Index abduction 18 practices of self 168, 174 Abraham 31, 79, 86, 130, 131 reading by apprentices 174–5 Act and Being (Bonhoeffer) 17–18 wise and creative theology, Acts of the Apostles 58 elements Adam 57 communication/expression Adams, Nicholas 206n 187–90 Aeschylus 26 engagement 175–82 aesthetics 17, 21 retrieval 170–5 affirmations 68, 72, 73, 74 thinking 182–7 aggiornamento 15 Aquinas, Thomas 77, 101 Alleluia (primary cry) 56 arts 120 Alpha course 100 Asia Minor 128 alternative religious traditions atheism 51, 52, 53–4 11–12, 95 St Augustine 5, 53, 58, 80, 101, see also inter-faith relations 128, 225n Anglican Church 7, 37, 179 authenticity 173 anthropology 105 anti-Semitism 131–2 Bach 185–6 apocalyptic scenarios 34, 43–4, 81 bad religion 70 apprenticeCOPYRIGHTED theologians, von MATERIAL Balthasar, Hans Urs 13, 14, formation 168–90, 192–3 15, 18, 21, 24, 25, 206n, 207n and church 180, 181 baptism 27, 38, 57, 66 and disciples 169–70 of Christ 171, 175 The Future of Christian Theology, by David F. Ford © 2011 David F. Ford. 226 FFord_bindex.inddord_bindex.indd 222626 111/12/20101/12/2010 11:14:15:14:15 PPMM Index Barbeau, Jeffrey W. 207n retrieval 196–7; Barth, Karl 13, 14, 17, 18, 21, thinking 199–201 206n, 207n, 212n see also New Testament; Church Dogmatics 19–20 Old Testament basic theology 7 bilateral engagement 144 Bauckham, Richard 224n blessing, inter-faith see under Beatitudes 74, 126 inter-faith relations belonging 84–103 Body of Christ, Church as 122–4 collegiality 94–7 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 13, 14, 118, complex 103 122, 206n, 208n extended, through as case study 106–17, 192 conversations 97–9 execution by Nazis 16 to God and each other, through publications by Act and Being Covenant 85–90 17–18, 21; Cost of intensive 99–101 Discipleship 21, 127; Ethics intimate, through friendships 16, 19, 21, 107, 108, 111, 127, 101–3 128, 216n; Letters and Papers theological creativity in/for from Prison 16, 21; Life church 90–4 Together 21 Beloved, let us love one another! book of Job 3–4, 6, 64, 69, 75–6, (primary cry) 60–2 77, 78, 197, 200 Benedictus 170 bread and wine, symbolism of 176 benefactors 164–5 Bretherton, Luke 210n Berlin, University of 156, 157, Britain, new theology and 158 religious studies 151–3, 154 Bethge, Eberhard 21 Brown, Raymond 185 Bible 3, 141, 142, 155 Bultmann, Rudolf 28, 30, 185, biblical manifesto 191–3 208n, 209n in Christian drama 26–7 Burning Bush story 65 and drama 24–7 But where shall wisdom be found? interpreting/reading 193–5 (primary cry) 64 theological moods in 71–82 twenty-first century Calvin, John 101 theology 203–4 Cambridge History of Christianity, wise and creative theology, The 104, 105 elements 195–203; Cannell, Fenella 215n communication/ casuistry 111 expression 201–3; chaplaincy 120 engagement 197–9; Christ see Jesus Christ 227 FFord_bindex.inddord_bindex.indd 222727 111/12/20101/12/2010 11:14:16:14:16 PPMM Index Christ has died: Christ is risen! collaboration 100, 101 Christ will come again! collegiality 94–7, 142, 181–2 (primary cry) 57–8 Collins, Randall 98, 161, 214n Christian principles 116 Come, Holy Spirit! (primary cry) Christianity in Jewish Terms 132, 58, 178 134 Come, Lord Jesus! (primary cry) 57 Christology 57 common good 49, 97 church Common Word, A (Muslim and apprenticeship 180, 181 blessing) 132, 137–41, 143 as Body of Christ and school communication/expression 42, for Christian citizens 122–4 92, 145 doctrines of 25 apprentice theologians, engagement with 15–17 formation 187–90 funding of religious and Bible 201–3 education 163 wise and creative 20–1 institutions of 94–5 community life 93 origins of 104 compromise and radicalism, as people of God and a dualism of 114, 115–16 community 124–6 Confessing Church 16 and society 104–29, 192; conversations 97–9, 142 theological tasks, in Corinthians 87 democratic civil societies Cost of Discipleship (Bonhoeffer) 121–9 21, 127 theological creativity 90–4 Counter-Reformation 52 theological education 148–9 covenant/Covenant Service as witness to Kingdom of 85–90, 92 God 126–9 God’s covenant with Jewish Church Dogmatics (Barth) 14, people 86, 135, 136 19–20 craft guilds 186 civil wisdom 147 creativity closed and wide open religion in/for the church 90–4 70–1 definitions 84–5 code see dramatic code new theology and religious (twenty-first century studies 154–6 theology) organizational 97–8 cohabitation 99 wise and theological see wise and Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 18, creative theology, elements 207n cries, discernment of Coles, Romand 217n Holy Spirit 6–7 228 FFord_bindex.inddord_bindex.indd 222828 111/12/20101/12/2010 11:14:16:14:16 PPMM Index primary cries (dramatic contribution to Christian code) 55–66, 191–2; God’s theology 23 call to Moses 65–6; heard and Dabru Emet 133 and uttered 55; theological and epic see epic rationale for 56–66 mindset and wisdom 1–2, 3, 4, 22 and Gospel of John 27–34 Cries of the world, (primary cry) and lyric see lyric mindset 62–3 modernity, drama-centred cross 112, 183 account of 50–5 crucifixion 5, 18, 183 new theology and religious and judgment 111–12 studies 155 Cursillo movement 100 ongoing 34–41, 52, 192 open-ended 46 Dabru Emet (Speak the Truth), and wise theological Jewish blessing 132–7, 138, creativity 41–2 141, 143, 221n see also theodrama Dalferth, Ingolf U. 209n dramatic code (twenty-first David 86 century theology) 35, 44, 53, Dawson, John David 208–9n 169, 192 Day of Pentecost 33, 58 primary cries 55–66, 191–2; deduction 207n heard and uttered 55; to deism 52 Moses by name 65–6; deliberative democracy 122 theological rationale for democratic civil societies, 56–66 theological tasks 121–9 Taylor on 51 desire 68–83 Drawn into the Mystery of Jesus Deuteronomy 56 through the Gospel of John Devil 78 (Vanier) 184 dialogue 140 dualism 114 disability 119 disciples 66, 76, 88, 169–70, 175 Eccentric Existence: A Theological see also specific disciples Anthropology (Kelsey) 40, disputes/divisions 36–7 79, 186 divine attributes 28, 29 ecclesiology 62, 225n doctrines 25, 38, 62 ecological crisis 146 dogmatism 69, 70, 78 economics 223n dorean (for nothing) 4 ecosystem, Christian drama 23–42, 66–7, 192 theological education as Bible as dramatic 24–7 94, 95, 97 229 FFord_bindex.inddord_bindex.indd 222929 111/12/20101/12/2010 11:14:16:14:16 PPMM Index ecumenism/ecumenical expression see communication/ movement 37, 101, 106, 140 expression and wisdom 9, 10–11, 12 extensity, wisdom of 35–6 education/educational growth 7, extremism 48, 70, 143 119, 149–50 Ezekiel 198 see also universities Edwards, Jonathan 101 faith 114, 130 Elijah 198 and belonging 95–6 Emmanuel community 100 and drama 25, 28, 31 engagement with God, church and dramatic code 51, 52 and the world 41, 145 family issues 120 and Bible 197–9 Farewell Discourses 29, 31, 177, wise and creative 15–17 178, 184 epic mindset 52, 53, 155, 192 fear 32 church and society 106, 117 of God 3 and drama 25, 26, 42 feminism 8–9, 10, 12 Gospel of John 27–9 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb 157 modernity/secularization 44, figural interpretation 38, 208n 45–6, 47, 48, 49 fire-fighter analogy 68 epistemology 17 First Isaiah 197–8 eschatology 57, 58 flesh 5, 29, 72 ethics 17, 69, 99 flexibility of Christianity, as formation 113–16 historical 121 Ethics (Bonhoeffer) 16, 19, 21, Focolare, the 100 107, 108, 111, 127, 128, 216n foot-washing 176 ethnographic studies 105 foreknowledge, divine 28 Eucharist 38, 57, 61, 86, 196 forgiveness 96 Euripides 26 formation, ethical 113–16, Europe, modernity/ 117 secularization 45–6 fragmentation 44, 49 European Union (EU) 47 free responsibility 116–17, 120 Evangelicalism 7, 9, 122 freedom, human 27, 29 everyday life 54 Frei, Hans 40, 42, 209n evolutionary theory 43, 45 French Revolution 157 exclusive humanism 50, 51, 52 friendships 101–3, 177 existential analysis 28, 29–30, fugitive democracy 122 209n full Christianity 108–9 Exodus 32, 72, 196 fundamentalism 48, 70, 143 experimental beliefs 70, 79 future of theology 110, 161 230 FFord_bindex.inddord_bindex.indd 223030 111/12/20101/12/2010 11:14:16:14:16 PPMM Index Garden of Gethsemane 78, 183 relating to all 65–6 gender-related theology 8–9 sovereignty and power 28 generalization 106 God-centred moods 82–3 Genesis 31, 33, 130, 131, 202 Gomaa, Ali 222n Germany goodness 107, 109–11, 115 Berlin, University of 156, Gospels 69, 77, 78, 87, 198 157, 158 book of Isaiah as “fifth” 61 German-language theology of John see John, Gospel of 8, 42 of Luke 102–3, 170–1, 187 Military Counter- of Matthew 102–3 Intelligence 107 grace 225n new theology and religious Grand Mosque, Muscat 144 studies 156–9, 160 Greek tragedians 26 universities, requirements of Greek words 193 students 206n Gregory of Nyssa 101 see also Hitler, Adolf; Holocaust group players 48–9, 50 (Shoah); Nazis; Second guilds 186 World War Ghazi of Jordan, Prince 219n Hamburg, University of 158 Gibbs, Robert 221n Hardy, Daniel W. 207n, 211n, Gilley, Sheridan 206n 218n global spread of Christianity 7 Hauerwas, Stanley 217n God Hays, Richard 224n belonging to 85–90 Hear instruction and be wise! blessing 130, 131 (primary cry) 64–5 in Christian drama 24, 26–7 Hebrew words 193 engagement with 15 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm and epic 25, 26 Friedrich 25 fearing 3 Heidelberg, University of 158 interrogation of 75–6 hermeneutics, and theological Job’s relationship to 3–4 interpretation 194 Kingdom of see Kingdom of Hitler, Adolf 106 God plot to assassinate 16, 107, leading to 18 115 love of 60–1, 85, 102, 144, 178 ho logos 35 and lyric 25–6 Holocaust (Shoah) 131–2, 135, naming of 72 225n pedagogy of 54, 55 Holy Communion 57, 196 purpose
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