Checks Issued March 2016 CHECK CHECK INVOICE DATE NUMBER VENDOR DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 3/4/2016 304 HUCKABEE AND ASSOCIATES INC Multiple Invoices $144,453.11 3/10/2016 310 MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP PORTABLE BUILDING RENTAL @ $4,200.00 GMS FROM 2‐20‐16 TO 3‐20‐16 3/24/2016 324 ALPHA TESTING INC Multiple Invoices $9,917.00 3/24/2016 324 BARTLETT COCKE GENERAL CONTRACTORS, LLC Multiple Invoices $2,896,833.94 3/24/2016 324 MOBILE MODULAR MANAGEMENT CORP PORTABLE BULDING RENTAL FOR $13,807.50 BOWIE 2‐26‐16 TO 3‐26‐16 3/29/2016 329 E‐LOGIC INC ASBESTOS ABATEMENT FOR TRAVIS $4,558.60 3/29/2016 329 LONE STAR FURNISHINGS FURNITURE FOR CLASSROOM $71,525.54 ADDITION AT CROCKETT ELEMENTARY 3/4/2016 171867 BLANTON'S TEX‐STYLE Multiple Invoices $3,263.00 3/4/2016 171868 BOOST COLABORATIVE Registration for Boost $2,820.00 Collaborative in Palm Springs, California for Johanna Friedel, Amber Pompa, Eric Norris, Ameer Ali, Chris Burden, & Tim Vangeloff on April 26‐29th, 2016 3/4/2016 171869 BURDEN, CHRIS Reimbursement Air $173.98 Transportation for Chris Burden 4‐26‐16 to 4‐29‐16 to ACE 2016 BOOST Conference in Palm Springs , California. 3/4/2016 171870 CARDWELL, NEIL Tech ‐ Reimbursement for SSL $49.99 (AD‐FS) ‐ Glover, Cardwell, NT 3/4/2016 171871 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Multiple Invoices $22,009.63 3/4/2016 171872 CENTRAL CONTRACTING CO Multiple Invoices $1,820.00 3/4/2016 171873 CHAPTERS GROUP English II ‐ The Pearl $660.00 paperback books 3/4/2016 171874 CINTAS CORPORATION #163 Multiple Invoices $860.90 Checks Issued March 2016 3/4/2016 171875 Clayton, Amanda Tech ‐ Reimbursement for VDI $18.00 Rollout Mtg Bfast ‐ Clayton, NT 3/4/2016 171876 COATS, JOEY Tech ‐ Reimbursement for keys $17.80 ‐ Coats, NT 3/4/2016 171877 Coburn, Robert Jr. Meals for GHS Softball Texas $175.00 High 3/8/16 3/4/2016 171878 COFFEE PLUS Coffee and supplies for WMAB $82.50 3/4/2016 171879 CONTRERAS, ALEX Student Meals for GHS Track $650.00 Meet ‐ 3/10/16 3/4/2016 171880 CRAWFORD SMITH INC Multiple Invoices $25.95 3/4/2016 171881 CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL HOUSTON Hotel for the Houston Heifer $344.10 Show for FFA 3/10/15 3/4/2016 171882 DANIEL'S BEST BUY Invoice ‐ 021916 $176.75 3/4/2016 171883 DAVIS PUBLICATIONS INC text books for High School $2,697.95 Art Class 3/4/2016 171884 DIRECTOR'S CHOICE TOUR & TRAVEL 2nd Installment for San $10,902.96 Antonio Band Trip 5/27/16 3/4/2016 171885 DREW CONSULTING SERVICES, INC Asbestos Abatement $11,950.00 Professional Services Fee At Travis Elementary 3/4/2016 171886 DRIGGERS, RACHAEL Travel expense for Rachael $58.32 Driggers to attend Region 10 Accountability 2016: What Now? on 2/24/16 in Richardson TX 3/4/2016 171887 DRUG FREE GREENVILLE Walkopoly sign for GISD Board $250.00 of Trustees 3/4/2016 171888 EASTBAY Rain Suit for GHS $369.97 Powerlifting 3/4/2016 171889 EMERSON, ADRIENNE San Antonio Robotics $2,700.00 Regionals 3/9/16 3/4/2016 171890 ETA hand2mind Classroom supplies for Lamar $198.14 5th grade Math Checks Issued March 2016 3/4/2016 171891 FLATT STATIONERS INC colored copy paper for the $960.00 district 3/4/2016 171892 FORUM NETWORKING EVENTS Registration ‐ Education $300.00 Facilities Management Forum (Dallas, TX April 25th & 26th) M. Asbury 3/4/2016 171893 FRIEDEL, JOHANNA Reimburse Johanna Friedel for $396.59 STEM Saturday" The Martian" supplies for videos and more for the ACE Program 3/4/2016 171894 FRIEDEL, JOHANNA Reimbursement Air $249.44 Transportation for Johanna Friedel 4‐26‐16 to 4‐29‐16 to ACE 2016 BOOST Conference in Palm Springs , Calidfornia. 3/4/2016 171895 GEUS Tech ‐ Upgrade Fiber Network $66,032.30 for Headend Location ‐ Cardwell, Clayton, NT 3/4/2016 171896 GLEN'S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR Invoices ‐ 021916 $145.66 3/4/2016 171897 GOOLSBEE TIRE SERVICE INC Goolsbee Tire Service : $446.12 3/4/2016 171898 GREENVILLE ROTARY CLUB ROTARY DUES FOR BILLY MYERS $195.00 3/4/2016 171899 GREENVILLE HARDWARE Multiple Invoices $222.40 3/4/2016 171900 HERITAGE FOOD SERVICE EQUIPMENT, INC Parts for Pass thru Warmer ‐ $53.90 Carver 3/4/2016 171901 HOUSTON ISD eShars Medicaid billing ‐ $1,815.36 January 1‐31, 2016 3/4/2016 171902 JOHNSON, DON Student Meals for GHS Golf ‐ $25.00 Rockwall 3/9/16 3/4/2016 171903 JOHNSON, DON Student Meals for GHS Golf ‐ $25.00 Rockwall 3/10/16 3/4/2016 171904 KENTS METAL CRAFT INC Invoice ‐ 021916 $50.00 3/4/2016 171905 KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL Key Club Dues $13.00 Checks Issued March 2016 3/4/2016 171906 LAKESHORE LEARNING MATERIALS Math materials (practice $170.95 boards, graphing boards, etc.) for Lamar 5th grade 3/4/2016 171907 LETOURNEAU & ASSOCIATES, LLC Speech Contracted Services ‐ $6,046.75 February 8‐12, 2016 3/4/2016 171908 LINDALE HIGH SCHOOL BOOSTER CLUB Entry Fee for GHS Boys $300.00 Regional Powerlifting Meet ‐ Lindale 3/5/16 3/4/2016 171909 LOEHR, KAY Kay Loehr ‐ mileage (Round $283.48 trip to Austin,Texas) Teacher Training 3/4/2016 171910 LOWES Multiple Invoices $987.86 3/4/2016 171911 MARTIN, JENNIFER Reimbursement for books $52.40 bought at TCTELA 3/4/2016 171912 MULKEY, MARY Student Meals for GHS Tennis $100.00 ‐ Arlington 3/11/16 3/4/2016 171913 NASCO Supplies for Lamar 5th Grade $304.80 science 3/4/2016 171914 NORCOSTCO INC Personal Kits, Kryolan $172.32 3/4/2016 171915 Norris, Eric Reimbursement Air $157.96 Transportation for Eric Norrisl 4‐26‐16 to 4‐29‐16 to ACE 2016 BOOST Conference in Palm Springs , Calidfornia. 3/4/2016 171916 OFFICE DEPOT Multiple Invoices $400.95 3/4/2016 171917 PASCUAL, JEANIE Refund of Child Nutrition $64.60 balance for William Lee. 3/4/2016 171918 PEDDLERS PIZZA Pizza for Parent meeting at $316.00 Travis Elementary on Feb 18th. 3/4/2016 171919 PEROT MUSEUM OF NATURE AND SCIENCE Student tickets ‐ Ross Perot $75.00 Museum ‐ March 31, 2016 3/4/2016 171920 RICE PEST CONTROL TECHNOLOGY CO Invoice ‐ 021916 $60.00 Checks Issued March 2016 3/4/2016 171921 ROBOTIC EDUCATION & COMPETITION FOUNDATION Entry Fee for GMS VEX $850.00 Robotics Team 2148A to attend the VEX Middle School World Championship in Louisville, KY starting April 21, 2016. 3/4/2016 171922 ROCKWALL GOLF AND ATHLETIC CLUB Entry Fee for GHS Golf $190.00 Tournament ‐ Rockwall 3/10/16 3/4/2016 171923 ROCKWALL GOLF AND ATHLETIC CLUB Entry Fee for GHS Golf $190.00 Tournament ‐ Rockwall 3/9/16 3/4/2016 171924 SCHLOTZKSY'S DELI Catering for T‐STEM Meeting $126.45 at GHS on 2‐24‐16 3/4/2016 171925 SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUBS Multiple Invoices $521.00 3/4/2016 171926 SEGUIN TENNIS Entry Fee for GHS Tennis ‐ $200.00 Arlington 3/11/16 3/4/2016 171927 SELLERS, GEORGE Student Meals for GHS Boys $240.00 Regional Powerlifting Meet ‐ Lindale 3/5/16 3/4/2016 171928 SHADDOX, MARY Multiple Invoices $214.79 3/4/2016 171929 SHERATON DALLAS HOTEL Sheraton Dallas Hotel for $216.91 Jason Kramer‐ 3‐9 thr 3‐10‐16 to Beyond School Hours Conference in Dallas , Texas 3/4/2016 171930 SHERATON DALLAS HOTEL Sheraton Dallas Hotel for $216.91 Michael Nelson‐ 3‐9 thr 3‐10‐16 to Beyond School Hours Conference in Dallas , Texas 3/4/2016 171931 SHERATON DALLAS HOTEL Sheraton Dallas Hotel for $216.91 Jelesa Holmes‐ 3‐9 thr 3‐10‐16 to Beyond School Hours Conference in Dallas , Texas 3/4/2016 171932 SHI GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INC Lamar, B105 ‐ Speakers ‐ $39.09 Mitchell, 76599 Checks Issued March 2016 3/4/2016 171933 SLIDER, AARON Student Meals for GHS $300.00 Baseball Tourn. ‐ Wills Point 3/10‐12/2016 3/4/2016 171934 SPRINGHILL SUITES MARRIOTT San Antonio Regional San $5,531.87 Antonio TX 3/9/16 3/4/2016 171935 SPURGER, KATIE Multiple Invoices $595.40 3/4/2016 171936 THARP, JOHNNY Lunch for the GMS Robotics $570.00 Team while attending the State Tournament 3/4/2016 171937 VANGELOFF, TIM Reimbursement Air $577.38 Transportation for Tim Vangeloff 4‐26‐16 to 4‐29‐16 to ACE 2016 BOOST Conference in Palm Springs , Calidfornia. 3/4/2016 171938 VERNIER SOFTWARE AND TECHNOLOGY Science materials for GHS $7,923.85 Human Physio LabQ2 package 3/4/2016 171939 WALMART INC Multiple Invoices $516.97 3/4/2016 171940 WILLIAMS, BAYONNE Documentation Transfers from $37.95 within district. 3/4/2016 171941 WILLS POINT ATHLETICS Entry Fee for GHS Baseball $300.00 Tourn. ‐ Wills Point 3/10‐12/2016 3/4/2016 171942 ZOLIDIS, DON Performance Rights for "The $160.00 Monologue Show (From Hell)" 3/10/2016 171943 1ST CHOICE SPIRIT Multiple Invoices $2,699.50 3/10/2016 171944 A/C BROKERS LLC Replace 5ton outside A/C $2,450.00 Condenser ‐ Service Center (Portable A) 3/10/2016 171945 AGUILAR, GUILLERMO Multiple Invoices $175.00 3/10/2016 171946 ALERT SERVICES INC Supplies for GHS Athletic $742.15 Trainer 3/10/2016 171947 ALTERNATOR SERVICE INC ALTERNATOR SERVICE ‐ Quote $1,285.00 Checks Issued March 2016 3/10/2016 171948 AMERICAN ASSOC OF TEACHER OF FRENCH Chapter dues for American $55.00 Assoc of Teachers of French 3/10/2016 171949 ANDERSON, TAYLOR Official Services Rendered $127.64 2/15/2016 3/10/2016 171950 ARK THERAPEUTIC SERVICES INC OT needs for students $107.43 3/10/2016 171951 ARLINGTON CAMERA Photography Supplies‐ $564.21 Impossible Project 8X10 and Film 3/10/2016 171952 AT&T MOBILITY Utilities ‐ cell phones ‐ $3,750.95 account 287016886391 3/10/2016 171953 BAKER'S RIBS Bakers Ribs for a data $138.00 meeting 16 box lunches for a total of 138.00 3/10/2016 171954 BARDACH, ANDREW Umpire Services Rendered $147.30 2/22/2016 3/10/2016 171955 BAXTER SALES CO INC Multiple Invoices $6,037.80 3/10/2016 171956 BEARCOM OPERATING LLC Radio Parts ‐ High School $32.22 3/10/2016 171957 BENSON, ASHLEY Referee Services Rendered $81.00 2/19/2016 3/10/2016 171958 BOWERS SIGNS LLC Black/red fleet decal sets $400.00 with new logo 3/10/2016 171959 BROCK, JAMES JR Security Services Rendered $80.00 3/1/2016 3/10/2016 171960 BROOKSHIRES Brookshire's Lg cookie Tray $24.99 in the amount of 24.99 3/10/2016 171961 CABRERA, WATSON Official Services Rendered $146.24 2/19/2016 3/10/2016 171962 CAIN, CRYSTAL Travel reimbursement for $83.34 Crystal Cain to attend Pre‐K Texas Conference in Austin, TX on 2/21‐2/23 3/10/2016 171963 CALENDER, RICHARD Private security for the GISD $80.00 music event on March 1, 2016 3/10/2016 171964 CALHOUN, TANDRA GMS Cheer Judge for 2/26/2016 $75.00 Checks Issued March 2016 3/10/2016 171965 CARTER, LAURA Reimbursement for meals @ $20.12 GCAPT Winter Conference.
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