Lighting The Road To The Future Data Zone Page 6 Backbeat Festival Lineup “The People’s Paper” April 14 - April 20, 2012 46th Year Volume 46 www.ladatanews.com Candidates Face Off for City Council Stacy Head Cynthia Willard-Lewis Page 2 National News Finally Data Arrested! Endorses Page 10 Page 9 Page 2 April 14 - April 20, 2012 Cover Story www.ladatanews.com Data News Talks to Candidates in City Council-at-Large Race see their votes coming my way on election By Edwin Buggage day ”. Adding she says since being elected to the council she has a record of getting things done . On April 21st the citizens of the Crescent Pointing to the successes of Central City will again return to the polls to vote for City she says and how it has had a posi- the candidate they feel would be best suited tive impact on the City she says, “We have to occupy the seat as City Councilperson-at- seen home ownership numbers rise in this Large . The two frontrunners in the primary, community and this is important to build- Stacy Head and Cynthia Willard-Lewis will ing sustainable communities and also have face off to see who the voters will elect . Data seen an increase in high quality rental prop- News Weekly spoke with both candidates erties at every level from affordable units on a host of issues . We hope that this will to market rate, before Katrina some of our help you make an informed decision when most vulnerable citizens were preyed upon going to cast your ballot, and we encourage by slumlords, today we are getting closer to you to go out and vote . creating more adequate housing for all the citizens of our district .” Continuing she says, “Housing was one of the key or the lack of Stacy Head it was one of the key issues post- Katrina On the heels of a placing first in the prima- and we have done something about that, ry with 43 percent of the vote Stacy Head is getting people back home so I am proud of energized when talking about her platform that,” remarks Head on the improvements and possibility for a victory on Election in Central City . Speaking of her record of Day, “I thank the people of the City for their helping to create a more business friendly votes and support and I look to increase my environment she says, “I believe we should support in the run-off and be victorious on work harder at creating a healthy environ- April 21st ”. Head presently sits on the New ment for business and economic develop- Orleans City Council representing District ment, and within District B we have been B, she says that representing a racially and able to do that in many areas in our district socioeconomically diverse district has pre- for businesses both large and small .” pared her for the at-large seat, “I have been As the City continues to experience fortunate to represent a district where so problems with crime and violence Head many different types of people have come feels that reducing crime is key and also together to rebuild and I would like to repli- providing quality education for all children cate our successes citywide,” says Head . of the City are important factors to reduc- Stacy Head presently sits on the New Orleans City Council representing Head moves into the race on the 21st con- ing crime, “The problems with crime in our District B, she says that representing a racially and socioeconomically diverse district has prepared her for the at-large seat. fident that she can increase her number of City is something that we have to get under voters that would get her over the threshold control, I think looking at every aspect of to victory, “When I look at the race and my law enforcement and making them all work opponent, I feel that the other candidates together more efficiently are important in who were in the race their philosophies line keeping our streets safe ”. On education she up more so than with my opponent and I says, “Also if we are to reduce crime we Cover Story, Continued on next page. DATA NEWS WEEKLY P.O. Box 57347, New Orleans, LA 70157-7347 | Phone: (504) 821-7421 | Fax: (504) 821-7622 INSIDE DATA editorial: [email protected] | advertising: [email protected] Terry B. Jones Contributors CEO/Publisher Edwin Buggage Cover Story . 2 Commentary . 8 Glenn Jones George C. Curry VP Advertising Kichea S. Burt & Marketing Jennifer Benderly Cheryl Mainor Managing Editor State & Local News . 4 Publisher’s Page . 9 Art Direction & Production Edwin Buggage MainorMedia.com Editor Editorial Submissions Lynesia Carson Executive Assistant [email protected] Data Zone . 6 National News . 10 June Hazeur Advertising Inquiries Accounting [email protected] Please call 504-309-9913 for subscription information or to obtain a back issue of the paper ONLY. Dated material two weeks in advance. Not responsible for publishing or return of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. www.ladatanews.com Cover Story April 14 - April 20, 2012 Page 3 Cover Story, Continued from previous page. have to work harder to provide Cynthia Willard two decades . She is making her 27 of Mayor Mitch Landrieu top doing other things to save our quality education for our young Lewis third bid at the City Council-at- 100 projects that would impact young people by creating other people and give them an opportu- Large seat . After finishing second our community the most would avenues for employment, training nities to look at other options be- Cynthia Willard-Lewis has in the primary with 34 percent of be funded .,” continuing she says and focus on educating them, be- fore choosing a life a crime ”. been involved in electoral politics the vote, Willard-Lewis feels she of her work in District E, “We cause if they were more educated at the state and local level for over is the best candidate to represent suffered the most damage dur- then this would open more doors the people of New Orleans, “At ing Hurricane Katrina and while of opportunities for young people this crucial time for the City it there are still problems that ex- and give them hope that they will is important to have a seasoned, ist in the district we have seen so have a better life .” dedicated, committed leader with much progress, but this must con- Willard-Lewis is an advocate a proven record of success of tinue and we must have someone of good government and believes working with the many different on the council who is sensitive to transparency and inclusion of lo- people of our great City and I feel I their needs as well as all the peo- cal businesses involvement in con- am the most qualified candidate,” ple of the City .” tracting with the City is important says Willard-Lewis . Continuing Crime and its prevention is moving forward, “ Upon being she says, “We need someone who one of the primary focuses of her elected I would call for an immedi- respects all the people of the City, platform, “We must have more ate audit of all businesses that are and are able to work in a civil way effective policing and build trust the beneficiaries of participating with their colleagues and be able between the citizens and law en- in contracting and access whether to bring people together on one forcement so when crimes do oc- or not there are local companies accord and realize that regardless cur that people will work with the or Disadvantaged Business Enter- of our differences we all want a police to help put our most dan- prises (DBE’s,) because I feel it is better City .” gerous people behind bars,” says important that we should help to Pointing to her many years of Willard Lewis . Continuing she build our business infrastructure service particularly those dur- says, “But simply putting people in and give these companies a hand ing the aftermath of Hurricane jail is not by itself the answer, we up in helping them grow their Katrina, “While still on the coun- cannot arrest our way out of the businesses .” cil I worked to make sure that problem, we must be proactive in You Can’t Change Your Genes But You Can Change Your Outcome. If You Have Diabetes, * Cynthia Willard-Lewis has been involved in electoral politics at the state and local level for over two decades. Text HEALTH to 300400 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: txt4healthnola | FOLLOw US ON TwITTEr: txt4healthnola * Signing up for txt4health is FrEE but standard text messaging rates do apply. Please contact your mobile phone carrier for questions about text messaging rates. Txt4health is available for Greater New Orleans area residents. For terms & conditions visit www.txt4health.com. Text ‘STOP’ to discontinue messages or ‘HELP’ to receive assistance. 01MK5130 R03/12 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association and incorporated as Louisiana Health Service & Indemnity Company. Page 4 April 14 - April 20, 2012 State & Local News www.ladatanews.com XU’s Jamaan Kenner receives UNO Jazz Studies Program $2,000 Pattison Family Hosts Monday Night Jazz Scholarship Sessions at the Cove Xavier University of longtime NAIA supporters Dr . The UNO Jazz Studies Pro- Dejean (sax), Jeronne Ansari Louisiana’s Jamaan Phil and Mary Pattison have gram will be presenting “Monday (sax), Josh Starkman (guitar), Kenner is one of five awarded these scholarships . Night Jazz Sessions” at the Sand- Jordan Baker (piano), and Jami- Xavier’s Michael Varnado was a bar in the Cove in April .
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