Literary Criticism 2009-2021 Master List of Terms Tested last updated 11 June 2021 The first column details the year and test in which the term found in the second column is the a correct answer of an item in that particular test; the remaining four columns offer the distractors used in that particular test item. I do not mind sending as an attachment a Word file that the coach and his or her team can manipulate in a manner that serves them best. Please contact me: (NEW) [email protected] Please contact me when you find a typo, inconsistency, or anything more serious: (NEW) [email protected] Please note that the variety of distractors and, indeed, the terms themselves follows the editorial decisions that have characterized each succeeding edition of The Handbook to Literature. We are currently using the twelfth edition. While some of the distractors are found in earlier editions, tested terms are found in the twelfth edition. Please add sigmatism, envelope stanza, and prolepsis. Use Control + F to find a term. Boldface terms in second column are the answers to NOT questions; e.g., Not a grammatical construction that involves the omission of a letter or a syllable is . [recently edited; editing ongoing] 2021 S hagiography canticle epistolary lampoon miracle play 2021 S bard balladeer jongleur minstrel troubadour 2021 S Stanislavski Method interior monologue naïve narrator panoramic self-effacing narrator 2021 S Black Mountain School Agrarians Fugitives New York School Parnassians 2021 S allonym ananym eponym heteronym pseudonym 2021 S noble savage hedonism humanism meliorism primitivism 2021 S Silver-Fork School Satanic School Saturday Club Scriblerus Club Sturm und Drang 2021 S ecocriticism frontier literature naturalism pastoralism vorticism 2021 S virelay arabesque ballade chant royal sestina 2021 S purple patch chrestomathy prosody sentimentalism touchstone 2021 S Age of Johnson AgeRomanticMovement Augustan Age Edwardian Age Restoration Age 2021 S Satanic School Cockney School Frankfurt School Geneva School Spasmodic School 2021 S chantey aubade dirge encomium limerick 2021 S riding rhyme blank verse englyn free verse projection verse 2021 S Gongorism barbarism Malapropism Spoonerism Wellerism 2021 S The Literary Club School of Night Silver-Fork School Transcendental Club Tribe of Ben 2021 S maggot kitsch nexility scat threnody 2021 S Angry Young Men Cockney School Lake School Scriblerus Club Spasmodic School 2021 S Pre-Raphaelitism barbarism classicism Gallicism Scholasticism 2021 S heteronym allonym anonym nom de plume pseudonym 2021 S underground press bad quartos op-ed pages pulp magazines yellow journalism 2021 S avant-garde objective correlative orphism recension vorticism 2021 S simile conceit hyperbole metaphor tautology 2021 S inversion deconstruction ornamentalism redaction truncation 2021 S long measure common measure hymnal measure Poulter's measure short measure 2021 S eye rhyme half rhyme leonine rhyme perfect rhyme slant rhyme 2021 S syllabism accentualism merism phonocentrism poikilomorphism 2021 S free verse blank verse heroic verse rhymed verse shaped verse 2021 S tercet triad tribach triolet triplet 2021 S ubi sunt formula carpe diem formula in medias res formula memento mori formula verbum infans formula 2021 S metaphor hyperbole kenning simile tautology 1 2021 S tetrameter heptameter hexameter octometer pentameter 2021 S onomatopoeia cacophony heteroglossia sigmatism xenoglossia 2021 S paradox hypallage hyperbole oxymoron tautology 2021 S polyptoton anaphora epanalepsis pleonasm ploce 2021 S ploce anaphora epanalepsis pleonasm polyptoton 2021 S apostrophe aside harangue invocation soliloquy 2021 S chiasmus caesura parallelism reduplication zeugma 2021 R spoonerism barbarism caconzelia Gongorism malapropism 2021 R epigram epigraph epitaph epithet eponym 2021 R Restoration Age Early Tudor Age Edwardian Age Romantic Period Victorian Age 2021 R theme climax in medias res motif thesis 2021 R anachronism anaphora chronological primitivism successive patterning transverse alliteration 2021 R Four Ages Five Points Great Chain of Being Seven Cardinal Virtues Three Unities 2021 R storm and stress blood and thunder bob and wheel showing versus telling sweetness and light 2021 R Spasmodic School Cockney School Lake School Martian School Satanic School 2021 R Spenserian stanza ballad stanza hymnal stanza Petrarchan stanza Pushkin stanza 2021 R eiron alazon braggadocio gasconade rodomontade 2021 R Muckrakers Agrarians The Fugitives Hartford Wits Lost Generation 2021 R typology calligraphy exegesis intertextuality transliteration 2021 R dramatic irony ambiguity catharsis dramady understatement 2021 R polemic Billingsgate gasconade philippic robinsonade 2021 R chain rhyme compound rhyme feminine rhyme leonine rhyme rime riche 2021 R Puritanism Agrarianism Darwinism Naturalism Transcendentalism 2021 R boustrophedon enjambment palindrome rhopalic progression run-on line 2021 R Edwardian Age Caroline Age CommonwealthInterregnum Elizabethan Age Jacobean Age 2021 R humanism Gnosticism hedonism historicism neologism 2021 R distance objective correlative pathetic fallacy reliteralization restraint 2021 R rhopalic grotesque macabre tautological unicial 2021 R vox nihili hapax legomenon heteroglossia nonce word portmanteau word 2021 R ironic allusive hyperbolic metaphoric symbolic 2021 R mythological allusion biblical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2021 R simile hyperbole litotes metaphor zeugma 2021 R assonance alliteration consonance dissonance resonance 2021 R enjambment end-stopped rhyme modulation run-on line truncation 2021 R Italian sonnet English sonnet Miltonic sonnet Shakespearean sonnet Spenserian sonnet 2021 R oxymoronic ambiguous hyperbolic paradoxical tautological 2021 R simile allusion hyperbole metaphor paradox 2021 R alliteration consonance dissonance resonance sigmatism 2021 R metonymic allusive hyperbolic ironic paradoxical 2021 R zeugma chiasmus conceit litotes synecdoche 2021 R liminality kenosis metathesis negative capability open-endedness 2021 R connation definition denotation exposition paradox 2021 R enjambment end-stopped lines inversion metaplasm truncation 2021 R symbol allegory emblem hyperbole riddle 2021 R apostrophe epiphany invocation preterition soliloquy 2021 R simile euphemism metaphor pun sfumato 2021 R personification affective fallacy objective correlative pathetic fallacy reification 2021 R metaphor double entendre kenning simile understatement 2021 R onomatopoeia amphigory euphony solecism spoonerism 2021 D synecdoche allusion metaphor metonymy zeugma 2021 D apostrophe aside reification rhetorical accent synæsthesia 2021 D Harlem Renaissance Black Mountain School Muckrakers New York Poets Parnassians 2021 D Freytag's Pyramid episodic structure hermeneutic circle lipogram quintain 2021 D hyperbole irony metaphor metonymy synecdoche 2021 D Black Mountain School Cockney School Frankfurt School Kailyard School Satanic School 2 2021 D Three Unities Five Points Four Ages Great Chain of Being Seven Cardinal Virtues 2021 D Old Comedy Menippean Satire New Comedy philippic satyr play 2021 D dissonance ambivalence assonance consonance resonance 2021 D gift book anthology chrestomathy omnibus pastiche 2021 D saga epic fabliau legend romance 2021 D tragic irony cosmic irony dramatic irony situational irony verbal irony 2021 D Realistic Period Modernist period Neoclassical Period Post-Modernist Period Romantic Period 2021 D troubadour bard gleeman minstrel scop 2021 D idyll jeremiad madrigal panegyric threnody 2021 D hubris catharsis hamartia nemesis peripety 2021 D macaronic verse chained verse echo verse heroic verse nonsense verse 2021 D Kailyard School Cockney School Fleshly School of Poetry Geneva School Graveyard School 2021 D broken rhyme amphisbaenic rhyme chain rhyme falling rhyme heteromerous rhyme 2021 D leonine rhyme broken rhyme feminine rhyme masculine rhyme slant rhyme 2021 D portmanteau word allelograph correption fractal synaeresis 2021 D provincialism barbarism euphemoism Gongorism regionalism 2021 D zeugma antithesis hyperbole litotes paradox 2021 D simile hyperbole metaphor paradox tautology 2021 D iambic tetrameter anapestic trimeter dactylic trimeter spondaic tetrameter trochaic tetrameter 2021 D feminine rhyme compound rhyme leonine rhyme masculine rhyme rime riche 2021 D syncope apocope ellipsis metathesis zeugma 2021 D apostrophe aside harangue rhetorical accent soliloquy 2021 D biblical allusion classical allusion historical allusion literary allusion topical allusion 2021 D paradox oxymoron tautology syllepsis zeugma 2021 D alliteration colliteration dissonance onomatopoeia syzygy 2021 D pathetic fallacy aesthetic distance affective fallacy intentional fallacy reification 2021 D blank verse free verse heroic verse nonsense verse shaped verse 2021 D ubi sunt carpe diem in medias res memento mori verbum infans 2021 D simile analogue conceit metaphor paradox 2012 D sigmatism dissonance sigmatism synæsthesia verisimilitude 2021 D trochaic anapestic dactylic pyrrhic spondaic 2021 D paradox hyperbole onomatopoeia tautology transferred epithet 2012 D anaphora epanalepsis homeoteleuton parataxis polyptoton 2021 D inversion enjambment litotes structuralism vorticism 2021 D metaphor conceit kenning simile solecism 2021 B senryu haiku kabuki lai tanka 2021 B symbol emblem icon type volta 2021 B assonance balance concordance consonance dissonance 2021 B understatement ambiguity amphiboly demotion litotes 2021 B Realistic Period Modernist
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