,, '!;'.:dlHnl!I • ~,o,a lH)ftYt,~Yd I A~Y~811 1W1~~1A0~~ ., ' • 1 ' Policy. Committee -e srae. ite. : ..res ,. • WINNIPEG, MAN., FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1955_ .... To Handle Drive The UJA policy committees-------------­ at a meeting \Vednesday For Peace , afteraoon, decided to handle , Phase "B" of the appeal's campaign. Jol,nston . The drive starts Monday. Israel An entirely new campaign will be inaugurated, the com­ mittee a n n o u n c e d. The Given method will be to seek the Leases best P.revious giving from all contributors in Phase "B." Orders An indication was reported of the willingness of Phase "B" giv­ WASHINGTON (JTA) - Eric -.Uranium ers to face up to their comtnunal Johnston, President Eisenhower's WASHINGTON CrfA) - hra~l ftSJIOnsibllities, the announcement special envoy to the Middle East, hu just concluded an "Atoms for conti21ued. received last minute instructions Peace" pact under which uranium Policy committee was scheduled on the Israel-Arab water develop­ will be leased for research and a to meet again Thursday in order ment plan from Secretary of State development program for humani­ to launch the campaign. Their John Foster Dulles. tarian 111e of atomic energy. decision to start it Monday stem­ Mr. Johnston ls scheduled to Israel ls• the &econd country to med from the belief · that Phase leave for the Middle East on July 1lgn 1uch a pact with the United "B" coverage could no longer be 28. He will visit all the Ar11b States. Turkey signed June 10. delayed. .. states and Israel. He refused to Present at the signing were Assist• The appeal's three major part­ elaborate on the details of his · ant Secretary of State George ners have reached agreement in trip. This ls his fifth visit to the Allen, Abba Eban and Admiral the decision to get the drive under llliddk! East In the 'capacity . of Lewis Straus,, chairman of the 1· ·Way, special negotiator between the Atomic Energy Commission. Up until Wednesday's meetings Israelis and the Arabs on the ldr. Eban expreuea Israel'• ap­ the partnl!rs were reported still Ameri~an · plan to develop the preciation to the U.5. state depart­ dealing with proposals to break waters of the · Jordon RIYer for ment and the Atomic Energy Com• . tbe deadlocked situation. the benefit of the countries In• · mission who enable llniel to be volved. amongst the fint ooneflclarles t'f turkey ·Try1•n'11 An official of the International this "constructive, far-sighted pro­ · . ':II Co-operation Administration re- gram." HOW MANY CAN YOU RECOGNIZE of thii'g,roup of "champs"- they ..... 10 , ..,. to the Ycantre tv¼)Butl•~· satisfy :YOUr ~~rlnl?Y. ktire'• the llnHIP In tlie pl~tura: Mediator Role. pealed the position of the Elaen- ago? Yff, you're looking at HIM of the stars of "ThaY" softbtll teatn that battled It back row, from •~• Barney Moaul, M•sho Tr_illar, Lou· (Doc) ·_Radl'- Dr; C. s. (Shappy) ISTANBUL (JTA) _ Observers hower · Admlnlstratlo~ that the pennsylvanla Senate out wltli the UnHdas In • .......,..... 1111 exhibition gam• lust at the and of the war for th• H•n hfl • Id , BIii .. ramson·. an d Barney Braunstein; front row, from left: Hy (Blackie) here believe Turkey may be play- Johnston Plan for Jordon River . lsh Id I banafltofthaWlnnlpagTrlbuneChrlstrnasStocklngFuilct-.ndyou'll.-avaryone·of $wartz.J•ck Cohen,:'Rube .. Ludwlck, Cti• rlle .• (Clgar) Krupp, Toby Trlll.,,·AI Braun- Ing an active role behind the waterutllizlltlonlsakeytosettle- ff 8II $ JeW ea $ them, and more, •g•ln.thl1 coming Tuesday, July 19, •t 7 p.m., • t the Winnipeg Stadium . min, Laible H•""~ald, Harry Perlmutter, Normie Et_ kin. - But we've got one $64 quas- i ment of the Arab-Israel dispute, It -The when tht "oldtlman" of both teams stage a real bang.up game, this time for anoth., ..,on• that mascot "n tL- ft A Id L dwl k· L,~ h , th th ? A . b dy scenes n behalf of an Israel-Arab was revealed here when his_ HARRISBURG. Pa. (JT'A) fPOOd cause: for the capital upandlture fund of YMHA Community c,ntre. The $1 .., • "' ,.. 1• _IS, rno . u . ~- ,......,, w O •· • 0 •r one ny o aot settlement. t ti · · - Senate of Pennsylvania has passed tlckah ladvaim, sale now on at y centre) will take you In to a wonderful baHball the answer? Whether you .kn- or not. l!lt'• - you out oil Tuesday-let's all have • es mony on the Mutual_ Security unanlmou,ly a concurrent resolu- avanlna-tha contest batwen The Y and th• Unaad• s old-ti man; and the regular Winni• wondartlll time, ,1rid let's show Winnipeg what we think of our ''The Y's" • nd, but Tb? infer this from · a recent appropriation 'l,Pl was releued. tlon hailing the American Jewish pea Goldeyu va Grand Forks aama--ilnd your buck will ba part of th• prOCHd1 going daflnltajy, of our: ~MHA .Community Cantre. • speec by President Celal Bayar Cedric H, Seager, Regional, DI· Tercentenary, whose celebration • nd from actlvltlelf of Turkish rector for Near East and African offlclally ended last month. The re- ' ·, Hammar.sk1·01d Still ' ' . stdiplomats whenever a Turkish Operations, testified that during :~~D still awaits action in the Jewish Claims 1,0nlerente , , ' _Di·.scuss Soviet ·Jews ~::mi:st::n'f~:~:;tion came :: !':1~~=:. ~ei~::!ts:i~ The resolution,. Introduced by Optomlstic On Talks during an e]lchange of toasts be- "to obtain an understanding for Sen. William J, Llu)e, noted Jewish .Grants $135,.988 For Study UN1TED NATIONS (JTA},-Sec- A' ,t:· G' . · 'U S A k d' tween the. president and visiting the division of the waters of·the 0 1 ::~~:~~°:h! :n~t:ie~i~!:sf::~ .NEW YORK (JTAhScholarshli>s 61 are student engag~d in prepara- ~:~ry~~:e~~ ~:! ~!m:::~o~~ . , ~t: . .e·n eVa .. ' . s e· ~ldnf :~i~I s~d ~:~t ;::::e:~i:!: !:r:~n a1:e!~e bca~U:1!': u::e~:~ , lts earliest day, and stressed the change his optimistic views on the ' s ers t ts duty to solve · the age, their control alon" economic and fellowships in the amount of tion for services in the professional w·· • "HINGTON (JTA' -A d tail to Pal tin bl '" devotion of American Jewry to current talks with regard to paci- ~ . ,-. e • no·concern anyone outside her es e pro em, along · with lines, and.for arr_angementa to In• "religious · freedom, civic. righte- $135,988 hat-e been alloca_ ted for fields, 58 grants are for graduate· flcation of the Israel-Egyptian bor- ed· " m ·em· oran d um Of urgency " on fron ti era. Every con tributory fae- Mfddl e E as t co nfll eta, wjt h ·justice sure t_helr equitable dis. tri. butlon.". tHe academic year 1955-56 to 166 studies, and 67 are fellowships for th f t f tw Ill! J b hind to t ard te i · d od I ousneas and phllanthropv." The tlm f d d t k th h anl der at the Gaza strip; e a e ~ o m on ews e .r ow_ ns on by her is of an_ m erat on. Mr. Se.ager ••serted that the • Jewish intellectuals - vI c s o In epen en wor In e um • th Ir Curtai d t th t t th · ,... resolution also reaffirmed the sen- Nazism-throughout the world, it ties and creative arts, . He made the statement ln the ~ on. .... n an a r~ques a concern. o . e powers consulting He f~rther appealed to all coun• conclusion of an agreement oti tlie tlment of George Washington that has been announced by Jac,.ob Blau- . In making his announcement, :f4r•. c!ourse of .a press conference, anj( thiil .,Pr;~lem_ be posed . by the with her at Gerleva," the memoran- tries Involved in- . tlte Palestine _Jordan waters ·_·,"will :offer.· con.• . I "the liberality of sentimellt toward id t f th •·- . re_ferrad .· quest!_ on1ini ou •i.h Bili>- V:._. _ted' ~~•es_. ,at the~lg Four talks d_,um,_P_O,~_.ted out._.,,'_:,,,. ... _,. ... , ._ ", ·'"·•·.·.· dis_ p_u__._t .. e to "s_h_ow_:· ~o.nfldence, 1111_•• slderable "rosp;.;._·••for.·th· _·e :rehab._l•_ h th hi"" .. ~ ve ·011 stein. , sep_ lor vice-pres en .o e ,Bla_.,.,.teln,.,·1,__ BI_·d_ tlla__ t;_the.Conference · ,, """' ~en.tia next week was ten: Tb .,. d d di " ~ .. , eac o er w ""mllf._. e, ry P • Conference on Jewish Material regards ·u:, au:eaaenttifobllga,tim ject to 'the~optluiism' ·he. had_' U•' · ,, "•-~~. :;, " . · ·.,· .. ,. ·.'• ·. · ,t:. ·-.i ., ·i .. !'.~.e1Jl9!~ um_'.rllvealedltbat . erstan_ .. ~If _and,,co,oper~ti~,11 ·· •0 : ~~tlon · ot Tef_tia~e; P~P.ul•~om,, · · tlcal 1111d .reu,tlltia:den,omlnatlon of Claims Against Germany, which and purpose the reconstruction of l)l'esseilat 'iuieaj-lier meeting' with ti .. i:~Tia't'rep~es~r· i'of slit ')'elll'I' :the Jewish' 'Labor tl!at ow: colriilion. efforts may yield and it would open UP"DIIW'lare&I men in this country, stands Ull· distributes these awards for study, IJewish communal arid cultural life tlie 'iiress, adding: tliat he saw no, . ve,o ,, Q, ewu .. or'· omm t-, c'o~ttee tbrough'fts own efforts, good-results." 3 for ·settlement ·in Jord11n.'; 'In hit aralleled Jn the blatory of na- f It i bis . tee at both the White House ahd and free labor movement through Tb Ira 1· Id h d tesU be . H' A . ' Ptlons,'' and;hla famotd words that research and creative work in the and the encouragement of Jewish ctbaauatetun·ore.a ,er ng . views.
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