i^:.£ib i.aven Hagahiun Mem, Library East Haven* Conn* 5-4 An Uulependenl Om Tclcplionc Numbers Weekly Newspaper ®k last lattpti Wm Udilorial: llObail 7-5»U Vol. X — No. 34. uMllhti WJ(V1> bv Fni run PulMcillim. EAST HAVliN. CONNECTICUT, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 105 5. COPY 8 CENTS ViatH SuHitnlillon >3.50 Barker Charges Democratic Paints Prize Winning Posler First Selectman Asks Members Of Town's Board Of Selectmen Dodging Issues Gambardella Resign Third Selectman Says School Building Funds Exchange Club Presents Awards As Town Dog Warden Not Yet Appropriated The tliEi'd selectman of Uic low n|To Student Winners in Poster of Ensl Ilttvcn yoslprday charged, ^ /\ l~i • Tfc • Family Life and Religious Ferrara's Action ''•''• ,f?^=,'T';;'n-r,'''',^''"'stoutest Un l*ire rrcvention Follows Furor nioi- High School Building Com- E.xchang'-'•"•"•"•-"-'e Clu^b Prosonts Awards j ' ' ! Training Basis lor Altack inltlec lor lunds lo cover prolliii- To Student Winners In Poslor ! r „ / rti x cf i ; Inai-y planning lecs, the Democra­ Contest On Fira Prevention 2-2i\'^OUrCl OtrCet i)CllOOl\ Over Missing Dog icftmen have ignored the mattcj-.! TlVe Enst Haven Exchange Club | ffyfii,^,,!^ Tvnnn Una tic members 01" the Board oC Se As a result of Ihe fuior being Also, the Republican member i iiresented awards to the 16 win-i"'"'•''"•'•*^ J.IVUp /7U» On Juvenile Delinquency rlll^:('^l by the owner of a missing of the boal-d, scored his Demoera-1 ners of the Fire Prevention Post- I Jil'Olhuip PdVtU l>.v Tnui <iuiili>ur pel boxer, the First Selcclmnii of lie colleagues for their hesitancy i cr and Essay Contest sponsored ' " Ensl Haven yoslerday demiinded in taking action against tlie {by the E.xchange Club In conjuiic- Brownie Troop 102 lielil a Hal­ true Note: Mr. (JuiiUnte. wlm , SIIUIIIMI crlnilnuIuK.V \\\\\\«v Hr. loween party at the Laurel .Street MiuiithiK lit St. Itoitmriiture lUilversUy, hti.s Npnit ii Kri'til tUmI i>i Unit Iho town dog warden hand- town'a dog: warden in the Done- tlon with the East Haven Fire In his resluiiatlon. day affair. Department. School Monday. \\\s tlnu' lUtmuR )iiv»'nlU< (Iclliuiin'nts in lui I'tforl to tliHl tlin (yuisr. Costume prizes were won by Anlhony Ciniiibardelln who has Frank A. Barlfer, minority j The presentations were made luul cure. Actlvo lii the CVO nrnvciuiMiti All'. iinUlniio HOOIM to huprcsN party member of the Board of Madeline Ann Hanson for the iipiin thit purtnitK tin* uoctl iur u iiiiiilly lire for toilii.vS iiivnllos.) been liie center of n controversy by First Selectman Dominick A. prettiest costume; Barbara Pom- botwcoirFrcd Doiiedny of IGl Selectmen, claimed yesterday that Ferrara, during Ihe assembly per­ In my lost nrliclc on Juvonllo although the secretary of the pano, funniest, and Lucille Link Delinquency I concluded that Ihe 1.,aurel Siroot and'- Iho town ',ad- iod in the high-school auditorium as most original. ('hiirirs AUItM-nmn ^hiikcs l-'Iist Srlc»'tinuii DunilnlcU A. I'>ri«- fnllu-r iind niolher. They aie mliilsirallon Was naked to resign school building comiiiitlee had yesterday momlngi prlyj? iBclors of Ihl,-! iwoblcm arc called ID give lUo lo lliclr chil­ written a letter to Domlnick Fer- Game prizes were won by Pat­ m's hivml iis he iicco\t("* Un-' iiwiivd fur hiiviuR imind'tt llir lii'st Ihe lock of emphasis on religious as town'dog w'ni'deti'by First Se­ MemberJof the awarding com­ lioslcr ill tilt* Hro rnni-iilion I*<istrr I'lilntinp; Cdutrvl ,*inm- dren and not only jlfc, but (I liap- lect ninn Dominick A. Pevrai'a ai rara, First Sclectmnn, on Oct. 19, ty McLay and Mary Jo Shum- Irnlnlng, and the crisis in family py.life. Ills IheretDre of the 111' mittee were; John Esposito, Pat' w;ay.;The girls served Halloween sorod Ity lh»* Knsl lliivi'ti IC\rhu»i;t' t1iit). jVlitrriiuni \vn» wliumr llio result of Oainbardolla's ac- aslcing monies be appropriated to Masottn, Ferrara, Anthony jlari- life. Perhaps a Utile more at­ most lnipoi'tanco> tlinl ilicy idi- cover, preliminary, planning fees, refreshments. in thf Krntiik for •ittulcntH In Ormlcs 10-11-12. tention might bo had about Iho (ion concerning a boxer. Sir Kim, 110 and John Kmetzo of the Ex­ derstand:tlioir job aSijiai'cnls aild; ownSd by Donedny. two meetings of the board have change Club; Chief Thomas Hayes lomlly and It's function. tholl* various tuiicltoiiR i>» fathoi' been held since without this mat­ representing the Fire Department One groat purpo.^a of the fam­ and .mother. In releasing tho fact tlmt ha ter being placed before 11. ily is the: poitection of the indi­ lius asked Gambardella to resign, and Princljjal Carl Garvin of the What, artist can, pii|ni. thb Joy The third selectman said that. high school. vidual. Wlien young couples' de­ Sijleoiman Ferrara said that ho East Haven Shore Ignored As cide upon entering the nmriilag>s, niiri'prldo . thai-rndlfttos,from the liiougltl such ad Ion was In thi .Ferarra, upon-being -questione'd "The poster winners were:' beaming siiillc of the new father on the matter, admitted receiv­ contract tills Ihought should bo best Inlercsts 'of tlie- town. Eighth and Ninth grades: tlr.-st, foremost In mind,' and, should di­ as he, peers tliroiigli flhc Iglnsssd However, Doiicday ijii Icarnins ing tlie letter. Barker said furth.- Mike L'ells; second, Hugh Quick; in, nursery at his fhit'borivtiOl' er investigation revealed the first $625,000 Is Allocated For rect them ; In a wise .choice of of Ferrara's actions,'was.n6t sotls- third, Al Mellllo; fourth, Lorraine llielr llte-niatc.' They are, under what pool ;descrlbo tiio'''tivii'6u. Ilcd, assertlnB that Instead of be­ selectman wrote the secretary of Mattel. • complacency,of. tlio new. mot her the building committee stating God,, going to find their happiness ing allowed lo t'cslgni the dog Grades l6-U-12; first Charles Irt eacli othor. Tlicrefol'C, they ns she beholds lipr Infant for the' Warden should be,dismissed. tliat the matter would be brought first time. And yet, would-not before the next meeting of , the Alderman; second, Joan Ray­ Erosion Gontrol In District should relize the sci'lousness of "The Fll-sl-iSoleptnian Is trying mond; third, Richard Melvin and their '.stop, since 11. is, ono of Iho their expressions be changed a Board of Finance. bit If at that monieiil,lbey,were to got out of ^his tho easy way Barker says tliia'is unnecessary fourth, Howie Siskdvitch. most ImporUmt of Ihclr lives. lor polHoinl I'ottSons," Doncduy ^ The Essay . winners were: Thoy lire making n: decision In 0 I'oallie Iho grnvlly of the oijll- as the $90,000 sum voted to' cover CrcteUa "Expects" Our Lady Of Pompeii Cifarelli Gets gntions which li.e ahead. chargod;"Bul Uiere haVc -been & such costs under the . control of Grades eighth and ninth: Wil­ whlcli the"]" of their (omior self gioup of people, all Intereslcd In liam Barker,'first; JudyTucker, Ladies Guild To Hold exlstniico Is replaced by the "wo" Who is tills bahy? Aside from piolectlng llioir pots, who aie tlie selecliiVen and not the finance 1 To Hear Report On Ihe fact Ihnl he" l.s Ihelr fle«h board. second; Michael Guidonc, third, Continuance On of a miitunl existnni'u. willing to domnnd'thdt,Gttnibur- and Judy Belts, fourth. Glirislmas Fair Dec. 3 The newly-weds enn bo cnn-and hlootl he Is also a unique I'ho Rcpuljlican inember; Itirtli- Local Shore Funds della be punished for what ha • Cjrades 10-llrl2: Mike Powell, The Ladles Guild of Our Lady sidoi'crt -Ihe fnmlly In 11,'s emhry- eomblnnllon of-physical nature. lias done, and that such .punish- er scored the actions of Ferrara first; Johfi Fitzgerald, second; According to a report from Weapons Charge (Coiillniii'il on Page Twelve) U. S; Rep. Albert W. CrBtelln. of. Pompeii Church, Old Foxon Innlc state. They nre pnlonliiH moiit bo severe enough that it will in 'handling the Doiieday matter, Judy Hofrlchter, third, and Wil­ Road, Foxon, are preparing for Lawrence Cltai-cUl, 20, of Norlii claiming that altliougli Ahtiiony IHep.-Conn.), he has been notified piovcnl a rpqurrcnce ot .such, a liam-McGaul, fourth. their annual .Oirlstraas^Folc: to High Street, who -was arrested llilns.oiirj this happonliig again,";. Gambnrdella,.the..ta\vti'Si.dps<W^T- .by.-j.Siui.-Jlpbert - J.. Fleming Ji\' •bS-held-D'e<!cmber,J''i\fi6 4. - - tji^'OAVeeks.jwio nXtar. h'.tj car-wns den'was'guilty of '-'mlsbeHaVloV 'in of the • Division of "Ehglriedra, U' "1 can'Jiorio.'itly.iiay, tlmtllVnv*' T The conimitteo iri charge of found near the scene of an un­ ii.'colved morn tlian 200 ealli," office," Ferrara.has ndt takertaiiy. S. Army, that a total'of .S625,0()0 provoked attack on n girl nnd her East Haveii Tromices action against the Jiian.' " ' '•" BartlettPostHold has been, allocated lor beach eros­ oi'rangements will be, headed by Doneday, continued, "vvantlng,to Mrs. Anthony Mnrcuccl and IMi's, two escorts', while they were tEd. note: Since the receipt of ion and. navigation projects with­ Know why Gaiiibai'dolitt..wnii liot Charles G. 'Fischer. walking along Grannis Strcol, had subject to Iwmcdlnle dismissal," Barker's letter, it -was' announced Church Rotation in the Third (!:ongrcssional' Disr his case continued until,llils Sat- | by Ferrara that GOinbai'della had trlcu • :'; • Other members of the com­ Hapless Lyman Hall Donedny olso rovoaled that as mittee and the *ooths they .will urday, by Judge James I'".
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