THE SPORT OF ROWING To the readers of www.row2k.com As we begin the New Year, I am happy gestions, corrections, agreements, disagree- to announce that all four volumes of my ments, additional sources and illustrations, book, the culmination of seven years of re- etc. please email me at the address below. search, will be available for purchase on this Your input will be an essential contribution website in October of 2011. Details will be to what has always been intended to be a forthcoming in the coming months. joint project of the rowing community, so please contribute. If you and I end up final- This latest excerpt on row2k is the first ly disagreeing on some relevant point or of four that touch on the women’s rowing in another, I will be thrilled to present both the 1970s and 1980s. alternatives so the readers can decide for The subject of this draft chapter is all themselves. rowing at the University of Wisconsin, Incidentally, many thanks to all who where men rowed for three-quarters of a wrote to thank me and to make corrections century before women joined them on Lake and add comments, photos, anecdotes, etc. Mendota. But after they arrived in early to the recent postings on the 1984 U.S. 1972, Badger women quickly transformed men’s scullers and on Ted Nash. Drafts women’s collegiate rowing in the United with all the updates are now posted for you States and laid a foundation that brought an on row2k. Olympic Gold Medal fourteen years later. All my contact info is at my website. I The following .pdf is in the format in- will be at the World Rowing Coaches’ tended for the final printed book. It is from Conference in London in January, 2011. the third of four volumes. Or you can email me anytime at: I need you! [email protected]. If you find any typos in this chapter, or Many thanks. if you have any questions, comments, sug- TThhee SSppoorrtt ooff RRoowwiinngg AA CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee HHiissttoorryy bbyy PPeetteerr MMaalllloorryy VVoolluummee IIIIII NNeeww WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerr ddrraafffttt mmaannuussccrriiippttt JJaannuuaarryy 22001111 THE SPORT OF ROWING 106. Wisconsin, Where They Row Kernschlag Berry Crate Crew – Randy Jablonic – Wisco Women After the European discovery of North Starting in 1876, the Cornellians made a America, “civilization” got a first foothold habit of beating their elite coastal brothers. along the Atlantic coast while the massive By the time the Intercollegiate Rowing continent was perceived as dangerous forest Association was formed in 1895, Cornell primeval, sparsely populated with was a founding member, but in 1896 the indigenous aborigines. As the centuries IRA refused an entry from the University of went by, civilization slowly and inexorably Wisconsin, an unimaginable six hundred pushed westward, but the perception long miles or 1,000 km further into the remained that any settlement uncivilized continental core from more than a few miles from the the ivy-covered halls of the other ocean was peopled by Indians, founding IRA members, Penn frontiers-men and farmers. and Columbia. Wisconsin had been founded in Location 1848, decades before Cornell but 94 years after Columbia and 108 During the early 1870s, years after Penn. Wisconsin athletic teams had adopted the the focal point of the 4636 American collegiate rowing badger as their mascot in universe was a population 1889. corridor hugging the East Coast. Perceptions gradually changed. The Massachusetts Agricultural In 1898, Wisconsin became the first non- College in Amherst, eighty miles or founding school other than Harvard and Yale to be invited to participate in 130 km inland from Boston, was th considered foreign, a crew of farm www.UWBadgers.com the IRA, and early in the 20 Century, crews such as Stanford boys from “the West,” the rural Wisconsin Badger and the University of Washington interior of the still relatively new United States. They won the first Rowing from the Pacific Coast, a whole world away Association of American Colleges annual from Boston, New York and Philadelphia, regatta in 1871, and the second regatta was began to arrive in Poughkeepsie. won by Amherst College, just down the road from them. But it was the Cornell Aggies, one hundred miles or 160 km further to the west, 4636 who really offended Yale‟s Bob Cook.4635 Wisconsin was dubbed the “Badger State” because of the lead miners who first settled there in the 1820s and 1830s. Without shelter in the winter, they had to “live like badgers” in tunnels 4635 See Chapter 27 ff. burrowed into hillsides. – www.wikipedia.com 1306 THE LONG ECLIPSE OF AMERICAN ROWING Wisconsin rowing‟s entire history has been to a large extent dictated by its location. First, like Harvard, the U.S. Naval Academy and later the University of Washington, the Wisconsin campus in Madison was situated immediately adjacent to a body of water. The boathouse could be located right on campus, and the activities of the crew were visible to all. Around the world and throughout history, Taylor this has always provided a tremendous advantage. University Boathouse with the Red Gym behind, c. 1904 Second, like Cornell (and Syracuse and Dartmouth), Madison‟s winters are long and severe. In 1893, a beautiful boathouse was built During its first century of rowing, on adjacent to the imposing Red Gym on average the waters of Lake Mendota in front campus, and an indoor tank was added in of the boathouse were not free of ice until 1897. around April 6, so the crew tended to get a In 1894, Adams hired Amos Marston, a late start every spring compared to many of former captain of the Cornell crew who had their opponents. rowed four years under Courtney, to be Third, during the 19th Century, Wisconsin‟s first rowing coach. A few Wisconsin was indeed isolated from other months later, Adams replaced him with rowing programs, and it remains somewhat Andrew M. O‟Dea, a former professional isolated today. Even as urban civilization sculler from Yarra Yarra Rowing Club of reached to the American West Coast, the Melbourne, Australia, who had been Midwest remained largely rural, with coaching in Minneapolis.4638 daunting distances separating regional Wisconsin historian Bradley F. Taylor: populations. This isolation would “To stay in condition over the winter, the eventually have an important impact on the training included work on rowing machines evolution of a distinct Wisconsin approach in the new boathouse or in the balconies of to boat moving. the Old Red Gym. Other times, O‟Dea had the boys push a red boat cart across the ice Rowing came to the University of from the boathouse to the mouth of the Wisconsin in 1892, and it was encouraged Yahara River between Lakes Mendota and by University President Charles Kendall Monona, and then unload the shells and row Adams, who had learned a thing or two on the open water of the river.”4639 about the value of crew as President of Cornell University early in the Charles Courtney era.4637 4638 Taylor, p. 23 4637 See Chapter 31 ff. 4639 Ibid, p. 24 1307 THE SPORT OF ROWING O‟Dea reportedly taught what he called pistol announced to the oarsmen that they “the Kangaroo Stroke.” were to start for their four-mile journey. Harper‟s Weekly, July 18, 1896: “They “All the crews seemed to catch the water sat up to their work with good backs, caught well together, but the more powerful strokes the water hard and together, left it neatly, of the Pennsylvanians and Wisconsins and withal had an excellent body swing with enabled them to get a slight advantage in the the leg drive.”4640 Not unexpectedly, this first half dozen strokes. Then, just as the sounds reminiscent of the Ellis Ward strangers from Wisconsin were forging to Stroke of the time.4641 the front, No. 2 in their boat unshipped the slide of his seat and went over on his back When Wisconsin finished a respectable with his oar shooting upward toward the third behind Penn and Cornell in their first sky. trip to Poughkeepsie in 1898, “Harvard “A dozen shrieks from the whistle of the promptly hired away O‟Dea!”4642 referee‟s boat brought all the crews to a The tenure of his successor, „98 standstill. Slowly the boys turned their Wisconsin grad Curran McConville, is shells up the river and again lined up for most often remembered for the fate of his another start. crew during his first year. [What followed were two more attempts to start the race, one aborted when Columbia The Berry Crate Crew was not ready, and the next when a huge side-wheel steamer came bearing down on In 1899, Wisconsin sent a crew to the race course.] Poughkeepsie averaging 165½ pounds, the “It was a trifle after 7:30 o‟clock when same as Columbia‟s and outweighing the crews lined up for what proved to be the Cornell‟s (162½) and Pennsylvania‟s last attempt to make a fair start for all. It (159).4643 The race brought out the best in was a fair start they got, too. All caught the sports journalism of the era, worth water when the pistol snapped this time, and excerpting at length. all seemed to catch with the same force, The New York Times: “The town is in deeply and well. fever tonight, the tooting of horns, the “For the first dozen strokes there was no ringing of bells, the shouting of college cries perceptible advantage for any one of the and all other evidences of student eights. Cornell‟s crew had the outer course, exhilaration between drinks.
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