s*. CUMBERLAND ISLANDER <ti With which It coneoUdated the Cumberland Newt, FORTY-SECOND YEAR—No. 22. CUMBERLAND, BRITISH COLUMBIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1923 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. MINES MINISTER REPRESENTS LOCAL PREDICTS BOOM WOMEN'S BENEFIT To Adopt Drastic Measures ASSOCIATION May Celebration Held At FOR THIS YEAR Los Angeles ls prepared for one of i Re Soldiers' Housing Scheme SPOKANE, Wn„ May 25.—"Never Courtenay Brilliant Success the greatest gatherings that has ever since I assumed office seven years taken place on this continent. Today • ago have mining conditions In Brit­ HUGE CROWD VIEWS BEST CELEBRATION EVER HELD IN CITY COUNCIL IN IMPORTANT MEETING DEBATE SOLDI­ 10,000 members of the Women's Bene- ish Columbia been better, or the out­ fit Association aie scheduled to as­ COMOX VALLEY.—MANY BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED look brighter," said Hon. William ERS HOUSING SCHEME—SPEED ARTISTES TO BE semble here from every state. Hawaii Sloan, minister of mines for British and the provinces of Canada to par- CARS IN PARADE. PROCECUTED. Columbia in an address before the tlctpate In a gorgeous Grecian mara- North-west Mining Convention here i The fourth annual May Day Gam­ Two communications were reud at thon. | on Thursday. The day was set apart bols of the children of the Courtenay the City Council Meeting on Monday The occasion is the quadrennial as 11. C. day In honor of the Canadian Public School took place on Wed­ evening last. One from Mr. Fraser meeting of the association, at which delegates who; celebrated Victoria NOTICE nesday last under Ihe most auspici­ Watson and tlle other from Mr. Ro­ DOUBLE DAILY election of officers for the next four Day here. ous conditions. The weather which bert Halcrow stating that the Cum­ years will be held, and other natio­ BOAT SERVICE The v/ar years' boom In mining had been anything but pleasant for berland Electric Lighting Co. had nal business nt the organisation dls- had been followed by a reaction, the the previous week broke clear and sent an employee to cut the branches The double dally bont service cusssed. minister said, but present conditions . A Mass Meeting of Employ­ the sun Bhonc brightly throwing out from the ornamental trees in front of between Nanaimo and Van­ Miss Ulna W. West ot Port Huron pointed to a revival, not of "unheal­ ees of the Canadian Collieries Just enough warmth to make all par­ their residence without asking per­ couver is now in effect. For Mich,, founder and supreme com­ thy prosperity," but of "progress and Dunsmuir, Ltd., will be held in ticipants In the festival feel jubilant. mission or giving any notification the benefit of those Interested, mander of the association, ls cred­ prosperity built upon the solid foun­ the Lecture Hall of the Cum­ Great preparations had been made whatsoever. The two correspondents tlle following schedule, taken ited with having planned every de­ dation ot developed resources and berland Literary and Athletic for the big event and those who had evidently considered it an outrage, from the C.P.R. advertisement tail of the pageant. She has been the normal demands ot the markets Association on Sunday next, taken Interest enough to decorate and requested the City Council to ls published: . working on the plans for this event of the world." June 3rd, at 10.30 a.m. sharp. their cars or construct floats for take drastic measures to prevent a S.S. Princess Patricia leave ever since the last meet four years Business: Election of officers participation In the mammoth parade similar occurrence. They also asked Nanaimo 7 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. The great need of British Colum­ ago. The result will be a cereinoni- and Organization of Commit­ can congratulate themselves that for compensation for damage already Arrive Nanaimo 12.15 p.m. and bia and of the whole northwest, Mr. al with 3000 costumed participants tees for the Annual Picnic. their efforts were crowned with suc­ done. The Mayor and aldermen '• 8 p.m. Sloan declared, was capital. Fortuna­ In all colors of the rainbow, present­ cess, making the procession the most gave the matter careful considers- Leave Vancouver 10 a.m. and. tely capitalists were turning more ing the history of the club move­ Ed. Hughes, President. imposing that has yet been held with­ lion nnd decided that the correspon- 5.45 p.m.. nnd more to western America and to ment among women, alongside Im­ Chas. O'Brien, Secretary. in the boundaries of the Valley Hub. dents should seek redress .from the Arrive Vancouver 9.15 n.m. those few other countries where there portant historic events of the past 30 Tbe parade was a real feature, in the Cumberland Electric Lighting Co. and 4.45 p.m. appeared to be staple goverment. To years. I secure this capital, mining men must, lineup being not less than fifty cars It appears that the matter had j first of all, be good and reliable sales Every state and province will have nearly all wearing gala attire, some been taken up by the City authorities agents. Its own trumpeter In the grand pro­ FIRST ROUND OF Indeed being works of art, creating at some recent date, as the Managing ! cessional and 1000 massed uniformed COURTENAY BALL TEAM "If we adopt this principle, there among the long line of spectators Director of the Cumberland Electric guards will give a specially designed CONNAUGHT CUP DEFEATS CUMBERLAND Is no doubt that the-. Northwest will who elbowed each other along the Lighting Co. writes the Mayor and drill. One thousand children have PLAYED TO DAY be opened up In the next decade on full length of Union Street a most Aldermen as follows:— been trained to give a joy revel in On Sunday, May 27th, on the re­ n scale unprecedented In any similar favorable Impression. Congratula­ May 17th. 1923. pantonine. In the first game in the Connaught creation Grounds on Sunday, the period,'' the speaker declared. tory remarks were heard on all sides. Gentlemen: At the convention. Miss West will Cup series Nanaimo City has been A great deal of Interest centred on Courtenay baseball team met the Mr. Sloan gave three reasons for free summer camps open to all mem- drawn against Ladysmlth, and the tho two floats of local fraternal or­ Replying to your communication Cumberland senior team. The score his optimism in regard to the mining announce completion of plans for game will be played on the Central ganizations, that of the Benevolent of complaints being made to your was 8-5 In favor of Courtenay. Thc industry iu British Columbia. First hers of the association. This, with Sports Grounds Today (Saturday) Protective Order of Elks having been Council from property owners re­ game was very interesting and a was the wonderful promise of the free health centres for its members next, commencing at 4.30. borrowed by the local lodge from garding cutting off limbs from trees, good crowd gathered. Tiie line-up newly opened up mining district in is the task the association has set The draw for the first round, fol­ tbelr brethren at Nanaimo. The co­ likely to cause short circuiting of for Cumberland was: Catcher, D. Ri­ the Portland Canal; second, the for itself. lows: lor scheme on this Immense vehicle our lines and thereby endangering chards; pitcher, E. King; 1st base, T. marked advance that had been made Nanaimo City vs. Ladysmlth at Na­ was the lodge colors, purple and lives of our patrons, wo wish to In­ Plump; 2nd base, I. James; short­ in solving the metallurgical problem The organisation has a membership naimo, next Saturday. white. On the front was a large elk form the Mayor and Council that no stop, D. Bnnnerman; 3rd base J. Mnr- of the economic treatment of the ot 275.000, according to Miss West. It Byes: 1. L. A. Vancouver; Cum­ head, symbolic of the order lt repre­ more limbs will be cut from trees un­ rochl; right field, J. Dangerfield; complex ores of the Kootenays; and, started out 30 years ago ln debt of berland and Davenport. sented. On the deck of the car a may til the Managing Director personally centre field, C. Hitchens; left field. J. third, that the copper market ls now $150 for office furnishing. Now the pole had been erected and around this Interviews the owner of thc trees McKay. The line-up for Courtenay: in a healthy condition. members boast beautiful offices at The draw for the second round and pruning done to their satisfac­ Port Huron, Mich., and a reserve fund reads: twelve little girls, all ln white Catcher, M. Mitchell; pitcher, fi. Referring to coal mining, which tion. Smith; 1st base, Brown; 2nd base, of $19,000,000. Benefits totaling I.L.A., Vancouver, versus Nanaimo danced'and entwined the varicolored has been at a standstill in point of City or Ladysmlth. ribbons. Regret was expressed that It Is not the desire of the Compa­ Pettigrew; shortstop, J. Cummings; $24,000,000 have been paid out. production In the province for the Cumberland versus Davenport. this float was so massive that it ny to destroy property neither will 3rd base, R. Robinson; left field, G. Mrs. Eccleston is representing the last thirteen years, the minister could not reach the terminating they countenance any employee do­ Millard; centre field, A. Robinson; local order. hoped that this industry would be point of the parade because It was too ing so. right field, G. McLean. MAY DAY CELEBRATION stabilised and assisted to a large ex­ large to negotiate the turn in the road Owners will convey a favor by SOCIAL EVENING tent by the establishment of an iron I COLLECTION LIST jit the (ondensory bridge.
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