Marg, DU, Delhi-7 27001116 Section Officer Oberoi, Manju 27666861 1182 9953600832 78, H-34, Sec.
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