*r-_'A - 5., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY J8, 198tf *1 ^ iKand|»ater iEtipnins Fqllow Suit In Hearts —- Help the Heart Drive would tsdis to got in tott with «udi- Joins Army Again and-oucb toots, and how many men Red Crou Gray Ladies Aid Veterans lo w n would be nee<M to do the Job. We know all about the signals and For Jap Service A vtnee Doily Not Preta Ron Heard Along Main Stn^t F e iw e M M O e _ j__ alarms, the safety catches and so For the Maoth a t ianaary. 1966 I Ksry CMb AW- on. PFC Kenneth M. Church o f TM , B WVtiM vmfltabhooM And on Soma of MtmcheMer't Sido Sfrssls, Too This Is no real secret, o f course. f U r Ohd H t r eoM lUe atiw- 'at eifht o’eloelL< The first fellows tfl learn about Tollatid turnpike, who recently re- 9 ,8 3 9 oeoai fair iwd coatlnaed very eiM I vrfM to attend. town (lepositury was timely, al­ these things are bankers, newspa­ enlisted In the Regular Army for ziitianLHFSiiFr iwupniun i^ r a u i toolghtt Tnesday hirraailng riaaC W e greet with an unbelieving ■ though It ran the risk of Being way permen and thuga It is part of another three yean, has been home Member of the Aodit aneer a photograph which appeared their business. Boraon of CIraalaHeae HlM I m hao • llBa a c h ^ e yaaterday morning In a rival paper. late. on furlough for the last 30 days. The saluUUoo, "Good Morning But all of thla expensive pro­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm m § e r h » worti wiA ^ In which la ehown what la pur­ Mr. Waddell" was Just right since tection leaves us with a feeling He spent 13 months In Korea and t JoluMMit the new Bojr Scoot ported to be a dead bobcat. It was taken up by the Board of that the Borgisa had a cheaper, 10 months In Shlmljuju, Japan, ta Unltm All Scootmaatera nrat, we will note with no amall Ulrectnrs at 12:10 a. m. Wednes­ better way that banks could copy. where he was working 'as Chap­ (CIxmUM Advertlalaf oa Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS laatara aro romtndad to emphaala, that our tiger tomcat If the Borglaa couldn’t poison a VOL. LXIX, NO. 125 ■ and point bnuhea. went wild and dlaappeare<b only a day. lain’s assistant. We still are wondering how the fellow, they "dropped” him. Right Into a dungeon or a sewer or a con­ PFC Church went to the Ord­ month ago. letters start that get Into the 2 p. ■■wat lUbakali Lodge membera Second, wo will call to your at- nance School In Aberdeen, Md., m. delivery. Maybe "It was a Good venient river. a n eoedtany tnrlted to be p m en l tenUon that the picture enda right Q>uldn’t you work out a drop before he went overseas, and learn­ Pray in Protest Against H-Bomb at the Memoriel' Hoepital Anex,< where thla purported "bobcat’a” Morning” ? near the main doors and near the ed the ort of welding there. Ha The lown Is making a deposit to­ Nurse Saw Empty H— evening, for the program tall probably atarted. To prove tellers' stations that could bag likes the Arm./ very much and Is Mine Workers Plead day, as will many more. to ba pceaented from atjt o clock thla la a poaed photo all the way bandits? O f course, now and then.' going to ma.(e it a career. What through error, some president or he likes most Is the fact tljat ha Lk en bjr M*«. Lura*Mohbacher of through, notice the man holding ThenpocaivUle. The Rebekehe And iww we coma to a little teller might get the "chutes,” but has no worries, or bills and f a c ­ the dead animal, hla head drawn observation chock full of grain, eentriboted ten doUara toward m e why not? ially likes the prestige of being a Syringe Injected back aa If In momentary expccU- eggs, pollUcs and sad reality. The paagnm aeveral weeka ago. but tlon a dead paw would laah out soldier. it a m poetponed becauae of colda egg farmers are hard up. Priem The way we hear It. thwre Is Innocent to Charge I^e-war reeldenta will recall that He haa to report to Camp Stone- and pulmcmary Ulneeeee among the have dropped. Grain hasn’t not nearly as sound an educational The Herald once covered minutely changed. So eggs are being man, California, by March 3 and patlenta at tpe Annex. the depredatlona of a real panther argument against two sessions In squeezed. It Is a mess. will go from there to Japan agqin By Doctor Sander In there parta, a feroctoua predator schools as some would have you The farmers are shouting that If for another tour of duty there. He in — Jane Vlekerman of Rooae that nightly kept Bucklngl.am think. "Tie most forceful fight says he la picking up the Japanese others deserve a subsidy, so do against two sessions Is waged by volt atreet end Miaa Barbara John- aacreech. Wo came to know the they. Of course they are right. But language and hopes to be able to Of Contempt Today some mothers who do not Testifies Needle Put in­ aan o f Weat Center atreet left yea- fcllnea quite completely, and ao It seems to our hen-minded econo­ speak It fluently by the time he re­ terday afternoon for Annapoll*. ran approach thla present pur­ the care of their kids during half Dust Cloud mists right here that these farm­ turns to the U. S. ■* to Veins of Cancer Md. They are attending the week ported bobcat with the equipment ers are just putting themselves In of the day. And some who live end actlvltlea aa gueata of Mid- of an expert. a way of working when they don't quite near schools don’t want to Patient; Physician Union Waives Right dilpmen Donald MePadden and Thla poor kitty, strayed, for all bother to feed their children at Could Slay need to. Striking Miners Not To Argue Case Be­ H M ld Lewia of the U. S. Naval we know from o>ir own hearth, They want legislation so that noon, either. They’d rather let the Turned and Said He Academy. haa been made the potential aiib- they can get their chicken feed school do It. Hall, cafeterias! ORD5 Would Call Under­ All ljumans fore JuTy and Let ject of payment of a state bounty. practically free. Then, they say, If this la the sort of thing that "an Judge Keeeh Rule on MV** Mary T. Ivantakl of Terry'a they can live. This being the season when of taker; Pulse Not Fell Going Back to Pits Beauty Salon In the State Theater go on, our state government needs What's the matter with these denial Is In order, we are set to reorganization, and tomcats need Evidence us Well au building, and Mrs. Stella Kamtnaki guys? Why not demand that the give up our heavy eating habits, Above Is pictured a group of Manchester Gray Ladles who work as,Red Cross volunteers at the Vet­ Top Atomic Scientist protection. Manchester, N. H., Feb. 27. o f Parker atreet, will attend the government give them free eggs? and to be more moderate that way. erans hospital In Newington. There arc 20 such volunteers from the local Red Cross chapter. Above I5DOM Instead of shooting thla pet. If Says Hydrogen Bomb Stick to *ISo Contracts Law; Recess Sought Hatrdrcaaera’ convention at the They would thus save themselves A sort of slow fast, you might say, are left to right. Mary M. Thompson. Mrs. W. W. Foss, Gloconda Balliano, Margaret Kornglebel and — ( A V - A nurse testified to­ Hotel Statler, New York City, the man had called "Come. Tlgey," Coni(*(liiin Dim a lot of work and Investment. The like slow starvation. Mrs. Mary Mullaney. _________________________ from day she saw Dr. Hermann Could Be Rigged to No W ork' W allcout By Governinenl After Monday and Tueaday. the critter would have probably government has billions of eggs. followed him home. N. Sander Inject the nee­ We look forward confidently to How much would you bet that Create World Suicide With Nation's Econ-, Doeiinienis Entered Incidentally, hatracks have been I cake and a g ift donated by the Thompson. Also Mrs. Robert C. dle of an empty syringe the day when all local agriculture some people around Princeton and OOD^5 seen around here lately. Red Cross. All the men in the Dennison, Mrs. Lewis WIntz, Miss into the veins of a can­ omy in Need o f Fuel ■ Woman Recruiter will entail nothing more than a Olcott streets, now that they have Gray Ladies I patient's ward join the party, sing­ Gloconda Balliano, Mrs. Francis Mr.— To remove paint spots By Alton E> Blakeelee WnsliinKton, Feb, 27.— OP) promise on the part of the farmer their” schools, wUl vote against Watts, Mrs. John F. Sklba, Mrs. from tile or (iorcelain, soak cer patient and that he Mrs. Marlon C. Crossen of 137 ing ’’Happy Birthday.” and shar- Associated Sdenee Reporter John L. Lewis’ United Mine to stay out of production. the Broad street expendltuM? Edmund Klely, Mrs. C. J. Poole, then turned to her and said Pittsburgh, Feb. 27.—(JP) Here on Tuesday North Elm street, wife of Wilfred i ing In the cake.
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