PAGE TWENTY-FOUR FRIDAY, MAY B, 1W2 At The Center Iffiattrliratfr Evening if^raUi The Weather With Glenn Gamber Increasing cloudiness itmlght; Low near 45. Tomorrow cloudy P a g e s with chance o{ showers; high 60 ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ to 66. Monday’s ' outlook ,. Manche$ter— A City o f Village Charm again cloudy, showers. VOL. XCL NO^ 18S (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 6. 1972 r 1 (Claasihed Advertlaiiig on Page U ) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS ' »• i 1 \ 5^ X . r * L J ^ V ■' ^ ‘ ' Mystery Clouds YALTY « I ■ • " # Double Skyjaek VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS ^ * '0 't m f S tel ; 1' I V By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS last Thanksgiving with $200,000 But Western spokesmen said An armed hijacker apparent­ of the airline’s money, has nbt the airline believed no more SA\\ ly balled out over a remote been apprehended. than one man was actively in­ Mexican jungle today, presum­ In New Orleans, the Ehstem volved in the hijack. ably with $303,000 extorted hijacker demanded that Air Linda Mast, 26, of Salt Lake ■'a\ k from Eastern Air Lines, while Force chase planes which had City, one of the passengers ' ,, l /'V * ,t * ■ a second American passenger followed the Jet from Dulles be r -fm ** ■ tbw r t,* allowed off the plane in Los An­ Jet was commandeered to called off, but It was not imme­ geles, said the hijacker had a ANDERSON-SHEA Cuba. POST NO. 2046 diately known if his request gun and used the plane’s public ■Wt L,- The disappearance of an was heeded. address system. “He rambled armed Vietnam veteran who TTie Western hijacker, de­ on, mostly about political had demEinded the ransom scribed as 6 feet tall, weighing things like if the U.S. doesn’t money and six parachutes cul­ 200 pounds and armed with a stop bombing we are groing to minated a hijacking which had .38 caliber pistol, claimed in a kill Richard Nixon,” Mrs. Mast begun Friday in Pennsylvania. note he handed out in Los An­ said. The sky pirate boarded the geles that “ several heavily Tbe hijacker, in addition to Eastern 727 Jet In Allentown. armed members of the an­ getting his new crew and fuel AND ITS UUNES’ Pa., and after two stops at ti-imperialist movement’ ’ were AUXIURY in Dallas, ordered that 70 Washington’s Dulles Airport responsible for the hijack. Air­ meals be brought on board. and one at New Orleans, di­ line spokesmen also quoted his Then he let eight more passen­ rected the plane toward British note as saying: “ The skies of gers get off and police said an­ Honduras. He then changed his America will not be safe again other escaped as the new crew (pASMnJtA, mind and bailed out over Mexi­ until the U.S. government got on. The plane took off with co. ceases its aggression against the remaining 66 ' passengers During the stop at New Or­ the people of Indochina.” and six crewmen. ^'k’k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'k leans, he traded the original three-engine Jet, by then report­ edly hobbled with a hydraulic By His Excellency THOMAS J, MESKILL, problem, for a fresh Eastern MISS i 727. , Governor; o On the first stop at Dulles the Enemy Batters hijacker was given ithe $303,000 LOYALTY DAY QUEEN 2046 and the parachutes In return for releasing the 48 passengers and one stewardess, one of sev­ Highlands Post PROCLAMATION en crew members. But he or­ dered the plane back to Dulles Contributing to a full appreciation of the value of our to exchange his ransom for one SAIGON (AP)—Enemy troops firing tear gas, rock­ Pack 867 Cub Scouts, and friend, tidy up Case Mt. early this In bills of a larger denomina­ ets and mortars wrecked a South Vietnamese brigade heritage is the reservation of a day each year for affirmation Cub Scouts ^ Brownies were busy picking up trash at about’ tion. headquarters defending the central highlands capital of morning on & out Cleanup Day, sponsored by the Chamber of 35 swtions. "^ashway, Inc., the town’s refuse contractor, col- of loyalty to the United States of America. Commerce City Beautiful Committee. Almost 1,000 Boy, Girl, The second hijacking began Pleiku today, inflicting heavy casualties on g^ovemment lected filled litterbags at six school collection points. Friday afternoon shortly after forces and killing an American adviser. I Mindful of the dedication of our forebears to the con­ a Western Airlines 737 Jet left Associated Press correspond- -------------- ----------------------------------- cepts of liberty and justice, and of their perseverance and Salt Lake City for Los Angeles, ent I^vld J. Paine -reported 100 casualUes, more than a where an armed sky pirate re­ f ^ Fire Base 4 ^ the vital fourth of them killed. Several unswerving love of independence which led to the founding leased four children and seven adult passengers and said he .1 ® ? " '" “ .®® " « 't o r y pieces also were de- of our nation, it is fitting that we pledge again our allegiance 47 Still Below "un** ^ J.i!**®* smoke gtroyed by the rampaging sap- to our flag and country. ITT, White House wanted to be flown to Hanoi, sUll poured from the command po^g ^ North Vietnam, but decided in­ poet bunker well after dawn. ' In accordance. with the Statutes of Connecticut, there­ stead on Cuba. The bunker was the main tar- In Mine Tragedy The hijacker, who demanded get of rocket and sapper at- “^1*®** toe C^bodian capital fore, I proclaim Monday, May I, to be Link Disclosed U.S. withdrawal from In­ tacks which preceded savage ° P*“ ioin Penh, dochina and passage to a Com­ hand-to-hand ftghUng. Other Cambodian government KELLOGG, Idaho (AP)—^Mine officials prepared to munist country, then Hook off lower a long-delayed exploratory device deep into the WASHINGTON (AP) — ITT President Harold S. bunkers and pt^Uons at the ““ T * " toe toU in the Geneen discussed economic and antitrust matters with with 64 passengers and six fire base also were hit. “ W*** at- shaft at the Sunshine nidne today in search of 47 men crewmen for DcOlaa, Tex., and missing since a flash Are broke out Tuesday. former ^ ^ t e Houw. Adviser Peter G. Peterson Around Tbe Saigon, command an- ^ “ LOYALTY DAY the time Peterson picked an rPI' director as sole trustee a refueling stop. nounced 80 government defend- The known death toU reached D d lla h of his personal fortune. —---------------------- ----------^----- The plane then went to ’Tam­ ers were klUed or wounded. 86 SYlday night with the dls- pa, Fla., to refuel again, and Field report. «dd there were The celebration of Loyalty Day is an occasion for reflec­ covery o l three more bodies, Peterson, now Secretary of commerce secretary, Peterson then headed for Cuba, arriving tion on the blessings of freedom we enjoy in the United States found about 2,000 feet from the Commerce, picked as bis Is vitally Involved in matters of in Havana early today. shells hit Phnom Penh in the Crash Kills 115 No. 10 shaft, said Marvin trustee Felix O. Rohatyn, a interest to ITT, a giant worid- Tile Eastern hijacker, de­ ^ _ heaviest bombardment of the under Constitutional guarantee. Chase, mine manager. Cutback long-Ume acquaintance who wide conglomerate. scribed as well-dressed, well- against the capital city. On Sicily Peak Chase said rescue woticers spoken and businesslike, carry­ In the central highlands I urge that the flag be displayed on public buildings and had reached the 3,700 foot level “to Judiciary Committee March ing what one passenger said battle, MAJ. William Haynes, private homes in observance of this day, that attention be PAU8UI0, Italy (AP) — An of the mine and were working M onday controverrial 28, said he met with Peterson was a .38-callber revolver, r IX l'Ill V ^ O piC r S®- a U-8. adviser from Oolum- called in our schools to the objectives of Loyalty Day, and AUtaUa DCS crashed in flames toward the elevator shaft which « toter- in April lOTl and discussed an- made the plane circle the . _ t bus. Oa., who survived the at- against a Sicilian mountain Frl- is the only access to the 4,600- WASHINGTON (AP) —The ^ tlto a l Teleirticne A Telegraph utrust policy, balance of pay- Washington area for 614 hours |t g~k11Y14l \ Il'V A A tack. t(rfd Paine the defenders that appropriate* ceremonies be conducted in communities day night kUling all 116 persons foot level where the missing United States wiU formally de­ ments policy, international and then return to Dulles be­ M. VFt-LUVa rxXA vC; counted 86 enemy dead inside throughout Connecticut. aboard. men are believed to be. value the doUar at noon BJDT Critics later decried govern- trade policy, productivity and cause he did not like the de­ the base and picked up 22 of The victims Ihcluded Franco ^ main r ^ u e effort halted Monday, carrying out a bargain ment handling of the antitrust exprcpriaUon policy, nomination of the bills In the SAIGON (A!P) — Five of 10 their weapons. Given under my hand and seal of the State at the Capitol, In Hart­ Indovlna, noted Italian movie morning when dan- struck in late December with case and n T ’s offer of flnan- He said at a meeting in mld- ransom. ford, this fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thous­ He was one of many the richest non-Communlst na- cial help in connection with the 1971, they discussed inter- He had demanded payment in when a helicopter was shot ^ the attack wito a ^ k e t the elevator shaft and nine hundred and seventy-two and of the Independence of the Italian passengers aboard the Uons.
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