-: . ,. (.,. L. ..... ..;> Number 10 Juan Bautista Natio nal Historie Trail September 1997 Rancho Los Feliz: An Anza Expedition Legacy hile several of the 1776 Anza Wparty lett the Presidio of San Francisco to found the first pueblo in San Jose in 1777, Jose Vicente Feliz remained stationed at the presidio until 1781 when his military experi­ ence and his ab1lity to read and write earned him a major assignment in settling El Pueblo de la Reina de Los Angeles (The Town ot the Queen of the Angels). He returned to land and a Mediterranean climate more suited .- to his Sonoran roots and to places he had camped and ridden near the Los Angeles River. Feliz, three other sol­ . :.. diers, and the first of three settling . - parties arrived at Mission San Gabriel (OJ~_ENO) . in June 1781 three months ahead of ,· the pueblo's official founding along the Nuestra Seflora de Los Angeles de :_ Porciuncula (Our Lady of the Angels •'· ~ ,,. 'I of the Little Portion or the Los .-· Angeles River) . 1; ~. The pobladores (settlers), recruited from various places around the Gulf The C/ fseno (hand·dmwn rnapl for El Pucblo la Relna de l..os Angeles (Town of thc Quecn of of California, were quarantined at Angels} Is thoughl tn be datcd around thc car1y I BOO's. ·i..os Fc/ices ·refers 10 tl1e ;irca of the mission. On September 4, Rancho los Feliz: and ·i..os &rdugos· is corrcclly spel/ed as los Verdugos. Crcdlt: Donald C. 1781 , Tl//man. fouc Souarc Leagu e~i /,os tlogc/cs Th'o H11ndred YeaQ Later l..os Angeles City Board o( Corporal Feliz led the party of P11bl1c Worl<S. 1unclnte<1J. pobladores the final eight miles to the l>y Ruth Taylor Kilday banks of the Rio Porciuncula. In a val­ Jose Vicente Feliz may be children, retumed as a soldier lo ley nestled between two mountain remembered best as the hus­ soulhem California and later band of Anza expedition mem­ became a successful Californio. In This lssue ... ber Maria Ygnacia Matwela Rancho Los Feliz, a 6,64 7-acre Agencies Start Trail Marking Pinuelas who died in childbirth grazing concession including the Challenge Cosl Share Program on November 24. I 775 and was Los Angeles River. was eon· buried al Mission San Xavier del finned between I 796 and I 800. Pima County Promotes the Trail I Bac in Arizona loday. The child. Over 4.000 acres of the original Anza Plaza Project Takes Shape I Jose Antonio, survived the trip, Rancho Los Feliz are now known Rio Rico Properties to Donate I but died nine months later al as Griffith Park in the City of Los Trail casem ent Mission San Gabriel. Despite the Angeles. The story of Feliz is part Second Annual Anza World I personal loss of two family mem­ of the conlinuing saga of south· Conference in Arizpe bers within nine months, em Califomia water. Nere is a Students Connecl wilh History Vicente. lhe father of eight olher small pa.rl of the story . (Rancho Los Feliz. cont.) ranges Rancho Los Feliz, besides being the Ca/ifornia. although the capita! d1d admired on a previous expedition by family name. was referred to in news­ not physically move from Monterey Father Crespi, and at a site designat­ paper articles as "happy farm." The until 1845. During the polit1cally ed by Govemor Felipe de Neve, the rancho was reported as among the unstable Mexican regime (perhaps original Los Angeles was established loveliest and most profitable in Alta because Feliz was of Spanish descent (now CA Historical L.andmark 11156). California and "surpassed the olhers and possibly because they were Even in this small. remote. and dusty in both scenery and agricultural Spanish loyalists). the family look pueblo in 1781 , the forces of destiny potential." The rancho (today just strong action to ensure and defend creating the new nation were on the east of Universal Studios, the their legal nghts. In 1839, Dona Fehz­ move, just as they were 3,000 miles Hollywood sign, Forest Lawn ceme­ Verdugo secured the Rancho's water away in the thirteen colonies. tery, among other features) included nghts. In 1841 and again in 1845 the eastern tip of the Santa Monica her petitions for title to the land were The original pueblo was four square Mountain range where the spring-fed successfully reconfirmed. After leagues, a league being 5,000 varas Los Angeles River turned 180- California was admitted to the Union. or approximately 2.6 miles - what a degrees to the south. Oak groves, Rancho Los Feliz water rights were person could walk comfortably in one ferns, and wild flowers were abun­ confirmed by the U. S. Patent Office. hour - as shown on the pictured dis­ dant. There were inexhaustible sup­ erio. lncluded within the boundary In 1853, just before she died, Dona plies of wood. water, and wildlife. was Yang-na . the community of Feliz-Verdugo deeded over portions Because of the rancho's location Chumash living in tule huts. of the rancho to her daughters. They. northwest of the young village and in tum. sold their land entitlemenls In 1787. Corporal Feliz was appoint­ the proximity of the road to Santa for $1 an acre to the family attorney. ed by Governor Pedro Fages to serve Barbara. it was a center of activity Antonio Coronel. The remaining as Comisionado (governor's represen­ and played an important part in the acres went to Feliz-Verdugo's son. tative. but really the chief authority) emerging lite of the new town. of the new pueblo. He kept order and Antonio Feliz. With conttnuing Feliz died in 1822 just before Mexico helped new settlers. As pueblo lite droughts affecting the entire cattle established independence from Spain assumed regularity, the balance of economy and mounting expenses to and took over governance of power shifted from mmtary to civilian defend land and water entitlements. officials. Meanwhile, Feliz remarried, California. His second wife became Feliz was forced to fake action. On applied for and received (circa 1796- the land owner under Spanish law. his deathbed in 1863, the remaining She remarried a neighbor and 1800) a grazing concession on land acres of Rancho Feliz were transferred contiguous and upstream of the became Dona Maria Ygnacia Feliz­ lo the lawyer Antonio Colonel. pre­ pueblo. a rancho of about one and Verdugo (Berdugo on the diserio) sumably in payment for legal fees. while still occupying Rancho Feliz. one-half square leagues (6,64 7 The land was resold several times for acres). Lite outside the pueblo was As an astute business woman, she many dlfferent reasons. In 1868 the considered dangerous. and the grant­ registered the Rancho Los Feliz ca ttle water rights were leased by the ing of land to a military soldier was brand. Meanwhile, the missions were down-stream City of Los Angeles. considered a smart strategy. secularized and, in 1835. Los Angeles Nearly twenty years later, in 1885 the was decreed the capital of Alta new owner, Griffith J. Griffith, sold the water rights to the City for A Centennial Vpdate $50,000 with the knowledge thal I they were much more valuable. As a riffitti Park cefebrated its 100th anniversary in 1996. As part of the visionary. Griffith. understanding the year-long a dedicated honor the ~~ G festivities, plaque was to party value of the land as a natural resource expedition and .campsite near Travel Town: Among Griffith Park's many for the growing community, offered attractions is the 1853 ~iz Adobe4Crty Landmark #401 ). Located in the to sell it for $750 an acre. All the eastem end Mo'Oica and nearly 14 of 1:he Santa Mountain~ surround~ by I value of the land was based on ils million regional residents three major freeways defihing northeast­ with its accessible water. The City wasn't inter­ em boundary, residents and visitors have loved it to death! Nearly 10 mil­ ested in his offer. Griffith eventually lion people used the park in its centennial year. ·And in November of that donated over 3,015 acres to Los year. separate bond issues (Proposition A and Proposition K), two pa.sSec! Angeles for its first park. Until the prop­ with $45 million designated for Griffitti Park improvements. Additional I erty was annexed inta the City in the Proposition A funds will be used enhance the route of the Juan Bautista to j early 1900's, the Los Angeles River de Nationaltiistonc Trail along the Los Angeles River with greenways, Anza supplied all the city's water needs. pocket parks, and youth educational and work programs .~ ' V1va Rancho Los Feliz! 2 Research for Ran cho L.os Feliz 1 I . Mike Eberts, Grlfflth Park: A Agencles Start Trall !'larfäng- Ce11tennial History. The Historical . Society of Southern Callfornia. 1996. ~e NationaJ t:ark Service is a~ WortångwithJe(JeJaJ and state agen- 1 cies to mark-and interpret the AnZa Trajj. The following activities are 2. National Park Service. .... ~ l . - .... , .. ';. ...... Comprehensi ve Management and Use golng on; _ . .... 1 - • , - - . ..... - . ' ' ~ . ·~ . Plan: Juan Bautisra de Anza National • The Presidio of San Francisco i5 developög to..use the·official mark- Historie Tra.il. 1996 Plans er on the Mountainl.aJ<e to the bluffs above Gplden 3. L.os Angeles City Engineer. Board of h fstoric,JO~ ~ tne Public Works. Four Square Leagues, Gate where Anza determined the location of ihe ~dio . ~ interpretlYe regarding thc diseilo and early survcys displays will be installed'along, the trai!. qther-Po;ryts Öf-interest; induding o( t11e City of Los Angeles. 1982. the remainS of the original Spanish presid~ Wi!J l)e interpret.ect-and shOWn 4.
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