LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Twenty-fourth Parliament 27 July 1926 – 25 October 1928 Queensland Parliamentary Debates INDEX Contents of this document * 24th Parliament, 1st Session 27 July 1926 – 19 November 1926 Index from Hansard, V.147-148, 1926 24th Parliament, 2nd Session 24 August 1927 – 15 December 1927 Index from Hansard, V.149-150, 1927 24th Parliament, 3rd Session 25 July 1928 – 25 October 1928 Index from Hansard, V.151-152, 1928 *The Index from each volume of Hansard corresponds with a Parliamentary Session. This document contains a list of page numbers of the daily proceedings for the Legislative Assembly as printed in the corresponding Hansard volume. A list of page numbers at the start of each printed index is provided to allow the reader to find the electronic copy in the online calendar by clicking on the date of the proceedings and then to a link to the pdf. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Twenty-fourth Parliament – First Session Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.147-148, 1926 27 July 1926 – 19 November 1926 (McCormack Government) INDEX PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-3 27 July 1926 634-667 15 September 1926 3-14 28 July 1926 668-703 16 September 1926 14-30 29 July 1926 704-735 21 September 1926 31-71 3 August 1926 735-750 22 September 1926 71-108 4 August 1926 751-787 23 September 1926 108-143 5 August 1926 787-819 28 September 1926 144-183 17 August 1926 819-847 29 September 1926 183-222 18 August 1926 847-881 30 September 1926 223-260 19 August 1926 882-911 5 October 1926 260-299 24 August 1926 911-945 6 October 1926 299-328 25 August 1926 946-980 7 October 1926 328-367 26 August 1926 981-1017 8 October 1926 368-406 31 August 1926 1017-1057 12 October 1926 406-438 1 September 1926 1057-1094 13 October 1926 438-477 2 September 1926 1094-1151 14 October 1926 477-516 7 September 1926 1151-1180 15 October 1926 517-558 8 September 1926 1181-1218 19 October 1926 558-596 9 September 1926 1218-1252 20 October 1926 597-634 14 September 1926 1252-1313 21 October 1926 PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1313-1352 22 October 1926 1677-1716 9 November 1926 1352-1388 26 October 1926 1716-1732 10 November 1926 1388-1420 27 October 1926 1732-1781 11 November 1926 1420-1480 28 October 1926 1781-1812 12 November 1926 1481-1514 29 October 1926 1812-1846 16 November 1926 1515-1552 2 November 1926 1847-1912 17 November 1926 1552-1569 3 November 1926 1913-1951 18 November 1926 1570-1638 4 November 1926 1952-1981 19 November 1926 1638-1677 5 November 1926 1926 QUEENSLAND. OFFICIAL RECORD OF TH.E DEBATES OF Tllll LEGISLA_rriV_E A8SElVIBJ_J Y DURING THE l!' l R srr S E S S I 0 N OF THE 17° GBOI~GE V. COMPRISING THE PERIOD FROM THE TWE[I;TY-SEVENTH DAY OF ,JULY TO THE NINETEENTH DAY OF NOVE:.V1BER, .o..D. 1926. VOL. CXL V ll. BltiSB.A.NE· lll' ,\.JJTIIORI'l'Y: A.NTHOXY JA.:UES CU:UMING, GOVERN:YIEN'T PRIXTER FIRST SESSION OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH PARLIAMENT OF QUEENSLAND. 19 26. THE GOVERNOR * THE LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR. Honoureble \YII.LIDI LE~::;:ox. (8\Y{ll'Il 1n as Li('Utcnunt-GoYcrnor and a )umcd the Administration of the Govcmmcnt of the Stnto and it-s Ticpcndcncic,; nftn the departure of His Excellency Sir ::\1atthc" :c\athan, 1'.8. (In•.). G.C.:'.LG .. on 27th October. 1925.; THE MINISTRY. \Yhcn the session opened on 27th July. 1926. the ::\Iini,try w'" coll,tituted as follows:·~ Honourable \VILLI.L\1 1\Ic:Cornr'<C'K. Premier, Chief Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice- President of the J\xc'cutivc Cou11cil; Honourable WILLI.\"1 FORGAX S"IITH, Secrctary for Agriculture and Stock; Hnnourahl0 ALFREI> J.UIES JONES, Secretary for :Mine •; Honourable JOHN MuLLIN, Attorney-General; Honourable JA).IES LARCO)JBE, Bc(TC'tttry for Railway Honourable JA"IES STOPFORD, IIonw Secretary; Honourable J\TICII.\EL JOSEPII KrRWA~, Secretary for Public V\'Drk': Honourable 'l'HOli!AS \YrL~OK, Secretary for Public' lmtruction; Honourable THOlllAR DuKSTAN, Sccrota.rc· for Public Lands; and Honourable D.\V!Il ALEXAN!>ER GLEDSOK, ::\Iinistcr '' ithout l'orlfolio. On 6th Sep!Pmber, 1926, comequcnt on the pas .• ing of the Comtitution Act Anwndmcnt Act providing for the appointment of an additional :Ylinistcr, Hi' Exccllcwy the Lieutenant-Governor appointed- Honourable DAYID ALEXANDER GLEDROX as ScNctary for Labour and Inclustr.:. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Speaker-Honourable \VILLIA>r BERTRA:U (Jlarcc). Chairman of Committces-GEORGE POLLOCK, Esquire (UrEgory). Temporary Chairmen of Comrnittcb:- COOPER, FRA:O:K ARTIIUR, E ·quire (Rrf1nrr). ::\OTT, FREDERICK L\KCELOT, Eaquire (Stan/- '1), RIORDI};, DAVJU, Ecquirl' (Burkc). \VALKER, HARRY FREDERICK, Esquire (Cooroora). WEIR, DAVID, Esquire (Jfaryborough), lV. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. APPEL, Honourable JOHN GEORGE (Albert). BARBER, GEORGE PHILIP, Esquire (Bundabcrg). BARKES, GEORGE PoWEI"L, Esquire (Warwick). BARNES, Honourable \VALTER HENRY (Wynnum). BEDFORD, RANDOLPH; Esquire (Warrcgo). BELL, ERNEST 'l'HO)!AS, Esquire (Fassifern). BERTRA!U, Honourable \VILLIAM (Jfarec). BRAND, \VILLIAM ALFRED, Esquire (Burrum). BRUCE, HENRY ADAM, Esquire (Ilennuly). BULCOCK, FRANK \\'ILLIAM, Esquire (Barcoo). CARTER, GEORGE, Esquire (Port Curti,,). CLWTON, ERNEST HENllY COLLET, Esquire (Wide Bay). COLUNS, CHARLES, Esquire (lJo UY'n). CONROY, CHARLES \VILLIAM, Esquire (Jf aranoa). COOPEH, FHANK ARTHUH, Esquire (Bremcr). COOPER, WILLl.\M, Esquire (Rosczcood). CORSER, BERNAHD HE::\'RY, Esquire (Burnett). COSTELLO, EDWARD, Esquire (Carnarvon). DASH, JOH::\', Esquire (Jfu11dingburra). DEACON, \VILLIAM ARTHt;R, Esquire (Cunningham). DuKSTAN, Honourable THOMAS (Gym pie). EDWARDS, JAMES BHAIDWOOD, Esquire {jYanango). ELPHINSTONE, AUGUSTUS CECIL, Esquire (Oxley). FARRELL, GEORGE PRITCHARD, Esquire (Rockhampton). FERRICKS, MYLES ALOYSIUS, Esquire (South Brisbane). FOLEY, THOMAS ANDREW, Esquire (Ltichhardt). FRY, JA1IES PORTER, Esquire (l{urilpa). GLEDSON, Honourable' DA nD ALEXANJ•ER {lp,wich). HANLON, EDWARD MrCHAEL, Esquire. (Ithaea). HANSON, EDWARD JOSEPH, Esquire (Buranda). HARTLEY, HAROLD LESLJE, Esquire (Fitzroy). HYNES, J\!IAUHICE PATRICK, Esquire (1'oumsville). Jo::\'ES, Honourable ALFRED J.\MES (Paddington). KELSO, \VILLIAM, Esquire (Xundah). KERR, JAl\IES STEVINGSTONE, E·quire (Enoggera). KING, REGIKALD MACDOKNELL, Esquire (Logan). KJRWAN, Honourable J\!IICHAEL JosEPH (Brisbane). LAKD, EDWARD MARTIN, Esquire {Ba/onne). LARCOMBE, Honourable JAMES (lleppel). LLEWELYN, EVAN JOHN, Esquire ('l'oou·oom.ba). LLOYD, \VILLIH! FIELD, Esquire (Kelvin Grove). LOGAN, GEORGE ANDREW, Esquire (Lockyer). :'Y:!AXWELL, JA::>IES FRANCIS, Esquire (Too1cong). McCoRMACK, Honourable \YILLIAM (Cairns). McLAcHLAN, PETER ALFRED, Esquire (M erthyr). J\!IOORE, ARTHUR EDWAHD, Esquire (.4ubigny). MonGAN, GoDFREY, Esquire (Murilla). MuLLAN, Honourable JoHN (Flinders). NoTT, FREDERIOK LANCELOT, Esquire (Stanley). O'KEEFE, JOHN, Esquire (Chillagoe). PAYNE, JOHN, Esquire (J1itchell). PEASE, PERCY, Esquire (Herbert). PETERSON, JAMES CHRISTIAN, Esquire (Normanay). POLLOCK, GEORGE, Esquire (Gregory). RroRDAN, DAVID, Esquire (Burke). V. THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-continued. ROBERTS. THOMAS ROBER1'_ Esquire (East 1'oowoomba). RUSSELL, HUGH :\1cDIAR)IID, Esquire (Too m bul). RuSSELL, WILFRED ADAl!S, Esquire (Dulby). RYAN, CORNELIUS JAl\IES, Esquire (Eachum). RYAN, HENRY JOSEPH, Esquire (Cook). SIZER, HuBERT EBENEZER, Esquire (Sandyate). SMITH, Honourable WrLLIAM FoRGAN (Mackay). STOPFORD, Honourable JA:IIES, (lviount .Mor(!an). SWAYNE, EDWARD BOWDlCH, Esquire (1liirani). TAYLOR, CHARLES, Esquire (Windsor). WALKER, HARRY FmmERICK, Esquire (Cooroora). \VARREN, RICHARD JAi\IES, Esquire (.liurrumba). WEIR, DAvm, Esquire (,Maryhorouyh). \VELLINGTON, WILLIAil! JOHN, Esquire (Charters 1'owe?·s). \VILSON, Honourable THOMAS (Fortitude ral/ey). WINSTANLEY, VERNON, Esquire (Queenton). \V RIGHT, ALBERT HENRY, Esquire (Bulim ba). COMMITIEES. LIBRARY.-Mr. Speak<'r, :Mr. Lloyd. Mr. Elphimtono, Mr. Collins, :\fr. Pease, Mr. :--Jott, and Mr. G. P. Barnes. PARLLUIENTARY BmLDINGS.--Th1r. Spf:aker, ~fr. Payne, 1\fr. Riordan, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Logan, Mr. Morgan, and Hon. Vv. McConnark. PRINT!NG.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Pollock, Mr. Barber, Mr. Bruce, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Dash, and Mr. Swayne. REFRESIDIENT Roo>~s.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. Pollock, !\fr. H. J. Ryan. ]Hr. F. A. Cooper, Mr. Corser, Mr. Maxwell, a.nd Mr. King. STANDING 0RDERS.-Mr. Speaker, Mr. King, Mr. Taylor, .:l<lr. Moore, Mr, Bulcock, Mr. Fen·iclcs, and Hon. ·w. McCormack. PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION. Mr. Payne (Chairman), Mr. Collins, .:.VIr. F. A. Cooper, .:.Vir. W. Cooper, Mr. Cm·ser, air, Roberts, and Mr. H. J. Ryan. ELECTIONS TRIBUNAL ELECTIONS JrDGE-Th0 Honourabl<? Jnm0s William Blair. Chief Justice. Queensland Parliamentary Debates, V.147-148, 1926 27 July 1926 – 19 November 1926 L.EGISLATIVE AS S ~-=M .B L Y- IXDEX TO SUBJECTS. Absence of Speaker (Empire Parliamentary BILLS----eontinued : Assoc·iation Delec;o.t.ion 's Visit to Constitutinn _\et Amendment (initiation)·,. l-;-orth Queensland), 7:J,). ZOl; (initiation in cummittce), 347; (1°), 363; (2' ;, 369: (committee), 398; (3°), 426; (assent), 477. Address-in-I-teply, 8. Col ton In 1mtrv Arts Amendment (initia­ Ans\vcr of Lieutcnant-GoYernor, 3·53. tion), 7C5;" (initiation in committee),. Debate on. 8, 22. 34. 74. 110, 190. 225, 261; 739; '1' 1, 742; (2°), 810; (committee), (c1 tcn:'ion Df, unJ.~r Standing Order ~o. 814; (0 ), 8:32; (assent), 1181. 17), 16. Discharged Sol-diers' Settlement Acts Presentation to Licutcnant-GoYcrnor, 368. Amcnclmcnt (initiation), 1848; (initia­ tion in committee). 1848; (amendment­ Jlr. ll'arrrn), 1853; (1° and 2°), 1870; Adjournment of House, Disallowance of (committee), 1916; (3°), 1927; (assent), Proposed Motion for- 1981. Evangelical Lutheran Church (Toowoomba) Chillagoe :'\lines and Slnf'her~, Alleged at (Speaker's ruling), Land Sale Act of 1912 Amendment J rregularitics (initiotion and 1°), 1572; (2°, committee, 15~3. .and 3°), 1912; (assent), 1981. Federal Aiel Roads Agreement Approval Adjournments, Special, 3, l±, 881, UJSO: (initiation), 439; (initiation in com­ (Drisbzwe Exhibition), 143; (Visit of mittee), 493; (1°), 496; (2°), 727; (com­ Etnpirc Pv.rlian1entary ~.\~sociation mittc>c), 7EO; (3°), 820; (assent), 1181. Delegation), 7.35; (Arn1istice Day), 1732. Gift Dutv (resolution in Committee of \V ays" and Means).
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