• .J NEWS PAP COMPANY Vol. S. No. 16 Copyright by Eastma n K oda k Compan y, Roch este r . N . Y. April 24, 1947 AmateurHit EK Reveals Nevv Design Abroad by For Transparent Boxes D ev e lo pme nt of a ne w a n d basic d esign for t ransparen t box ing h as been a ccomp lish ed by Koda k . The m ethod w as devised by Film Lack R obert E. Kugle r of the Kodapak De m on st ration L a boratory at Kodak P ark w here it was per- .----- - ------­ fected. Now it is being suggested follows the same general ste ps as Rosalind Maingot T ells for transparent box manufacturers, in boxes produced from a conven­ and demonstrations of the tech- tiona l bla nk. Of Plight on Visit Her e n ique are available. Special equipme nt is not re- Incorporating a num ber of im- quired for fa brication of the t rans­ " The a m a te ur photogr a phe r in provements, t he new box design is parent boxes with the new design. Engla nd is experie n c ing sorr y easier and quicke r to ma nufac- A greater pr oduction ra te is ob­ d ays. Film is diffic ult to o bta in ture tha n the conventional trans- tained, particularly in the heavier a nd other equipmen t is ·la cking," paren t boxes. It is known infor- gauges, since less handwork is declared R osalind Maingot, prob­ ma lly as the " X Box" design since requ ired . T he finished box has a a bly Great Br itain 's ou tsta nding the diagona l seams of the top a nd better a ppearan ce a nd cleaner cor­ woma n photographer. She w as bottom cross to form that letter . ne rs than t he con ventiona l t ype. here to deli ver a n illustrated lec­ It can be produced by any manu- The new design box is of far gr eat­ t ure last week on " P ictorialism in facturet· with only a basic change er uniformity as to size a nd shape England" under sponsorship of t he in the blank from which t he box w ith the resu lt t hat a snugly fi tting Lady from London _ Rosalind M a i ~got. noted photographer is sha ped. top may be produced w ith greater Koda k Camera Club a t KP . from London. Inspects some color trans­ Instead of the con ventional certain ty of a consistently good fit The nQted v isitor declared tha t parencies with Dr. Joseph B. Hale. president of the Kodak Camera heavy cross pattern, the new bla nk than in the past. the diffi culty in obta in in g supplies Club. She was in Rochester to lecture before club membe rs and guests. is a rectangle from w hich a "V" T o manufacturers w ho desire to is re fl ected in the print salons in has been punched a t each end of use it in their packaging, K odak Engla nd w here the quality of the a nd color, Mrs. Ma ingot's distinc­ wiie a nd I have been for a good the lon ger sides. F a br icat ion then declared: work is not up to prewar standa rds. tive pictures have been acclaimed ma ny years. As a ma tter of plain "Our patent people have not in galleries a ll over the world. Visits Camera Club fact, I ra ther like this business made an infringement search of Among her m ultitudinous activi­ of running a home," she said. You Still Can Make It! the b ox and blan k as shown in this Smartly dressed a nd a tt ractive, t ies, she is a councilor of the Royal American photographers, she Springtime and snapshots part icular design of bla nk and Mrs. Maingot relaxed in the ex­ Photographic Society, the first added , have much to be t ha nkful seem to go ha nd in hand. Evi­ box . A short novelty search was hibit room of the K odak Camera woma n to be so honored . for, w ha t w ith postwar production dence of this is seen in the in­ made and no references were d is­ Club at KP as she talked a bout Although Mrs. Maingot has been of photograph ic supp lies a lready creasing number of outdoor pic­ closed w hich ha d cla ims reading photography and her activities as practicing the ar t of ta k ing pic­ up to high levels. tures being received for the on the blank and box in question . a h ousewife d uring an interview. tu res for some 16 years, she feels Born in Australia, th is marks her April K 0 D A K E R Y Photo­ However, we m ake no representa­ Widely recognized for her work that her domestic status has n ot first visit to the United States since graphic Award.s. tions or warra nt ies as to inf r inge­ in still life, costume study and been a ltered appreciably. 1919. Accom panying her on his ini­ H ave YOU entered any of me nt." nudes done in both monochrome " I'm first and foremost a house- tia l trip to these shores is her hus­ your snaps for the current com­ T he Cellulose Broducts Sales band, D r. Rodney Maingot, who petition? If not. there are a few Div. is providing add itiona l infor­ delivered the Mayo F oundation ad­ days remaining to be at the m ation on the box design to in­ dress a t the famed c linic in Roch­ deadline of midnight. Apr. 30. terested ma nufacturers. Park Suggester Earns $660; ester, M inn., recently. Both w ill return to Engla nd following an­ other scheduled lecture by Mrs. 2 Records Set in 3rd Period Maingot in New York City. A new high suggestion award for ..-- ------ - ------ Writing a Book 1947 was registered a t K oda k P a rk recommending t he use of e le ctric in t he t hird period w hen J ohn R. in p lace of ha nd-d rawn trucks for A con tributor to many photo­ M a i e r , B ary t a handling pape r rolls. T his simpli- graphic magazines, Mrs. Maingot Dept., r ecei v e d fied a nd speeded up the ha nd ling is now a t w ork on a b.ook devoted $660. operations. to gene ra l pictoria l photography In the same pe- Ind ication t hat women a re pla y- which she hopes to have published. r iod P ark people ing a large part in Suggest ion Sys- Ma inly instrumenta l in arran g­ s e t two new rec- tern participation again t his year ing her Rochester appearance was o r d s - $6 108.50 was seen in the report of 58 ap - her good f r iend a nd fellow Royal pa id on 478 a dopt- provals for them in the third pe- P hotographic Socie ty m e m be r, ed ideas. Both t he riod a t KP. Don a ld McMaster , deputy cha ir­ money tota l a nd Throughout all K odak units ma n of the board of K odak Ltd., t he number of sug- great activity is reported thus far E ngland, a nd gener a l manager of gest ions wer e a ll- in 1947 in t he Suggestion System . K oda k's European factories. time highs. Predictions a re that this year will Mrs. Maingot was en terta ined a t Maier received see one of the best records in t he a luncheon Friday noon by a group his $660 che ck for J ohn R . M aler history of the system . from the K O Sales Dept. 19-Year-Old Film, found in Attic, Snaps 'em, Tests on 35-mm. Cine Film Show at Kodak Park Interesting tests of some 35-mm. Cine Nega tive F ilm found in .------ ------- - try some stills. a R eadin g, Pa., a ttic, w h e re it had b een stored for 19 years, rove the h igh standards of manufactur e a t K od a k . A few feet of film w ere snipped P off one r oll a nd Phil loaded the A customer in Reading, P a., re- strip in a 35-mm. cam era. He cently wrote t he Motion Picture snapped severa l shots a t Kodak Sa les Dept. a t Kodak Offi ce tha t he Pa rk, one of them a t t he . George had found several unopened cans Eastman Memor ial. The picture is of the 35-mm. film w hich he h ad reproduced here. pur chased in 1928. He inquired A llowing for loss of speed in whe ther it would be of use to EK. the film because of its age, Phil Agree on Disposal made his exposu re at 1/ 50 second R ealizing t ha t the fi lm probably at f/ 4.5. ha d deteriorated in the a lmost For Best Results score of years, department repre­ sen tatives informed the writer Wayne Humm, B ldg. 26 at KP , tha t t he film had no particular who does qua lity control work on value, but that K odak would d is­ m otion picture film, expla ined that pose of the nitrate fi lm if he wished w hile such film is not da ted, users to send it.
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