~m*milM*m+m • ;v: r.^&kv^^i'W^-y --fyr :- " "in is , PP.?^'!^^'^'^,';,'/.:'.;',.;. •• ''"• • ' WICKLOW^-ntahm.t Rev. Or.- BNwir. LliJie*»CK.—The Stain, which took tooth, aged 74 years. K1RWAN—May Mobil); Rev. M. Flynn and Re*. J. ^ced that unless compulsory powers 20. at 13 Cross Kevin street, Margaret nelly, bishop of Onnea and, j||r|sj|y Dowdall. Bornacoola; Rev. T. Maguire i o the Congested Districts(plac e on May 17, aft^r a few weeks' [ISM JLJE1 JLJbK are g ven t ! Illness, of the Rev. Bartholomew Scan- Kirwan. FIELD—May 22, at 16 Brev priest of Bray, administered tne sacral tod Rev. M. Skelly, Gortlettera; Rev. Board in the present Land Bill, the nan's parade, Bray, Catherine Field, ment of confirmation to three nundrert P. Doherty and Rev. J. Daweon,- efforts of the government will be Ion. Castleconaell, caused profound sorrow Father Scanlon was a natfcr«, aged 65 years. DOUGLAS—May 29, children in the Chnrch of Our Most I^V^'FROM AU. THE COUNTIES Clooae; Bey. % Houriean, »rup*l*a» futHe." Mr. Hugh Lavelle was m- 4 of Ktlrush, and in the earlier yean of at the Hospice for the Dying, Harold's Holy Redeemer, Bray. May 2L l ind Rev. D. Gray, Fenagh. , ! quested to move at the meeting of the i -*»A &;".'•' OF IRgLANI*'. his eaci ed labors ministered in Ccoxa- Cross Laurence Douglas, iff Chapel On May 17 one ef the religious pre- MAYO—Most Bev. Dr. J-lealyV fef Westport District Council that Slieve- clare. Doora and other parishes in tb* ftreet, aged 23 years. BARRETT— cesslohs of the children of the schools the 'first time since he became Arch- mora burial ground be enlarged and county. lie had reached bis seven­ May 22. at Montpleasant Place, Rath- with the Children of Mary in connec­ What li Being Don* by the People at bishop of Tuam, visited Ballyhannis land acquired for that purpose. A ¥H% tieth year. Father Scanlon presided mines, John Barrett, aged 27. EMNIS tion with the month of May took place ?mjm an May 19, and was given a magnifl- Lavelle, secretary, j Home—Various Item* From at the public meeting held on behalf May 12, at 3ft Prussia, street, Peter J" the grounds attached to St. Peter's cent reception. AddreaueB were pre*- I 6LIGO—On Tueeday and Wednesday of the widow and family of the poor Ennis, aged 74 years. FARRELL ¥— % torch in Little Bray. Tfee mothers of | Every Section of the sated to him by the priests and people, June 9 and 10, the first Sligo Feie man Ryan, the railway porter killed April 14, at KHruddery Lodge, Bray, these blessed little children deserve 0 m$i-<. the children ot the schools, the mem- , Ceoll was bel In the Town HalL The Emerald Ule, at Castleconnell, and very ably assist­ Michael Farrelly, at an advanced! age. much praise for the manner in which oers of the Children of Mary Assocl- , following were the number of entries: •vie ed in the collection of subscriptions REDMOND—May 12. at St Michaels they pay tribute to Our Blessed Lady^ nT'« atlon and the Gaelic League. I Choirs (seniors) 2; school choirs, 3; The funeral obsequies took place at Hospital. Kingstown, Ellen Frances by sending their little ones to the pro­ Most Rev. DP. Healy, Archbishop of brass and reed band. 1; fife and drum the parish church, CastloconnelL on Redmond, of Lower Dorset street, cession. The sight on Sunday was a «r SSi'^J Connaught fuam, on May 18, administered the bands, 2; vocal quartette (mixedj 3; Tuesday. Very Rev. Dean White pre­ Thomas Henry Purcell. MAGUIRE— very pleasing one. Solemn benedic­ ladles trio (vocal), 2; soprano solo, >J" GALWAY—Mr. Farrell McDonnell, sacrament of confirmation to four hun­ sided at the office and requiem mass. May 19. at the Hospice for the Dymy. tion of the Most Holy Sacrament was K»V 13, contralto solo 7; tenor solo, 6; « .jsDf Tuam, gave notice that he would dred children in Balla. Among the The celebrant was Very Rev. Dr. Mo- Haroldcross, Mary Maguire, mother of given at thve close. bass solo, 12; banjo solo, 5; Irish sing- move at the next mee.'ng of the Dis­ clergy present were: Fathers O'Mal- Inerney, Klllaloe; Rev. J. Cunning­ James Maguire, member of Bakers' AJPM lug, 13, any song solo, 1H; piano trict Council that the Great Southern ley. Castlebar; Father MeLougblin, ham, Roscrea, deacon; Rev. J. Hehlr, Association, 8 Upper Bridge street. (senior) 9; piano (Junior) 18; violin Ua;!way Company be granted permis- Castlebar; Father O'Connell, Carna- Kilkee, sub-deacon, and Rev. J. Mc- MANSCIER—May 20. William Mans- (senior) 12; violin (Junior) 15; reels Ulster Bicn to run a motor car and trolley COD; Father D'Alton, Belcarra; Mahon, Clare Castle, master of cere­ cier, at 70 North Brunswick street. Father Murphy, Balla; Father Fordo, and jigs (violin and flute) 12 ; step ^~ ^between Dunmore and Tuam. monies. MULLEN-|May 19, at Steven's Hos. ANTRIM.—An other* aerioua fire, In­ IKlIawalla; Father Waldron, Ballln- dancing, 17. pital, Antony Mullen, Inchicore. •:»'&#" On May 3 Very Rev. John Cunnlng- TIPPERARY—Miss Etlen Hackett, volving the premises of three firms, t ..ubber and Father McEvllly, Kellc- 8HERIDAN—May 18. at the Mater 'ham Tynagh, Vlcar-Capltular of the occurred in Belfast May 21. The gues. of Fethard, was run over by a train Diocese of Clonfert, was the recipient Hospital, Joseph F. Sheridan, of 11'scen e of the outbreak was a large At Capavlcar, on May 16, Elizabeth on the south side of Dalkey tunnel on of an address and purse of covereigns Munster O'Connell avenue, aged 51 years. block of new buildings corner of War­ KKt? Ludden, aged 26 years died. The ; May 18. Her left foot was severed. from the people of KlUeenadeema. KILDARE—The death of Mrs. ing and Hill streets, occupied by funeral at Strade Abbey, was large ' CLARE.—At the Urban Council She was conveyed to St. Michael e hos­ ..The deputation who made the present­ Bridget O'Neill, of Main street. Mon- Young's Paraffin Light Company, Bell and every sign of mourning and sym­ mPHtlng lately a resolution was adopt­ pital, where latest report stated she ation consisted of Mr. P. J. Kellq, asterevan. occurred May 13 at the fine & Reid, tea merchants, and Elliott 8c pathy was seen In the town and- coun­ ed authorizing Mr. Bracken, Temple- was doing well. •Corheen; Mr. P. Monahan, Caher- age of eighty-four years, deeply re­ Co., blouse manufacturers. The last- try around. Deceased leaves five more, Tlpperary, to build a monument A French lady named Briscoe, at crea; Mr. P. Fahy, Learacon, and Mr. gretted. On Thursday, the remains named establishment was gutted. The children to he." young husband, who to the Manchester martyrs at the head present on a visit to Nenagn, was re- P. McGlynn, Balllnagreve. were conveyed to the parish church, other two sustained extensive dam­ Is a relatives of the Hlshop of Syra­ of Francis street, Junction of the Mar­ j celved Into the Catholic church on where office was chanted and high age, running Into several thousand On May 12, at the Convent of cuse, New York, and of Father James ket Square. Mr. O'Dwyer, who made • May 17 in St. Mary's of the Rosary by mass celebrated on Friday, after pounds. Mercy, Westport, County Mayo, Mlas , Ludden of Albany, the leading repre­ the motion for permission on behalf '' the Kev. Father Hogan. L "i-JfJ''"'*" which Interment took place The large •VJ?".-;-**'' Elizabeth Kelly, daugf*er of Mr. Mar­ The new committee of the United ARMAGH.—A well contested chal­ sentatives of a family who have done of the memorial committee, of which Dumber of persons who followed the gin Kelly, Vlcarschoralland^Tuam, re­ Irish League branch In Toomavara is lenge hurling match between the Tir- much for their race in America, and he la the hon secretary, said he was remains to their last resting place tes­ ceived the white veil from Most Rev. •composed as follows: Toomavara — na-nog and Armagh Harps took place whose beneficence to the parish's authorized to mention that all the ne­ tified to the respect In which the de­ JDr. Heal}', Archbishop of Tuam, assist­ James Cleary, John O'Donovan, Thorn- May 17, on the grounds of the Tlr- i beautiful church Is a record unrivaled gotiations with the sculptor had been ceased was held. All business houses h'"" ed by the Rev. J. MacDermott. adm., ' as Ryan, William Coffey, Rody- Dono- na-nOg team at Lurgyvallen, near Ar­ In the history of Irish exiles [ completed, and that on a date not later were closed. The chief mourners and took as her name In religion St. 1 hue, P O'Meara and M. O'Meara. magh. The Tlr-na-nOg team has been | The Westport Town Hall bazaar than the last week In September next were: Mr. John O'Neill (husband); M. Jarlath. The relatives present Grenanstown—Patrick Ryan. M. Glee- recently formed in connection with a k -' closed on May 16, and was a success, the monument would be unveiled. Tiney and James O'Neill (sons) Rev. "were: Mrs. Kelly (mother), Mr. Pat- ' son, James Feehlly and Charles Mc­ boys' club established In Armagh by iPrize winners: The two Arab ponies' CORK.—Mr. Jamea O'Brien, mer­ J. J. Donovan officiated at the grave­ Tick Kelly (brother. Misses Macheran Carthy. Ballinree—William Moran, Rev. sJosepb Dunne, Armagh. Al­ ^> were won by Mr.
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