I 00 KWAJALEIN HOURGLASS VOLUME XXIII, NO 31 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1986 Extortion Letter Found MORE STATES BAN TYLENOL SAl ES By MARLENE AIG Assoclated Press Wrlter today on the "CBS Mornlng News " Gutman, a spokeSMan for John­ The government and the maker son & Johnson, sald today lt WHITE PLAINS, N Y More of Tylenol warned consumers na­ was not known lf the two bot­ states banned sales of Tylenol tlonwlde to avold capsules of tles were ever stored In the capsules today after a second the palnk~ller same place ta~nted bottle was conf~rmed, The second bottle came from As of today, New York, Mas and pol~ce found an extort~on the shelves of a Woolworth's sachusetts, Florlda, Indlana, letter demandlng $2 mlll~on but store ln the New York Clty sub­ Rhode Island, Callfornla and sa~d ~t dld not appear to be dl­ urb of Bronxvllle, about two Ill~nOlS had banned the sale rectly related to one death blocks from an A&P food store of Tylenol capsules, and W~s­ blamed on po~soned capsules that was the source of talnted consln's order lS forthcomlng The cyan~de ~n both bottles capsules taken by Dlane Els­ Pollce sa~d today dn extor­ was chem~cally ~dent~cal, ~ndl­ roth, 23, who dled last weekend, tl0n letter -- apparently bo­ cat~ng ~t came from a s~ngle authorltles sald gus -- clalmlng respon~lblll­ source, Dr Frank Young, com­ The second bottle apparently ty for Elsroth's death and PRESIDENTS' /MY 1986 m~ss~oner of the federal Food was manufactured at a dlfferent demand~ng $2 ml1l1on was and Drug Adm~n~strat~on, sa~d plant than the flrst But James found durlng an arrest Bishops Denounce Fraud Guardsmen Guilty Of Slaying Americans By ANNIE CABRERA Tally Shows Marcos Taking Lead Assoclated Press Wrlter Thelr murders were I1nked to rlghtlst deat~ squads. By RICHARD PYLE The country's ~nfluent~al Assoclated Press Wrlter SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador WhlCh were most act~ve here Cathol~c B~shops Conference Two former natl0nal guardsmen early In the 6-year-old war MANILA, Ph~l~pp~nes -- Pres­ sa~d ~n a statement read to were found gu~lty of homlclde ~dent Ferd~nand E Marcos took Journal~sts that desp~te w~de­ late Thursday ln the 1981 shoot­ Duvalier Formally a v~rtually ~nsurmountable lead spread d~senfranchlsement of ~ng deaths of two Amerlcan land­ over challenger Corazon Aqu~no voters, vote-buy~ng, tamper~ng reform experts and a Salvadoran today ~n the off~c~al elect~on w~th returns and v~olence, ~t whlle they sat In a hotel cof­ Asks France tally as the country's Roman was "morally certaln that the fee shop Cathol~c b~shops cla~med the people's real w~ll for change A flve-member Jury dellber­ For Asylum vot~ng was marred by unparallel­ has been man~fested " ated nearly three hours before By JEFFREY ULBRICH ed fraud Asked lf the statement was reachlng ltS verdlct The trlal Assoclated Press Wrlter The Nat~onal Assembly, wh~ch meant to declare Aqulno the began Thursday mornlng conducts the only blndlng tally w~nner, B1Shop Franclsco Claver Santlago Gomez Gonzalez and TALLOIRES, FriIllL -- Depos­ of the Feb 7 electlon results, sald "It does not make a Judg­ Jose Dlmas Valle confessed to ed Haltlan dlctafnr ean­ sa~d w~th 97 percent of the ment on that The statement the klillngs after they were Claude Duvaller on IhLrsday votes tabulated Marcos had says the mandate for change lS arrested ln 1982, but the case offlclally requested thdt 10,184,710, or 53 8 percent, to very clear You make up your has been mlred ~n legal pro­ France g~ve hlM and In:o famlly Aqu~no's 8,731,999, or 46 2 per­ own mlnd what that change cesses Both were corporals ln refugee status and asylum. ac­ cent means " the natlonal guard, WhlCh per­ cordlng to a copy of a tele­ Aqu~no could overturn Marcos' The blShops also dld not say forms mliltary and pollce du­ gram dlstrlbuted to reporters lead only ~f she rece~ved the who they thought was responsl­ tles Jean Tlssenat owner of the ballots of nearly all 1 6 m~l­ ble for the vote fraud Mark Davld Pearlman of Se­ luxury Hotel de T 'Abbave In l~on reg~stered voters ~n the About 50 of the country's attle, Wash, Mlchael P Ham­ thls eastern town on the areas st~ll uncounted The as­ ~ore than 100 Cathollc blShops mer of Potomac, Md , and Ro­ French Alps where Duvaller has sembly adjourned for the day met for two days under the dl­ dolfo Vlera were shot down been staYlng SlIlce he fled and was to resume count~ng Sat­ rectlon of Cardlnal Rlcardo Vl­ Jan 3, 1981 Haltl Feb 7, gave reporters urday dal before lssulng the state­ The Amerlcans were advlslng coples of the telegram Aqulno already clalms to ment, WhlCh lS to be read Sun­ the government on a controver­ Duvaller, 34, sent the have won the slx-year pres~den­ day In churches natlonwlde slal land-reform program that telegram to the prefect of the cy and accuses the assembly, B~shop Federlco Escaler sald took thousands of acres from Haute SaVOle department. the where Marcos' New Soclety Move­ he thought Marcos would be wealthy famliles for dlstrlbu­ local county where [allolres ment Party holds a two-th~rds "bolilng mad" over the church tl0n to poor peasants Vlera lS located maJor~ty, and the government's statement, WhlCh he sald was headed the Agrarlan Reform In­ The French government has Commlss~on on Electlons of try­ the strongest and most POlltl­ stltute, wh~ch was overseelng Sdld Duvaller cOdld only stay ~ng to wrest v~ctory from her cal In recent church hlstory the project In the countl) I'IP Jrarl1y BI~ck Smoke At liftoff Indicates Troubles May Have Begun Then By HOWARD BENEDICT Assoclated Press Wrlter tl0n contlnued to focus on the posslble rupture of a seal ln CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla a rlng that JOlns two of the Photographs of a puzzllng puff r~ght booster's four sectl0ns of black smoke between Challeng­ The commlSS10n, headed by er's r~ght SOlld rocket boost­ former Secretary of State W~l­ er and fuel tank lndlcate the llam P Rogers, today began lll-fated shutcle probably was tourlng facliltles at the Ken­ In trouble the moment lt left nedy Space Center, lncludlng the launch pad, Natl0nal Aero­ Challenger's launch pad, a naut~cs and Space Admlnlstra­ bUlldlng where shuttle wreckage tlon offlclals say from the Atlantlc lS belng col­ The pres~dentlal commlss~on lected, and an assembly bUlld­ lnvest~gatlng the Jan 28 ex­ ~ng where the SOlld boosters plos~on that kliled Challeng­ and fuel tank are attached to er's seven crew members re­ the shuttle vlewed fllm, vldeotapes and The members also ~nspected st~ll photos of the smoke the three remalnlng shuttles Thursday, and the eVldence was ln the fleet, Columbla, D1S­ released to reporters hours covery and AtlantlS NASA gave later the go-ahead Thursday for work­ A huge column of smoke blllows over the northern Utah desert Addltlonal examlnatl0n of ers to resume processlng on all near Corlnne last May durlng a test flrlng of a SOlld rocket fll~ was planned today as the three so they could be ready booster englne by the manufacturer, Morton Thlokol A preslden­ commlSSlon was concludlng two for fllght whenever a go-ahead tlal commlSSlon lnvestlgatlng the exploslon of the space shut­ days of closed-door hearlngs lS glven to resume shuttle mlS­ tle Challenger asked NASA to produce all lnternal documents at thlS space port. scene of Slons deallng wlth problems on the booster seals followlng a publlSh­ the worst tragedy ln the U S The smoke plume appears to ed report that some documents contalned warnlngs of potentlal space program The lnVeStlga- be about 4 to 5 feet hlgh seal fallure (AP Laserphoto) o AROUND ISLAND PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1986 Worship Services CATHOLIC Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Sunday Masses 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center Monday-Frlday Masses 10 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Confesslons Saturday, 4 30-5 pm, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 beforehand CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are wel­ come For more lnformatlon, call 83569 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Servlces are held ln Room 18, George Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng lS at 8, Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are at 10, and the Rellef Soclety meets at 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more lnfor­ matlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82285 How To Make A Really Sweet Valentine SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m Thelma Reyla gave her daughter's foods class a lesson In Valentlne's Day cake dec­ ln the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len oratlng Tuesday at KwaJaleln Junlor-Senlor Hlgh School Teacher Glnny Cook sald It Cooper, 99660, for lnformatlon, and Rlchard was the flrst tlme the students arrlved early for a class Smlth, 99467, for transportatlon Plctured clockwlse from left are Reyla, Cathrlne Wlehe, Sara Ball, Amy Reyla, Les­ PROTESTANT lle Shoemaker, Cook, Marle Stlnnett, Shana Lum, Chrlstlne Glarratano and Kara Pen­ Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be nlngton The glrls put lnto practlce In Wednesday's class what they learned Tuesday, held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorla1 and hopefully some of thelr famllles wlll get speclal Valentlne's Day cakes, Cook Chapel Chaplaln Robert Johnson wlll preach sald (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) the sermon tltled "Jesus, Tempted Just As We Are," based on Luke 4 1-13 Speclal mUS1C wlll be provlded by the Chapel Cholr slnglng the "42nd Psalm" at Presidents' Day Holiday Hours the 11 o'clock serVlce Sunday
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