Ada Stenclik - Voluntarism Award 4-6 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards 3 Cable Gardens 9-10 James Kudelka - Order of Canada 3 INSIDE Candid Camera 20 Scholarship Winner 6 Clara Reaches 106 2 St. Andrews 160 13 THIS Cruise Gardens 11-12 Tia Stars in UK 12 Dear Editor 16-19 Vittoria Mill Cairn 7-8 ISSUE District Business 14-16 WI Calendar Girls, Open House 8,14 Farewell to Ruth 2 Youth Accomplishments 10 NO. 18 – WINTER 2005/2006 • PUBLISHED AT VITTORIA, ONTARIO (519) 426-0234 The Vittoria Booster The Vittoria Booster Newsletter is published twice a year by The Vittoria & District Foundation for its Members and Supporters. website: http://www.vittoria.on.ca e-mail: [email protected] AA nn bbeeffoorree aa ppeerrssoonn’’ ss nnaammee iinnddiiccaatteess tthhaatt hhee oorr sshhee iiss aa mmeemmbbeerr ooff TThhee VViittttoorriiaa && DDiissttrriicctt FFoouunnddaattiioonn.. Milestone Birthdays Celebrated nFFrraannkk FFeetthh 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn MMaayy 2222 HHaarroolldd JJaarrvviiss 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 77 In Memoriam nAAddaa CCaasssseellttoonn 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 1155 nJJiimm CCrruuiissee 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 2266 BBeerrtthhaa VVaannggrroonniinnggeenn 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 2233 DDaannnnyy GGhheessqquuiieerree ææ 6644 oonn MMaarrcchh 11 nNNoorraahh MMoooorree 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 22 JJoosseepphh ((JJooeeyy}} LLooppeess ææ 33 oonn MMaayy 44 HHeelleenn MMeellvviillllee 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 66 BBaarrbbaarraa JJooaann ((AAttcchhiissoonn)) SSttaannlleeyy ææ 6644 oonn MMaayy 66 nLLoowweellll BBrroowwnn 8855 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 2244 nMMaarriioonn MMaaccaauullaayy 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 2288 RRoossee RRoommaannoowwsskkyy ææ 8822 oonn MMaayy 1100 HHeelleenn CCoolloommbbuuss 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 2277 RReeiinnhhaarrdd SScchhlleecctt oonn MMaayy 1122 n nMMaarriioonn MMaaxxwweellll 8800 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1122 nnGGeeoorrggee RRaayy SSoommmmeerrss ææ 8800 oonn MMaayy 1133 nMMaarryy SSmmiitthh 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 2222 VViioolleett MMaarrgguueerriittee ((LLoouunnssbbuurryy)) GGrroopppp ææ 8888 oonn MMaayy 2277 nDDoonnaalldd AAmmeess 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 2211 IInnaa ((JJeewweellll)) ZZiihhaall oonn MMaayy 2277 nBBiillll TTaarrvviitt 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 2244 nnJJaammeess AArrtthhuurr RRoobbiinnssoonn ææ 9955 oonn MMaayy 3311 nEEuuggeennee HHoowwddeenn 7755 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 88 BBrriiaann CClleemmeennss BBllaacckk ææ 6644 oonn JJuunnee 11 RRaayymmoonndd DDoouuggllaass ((DDoouugg)) MMeellvviillllee ææ 7766 oonn JJuunnee 2222 OOVVEERR 9900 CCLLUUBB AAuuddrreeyy BBiinngglleemmaann 9922 yyeeaarrss oonn AApprriill 1155 MMaatthheeww DDoouuggllaass MMeellvviillllee ææ 1111 oonn JJuullyy 55 MMaarryy HHaammiillttoonn 9955 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 22 RRiicchhaarrdd NNeevviillllee AAnnddeerrssoonn ææ 6655 oonn JJuullyy 77 RReettaa CCaasswweellll 9955 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 33 GGoorrddoonn WWaalltteerr AAssttlleess ææ 7788 oonn JJuullyy 1177 RRuutthh WWiinndduuss 9933 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99 MMaarrjjoorriiee SScchhootttt ææ 8855 oonn AAuugguusstt 1111 nCCllaarraa BBiinngglleemmaann 110066 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1166 AAlliiccjjaa JJaakkuubbiieecc ææ 7788 oonn AAuugguusstt 1122 MMaarryy KKeerrrryy 9911 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 55 CChhaarrlleess RRaacczz ææ 9955 oonn AAuugguusstt 2211 AAllffrreedd SSwwiinngg 9911 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1133 MMaarriioonn LLeennoorree ((LLaaiiddmmaann)) WWiillkkss ææ 8844 oonn AAuugguusstt 2288 FFrraanncceess WWaallsshh 9955 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1199 LLyyllee LLllooyydd ææ 6644 oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1144 nFFlloorreennccee SStteepphheennss 9900 yyeeaarrss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 3300 FFrraannkk SStteevveenn AAnnttoonnyy AAnnttaall SSrr.. ææ 7788 iinn SSeepptteemmbbeerr DDaavviidd CCoottttoonn ææ 5588 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 33 AAlloouuiissee JJooyyccee ((NNeelllliiee)) FFrraalliicckk ææ 7755 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 55 HHaarroolldd JJaacckk EEaarrllss ææ 8855 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 88 Milestone Anniversaries Celebrated JJoohhnn KKooooppmmaann ææ 8800 AAnnnniiee ((KKuucchhaarr)) CCyymmbbaalliissttyy ææ 9900 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1144 AAnnnniiee ((KKuucchhaarr)) CCyymmbbaalliissttyy ææ 9900 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1144 nRRuutthh aanndd nJJoohhnn CCllaayyttoonn 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn MMaayy 1144 GGeeoorrggiinnaa ““FFaayyee”” BBeennnneetttt ææ 8888 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1177 EEiilleeeenn aanndd EErrnniiee HHeennddeerrssoonn 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuunnee 55 DDoonnaalldd RRaayy HHaarrrriiss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 2266 CCaarrooll aanndd DDoouugg SSmmiitthh 4455 yyeeaarrss oonn JJuullyy 2233 LLiillyy EElliizzaabbeetthh AAuussttiinn ææ 8844 oonn OOccttoobbeerr 3300 nBBeettttyy aanndd nHHoowwaarrdd GGooooddee 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 11 DDeerreekk JJeeffffeerryy AAllllaann BBuurrkkee ((iinnffaanntt)) oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 88 nRRuutthh aanndd nAArrtthhuurr LLoouugghhttoonn 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 66 EEvveellyynn BBeeaattrriiccee RRaannddaallll ææ 8888 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 88 nMMaaeebbeellllee aanndd nDDoouugg CCrruuiicckksshhaannkk 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 1133 JJaammeess WWaalltteerr ((JJiimm)) BBoouugghhnneerr ææ 5566 oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 1122 nMMaaddaalliinnee aanndd GGaarrnneett WWiillssoonn 4400 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 1144 IIrriiss aanndd FFrreedd HHaarrrriiss 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 1199 RRuutthh MMaarryy AAnnnn HHooddggssoonn ææ 8833 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 11 nn nIIrreennee aanndd nJJiimm SSiimmmmoonnss 4400 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 99 DDoouuggllaass LLeeee SShheepphheerrdd ææ 5544 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 88 nLLeennoorree aanndd nRRoossss BBrroouugghhttoonn 5555 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 1100 RReevv.. RRoobbeerrtt JJ.. DDaavviiss oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 1199 nCChhaarrlloottttee aanndd nJJoohhnn DDoonnaallddssoonn 5500 yyeeaarrss oonn OOccttoobbeerr 2222 HHeelleenn EE.. ((KKeennddaallll)) SSmmiitthh ææ 9955 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2222 EElliizzaabbeetthh ((AAnnnniiee)) SSmmiitthh ææ 7722 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2255 OOVVEERR 6600 CCLLUUBB HHeerrbbeerrtt WWaalltteerr BBaagguulleeyy ææ 8899 oonn DDeecceemmbbeerr 2266 nMMuurriieell aanndd nTToomm MMiillllaarr 6600 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 33 JJeeaann aanndd KKeeiitthh TTuurrnneerr 6655 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 1100 nnVViioolleett aanndd nnCChhaarrlleess MMoonnrrooee 6633 yyeeaarrss oonn AAuugguusstt 2233 IIrreennee aanndd BBiillll NNiiccoollll 6655 yyeeaarrss oonn SSeepptteemmbbeerr 1177 nEEvvaa aanndd AAllffrreedd SSwwiinngg 6600 yyeeaarrss oonn NNoovveemmbbeerr 1100 -1- Farewell to Ruth ... Clara reaches 106! visited shut-ins,” Leona said. Ruth Hodgson was a longtime Besides her daughter, Ruth is survived by a son Brian and a granddaughter in Scotland. She is also survived by Postmistress in Vittoria several nieces and nephews and her friend and caregiver SShheeiillaa RRaacczz. Adapted from an article by Chris Thomas in the Simcoe Reformer A long serving former postmistress of Vittoria was also involved in community and church organizations. nRRuutthh HHooddggssoonn died December 1st at the Norfolk General Hospital. She was 83. At 105 she’s opening a new Ruth served as postmistress for about 25 years. She assumed the position after arriving in the village from beginning Dunnville with her husband Keith. She took over from Adapted from an article by Kate Schwass in the Simcoe Reformer nRRooggeerr CCrruuiicckksshhaannkk. nCCllaarraa BBiinngglleemmaann never expected to be at Cedarwood “Back in those days, the post master was responsible for Gardens to cut the ribbon, officially opening an expansion to providing their own premises,” Roger recalled. the retirement home. “Ruth took over a small building downtown, but several “I didn’t plan to be here,” she said, sitting in the years later the federal government finally constructed a expanded dining room. “I expected to hop off when I was 80, permanent post office for Vittoria. but it didn’t happen.” “Being post master required quite a commitment” Roger Clara is Norfolk’s oldest resident. At 106 she has lived at said. “You had to maintain confidentiality and work with the Cedarwood Gardens for nearly eight years. “I’m satisfied with rural route contractors.” it,” she said when asked how she likes her home. LLeeoonnaa OOaakkeess was the rural route contractor with her husband Harvey, for almost 50 years. “Ruth was a wonderful post mistress,” she said. “She was always under control and you had to have a thick skin because of all the complaints when people felt they didn’t get their mail.” Ruth was active in the community and particularly with her church. Her daughter, nLLyynnddaa AAnnsstteeee, said her mother belonged to the United Church Women, Women’s Institute and the Lamport Club, a seniors’ organization. Lynda said her mother knew everyone in the Vittoria area. “The post office was the hub of Vittoria,” she said. “Everyone would come in and just chat.” Lynda recalled that when her mother and father moved to Vittoria, they didn’t settle in one home for very long. In total, she said her mother lived in five homes “and we joked there were only six in all Vittoria.” LLeeoonnaa OOaakkeess, who lived just down the street from Ruth, said she was a “wonderful neighbour.” “She liked to drive daily just to see the country and often Clara is not one to mince words. In 1916 when she was 16 years old, she left her home in Walsh to attend business college in Ottawa. She lived with her aunt and uncle for a few years until she started working. “I ran my own show after that,” she said. She worked
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