list is the absence of enough unifica­ tion to take full advantage of the 11 ranks. This may be solved by the purchase of an electronic relay. Ken says they expect to have the Austin fully perking by next summer. "We get constant support from the school and faculty," advises Ken. "They are very enthusiastic about the whole organ project." eHAPTERNOTE~ Can anyone help Jon L. Busch, manager of the Wheeler Opera bers to try their hand at trying to House Theatre in Aspen, Colorado? Let us know what's tame the Alabama Theatre Wurlitzer He says that the authorities of the happening in YOUR Chapter! (and hope we might discover a bud­ city-owned house want to acquire a Send Photos and News to: ding Hector Olivera in our midst). theatre pipe organ and will guaran­ For all of us amateurs it is reall y a GEORGE THOMPSON tee it a safe home. "We have plenty P.O . BOX 1314 treat to get to try our hand at an of chamber space available. The SALINAS , CALIFORNIA 93902 instrument such as the Alabama 1889 structure features a 445-seat Wurlitzer. It makes us appreciate auditorium, and includes a horse­ Dt111dlines even more the great job that our shoe balcony." Anyone who can Jan . 1st . for Feb./Mar . "work crew" under the care of Larry assist can write Mr. Busch at the Mar . 1st . for Apr ./ May Donaldson and Chuck Hancock does May 1st . for June / July theatre in Aspen, Col. 81611. July 1st . for Aug ./ Sept . in keeping this instrument in such Sept . 1st . for Oct ./ Nov . good shape. Nov.1st . for Dec ./ Jan . Our October meeting was held on a beautiful Fall Sunday morning. Our guest artist was one of the found­ From New Hartford, N.Y. Ken­ ALABAMA ers of the Magnolia Chapter in Mer­ neth Gardner. who is a former chief idian. Mississippi, Frank Evans. engineer of Rochester's WHAM The hot and sultry days of a south­ Frank and his father were the back­ writes. "I knew organist Tom Grier­ ern summer lingered with us in Ala­ bone of the restoration of the Robert son well. I was in the control room at bama, and we of the Alabama Chap­ Morton theatre organ in the Temple the time of the RKO Palace opening ter enjoyed a lazy meeting for our Theatre in Meridian, and Frank is as well as for his Thursday night September get-together at the Ala­ the Temple organist now. Like most radio programs after the final show bama Theatre. This was an open of us. Frank began his organ studies of the evening. That was in the late console meeting to allow our mem- on electronic instruments, and at one '20s. He also worked in our studios time operated a Hammond Organ and broadcast from the First Uni­ studio in Meridian. versalist Church at Clinton and Frank had a very versatile pro­ Court. gram for us at the Alabama Wur­ "We broadcast a lot of organ mu­ litzer. His opener of "Paramont on sic in the old days, and I became Parade" was followed by "Alabama acquainted with Bob Berentsen. Bea Bound." From there. eye opening Ryan. Harold Gleason. Helen Ank­ Frank put "Big Bertha" through her ner (our staff organist and pianist). paces with a variety of numbers. J. Gordon Baldwin, Hugh Dodge, including one of my favorites "But­ and Ed May, just to name a few. terflies in the Rain." He is a most After placing mikes for broadcasting versatile musician and we were the Eastman Theatre orchestra. I pleased to have him for our October used to climb onto the bench with program. Bea Ryan and watch the movie while RIEDEL WEST chatting with her as she played. I was fascinated by pipe organs. and after BLUEGRASS I got acquainted with Bryant Par­ sons, Sr .. who lovingly took care of Monday. September 25th, we the Eastman Theatre organ, the joined with Chairman John Landon Kilbourn Hall organ, and the stu­ for the official inaugural conce1i dent practice organs in the Eastman of his 3/ 10 theatre pipe organ. Artist School. I used to delight in prowling of the evening was John Muri. 1977 Frank Evans (picture d here at th e J eff Seale stud io ATOS Organist of the Year. Mem­ through the organ chambers as Bry­ org an) pl ayed for th e Octob er prog ram at th e ant explained their workings." D Al abama Th eat re. bers of the Lexington Chapter of DEC. 1978 / JAN. 1979 THEATRE ORGAN 49 Landon's theatre pipe organ and a ual's 3/ 14 Louisville theatre pipe one sheet flier advertising the Blue­ organ, Paul held up the various pipes grass Chapter of ATOS. Additional and blew into them. Tim then dem­ copies of the brochure about the or­ onstrated a suitable musical sequence gan are available to ATOS members for each pipe. It was very interesting It's Dues Time from Dr. Landon. and enlightening. How nice to enjoy the beautiful sounds from these See Page 17 CENTRAL INDIANA magnificent instruments and at the of the Oct./Nov. Issue same time understand how they are The September meeting was held for details on how to produced. There are to be more of at one of our favorite places, Manual payyourduesfor1979. these sessions in the future. High School. After a short business Rob Calceterra was our artist of meeting, Paul Roberts brought us Don't Miss an Issue! the day and presented a marvelous all into focus on the inner secrets of program. His appropriate opener the mechanics of the pipe organ. was "What a Wonderful Day." With Tim Needler assisting on Man- Rob's interpolation of "Doll Dance" was cleverly interlaced simulta­ neously with "Paper Doll." Stan­ the American Guild of Organists dards followed, and the final se­ were also guests for the evening. lection was on the classic side, Wid­ More than forty people were present or's "Festival Toccata." Thunderous for a program which varied from applause resulted in an encore ren­ Theodore Dubois "Toccata" to se­ dition of "Around the World in lections from My Fair Lady. 80 Days." The footwork displayed A similar concert was held the was superb. A standing ovation was following evening for friends of Dr. awarded Rob Calceterra for his ef­ Landon's including some members forts. He is an amazing young man of the faculty at the University of who studies, teaches and directs so Kentucky. More than fifty persons many different groups. He is, at were present the second evening present choirmaster at Cathedral making a total of more than 100 St. Raymond in Joliet, Illinois, where persons who heard John Muri at he also teaches and gives private Landon's organ. instruction. Among other numerous Each guest was given. in addition doings he managed to find time to to a copy of the evening's program, Rob Calceterra played the 3/ 14 Louisville at Manual write the musical score for an ani­ an informational brochure about High School in September . mated TV movie. He is one busy, HOLIDAY GREETINGS membersof SEASON'S GREETINGS J.A.T.O.E. from your andthe Rialto Theatre Joliet,Ill. ~easoq's Grceetiqgs TO ALL OUR ATOS FRIENDS Southeast Texas Chapter Jason and the Old Prospector 50 THEATRE ORGAN DEC. 1978 / JAN. 1979 talented young man, and we wish this plus our potluck meal, it was a him luck. very special day. The October meeting was held at Much has been going on at the St. Joan of Arc Church. The artist Ohio Theatre. Because of our energy was Tim Needler at the 3/ 14 Kilgen. problems last winter the Jubilee Tim was at his usual "best per­ Celebration of the 50th birthday of formance" and presented a varied the theatre was postponed until program that highlighted the ver­ this fall. satility of the pipe organ. Tim's ver­ In September the spotlight was on satility was quite noticeable! the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. Word is out that the Pizza Pipe under the direction of Evan Whal­ Organ Palace is progressing. The len. the Morton organ with Dennis organ is being shipped from Cali­ James and the grand piano with fornia about the first of November Heidi James. The orchestration for and when the installation is com­ all instruments was admirably ac­ pleted it should be the largest in complished by Heidi and the per­ the country. We are looking forward formance of her original composition to the opening. The late Bill Bendler . He was a dedicated member for the Harold Lloyd Safe~v Last of Central Ohio . BEE BUTLER movie was a tremendous success. In October the celebration con­ student, Cheryl Schieder. a most tinued with a stage show headlining promising organist. Bob Hope, Vic Damone, Ginger CENTRAL OHIO The contented cows did their bit Rogers. Carmen Cavalero and others. In the accompanying photo, Bill too. providing the cream for the It will be included in Bob Hope's Bendler is seen at the key relay that fabulous home churned ice cream TV Special on December 3rd, over he built for our Wurlitzer. It attests plus entertaining the children during national network. One of the spec­ his dedication to our cause. Almost the milking session. tacular events of the show was Den­ every Wurlitzer work day found Bill In Steptember we were at the nis James at the organ. as proved present. lending his skills to com­ home of Ginny and Ed Lawrence for by the tremendous ovation he re­ pleting the renovation and instal­ our annual meeting and picnic.
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