BAYFIELD, WIS AND THE APOSTLE ISLANDS TRAVEL TO BAYFIELD AT THE TOP OF WISCONSIN IF YOU WOULD SEE A LAND RICH IN INDIAN LORE AND OF DIVERSIFIED RECREATIONS. \ ^MEHiSTo^ Hi X Sr2S > CO £AND OF OPPORTUNITY •'OF Wlt>G Issued by BAYFIELD COMMERCIAL CLUB BAYFIELD, WISCONSIN > g|V J J-«..d/w.74. *••>"• '-..-.'.'..<• • ••'".. V,' ':'i "/. -..t-jv O.t. Long, long ago, Ojibway legend tells us, when gems of verdant hue in a setting of turquoise, the world was very young, Menabosho, great dem­ these Enchanted Isles and the waters which sur­ igod of the Ojibways, once cornered his mortal round them form one of the most picturesquely enemy, Great Beaver, in Chequamegon Bay and beautiful archipelagoes in the world. With their attempted to imprison him by building a dam marvelous wealth of rugged, scenic beauty and across the mouth of the bay. To build the dam he their dramatic historic background, it is no wonder dug great handfuls of earth from the bottom of that they are annually becoming a greater mecca the lake. In his haste, clods of the earth slipped for tourists and resorters from all parts of the from his feverish fingers and fell back into the country. A recent movement to establish a nation­ lake. These clods, according to Ojibway tradition, al park among them was unsuccessful, but it became the Apostle Islands. gained wide support and will no doubt result in Ever since that momentous day in the dim, their eventually being set aside as a national forgotten past, the Apostle Islands, Enchanted monument or state park. Isles of Keche-Gamme, have played an important Although named "The Twelve Apostles" by part in romantic legend and stirring history. In early missionaries, there are actually twenty-two 1490 the Ojibways made Madeline, largest of the islands. In size they vary from a mere dot on the group, their capital and lived there for well over a blue to 14,000 acres. century. Le Seuer established a fort on Madeline See these magic isles in their natural setting in 1691 which was for decades' the center of French on the clear blue waters of Lake Superior the domination in the Northwest. At the opening of finest body of fresh water in the world. Some of the nineteenth century a settlement was founded these islands are still in their natural state, in­ there which has been continuously inhabited ever habited only by wild life, of which there is abun­ since and is the oldest settlement in Wisconsin. dance. Bear and deer are frequently seen swimming Scattered upon the breast of Lake Superior from one island to another. Madeline is the largest around the point of the Bayfield peninsula like of the group being 14 miles long and 6 miles wide. Many beautiful summer homes are in evidence on house of worship. If you wish you may drive your its shore lines. Here also is located the oldest car aboard one of the ferry boats at Bayfield, Protestant mission in Wisconsin. The old church which will land you at the picturesque old village which is pictured in the pamphlet was erected in of LaPointe from which good roads lead to many 1832 and still stands near the Old Mission Resort. historical points of interest on the island. Services are held every Sunday in the unique old A FAMOUS RENDEZVOUS FOR HUNTERS, FISHERMEN AND YACHTSMEN Have you ever ever trolled for lake trout on scenery of the storied Apostle Islands, is a mem­ Keche-Gamme? If not you've missed about the orable and incomparable experience. most entertaining and thrilling experience that Streams running into Lake Superior around the islands are alive with trout and await only a the sport of fishing has to offer. To spend a day or worm or fly. Two of the most famous streams of so out upon the blue waters of Lake Superior, the United States are only an hour's drive from breathing the cleanest, finest air in the world, Bayfield—the Mighty Brule and the Beautiful resting your eyes upon the green and gorgeous Cranberry. NO HAY FEVER Bayfield is ideal for those wishing to escape years. Here they may rest in good hotels or cool hay fever. Cool dust free air from Lake Superior comfortable cottages. gives immediate relief even with the most stub- ..Here also you may find the finest cuisine and „, , „ „„ . , dmmg room service m the North, the finest born cases. Many hay fever sufferers have made Lake Superior Whitefish and Trout served any Bayfield their summer home for 40 consecutive style, that would suit the palate of kings. MADELINE ISLAND FERRY BOAT Passengers HI M i^ U P \f ^% Freight Cars Iflvflk V V Express Schedule—Daily Except Sunday Leave Leave Mission Inn 9:15 a.m. LaPointe 9:30 a.m. Bayfield 11:30 a.m. Mission Inn 1:00 p.m. LaPointe 1:10 p.m. Bayfield 2:10 p.m. Mission Inn 2:50 p.m. LaPointe 3:00 p.m. Bayfield 4:30 p.m. LEONARD SEEBERGER, LAPOINTE, WIS. THE BAYFIELD PENINSULA This region occupies the Northern most portion of Wisconsin, lying out in Lake Superior. The in­ fluence of the great "inland sea" gives it a climate of peculiar advantages for fruit and farm crops. The soil survey made by the State and Federal governments shows an average growing season of "about 140 to 145 days free from killing frosts," much longer than that enjoyed by many sections farther south. It has the same frostless period as Northern Iowa. BAYFIELD HARBOR The great natural harbor of Bayfield is situated at the west end of Lake Superior, and is the Steam Heat - Baths Running Water HOTEL BRACKEN ROOMS $1.00 UP FIRST CLASS DINING ROOM SERVICE RUSSELL BROS. BAYFIELD TO^MADELINE ISLAND Leave Bayfield Leave Madeline Island 8:00 A.M. 7:15 A.M. 11:15 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. 3:30 P.M. 10:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. AUTOMOBILES AND EXPRESS natural terminus of the great system of deep water navigation formed by the chain of lakes and their connecting rivers, the Erie Canal and Hudson River and the St. Lawrence River, which connect this deep water harbor through their channels with the Atlantic Ocean. It is dis­ tant from the Atlantic Ocean, at Belle Island, at the mouth of the St. Lawrence River, 2300 miles, by the course of the St. Lawrence River and the chain of lakes. BOAT TRIPS Excursion steamers leave Bayfield every day for trips around the Islands. Pack your lunch and come aboard for a picturesque ride. See the rug­ ged old fisherman in his quaint little fishing vil­ lage. Hear his tales of the sea and his interesting comments on the habits and ruses of the finny tribe. Some of these old fellows have occupied the same hut for fifty years and are still hale and hearty. VISIT THE Hauser Flower Gardens WISCONSIN'S FINEST OLD MISSION INN Edward Salmon, Manager P. O. BAYFIELD, WISCONSIN June to September BOAT TRIPS Daily Except Sunday 60 Mile Round Trip on Fishing Tug "TURNER" - Apostle Islands and Fishing Grounds Leaving at 10 A.M., Returning about 7 P.M. BOOTH FISHERIES CO. Adults $1, Children Half Fare. Bring Your Lunch. You may also visit the great light houses that stand guard over the mariner's lane and are evei ready to guide the passing ships to. safety. Here you will find the most powerful beacons on the ?reat lakes. In visiting the Apostle Islands you will be thrill­ ed by their natural beauty and rugged shore line Here you may enjoy the cool and refreshing breezes of Lake Superior—never too hot—never too cold. Picture if you can their rugged, rocky shores, high cliffs and peaceful bays, covered with virgin pine and hemlock. Let your imagination carry you back to the days of the birch bark canoe, with the Indian scout, and of the early explorers, who made their rendezvous in these beautiful islands. Not only is this a resort region but we are the hub of the fruit industry as well. Thousands of crates of berries are shipped from here every year; as well as apples and other fruit. To those interested in diversified farming a beautiful illus­ trated booklet will be sent on request. HOLM PHARMACY EVERY THING FOR THE TOURIST PINEHURST HOUSEKEEPING COTTAGES ON BEAUTIFUL SALMO BEACH Boats to Rent and Charter Lake Trout Trolling a Speciality — .. .
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