
saas 8 THE NATIONAL TRIBUNE WASHINGTON D C THURSDAY MARCH 23 1911 Florida provisional department w c PEXSIOX LEGISLATION r Comments Front Comrades on the Dif- ¬ - ferent Bills and Pension Matters Gen ¬ - Nalional President Harris Organizes EourXorps and Appoints erally Thanks Representative Snlloway Officers You have our heartfelt sympathy and Gives way you stood by the otfisiciAN thanks for the old boys in the Sulloway bill We owe - many thanks to Representative Sullo- ¬ Mrs Belle C Harris National Presl- The proceeds of the lecture amounted way and to our friends in the Senate -- M ¬ 1 In framing Womans Relief Corps Is certain- to f tSO and are to be used Bailey and Lodge do not seem to care ly making every effort to live up to the me live pictures preseiucu tu u xj we pass away ¬ 34 by Col whether all within the obligation to work for the best inter- Mitchell Past G A R John next few days or not I lost a good AMERCAN est of the greatest organization of pa ¬ McElroy Wni P Lynch St Cloud -- Captain Co C2d triotic in father who was of I tyfa women the world Her latest Fla splendid III I had a brother who died in the SlcH effort was the oiganization of tO a Department or army but there are yet three of us left Provisional Florida THE FLORIDA EXCAMP3D3XT In the family I served In the 16th 111 This took place at Kissimmee where years 17 days the Department rjneampment Flori-- four three months and of and sometimes I feel that I could han ¬ j aa was held In February The National Tlio 1911 Encampment of Florida Was dle a musket vet to a rood advantage President had called for a meeting of a Great Success my country altho I am almost 70 HIS MORE CURED j the members of the Corps of for PAlteHTS FOR CURES various A A Wyatt MInden Neb 1 FAMOUS J Florida at the same time arid place that The greatest day in the existence of THAN LIVING DOCTOR j the G A R met with he intent to Kissimmee City was on Tuesday Feb MY IN Thanks From Arkansas EVERY COUNTRY form a Provisional Department This 14 when about 1000 old soldiers march j formation was completed and the fol Editor National Tribune George H t lowing officers were appointed Provi- - ed thiu the city in parade of the Flor- ¬ Thomas Post Rogers Ark wishes to Remarkable Achievments of This World Fam- ¬ Points With Pride to Cored Happy People in clonal Department President Mrs Mary ida Encampment G Av R The das express Its hearty appreciation of your Vh- - ous Physician and His Phenomenal j h De Grav St Cloud Secrctarj Mrp was lo elyalid climate seemed intetest the welfare of the soldiers Nearly Every Civilized Country in the World S V JlorKia Elmira C VTescott St Cloud P to was ort exhibition as expressed in your work for The late Record of Cures i Mrs Sillier of Tampa J V P Mrs feel that it The bill They wish to thank most heartily Fanny Hojt of St Petersburg Treas ¬ town had been beautifully decorated Senators Scott and Curtis for their de NAMES CURED PATIENTS IN EVERY STATE urer MrsGihbs of Orlando Chaplain and there were over 2000 strangers in fense of the cause of the old soldiers M IIrs Dennis ot Tft The officers were town The airivaKbfs the delegation They hope that a future return will W0NDERFULSUCCESSWITH CHRONIC CASES publicly installed by Mrs Belle C Har from St Cloud was agreal event and come to both of these friends The ¬ tlTFohg v Thousands Are Expecttd to Take Advantage of Gen fc ris National President assisted by Mrs added much o the The parade failure of the Sulloway bill was a sad Ida U ilson Moore National Secretary was led by the Kissinynee Brass Band blow to many who are in need e Gives Free to the Sick Secret Prescriptions That erous Offer to the Physician With Most Cured Patients After the txemes at Kissimmee all and following it at ttiehead of a troop are passing away rapidly P W Drum- - were invited over to St Cloud where ot ladies on horseback vats Grand Mar mond Post Commander Addison Made Him Famous I a ampfire was held with a very fine shal Parker riders and horses being Blanchard Adjutant It seems almost Impossible for one physclan to program at whjeh the National Prcsi decorated in the National colors The have so large a following It is dlKlcult to realize 1 There Is perhaps no physician In the entire dent and National Secretary were the escort was manucred well under the rtltf extending nearly every country of The Sulonn world who can produce cures to com- ¬ a practice to Buests of honor Refreshments were marshal of Mrs Blanchard Next In some a record of served to all and the hours there were line came the famous St Cloud Drum Thank God there are Senators pare with that of Dr James William Kidd of the earth and yet whatwe actually see we are most delightfully spent campflres Corps is no equal and Representatives who are true I The which it belieed has who cannot perceive Fort Wayne Iiia and formerly of Edinburgh forced to believe were real camjifires built in the open in the South Many Confederate vet blush for those hl3 large where their duty lies I gave my ser ¬ Scotland Dr Kidd does not boast of practice t parking and especially constructed erans joined In the parade In their gray having J vices to my country from the first call successes He is proud to be sure of attained so platfoims held the speakers and disiin uniforms and the procession ended with His in the treatment of longstanding - until it was no longer needed I am a great a measure of success in benefiting- his fellow- poor am i5 years and stubborn chronic diseases is truly marvelous man with a wife and -beings his wonderful old Rev James D Nevcomb Choc and has won for him the largesE practloe of any and he considers skill taw Okla physician in the world a blessing In nearly every civilized country of the world In speaking of his immense number of patients Tlie Legislative Indorsement In every recently he said My practice was not always and State In America cured happy Read This - J N P Lee Camp Vfalton ria healthy- - people who were once sick weak and so large Mj- success in curing even the cases points out forcefully how the Legisla ¬ that other doctors failed to cure Is responsible 24 representing 56000 suffering arc now singing praises of Dr Kldd and tures of States Its rapid growth for every cured patient sends 000 people arid 284 electoral votes have his remarkable skill And this Is not exaggerated Personal Letter and for Leg- ¬ years ago necessary Indorsed the Sulloway bill These for In his offices are flies overflowing with-- others Some It became for richest most letters islatures are of the and of gratitude from people in every corner of the me to adopt a plan which would enable mc to progrpssive States of the Union and properly attend to these patients and I devised their declaration In favor of the Sullo ¬ earth Free Offer way bill was unmistakable The fail- ¬ my present system of treating by mail which I ure to pass the Sulloway bill was arse PRODUCES POSITIVE PROOF find Is just as successful as the method of the vere blow to hundreds of thousands of ordinary doctor who tries to see allot his patients veterans and a disappointment to far The writer was astonished at the enormous To all sufferers personally Xow have a four able more than that number of storekeep- ¬ I staffof ers professional men and others who number ofthese letters that were shown him by specialists to assist me and as you will see from had hoped to see the money distributed Dr Kidd in support of his claim Drawer after I can and will help you without a the letters In my files I hae many cured patients to people thru the eterans drawer piled full more letters one could the than pennys cost everywhere In this large cabinet and Dr Kidd read in a week were silent but positive and un 7 pointed to a case chock full of letters are testi- ¬ Defense of the Snlloway Bill disputable evidence which Dr Kidd produced monials from patients in every State in America Bird C Guffoy 42d Mo Galena Mo There were letters from rich and poor from I want to send you absolutely free one and In this pointing to another you will find writes a strong letter to the James Riv- ¬ letters from cured patients- - in England Ireland er Republican defending the Sulloway people in every walk ot life from women and of my successful private prescriptions for Scotlana Svyeden Norway Denmark Finland bill and giving the reasons why it from men from bankers farmers preachers Germany Switzerland India South Africa South should be passed from ever one and everywhere all describing the your disease a prescription for your own America Australia Mexico and Central America wonderful cures that had been effected and all I alwaj 3 sendTopies of any of these letters to Widows Pensions individual case a prescription I use in other patients when I am requested thanking DrKlddln deepest gratitude for the Some persons are inclined to doubt that I COMMANDER K GRAW AND THE GUNS Mrs George Hardy Perryvllle Ky and happiness he had given them And my regular practice and one that has have so many cured patients and that I really do wishes to Join with Mrs Chrismanjn health The two cannon were presented to the G A It Post at St Cloud by A exprefcsingindignation more remarkable still is the fact that most of cure diseases that other doctors fail to benefit Sisson lighthouse S C against what has cured dozens of the worst cases when and for their sake and the sake of their future R a comrade keeper station near Hilton Head said women marrying vet- ¬ these letters told years suffering and These guns now stand in front of G A R Hall and were taken from the wreck been about of
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