Base Ready For Midshipmen Influx When First Cruise Anchors Wed. The man power complement of Midshipman Cruise Alpha scheduled to drop anchor in Guantanamo Bay Wednesday, July 25, will be met by various elements on the Base with a jam-packed recreational agenda. With the view to making their visit in Gtmo a "pleasant and memora- COVERS GTMO LIKE THE SUNSHINE ble one," special arrangements have been made. U. S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba The NavSta Retail Store, Uni- planes at the shop will be sold form, Sports, Tailor and Barber- on Volume VII, No. 29 Saturday, 21 July 1956 a 25 per cent discount. shop, Dry Cleaning and the NAS Retail Store will keel their doors Dance Friday open from 0915-2100 on July 25 LCDR R. M. Moore, "0" Club LCDR Bager Retires, Leaves Tues., and 27. On July 26 t he hours will Mess Treasurer, reports that a re- be 1300-2100. ception and dance in honor of the LTJG J. L. Johnston, Asst. Navy Middies will he held at the cluh CHBOSN Arwood Provost Marshal Exchange Officer, s aid that no on Friday evening, July 27. special orders will be taken by Mrs. Betty Dean, Long Distance Yesterday LCDR T. E. Bager the Navy Exchange w hile the Mid- Telephone Exchange Supervisor, was relieved as Base Provost Mar- shipmen are still aro und. He also passed the word that shifts of shal by CHBOSN W. L. Arwood. announced that Base residents are telephone operators "are all set" LCDR Bager is retiring from the Maids Quarters expected not to shop on the dates to meet the expected wave of the navy after 22/2 years of service. above specified "in order to make cruise's long distance callers." Effective immediately He has been stationed in Guan- room for the Midsh ipmen while Special Services Gets Ready tanamo Bay for the past year in there will be maintained they make their purc hases." in the Base The NAS Hobby S willre the capacity of Provost Marshal. Housing Of- cruise.hop M e- The Naval Station Special Serv- main open during the ices department has every recrea- He, his wife and daughter leave fice, room 211, Naval tional and athletic facility on a by FLAW Tuesday for the states. Base Administration stand-by status. When the Middle LCDR Bager began his career Building a maids' quar- Public Works C. owave strikes, the department's in the navy as a seaman appren- ters waiting list. Eligi- bicycle shop, bowling alleys, pool tice and worked his way up the dia- bility for a position on 17th tables, softball and baseball ladder, never missing a pay Arrives Tuesd ay, monds, basketball and t en a i rank this grade. After his release from ac- list will be the oc- courts, swimming pools, stable, tive duty, LCDR Bager and family cupancy of a residence White Hat club, Phillips Park, etc. exclusivelyusedlheCentertion will make Los Angeles, Calif. their on the Base. The date of will let-go their doors wide open! home. application will deter- The P0 club at the Fleet Recrea- The new Provost Marshal CH- mine the position on the T BOSN Arwood, was formerly the waiting list. abyMidshipmen. On the lawn in Base Shore Patrol Officer and 1st front of the P0 Club are 15 party LT of the Naval Station. Seventeen tables deployed for the big event. months ago he served as the as- Tennis matches and sailing races sistant Provost Marshal. between NayBase and the Mid- shiplen will be hield. CDR George Weekend Warriors Gardens, Commodore of the Gtmo Mayor, Councilmen Sailing Club accepted the chal- On Base Two Days lenge the Middies had sent to the club for a sailing race. The Base, Elected For Villamar One hundred forty men of our r< i in turn, challeged them to the reserve force who play around on tennis matches. At the Villamar-Bargo Council weekdays and become veterans on A special "joy ride" treat to the meeting held recently for the elec- weekends arrived in Gtmo early tion of a new council mayor and this week. INDIAN Photo Midshipmen will be given by ten councilmen, the following persons submarines due to arrive in Gtmo CAPT H. N. Wallin ,future Pub- Tuesday, July 24. were elected: A. V. Ward, civilian The first group of 70 Weekend lick Works Center Commanding cufoasalnraeThBae from NSD, council mayor; Floyd Warriors of the Naval Air Reserve Officer, on the left with CDR E. L. B. Winland, MMLC, FTG, council- Training Unit in Miami landed at Rowan, Public Works department man for Precint No. 4; Easton J. the Naval Air Station Tuesday NEGDF Instructors' head, was conducted on a "driving Guillory jr., civilian, PWD, council- morning, July 17. The second group tour" of the Base Tuesday morn- man for Precinct No. 5; Eddie D. which was also composed of 70 ing. CAPT Wallin arrived by plane School Is Underway Surroz, MMC, councilman for Pre- reserves arrived at NAS Wednes- that same morning. cinct No. 6 and Mrs. Marilyn Q. day morning, July 18. An instructors' school in con- The new Public Works officer Anderson, council secretary. While in Gtmo both groups tour- junction with the National Emer- came from the Bureau of Yards ed the Base. After gency Ground Defense Force start- Incumbent councilmen for Pre- their Base and Docks where be was executive cincts one, two, three, seven and sojourn the warriors boarded the ed at Marine Barracks July 9 and assistant to the chief of the Bureau will run through July 29. eight still hold their respective USS LEYTE. for maintenance and nfaterial. offices until such time when their Key personnel from all com- CDR F. L. Lawlor, NAS Execu- CAPT Wallin has been one of the tenure of office will have been ex- mands except from NSD aboard tive Officer disclosed that the pur- leaders in the implementation of pired. the Base were transferred TAD pose of the NARTU visit was to the navy-wide controlled mainte- to the Marine Barracks to undergo The new council mayor announc- "acquaint themselves with aircraft nance program. training in the school. ed that the council meets every shipboard maneuvers and to initi- He also served as the naval rep- The school is devoted primarily first Tuesday of the month at the ate the recruits on how a Naval resentative on a joint committee to the instruction of these key per- Naval Station I & E office, at which Air outfit operates." of the Defense department which sonnel in a concentrated course of meeting suggestions "for the bet- discussed saving of maintenance small unit Marine tactics. Purpose Officer in Charge of terment of the community are ac- both groups funds in the military establish- was CDR R. K. Knight. of the school is to enable these cepted and discussed." ments. men to return to their respective The Council cordially invites re- The first wave of warriors left During the war CAPT Wallin commands and train personnel. sidents of the Base housing com- for Miami Wednesday, July 18, served with the Seabees and he The actual NEGDF exercises munities to the council's regular while the second batch left Thurs- has been the Public Works Officer which are held annually on the monthly meeting. day, July 19. at White Oak, Maryland. Base will be held later in the year. ES e Page Two Saturday, 21 July 1956 THE INDIAN Auan Injured In Scooter Mishap The Indian's mission-To inform and entertain all hands; to serve as a possible factor in promoting the efficiency, welfare, and content- ment of personnel. RADM WILLIAM G. COOPER, Commander, Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. CAPT G. M. HOLLEY, Chief of Staff CAPT WILLIAM R. CARUTHERS, C.O. Naval Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Editorial Staff LTJG D. G. LaCasse ---------------------------- Officer-Advisor G. L. Henderson, JOC -------------------------------------- Editor J. C. Curren, JOSN ---------------------------- Managing Editor E. U. Orias, J03------------------------------ Feature Editor D. D. Hinton, JOSN---------------------------- Staff Reporter THE INDIAN is published weekly at the Naval Station in accordance with NavExos P.35, Revised Nov. 1945, and financed with non-appropri- ated funds. Materials marked AFPS may be used by news media provided credit is given. Features marked "copyright" may not be used. All materials originated by THE INDIAN may be used in whole or in part or without credit. All photographs are official U.S. Navy photos unless otherwise credited. INDIAN Photo Serious injuries resulted for C. by hospital authorities as good. H. Aumann, EMC, Engineering Mrs. C. H. Aumann requested Dept., FTG, last Thursday, July 12, that the INDIAN extend her sin- when the scooter he was riding cere thanks to all who donated collided with a Navy Exchange blood for her husband during the truck driven by a Cuban employee. time when emergency treatment The accident occurred during the was required. noon hour at the intersection of Last Thursday's accident brought Bay Hill Road and Sherman the total of private vehicle acci- Avenue. dents up to 34, for this year while Chief Aumann was hospitalized 82 government vehicles have been with injuries of a serious nature, involved in accidents on the Base. Emily Post was never in any chain of command. What she had to including a broken leg. Emergency Out of the total of 115 accidents, say, however, does have a place in the military life. surgery was required. His condi- 16 injuries have resulted but no Our Armed Forces are built on mutual respect-respect for the tion, at press time was described deaths. individual and his mission. Respect, too, for the fact that his opinions may differ from yours.
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