rcllltecture anada ' r v/ i January/Janvier 1969 Number/Numero 1 Volume 46 Journal RAIC/La Revue de I'IRAC l ssns OLTC-I£B ;1-mW-IIi~ f rc .< r-·,;: 11"eH ~ d e J sps ·r.;~as When fresh styling is on your mind, put Russwin in your plans. For an excitingly new and different look in doorware, smooth, trouble-free performance. A wide variety of specify Russwin UNILOC Locksets in all your build· designs, functions and finishes. Contact your Russ­ ing·s. Dramatically styled in every detail, they're com­ win distributor or write for latest brochure. Russwin, pletely preassembled at Russwin to cut time, trouble Division of Emhart Corporation, New a and costs during installation. Precision-e ngineering Britain, Conn. In Canada- Russwin RUSSWIN and top quality components pay off in years of Division of I nte rnatio na I Hardware. e ' January 19M Janvier 600 Volume 46 No 1 Architecture Canada Subscription/ abonnement $10.00 The Journal of the Royal Architectural Publications Board Foreign/ etranger $11.00 Institute of Canada Head Office 160 Eglinton Avenue East, Authorized as second class mail by th e La Revue de l'lnstitut Royal d'Architecture Toronto 12, Ontario Post Office Department, Ottawa du Canada and for payment of postage in cash Te:ephone (416) 487-5591 The Journal is not responsible for opinions ex pressed by contributors Le s opinions exprimees dans le Journal ne sont pas necessairement celles de l'ln stitut 1 News/Nouvelles page 5 2 Communique page 9 3 Arts page 15 Art for Architecture - Any New Year's Resolutions? 4 Review I Revue Features/ Pro jets page 17 1969 Preview 5 page 52 Urban Space Systems as Living Form, Conclusion, Anne Griswold Tyng Practice/Pratique page 57 The Metric System, Frank He/yar 6 page 50a Air Conditioning Systems, K. R . .Solvason, January Building Digest, Division of Building Research, NRC, Ottawa 7 Schools/Ecoles page 59 Introduction to the New Schools Section, Alastair Grant 8 Letters/Lettres g Classified/ Annonces Classees page 65 Index Advertisers/ Annonces page 70 Cover I Couverture Logo for Preview issue representing " who, what, where, when, and why" of projects to come for '69, designed by Les Stannard Ed itor/ redacteur Assistant Editor/ redacteur assistant Manager/ gerant Walter B. Bowker Barton Myers fan W. Thompson Associate Editor/ redacteur associe Technical Editors/ redacteurs techniques Advertising Manager/ gerant de publlcite A. J. Diamond, MRAIC Frank He/yar, MCIQS Stanley E. Modzelewski A. W. Cluff, MRA/C Assistant Managing Editor/ redactrice Translations/ traductions assistante gerante Allied Arts Editor/ redactrice des arts Jean Champagne, MIRAC Annabel S!aight connexes Anita Aarons ASTC (Sculp} The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada L'lnstitut Royal d'Architecture du Canada Founded in 1907/Fonde en 1907 Patron: Her Majesty the Queen Sous le patronnage de Sa Majeste Ia Reine Councii1968-69/Consei11968-69 Component Associations Publications Board Associations Constituantes Commission des Publications President/President Norman H. McMurrich (F) Toronto Alberta Association of Architects Chairman/ President 318 Revillon Building, Edmonton W. N. Greer, Toronto Past President/President sortant de charge President: D. L. Sinclair James E. Searle (F) Winnipeg Provincial Council Representatives Architectural Institute of British Columbia Representants des Conseils Provinciaux Vice-President/Vice-president 567 Burrard St. , Vancouver Newfoundland/Terre-Neuva William G. Leithead (FI Vancouver President: William R. Rhone T. Porteous Bolton Nova Scotia/Nouvelle-Ecosse Honorary Secretaryr:Secretaire-honoraire Manitoba Association of Architects George W. Rogers Gordon Arnott (F) Regina 909-213 Notre Dame Avenue, Winnipeg New Brunswick/Nouveau-Brunswick President: James H. Christie Cyrille Roy (F) Honorary Treasurer/Tresorier-honoraire Quebec Michel Barcelo Harry Mayerovitch (F) Montreal Architects' Association of New Brunswick Ontario T. V. Murray 13 Germain Street, Saint John Manitoba A. H. Hanna A. W. Davison, Ottawa President: H. P. J. Roy Saskatchewan K. L. McMillan Allan F. Duffus (F) Halifax Alberta Freda O'Connor D'Arcy Helmer(F) Ottawa Nova Scotia Association of Architects British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique Jean-Louis Lalonde, Montreal 6009 Quinpool Rd., Halifax fan J. Davidson M. P. Michener (F) Winnipeg President: R. J. Flinn John R. Myles (F) Saint John Ex Officio F. Noseworthy, St. John's Newfoundland Association of Architects the Vice-President RAIC/ C. F. T. Rounthwaite (F) Toronto P.O. Box E5204, St. John's le Vice-President de I'IRAC Robert W. Siddall (F) Victoria President: E. A. Steinbrink W. G. Leithead (F), Vancouver D. L. Sinclair, Edmonton the Honorary Treasurer/ Ontario Association of Architects le Tresorier Honoraire de I'IRAC 50 Park Road, Toronto Harry Mayerovitch (F), Montreal College of Fellows/ College des Fellows President: John Spence Members at Large/Membres quels qu 'ils Chancellor/Chancelier Association des Architectes soient Peter M. Thornton (F) Vancouver de Ia Province de Quebec British Columbia/Colombie-Britannique 1825 ouest, boulevard Dorchester, Montreal R. W. Siddall (F) Victoria Dean/Doyen President: Joseph Baker Ontario J. A. Langford (F) Ottawa Henri Mercier (F) Montreal H. D. R. Buck (F), W. J. Neish, P. H. Saskatchewan Association of Architects Warren, W. J. Weller, Toronto Registrar I Sec retai re-a rch iviste 2426 Hanover Avenue, Saskatoon Howard F. Bouey (F) Edmonton President: E. H. Grolle Headquarters/Siege Social 151 Slater Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario (613) 232-7165 Executive Secretary/Secretaire Administratif Maurice G. Holdham, MBE Assistant Secretary/ Secretaire Adjoint Earl C. Mayo, DFC Director of Professional Services Directeur des Services Professionnels Wilson A. Salter (F), MBE News Nouvelles France and Andrzej Kozielewski of Warsaw, Poland. There were 804 entries, 30 of them from Canada. Fairfield and Du bois, Toronto, placed seventh in the competition. Practice Section Inaugurated Beginning with this first issue of the year we are changing the na me of our Technical section to Practice, which better describes the special interests and problems related to practice towards which the section is being oriented. Frank Helyar, MC IQS, Tech­ nical Editor since January 1968 remains in that capacity and, as was announced in the September issue, is joined by A. W. C:uff, MRAIC, ARIBA. Alastair Grant Coordinating Editor Alastair Grant, MRAIC, joins Architecture Canada as coordinating editor for the William R. Rhone Alastair Grant Schools section. Mr. Grant received his B.Arch degree from University of Toronto in AIBC Annual Meeting 1958, winning a Jules F. Wegman fellow­ Competition for RCAF Memorial, Trenton ship for further study, wh ich he used to William R. Rhone was elected president of attend a UN seminar on regional planning A two-stage national competition for a the Architectural institute of British in Tokyo. He afterwards studied historical Memorial for the Royal Canadian Air Force Columbia at the annual general meeting in architecture in Japan and India. From 1959 at Trenton, Ontario, has j ust been announc­ Vancouver on December 6th. He succeeds to 1964 he was employed in the office of ed by Professional Adviser, Dr. Eric Arthu r John M. Dayton (F). Other newly elected James A. Murray. He then joined the office (F) . The Memorial will consist of a Memorial Council members were Fred T. Hollings­ in Toronto of R. J. Thorn, a partner of the Hall, a Hall of History, a non-sectrian chapel, wo rth, Vice President, and ian Davidson Vancouver firm of Thompson, Berwick, Pratt two smaller chapels and a community activi­ and Douglas Henderson. Two additional and Partners. He became a me mber of the ties area for people at the base and special Council members, Frank Russell and Dick Ontario Association and the RAIC in 1962. events. Competitors will design a building Archambault, were elected for one year Among the projects on which he has worked to cost not more than $2,200,000 (including terms to help with the increasing volume of is the master plan for Trent University, landscaping) with a further sum not to ex­ work involved in AIBC affairs. Peterborough. ceed $500,000 allotted for scul pture, paint- The new president received his M.Arch. degree from the University of California, Berkeley, and completed post graduate studies in town planning and civic design at the AA School in London, England. He is a partner in the Vancouver firm of Rhone and lredale. Amsterdam City Hall Competition Wilhelm Holzbauer of Vienna won first prize in the International Competition for the design of the new Amsterdam City Hall. Second prize was won by Bernardo Winkler with Friedrich Hahmann and Hanna Hah­ mann of Starnberg, Germany, and third prize by J. H. Maissonneuve with Eva Karczewska and Jan Karczewski of Paris, The winning scheme in the Amsterdam City competition by Wilhelm Holzbauer. 1/ 69 Architecture Canada ~ ing, furnishings etc. The com petition is two stage ,a ma ximum of four fi nalists will be selected, each receiving $6,500. The final prize will be an additional $23,500. The jury consists of Brigadier General D. R. Adamson representing the RCAF, Professor Charles Moore, head of the School of Art and Architecture at Yale and Charles Elliott Trudeau, MRAIC. Registration (fee $1 0 payable to Professional Adviser " in trust" and refundable to bone fide competitors) closes March 1, last date for despatch of entries, May 15, judging 1st stage, May 26, 2nd stage, August 25. All correspondence should be addressed to Dr Eric Arthur, Professional Adviser, Room 29, 49 Wellington Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario. UIA Xth Wo rld Congress The dates of the UIA Xth World Congress of Architects in Buenos Aires in 1969 have been changed to October 19 to 25. The theme of the Congress will be "Architecture as a Social Fact". Social housing will be studied from the point of view of residential groups, multi-family and one family housing.
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