Abstract and References. Technology and equipment of food production ABSTRACT AND REFERENCES TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT OF FOOD PRODUCTION DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2018.133819 mass fraction of these substances is 2.5...3.2 times higher than that STUDYING THE COMPLEX OF BIOLOGICALLY in fresh vegetables, which we can control by standard chemical me- ACTIVE SUBSTANCES IN SPICY VEGETABLES thods. We propose to use the cryogenic treatment of raw materials, AND DESIGNING THE NANOTECHNOLOGIES FOR which includes a cryogenic «shock» freezing and a finely dispersed CRYOSUPPLEMENTS AND NANOPRODUCTS low temperature grinding (mechanolysis), as the innovation in the WITH HEALTH BENEFITS (p. 6–14) development of technologies. The advantages imply that it became possible to obtain frozen Raisa Pavlyuk spicy vegetables, which, in terms of the content of natural aromatic Kharkiv State University of Food Technology substances and phytocomponents (phenolic compounds, polyphe- and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3440-0451 nols and other BAS), exceed fresh spicy vegetables by 2...2.5 times. We worked out the technological modes at the semi-industrial Viktoriya Pogarskaya bench equipment. We developed technologies for health-improving Kharkiv State University of Food Technology supplements in the form of finely dispersed purees and frozen spicy and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine vegetables. ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8031-5210 That makes it possible to develop a wide range of health pro- Oleksander Cherevko ducts that outperform known analogues in quality using the ob- Kharkiv State University of Food Technology tained frozen products and supplements of spicy vegetables. and Trade, Kharkiv, Ukraine Keywords: cryogenic treatment, spicy vegetables, BAS com- ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1809-5960 plex, health supplements, nanoproducts, mechanolysis, hidden forms of BAS. Vadym Pavliuk Kharkiv Trade and Economics Institute of Kyiv National References University of Trade and Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3947-3473 1. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health: report of a Joint WHO/FAO/UNU. Expert Consultation (2010). Geneva: Ludmila Radchenko World Healt Organization. Kharkiv Trade-Economic Colledge of Kyiv National University 2. 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