"-1 > 9 THE NEW YORK HERAL]0, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1921<dm o/Hearn Lines of Traffic Lead to HEARN'S Ninety-four Years Merchandising Many a of the corivenient of reaching Nearly century control bry HEARN There are so many quick, ways now in its fourth has this store that customers aire always in touch with family, generation, shaped a consistent policy of success in this our money-saring opportunities. The various city in and to store of which the 1:itest evidence appears and suburban lines daily hourly bring new its and relocation and teenth Street thousands of who depend on f Ml our departmer Fourpeople ( MEl tut WEST OP WFTH AVB. of many lorig established ones. Hearn's splendid merchaiidise and low prices. fQURTEPJTH STREET Foun.i&l growth < i m n 4 ISUM jMER NEEDS J.L 1 a A V1NC; PR ICES Big assoirtments.lib(^rallv nlannpH Daily Specials in all departments. f Following m oney-saving specials on sale both Monday and Tuesday. ~ Special (Offering White and I*astel Tinted Special lot o\r ~~i Fine Voile Bed Sets from Silk ^Troi^ieau Lingerie Philippi ne Envelope Chemises 6.9>4 Were EUROPE 1.82 $2.48 Made to Sel1 at $12.00 Entirely hand-made.daintily sc.illoped and Colored embroidery itiserts in blue, gold, embroidered.strap shoulder mulberry and other atecorative tints. to YOU i About 200 Pairs Fine Figured Velour Continuing Special Purchase Sale Mfrs. Close Out of Undermuslins and Scrim Panel valance.blue,Drape*.centerrose, brown, Curtains.real lace motif.Marquisettegreen. Nightdressses I Envelope Chemises 2H yards long. value $5.47 Set 3.8$ were 4.9 I ci Nainsook m<Ddels with or r*4 $6.94 Madras Curtains cream Of flesh color crepe with olored stitching simple -j Extra Heavy Slip Coverings. rosebud with lace elaborate or tone grounds.colored nainsook $2.28 self . and white inserting trimming.were colored . slight misweaves .round neck styles. stripes.value .38. 28 perfect value $2.47.pr. l.GGdesigns were $1.48 1.04 Petticoats i New Curtain Netsi.special Sunfast Madras Portieres. designs.small offering.filet and wood [Wi Of imported sateen in white and flesh with figures.yardrose, blue, green JftS border of Calais larp insprtinc and edcintr wide yd. .34 tones.value $7.47..pr. 5.§8 Nightdress panel models. Extra Wide Nets.square mesh Half Sash Curtains.ready to Large assortment of charming styles in 1.64 weaves.very strong and hang.hemstitched.scrim and Were"$£2 serviceable.48inches marquisette.Special, pr. .57 white, orchid, blue and flesh color nam wide yd. ^ Curtain Muslins.colored sook. Petticoats Manufacturers'Samples.I of link fjjf blue were $2.28 1.64 Madras Curtains.mported borders.inserts Of fine nainsook with elaborate match. and gold. Special, yd. 1 2 H Three of a Kind.A set 1?4 yards long.many of Lace 2pc flounces. 50 inches wide each . 6 7 Importers' Samples consisting of Earrings, were S 2.44 Fine Net Curtains .with Cluny v^uriains.airnui, nioi ijuiocii-c Necklace and Bracelet of NIGHT DRESSES of finest qilality crepe de chine.three models Nightdress $3.2 lace and laces.\Yi yds. or crochet lace edgings. and the entirely hand made and trimrned with Val. Irish A variety of individual style!S in fine quality were $5.97 3.9 7 I long Each .07 jet pearls, and embroidery. Two models are illustrated.' cambric and EllVelope Chemises favored by Paris,combination were gy in our $18.95 $2.97 2*18 Nainsook vnth rows of Val. lace 4,000 Yards .Mill Lengths has just arrived ENVELOPE CHEMISES (Mustiatcd).similar to the night rj nrj nainsook.were fish-eye Jewelry Section to dresses described above.were $9.48 I < */ inserting and edge in rows of lace and York. rAKIDIM ATIrtWC oofin cfri'nnH Alhambra Miss New fascinate ENVELOPE CHEMISES AND ^VlVlUIlim vr4 anvin uv.i^vv. ses embroider Draperies de chine.in lace Nightdress were .97. .67 crepe and heavy quality crepe epyiisite ^ fine nainsook in white and flesh.with y;; Price is 7.50 trimmed models.were $5.75 . Of Yard yoke back and front anc1 cap sleeves of Vc*sts and .50 Jewelry Section.Main Floor fine Val. lace. Step-in 2 to 6 yard lengths.rotie, blue, uood browns, were $3.28 2.44 Drawers greens and multi colcwings.many match. Two ai Values in ching pieces of white nainsook, Yds. f Sped Windsor Crepe !Bloomers Drtthy $ ty pipings of pink, orchid or 50 Prs. High Grade 3,000 White and s*fk blue, and hemstitched finish. nrj Reversible Drapery, Poplins SiIks .97fleshwere «DU were .97. Each *Oi Velour Portieres and Repps 17.44 ~ Special .67 Yd. 39 inch Cointon Crepes Wnmen's Extra I tgham Value $23.50 Size Accessories Blue and rose, blue and 50 inches wide.rose, blue, Summer at Rath in brown, rose and green, and Styles %/WM 2.37 Special Prices V*/ V %/ g Dresses others. French edge. 7 ft. olive, crimson, tan and Women's Extra Size Satin 6 in. long. other colors. e Camisoles.models of soft, fine Wer $2.95 with button front, i$.95 quality satin, No Nerd for a Hairpin. a weave built up shoulders, and Weire Heavy quality silk in full crepe lace trimrqing.fleshelaborate $10.50 She who uses this new be had iti all the favorite light and white -were $1.97. 1.57 MORNING SPECIALS kind of cigarette holder that may Extra Size a Women's Triple ngham is the favored , c_i_ J__. j i will not have to take and dark colors. Burson Hose.black and j and out the balbriggan.were .75. .50 9de for the Summer bath- Jn oaie monuay anu Puesday Until 1 P.M. hairpin poke Women's Extra Size !['o prevent dealers buying, quantities rcistricted. No Mall or Telephone Orders butt of her cigarette. There Hose.rib top.slightlyMercerized gr costume. The model $1.58 Dress Serges 1.10 $14.50 Boys' Suits 11.45 is a concealed spring which irregular.were .37 29 to 48 wide fine twill All wool tweeds and at a touch will it inch te Back Satins Satin 12 inchev cheviots, push 40 Crep Women's Extra Size ztured comes in black .tan, copen, reindeer, burgundy, cassi meres -gray, tan, brown right out. Moreover this Breakfast Coats.fine quality brown, navy and black. and heather mixtures.short, idea is the more -# trimming of self fullings and d white checks with DREHS OOODH.MAIN FLOOR. or box plait modelsinverted ingenious / silk front.solid and *I.57 Black Satins and lined.two pair fullyalpaca attractive because it was 1 .84 colors changeable lite linen collar and cuffs Taffetas 1.15 lined trousers.sizes 7 to 17 the Parisienne who in- < were $15.50 13.95 finish years. vented it. Were $2.45 Women's Extra Size Voile .ished with black moire 35-inch.fine chiffon 'BOYS' CLOTHING.THIRD FLOOR. / Blouses . several attractive taffetas. Price is .75 MAIN FLOOR. $1.24 Little Tots' with satin face, in styles, one of which is a ws. S1I.KS. .65 Soft, draping quality bright model.trimming of real ct. .42 Rompers and Creepers French Shop.Third Floor .sizestieback 5!9 Damasks Gingham and ehambray.Peggy a assortment of t\treet and evening colors. Venise or filet edging 58-inch.heavy quality. to good 46 to 54.were $5.65.. 1.59 LINENS.MAIN FLOOR. and Toddles style.sizes 6 vo other attractive years. T Women's Extra Size Taffeta styles DEPT..SECOND FLOOR. Petticoats .navy, black and ' 2 ct. Poplins .30 INFANTS' changeable colors.deep red and brown checked For nurses' uniforms, middies, Women's Cotton Union Suits. .43 flounces.were $5.94 1.97 pajamas, boys' and men's Seconds of 57r and 67c quality. Extra Size Dept..Third Floor ngham come at this price shirts, etc. .low neck .sleeveless loose or ' 'ah WHITE GOODS.MAIN FLOOR. tight knee regular and extra hWReason^MEN=ji Z I13 ct. Heavy Cotton sizes. MONDAY TUESDAY Towelings Yd. 9 KNIT UNDERWEAR.MAIN FLOOR. Pretty For dish and rollers.blue 88 ct. Extra Size 1238 1iVomen's for only. borders Muslin Gowns .64 Underthings TOWFLINGB- MAIN FLOOR. Flesh and white.round necks. Children P Sale 216 ct. Tickings 19'/2 embroidery trimmed. SILK ]DRESSES Special 'urchase EXTRA SIZE DEPT..THIRD FLOOR. Children's Slips.lare and v J A. C. A. and other stripes.for trimming.6 to 16 embroidery ticks and mattresses. Men's Cloth Hats 1.00 1.25 i Tl< ;K ING8.BASEMENT. $1.45 15.77 years.were $1.68 impor ed Fancy Brown and green- well made. Value to $34.73 Children's Cambric Drawers 7 ct. and 67 ct. Fine Grade sizes 6k to 7',. Reg. $24.73 .embroidery and tucks. MEN'S HATH.MAIN FLOOR. Linene Cretonnes 32 ft ii n,ji als and colors. Sizes 36 to 46. 1 to 12 yrs..were .68.. .12 oiles / iro a a runn are oettert Smartest Spring materi Children's Silk Princess Slips V Yard wide.bird, chintz, $2.19 to $2.39 Men's Headlight .white and pink.daintily and allover designs. Japanese40 Overalls or Coats 1.77 Than One--Because they trimmed with lace.6 to 14 styles. Blue, blue striped or white. give a smarter style to .25 CRETONNES.BASEMENT. sizes 116 to 42.extra years.were $4.28 . 2 5 6 regular this new bead bag that has Children's Silk Bloomers. s to 1 0 ct. Cluny Laces sizes, 44 to 50.
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