20—MANCHESTER HERALD. Tlicsday, Oct. 17. 1989 I CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS HOMES MISCELLANEOUS I CARS I CARS I FOR SALE I FOR RENT FOR RENT jO IJ SERVICES FOR SALE FOR SALE NEW Pricel I The price of CORVETTE 1971 Sting % SpccjolisI 447 Main Street, 5 room RENT -4 bedroom, 3 bath WET BASEMENT? this Immaculate 4 apartment. $600 per Contemporary home. Ray, C.J.K. 84K origi­ room Townhouse month plus utilities. Short term Over 40 Yeara Experlerioo nal miles. 99 per cent CLYDE Written Guarantee restored. $25,000 In­ Condo at Wellsweep In Security. No pets. 646- $1250/month plus utili­ Free Eatknetee CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. I Manchester has been 2426, 9am-5pm ties plus security. No Hatchway, Foundation Cracks. vested asking $10,500. ROUTE 83. VERNON reset at $112,900 for a pets. Sentry Real Est­ Surrp Pumps. Drainaoe Lines. Serious Inquiries only. weekdays. Basement Waterproofing of Floors A 82 Malibu 4 Dr $4,695 quick sqlel 2 bed­ ate, 643-4060. □ Walls a More 633-8560. MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ 84 Caprice Qassic Cpe. $6,895 rooms, I'/j baths, de­ MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ room, luxury town- Albert Zuccaro 646-3361 84 Buick Century Wag $5,995 Hanrlipatpr MpralJi luxe Cherry cabinets, room, garage, en­ ITRUCKS/VANS private basement, am­ house. All appliances, 84 Olds Cutlass Cpe $5,895 heat, cable, carpeting, closed porch. Security. ple parking. Cleon os a I FOR SALE 85 Skylark 4 Or $6,695 CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL air conditioning. Call No pets. $800. 647-9976. whistle! Immediate oc- 85 Buick Somerset 2 Dr $7,295 REMODELING cupony! Jackson & 647-1595._____________ FURNITURE CHEVROLET 1979 Von. Customized. Runs 88 Delta 66 2 Dr $9,995 Jackson Real Estate, MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Wednesday, Oct. 18, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents DUMAS ELECTRIC 647-8400.O room townhouse. All STORE/OFFICE DINING room set Orexel, good. Needs o little 86 Bonneville 4 Dr $8,995 Service changes, hutch and buffet. Pe­ appliances, heat, hot FOR RENT body work. Asking 86 Century Vtegon $7,495 Get needed back-to- additional wiring and. I can wood cane back water, carpeting, air $2,000 or best otter. Coll 88 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,495 school money by selling repairs on existing chairs. $7,500 new ask­ otter 5p.m., 646-0692. WE DELIVER conditioning. Coll 649- MAIN STREET - office 86 Chevrolet Nova 4 Dr $6,395 unneeded Items around homes. Quality work at 5240. space, 527 sq. ft. Peter's ing $3,200 or best otter. your home. Use a low-cost For Home Delivery, Call 289-4437._____________ 86 Chevrolet Spectrum $4,995 affordable prices. Building. Air, heat, od In Classified for quick MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ I CARS 86 Chevrolet Celebrity $7,195 Entirely owner operated. 647-9946 room townhouse with parking Included. $300 FIVE piece blond ooic FOR SALE results. Monday to Friday, 9 to 6 bedroom set. $400. or 87 Buick Skylark 4 Dr $8,795 27 years exp. Call fireplace. All applian­ month. 646-2364, sdk ces, heat, hot water, got Ron.____________ best offer. Also sleeper 87 Buick Electra 4 Dr $12,495 Joseph Dumas sofa, brown tweed, like GCF HOME 640-S253. carpeting, air condi­ EAST Center Street - CARDINAL 87 Chevrolet Celebrity $9,495 tioning. Call 649-5240. Office or retail space new. $150. Call even­ SERVICES LOTS/LAND available. High visibil­ ings 569-0303. BUICK, INC. 872-9111 Worst quake since 1906 MANCHESTER - 2 bed­ Remodeling, repair, decks, MISCELLANEdUS FOR SALE room townhouse with ity. $480 monthly. In­ KITCHEN set with 4 1988 BuIckLeSabre Sedan $11,199 trim work, small jobs. cludes heat and elec­ swivel chairs. White 1988 BuIckSkylaik Sedan $8,990 SERVICES fireplace. All applian­ Senior Citizen Discount LAND - Give us a coll ces, heat, hot water, tricity. Keith Real wrought Iron legs, $100 1988ChevS-10P/UTnx* $7,495 645-6559 about our 6 per cent carpeting, air condl- Estate, 646-4126. 1988 Chav S-10 Ext Cab P/U $12,995 private land loons In tlonlng. Coll 649-5240. OFFICE- Primelocatlon, 1988 Rsnilac Grand Am Coupe $8,690 ITV/STEREO/ 1967 Buick Park Are Sedan $11,850 BOB RILEY ‘Devastating, terrible situation beyond imagination’ HAWKES TREE SERVICE Coventry and Hebron. heat, carpet. $250. per Bucket, truck a chipper. Approved building lots LIKE private home. 3’/a 1987ChevS-10P/U $6,280 PAINTING/PAPERING rooms. Lease. Secur­ month. Call 647-9223 or 1 APPLIANCES OLDSMOBILE Stump ramovsl. Fr«« starting at $65,000. Fl- 1967 Chav Conversion Van $13,999 ••timstes. Spedsl ity. Working single 643-7175._____________ ono Realty, 646-5200.D 30" gas stove, Tappan 1987 Cadillac Brougham $14,995 259 Adams St., consideration (or elderly OFFICE - 3 room, 900 mole preferred. 643- automotrlc Ignition. 1986 Buick LeSabre Coupe $8^40 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR end handicapped. 2880.________________ sq.ft, on Spruce Street. Manchester Death toll 872-4163 Monday - Wed­ 1986 Buick Century Sedan $7,480 PAINTING INVESTMENT Lease, parking, Phone call MANCHESTER - 3 bed­ 1986 Olds Delta 66 Cpe $8,995 649-1749 647-7553 $700/month. 643-6712. nesday 9am - 11am. Painting & light Caipentry, PROPERTY room duplex. Security. $ . ____________ 1986 Chev Monia Carlo $8,490 120 1985 Ford LTD $5995 Driveway Sealed, Porches & Nick, 646-7007. Paul, 1966 Rinllac Sunbird $5,680 This 9 plus room building 1989Toronado $17,900 is over 270 Halchw^s rebuilt TREE 647-1221. INDUSTRIAL 1986 Merc. Grand Marquis $9,980 leaves mom on West Middle Turn­ MUSICAL 1986 Toronado $8,995 Galligan & Co. REMOVAL pike would be Ideal for VERNON - Modern 3 PROPERTY 1966 Dodge 600 Sed $5,895 649-1698/643-6386 ITEMS 1986 Chev Conversion W n $9,980 1986 Olds Cutlass $8,495 Trees trimmed and removed. room apartment. Ap­ doctors, lawyers, ac­ 1986 Chevy Eurosport $6,995 By Mary McGrath Cordwood sold. Seasoned and pliances and parking. MANCHESTER - 1200 sq. 1985 Olds Clera $5,895 countants, real estate HAMMOND Organ - worried “IT'e can tell you unseasoned hardwood only. or Insurance offices. $400. plus utilities. 647- ft. garage 20x60. $550. 1985 Buick Regal Coupe $6,860 1989 Olds Ciera $11,999 The Associated Press Fully Insured. Free Estimates. 1113 after 6:30pm. month. 647-9138. H200, 2 full manuals 81 Adams St., Manchester 1986 Chevy Monte Carlo $6,995 what to look for... Crane Service Available. Only $182,900. Blan­ plus full pedals. Best chard & Rossetto Real­ 649-4571 1987 Olds Ciera $6,999 Call Carl 742-5986 MANCHESTER - Town- otter over $500 takes It. By James F. Henry OAKLAND, Calif. — After­ and what to look tors," We're Sellino house apartment for r n MISCELLANEOUS 633-5754._____________ 1986 O lds Ciera $5,999 shocks rumbled today as crews sear­ Houses" 646-2482.0 1987 Pont. Bonneville $10,995 Manchester Herald outforr rent. 1'/j baths, full ched for motorists under an elevated SNOW PLOWING basement, kitchen ap­ 122J FOR RENT SCHALLER 1986 Pontiac 6000 $4,995 Commercial, residential. pliances, parking for 2 MISCELLANEOUS ACUFIA QUALITY highway collapsed by an earthquake ROOMS LOG Splitter for rent. 1987 Pont. Grand Am $7,495 Doris Gorsch of Ambassador HarBro Bolton, Vernon, Covenby cars. $750. monthly. No FOR SALE PRE-OWNED AUTOS 1987 Conversion Van $16,995 Drive didn’t sleep at all last night. that jarred Northern California, kill­ FOR RENT utilities. Security dep­ $40/dov, $25/ '/2 day. 83 Ford Escort $1,991 area. Free estimates. 1986 Olds Delta Sedan $7,995 ing more than 270 people and injur­ osit plus I year lease. WIN deliver - .204 a 4 cyt Aub, Lew Mm She was glued to the television Painting Call Pete, MANCHESTER - Quiet, mile. 742-7090. S30MtCul4itS(4>raM S4A*I ing hundreds more. Call R. PaganI 646-4525 END ROLLS ve.xr.Arc.LowM* set, as reports came in of dead and of Manchester non-smoker, semi- or 643-2283. The magnitude of the catastrophe 643-1213. private entronce/both, 27W width — 25C «7ToyoUT«c4 I*,* injured people in California after a MANCHESTER - Newer 6 rSlROOMMATES 4c^rtr,AC,LowM« devastating earthquake at about 5 emerged slowly as officials made Quality Painting security, lease, refer- 13" width — 2 for 25$ SSHomhAocadLX SKLW INVITATION TO BID contact with hard-hit areas, where ences 643-8830._______ room duplex, 3 bed­ WANTED Newsprint end rollt can be 5S(!d..rW,Ui*Nwr p.m. Racific lime Tuesday. Gorsch Services GUTTER rooms, IV2 baths, full picked up at tlia Manchester SSM uanSlwu S3Aa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN many telephones were cut off. The FEMALE preferred- Fur­ sSed,Arc,SMM was so interested because her basement, deck. All ap­ ROOM mate wanted to Herald ONLY batore 11 a. m. •Free Estimates nished, kitchen privi­ t7C«icaQTS S IM * THAT The Eighth Utilities Dis­ quake Tuesday, 6.9 on the Richter CLEANING pliances. $750 monthly share house In Man­ Monday through Thursday. daughter, Linda Lyncheski, lives in •Senior Citizen Discounts leges, clean, quiet, 5 Spd.. LomM. R«d trict of Manchester, CT is scale, collapsed buildings across plus utilities. 646-7693 chester. $400. month - Never used S3Pa4act000l£ tS,** seeking competitive bids for San Jose, Calif. •Aiuminum & Vinyl SERVICE busline. 647-9813. COVENTRY V4. rurto. LoaiM nearly 100 miles, as well as the San Powerwashing anytime.____________ plus utilities. 646-3359. 8X8 rug, hooked rug the following: Gorsch said she suspects that a for estimate call No smokers.________ as Chary Nw i S>A* Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and MANCHESTER - Availa­ kits of oil sizes, 2 bar Auk).SUtM 1.8' long gasoline powered call she received from her daughter 875-0634 or 875-9142. I APARTMENTS ble Immediately.
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