Board of Trustees Cover BOARD OF TRUSTEES Thursday 25th January 2018 at 4pm Board Room University Hospital Llandough 1 of 93 Board of Trustees Agenda BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING 4pm ON THURSDAY 25TH JANUARY 2018 BOARD ROOM, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL LLANDOUGH AGENDA PART 1 PRELIMINARIES (Chair) 1 Welcome and Introductions. Oral 2 Apologies for Absence. Oral 3 Declarations of Interest Oral 4 Minutes of the previous meeting: Chair To Receive and Confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees held on 28th September 2017 5 Matters Arising Chair PART 2: GOVERNANCE 6 Cardiff and Vale Health Charity Annual Report and Finance Director Accounts 2016/17: Approval of Funds Held on Trust 7 Horatio’s Garden Director of Corporate Governance PART 3: FINAL CLOSURE AND FUTURE MEETINGS 8 Review of the Meeting and any urgent business Oral 9 Date and time of next meeting – 27th September 2018 Oral CLOSE 2 of 93 Board of Trustees Minutes of the last Meeting held on 28th September 2017 . UNCONFIRMED MINUTES OF THE TRUSTEE MEETING 4 HELD ON THURSDAY 28 SEPTEMBER 2017 BOARD ROOM, UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL LLANDOUGH Present: Maria Battle ChaiChair Len Richards Chief Executive Abigail Harris Director of Planning Akmal Hanuk Independent Member – Community Prof Elizabeth Treasure Independent Member – University Dr Fiona Jenkins Director of Therapies and Health Sciences Dr Graham Shortland Medical Director Ivar Grey Independent Member – Finance John Antoniazzi Independent Member –Estates Julie Cassley Interim Director of Workforce and OD Professor Marcus Longley Vice Chair Margaret McLaughlin Independent Member - Third Sector Martyn Waygood Independent Member - Legal Robert Chadwick Director of Finance Dr Sharon Hopkins Director of Public Health Steve Curry Interim Chief Operating Officer Stuart Egan Independent Member – Trades Unions In Attendance: Chris Lewis Deputy Director of Finance Peter Welsh Director of Corporate Governance Secretariat Julia Harper Apologies: Eileen Brandreth Independent Member – ICT Ruth Walker Executive Nurse Director Cllr Susan Elsmore Independent Member – Local Authority UHBT 16/11 WELCOME AND INTRODUCTIONS The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. UHBT 17/12 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 3 of 93 Board of Trustees Minutes of the last Meeting held on 28th September 2017 . UHBT 17/13 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The Chair invited Members to declare any interests in the proceedings on the agenda. None were declared. UHBT 17/14 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 26 JANUARY 2017 4 The Trustee RECEIVED and APPROVED the minutes of the meeting held on 26th January 2017 subject to correcting line two of Minute UHBT 17/017 from 2014/15 to 2015/16. UHBT 17/15 MATTERS ARISING All items were included within the agenda. UHBT 17/16 FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF THE CHARITY 2016/17 Mr Chris Lewis, Deputy Director of Finance advised the Trustees that the Charity had a very successful year. It generated £1.548m income, spent £1.260m and therefore had a net income of £0.288m. In addition there were market value gains on investments of £0.946m and asset revaluation of £0.066m. Overall, the fund balances increased by £1.300m in the period to £10.548m, passing £10m for the first time. ASSURANCE was provided by: The financial strength of the charity; Good financial performance during the period. The Trustees: NOTED the draft financial position and performance of the Charity in 2016/17. UHBT 17/17 NHS CHARITIES AND LHB/NHS TRUSTS STATUTORY ACCOUNTS NHS Charities were classified as public bodies inextricably linked to the NHS. To date they had not been designated for consolidation within the Welsh Government accounts, nor within the Welsh Budget motion. The Welsh Government is undertaking an exercise to align its budgetary and accounting boundaries and needs to consider whether NHS charities should be designated for consolidation within Welsh Government Consolidated Accounts. The Charitable Funds Committee considered the key issues on 19th September and the only concern related to any formal requirement to consolidate and report the accounts, but there were options to avoid this. Across NHS Wales there did not appear to be an appetite to set up NHS Charities as independent organisations as no benefits could be seen. This view was supported by the Charitable Funds Committee. 4 of 93 Board of Trustees Minutes of the last Meeting held on 28th September 2017 . ASSURANCE was provided by: Consideration of the issue by the Charitable Funds Committee Engagement with Welsh Government. The Trustees: NOTED the contents of this report; CONFIRMED agreement on the Charitable Funds Committee’s position on potential changes and key issues. 4 UHBT 17/18 UPDATE ON ROOKWOOD HOSPITAL The report consolidated various discussions and legal advice. In addition, the Charity Commission had confirmed in principle that when services were transferred to UHL, the asset could be sold as it would no longer fit with the original intentions of the donor. It also confirmed in principle that it would be permissible to widen the objects of the Charity. A formal application would be required and it was suggested this be made around 9 months before the sale of Rookwood. It was proposed a separate investment fund be set up with its application principles already approved by the Trustees. ASSURANCE was provided by: The detailed discussions held on this issue by the Charitable Funds Committee; The briefings provided to the Trustees and their approval of future financial arrangements for the Rookwood Hospital part of the charity; The legal advice provided by the Charity’s solicitors. The Trustees: NOTED the progress being made and further work being undertaken on the sale and application of the Rookwood Hospital element of the Charity. AGREED to gain clarity on who owned each part of the site. Action – Mr Chris Lewis UHBT 17/19 NHS 70TH BIRTHDAY The Trustee was advised that UHL was planning a big celebration on site to mark the 70th anniversary of the NHS. In addition, Mr Peter Welsh advised the Trustee of some of the national events planned. ASSURANCE was provided by: Previous scrutiny by the Charitable Funds Committee The Board of Trustees: NOTED the proposals to mark the 70th Anniversary of the National Health Service. 5 of 93 Board of Trustees Minutes of the last Meeting held on 28th September 2017 . UHBT 17/20 MARKETING STRATEGY Mr Martyn Waygood thanked Mrs Margaret McLaughlin for producing the “strategy on a page” that could be developed further. The Trustee NOTED progress. UHBT 17/21 REPORT OF THE CHAIR OF THE CHARITABLE 4 FUNDS COMMITTEE ON RECENT KEY EVENTS Mr Martyn Waygood gave an oral update: A second fundraiser had been appointed. Mr Akmal Anuk had been appointed as the new Chair of the Charitable Funds Committee. Another lottery super draw would be held in January. When Mr Waygood commenced, there were 2,000 staff in the lottery. The figure had increased to 4,600. A big name was being sought to do the next super draw. A new staff benefits card had been launched. Action points from the away day were being worked through. A draft Annual Report would be available for the January meeting of the Trustees. The new website was up and running. Wifi had been extended. The benefits of the blue plate scheme were clear and this had been extended with £28k investment. Branding guidelines had been put in place for the Charity. Internal Audit had provided substantial assurance on charitable funds. Funds stood a £10.5m. A fund of £25k had been set up to manage smaller bids. UHBT 17/22 CURRENT POSITION WITH LOOKERS / PEUGEOT AFFINITY DEAL Mr Peter Welsh gave an oral update. Lookers had withdrawn their support and a better deal had been sourced through Griffin Mill. UHBT 17/23 REVIEW OF THE MEETING The Chair took the opportunity, on behalf of all Trustees, to thank Mr Martyn Waygood and the Charity team for reinvigorating the Charity and providing strong leadership to develop the Charity. This was Mr Waygood’s last meeting as Independent Member and the Chair wished him all the best for the future. UHBT 17/24 DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next meeting would be held on Thursday 25th January 2018. 6 of 93 Board of Trustees Cardiff and Vale Health Charity Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17: Approval of Funds Held on Trust APPROVAL OF THE FUNDS HELD ON TRUST FINAL ACCOUNTS 2016/17 FOR THE CARDIFF AND VALE UNIVERSITY HEALTH BOARD CHARITY Name of Meeting : Trustee Meeting Date of Meeting : 25th January 2018 Executive Lead : Director of Finance Author : Head of Financial Services Caring for People, Keeping People Well : The Charity supports the well-being of Patients and Staff Financial impact : The accounts detail financial performance and financial standing of the Charity. Quality, Safety, Patient Experience impact : The Charity supports enhanced service provision within the UHB. 6 Health and Care Standard Number : Not Applicable CRAF Reference Number : Not Applicable Equality and Health Impact Assessment Completed: Not Applicable ASSURANCE AND RECOMMENDATION ASSURANCE is provided by: ∑ Audited accounts that show a true and fair view and are un-qualified. ∑ Strong financial controls. The Board is asked to: ∑ CONSIDER the Annual Report and Accounts for 2016/17, Letter of Representation and ISA 260 Report from the Wales Audit Office. ∑ RECOMMEND the approval of the Accounts and Annual Report for 2016/17, based on the assurances given and the recommendation of the Wales Audit Office. ∑ CONFIRM the statement made in the Letter of Representation to the Auditors and recommend approval of this document. The approval will need to be specifically reflected in the minutes to allow the Chair and the Director of Finance to sign the letter on behalf of the Trustees. 7 of 93 Board of Trustees Cardiff and Vale Health Charity Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17: Approval of Funds Held on Trust SITUATION To receive and consider for approval the Funds held on Trust Annual Report 2016/17 (which incorporates the final accounts) and the ISA 260 Audit Report (including Letter of Representation).
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