![Secretary of State, Nebraska [RG0002].Pdf](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ARCHIVAL RECORD RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State & film Records: 1855-current Cubic ft.: 450 Approx. # Items: 720 boxes, 338 vols.; 19 vols. on microfilm; 49 reels 35mm microfilm; 46 reels 16mm microfilm; and oversize documents (10 c.f.) HISTORICAL NOTE The territorial secretaries were appointed by the President of the United States for a five-year term. The Territorial Constitution of 1866 provided for the election of the Secretary of State by the people for a two-year term. Beginning with the general election of November 1966, the Secretary of State is elected by the people for a four-year term. The duties of the Secretary of State were first prescribed in an act approved June 24, 1867. These duties are constantly being increased and the following are only a few: fix the seal of state to commissions issued by the Governor and keep a register of the same; approve depository bonds; receive abstracts of votes from county clerks, and election commissioners, tabulate election results for the Legislature and Canvassing Board; register cattle brands and publish a brand book and a monthly supplement from the registration fees. The Secretary of State is a member of the following boards: Board of Canvassers, of which he/she is the secretary; Board of Equalization and Assessment; Board of Pardons; State Records Board; Nebraska Brand Committee; State Real Estate Commission; and the State Standards Committee. He/she serves as a chairperson of the last three agencies. See Record Group inventories for individual agencies and boards of which the Secretary of State was a member. SCOPE AND CONTENT NOTE This collection contains the records of the Nebraska Secretary of State=s office, 1855-current, arranged into Sixteen Subgroups: 1) Administration, 1854-1994; 2) Election Records, 1855-current; 3) Soldiers and Sailors Census, 1901-1935; 4) Appointments, Bonds & Oaths, 1854-current; 5) Legislative Records, 1866-current; 6) Interstate Compacts & Agreements, 1923-1994; 7) Public Power Districts, 1933-1972; 8) Rules & Regulations, 1873-1975; 9) Corporation Records, 1857-1991; 10) Bond Records, 1855-1940; 11) Records Management, 1962-current; 12) Reports and Rosters, 1857-1971; 13) Miscellaneous Filings, 1857-1994; 14) National Association of Secretaries of State, 1954-1971; 15) Personal Papers, 1953-1994; and 16) State Cemetery Records, 1869-1992. RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State 2 & film ADDED ENTRIES: Adams, Thomas H., 1904-1957 Aldrich, Chester H. (Chester Hardy), 1862-1924 Alexander, Samuel J., 1844-1911 * Allen, A. E. (Fillmore Co., 1898) Allen, John C.(John Clayton), 1860-1939 * Alley, Shannon S., 1840- (Saline Co.) Ames, John H. (John Henry), 1847-1911 Amsberry, Darius M., 1851-1923 Anderson, Nils, 1840-1902 Anderson, Victor E. (Victor Emanuel), 1902-1962 * Ashby, William T., 1867- (Regent), 1895 Barmore, Grace (Staton), 1900-1969 Bedford, Mervin V., 1902-1960 * Beecham, R. K. (Neligh, NE) Beerman, Allen J., 1940- Bevins, George W., 1899-1970 Bishop, John S. (John Skilton), 1861-1946 Black, Samuel W., 1818-1862 Bomgardner, David E., 1845-1932 Boyd, James E., 1834-1906 * Brennan, James C., dec. 1905 Broady, Jefferson H. (Jefferson Hunsacker), 1844-1908 Broatch, William James, 1841-1922 Brooks, Ralph G. (Ralph Gilmour), 1898-1960 Bryan, Charles W. (Charles Wayland), 1867-1945 Burke, Edward (Edward Raymond), 1880-1968 Burney, Dwight W. (Dwight Willard), 1892-1987 Butler, David C., 1829-1891 * Carlin, James J. (Bassett, Rock), Legis. 1907 * Chambers, B. L. (Gosper Co) Death, Holdrege, 9/1/1888 * Charlston, C. O. (Phelps/Harlan Co.) - Legis. 1883 d. 9/1/1888 * Christie, James Franklin (for Gov. 1930) - Omaha * Clark, Ralph A. (Ralph Almon), 1867-1955 * Clarke, Charles H, 1870-1893 (Bellevue, 6/8/1893) Papillion Times, 6/8/1893, 1:5 Cochran, Robert L. (Robert LeRoy), 1886-1963 * Cohersour, Elmer L. - Gage Co. 1896 * Collins, G. F. (George Foster), 1834- d. 6/14/1917, Firth, Lancaster Co. Conwell, M. (McKinzie), 1844-1906 Copeland, Oren S. (Oren Sturman), 1887-1959 (MS1912) CORPORATION LAW--INCORPORATION--NEBRASKA * Coryell, William, 51st Dist., 1906 Johnstown, Brown Co. * Cowdery, Benjamin R. (SOS), 1889-1891 d. Journal, 9/6/1914 * Crawford, James C., 1836-1907 Crosby, Robert (Robert Berkey), 1911- Crounse, Lorenzo, 1834-1909 Cuming, Thomas B. (Thomas Barney), 1828-1858 RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State 3 & film ADDED ENTRIES: Dahlman, J. C. (James Charles), 1856-1930 Dawes, James W. (James William), 1845-1918 * Day, Charles A., 1848-1926 Dech, W. H. (William H.), 1840-1926 * Diedrichs, Samuel Spencer, 1900- Lincoln County (1974) Sunday World Herald, 6/22/1980 11:B Dietrich, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1853-1924 * Druesdow, Robert Christian, 1869- (Omaha) Sun. Journal, 2/26/1950; 9A:7 * Dunn, John Dennis, 15th Dist. 1934 - Douglas Co. * Dunphy, Roderick E.(Seward) 12/26/1902, Utica; Star 5/4/1957: 2:2 ELECTIONS--NEBRASKA Evans, John H., 1848-1905 Exon, J. J. (John James Jr), 1921- * Fishburn, J. E. - Saline Co., 1886 * Frantz, Millard F., 1848- (Legis. 1887), Friend, Saline * Fulton, George F., dec. 1/16/1975, Beatrice (59-61) * Fults, J. F. (Repres. 64th Dist, 1914) Beaver City, Furnas Co. John F. d. Lincoln 1/24/1937 (Journal) * Funck, I. W., Beatrice, 1889), 21st 1890 Furay, John B., 1840-1907 Furnas, Robert W. (Robert Wilkinson), 1824-1905 * Galusha, Algernon, 1859- Garber, Silas, 1833-1905 Gardner, William A. (Omaha), Legis. 1889, 1891 Probate, #5175 (15-102), 1906 * Gillespie, Bennett S. (Holt Co.) Glebe, Otis Orrick, 1929- Lincoln 1972; Kramer, Saline, NE * Gordon, Henry (Holt Co.) * Gosper, John J. (SOS), 1873-1875 Gov. Arizona Territory, Dawson County Lexington Citizen, 5/30/1913 Griswold, Dwight (Dwight Palmer), 1893-1954 * Gutoski, Peter Paul Jr., 1911-1944 Legis. 8th Dist. 1940 Jr or Sr. d. 4/14/1944 (Omaha) Probate, 65-154 (1944) Hart, James C. Jr., 1933- (Legis. 11th Dist., 1972) Omaha Chamber of Commerce * Herdman, Lee (1895), Supr Ct Reporter, 1900-1904 Journal, 6/15/1936 Holcomb, Silas (Silas Alexander), 1858-1920 Holmes, C. A. (Charles A.), 1840-1908 * Hussong, Edward M. (1900) - Franklin Co. Izard, Mark Whitaker, 1799-1866 RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State 4 & film ADDED ENTRIES: James, William H. (William Hartford), 1831-1920 * Jeffcoat, John, 1836-1900 Probate, #11531 (27-458) * Johnson, C. A., (ENPPD) Carl Arthur, Omaha, World Herald, 11/10/1968 26B:1 Carl A. Sunday World Herald, 11/8/1953, 20B:4 * Johnson, Fred (Auditor, 1930) - Cotesfield, Howard * Johnson, Ruth Thyra Victoria (Miss) - Lincoln * Junkin, George C., 1858- (SOS), 1907-1911 Star, 5/15/1935; Journal, 5/16/1935 15:3 Gosper County, Smithfield, 1912 (GAR) * Kelley, J. W. (John Weller), 1845- (alive 1931) (Beaver City, 1909) - Furnas Co. 25yrs Kennard, Thomas P. (Thomas Perkins), 1827-1920 * Kenower, George F. (George Frederick), 1854- Regent, UN, 1898-1904;Wisner (Cuming), Regent 1897 Kinkaid, Moses P. (Moses Pierce), 1850-1922 Kubicek, Betty, 1943- * Lanigan, Tom (1942) Thomas Wunibald, Scotia, 1888- (Asst U.S. Atty) * Larsen, Richard R. (Treas., 1959-61) Omaha * Larsen, John, Repres. 10th Dist. 1915, So. Omaha * Lauer, Florian (Phelps Co.) Laws, Gilbert L. (Gilbert Lafayette), 1838-1907 Lillibridge, C. C. (Chauncey Clark), 1894-1965 Lobeck, C. O. (Charles Otto), 1852-1920 * Mahoney, T. J. (Timothy Joseph), 1857-1917 Probate, #8978 (22-413), 1917 Majors, Thomas J. (Thomas Jefferson), 1841-1932 Marsh, Frank, 1881-1951 Marsh, Frank (Frank Irving), 1924- Marsh, George W. (George Wesley), 1852-1940 Mayberry, Charles N. (Charles Nelson), 1841-1912 McCoy, Rita J. Volcek, 1931- (Mrs. Thomas, Omaha) * McGrath, John (Jack) - Filley, Gage Co. McKelvie, Sam (Samuel Roy), 1881-1956 * McKenna, A. P. (Augustine P.), 1842- (Gretna, Sarpy) McKesson, J. C. F. (John C. F.), 1858-1937 * McMillan, John (1899), dec. 8/8/1899 Lincoln John McMillan, dec. 8/1/1891, Lincoln Morton/Watkins, IIIB, p.681 (b.1847) So. Omaha Omaha City Council, 1888- McMullen, Adam, 1875-1959 * Meacham, Charles H. Jr. Charles H., 1858-1951 (12/17/1951), Saline * Meier, William Henry, 1904- (MS3563) Meyer, Max, 1881-1980 Mickey, J. H. (John Hopwood), 1845-1910 Moore, Scott, 1960- RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State 5 & film ADDED ENTRIES: (CONT) * Morearty, Charles Bryan, 1897 - Omaha Supreme Ct. Atty, 1922 Span/Amer War, 1917-1918 American Legion Charles P. 11246 & 60 (29-173 & 187), 1922 Morehead, John H. (John Henry), 1861-1942 Morrison, Frank B. (Frank Brenner), 1905- Morrissey, Frank R., 1856-1894 (Omaha, 10/31/1894) Morton, Julius Sterling, 1832-1902 * Motley, John B., 1813-1869 (SOS), 1858 (Dodge County) Nance, Albinus, 1848-1911 Nebraska. Brand Commission Nebraska. Board of Parole Nebraska--Constitution Nebraska. Department of Public Institutions Neumann, Julius (14th Dist. 1914) - Wymore, Gage Neve, William (Omaha), Legis. 1889 Neville, Keith, 1884-1959 Norris, George William, 1861-1944 Orme, Fern Hubbard, 1903- (NH Mag.) Paddock, Algernon S. (Algernon Sidney), 1830-1897 Peterson, Val (Frederick Valdemar Erastus), 1903-1983 * Phelps, Charles J., 1839- Schuyler, Colfax Co., Supr Ct. Atty Albion, Boone Co., 9/2/1915 * Piper, Joel A., 1851-1942 * Pittenger, James S. (SOS), 1951-1953 Boone County, UNL Pool, Charles W. (Charles Wesley), 1856-1930 * Porter, William F., 1861- (SOS), 1897-1901 (Clarks, NE, 1897) Lincoln, 2/17/1945 (1863-1945) Lincoln Star, 2/17/1945 2:3 Powers, J. H. (Johnathan Holbrook), 1831-1918 Poynter, William A. (William Amos), 1848-1909 * Proudfit, Ransom S. (Guide Rock, Webster), 1896 * Purkey, John R. - Fremont, 1970 * Queenan, William H. - Douglas Co., 1914 Quinn, John Burnham, 1913-1964 * Register, Richard B. (Fremont) UN Board of Regents race, 1980 * Reurman, Frank (1896) Richardson, William A. (William Alexander), 1811-1875 Roggen, Edward Pardee, 1847-1926 * Rohla, James V. (Fillmore Co Supervisor, 1898) * Roper, Fred E. (not Fordyce), Thayer Co. 1870 State Journal 4/10/1881, Crete * Ross, Elmer E. (Const. Convention, 1919) - Merrick Co RG002 Nebraska. Secretary of State 6 & film ADDED ENTRIES: (CONT) Sadler, S. (Samuel), 1834-; Hastings 1877 Alma, Harlan Co., 1882 b.
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