Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, December 24, 2007 Volume 43—Number 51 Pages 1599–1635 VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:36 Dec 27, 2007 Jkt 214250 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\PRESDOCS\P51DEF4.021 P51DEF4 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with PRESDOCSF Contents Addresses and Remarks Letters and Messages See also Bill Signings Christmas 2007, message—1631 Little Sisters of the Poor, remarks following Eid al-Adha, message—1615 a visit to Jeanne Jugan Residence—1612 Holiday greetings to members of the Armed Maryland, remarks following a visit with Forces, message—1631 wounded troops and their families at the Kwanzaa 2007, message—1631 National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda—1614 Proclamations Radio address—1599 Veterans Affairs Department, swearing-in National Mentoring Month, 2008—1615 ceremony for Secretary Peake—1626 To Implement an Amendment to the Virginia, remarks on the national economy Dominican Republic-Central America- and a question-and-answer session in United States Free Trade Agreement— Fredericksburg—1600 1629 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, remarks following a visit with wounded troops— Statements by the President 1629 Death of Rep. Julia M. Carson—1600 Bill Signings James B. Peake as Secretary of Veterans Energy Independence and Security Act of Affairs, Senate confirmation—1599 2007, remarks—1612 Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of Supplementary Materials 2007, remarks—1628 Acts approved by the President—1634 Prevent Taxation of Payments to Virginia Checklist of White House press releases— Tech Victims and Families Act, remarks— 1634 1614 Digest of other White House Interviews With the News Media announcements—1632 News conference, December 20—1616 Nominations submitted to the Senate—1633 Editor’s Note: The President was at Camp David, MD, on December 21, the closing date of this issue. Releases and announcements issued by the Office of the Press Secretary but not received in time for inclusion in this issue will be printed next week. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also week. available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http:// The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- www.gpoaccess.gov/wcomp/index.html. lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- There are no restrictions on the republication of material ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments. Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:36 Dec 27, 2007 Jkt 214250 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\PRESDOCS\P51DEF4.021 P51DEF4 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with PRESDOCSF rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with PRESDOCSF VerDate Aug 312005 11:36 Dec 27, 2007 Jkt214250 PO00000 Frm00003 Fmt7969 Sfmt7969 E:\PRESDOCS\P51DEF4.021 P51DEF4 newmail.eps Week Ending Friday, December 21, 2007 Statement on Senate Confirmation of they still have not come through with these James B. Peake as Secretary of funds. Veterans Affairs This week, Congress considered a defense authorization bill. An authorization bill is a December 14, 2007 pledge to spend money. Under such a bill, Congress will make a promise to fund our I am pleased that the Senate unanimously troops in combat. But a congressional prom- confirmed Dr. James Peake to serve as Sec- ise, even if enacted, does not pay the bills. retary of Veterans Affairs. Dr. Peake is a It is time for Congress to provide our troops decorated veteran, highly skilled physician, with actual funding. and proven leader who has devoted his ca- The stakes are high for our men and reer to serving America’s men and women women on the frontlines. Our troops are in uniform. His decades of expertise in com- striking blows against the terrorists and ex- bat medicine and health care management tremists in Iraq and Afghanistan, and these have provided him with a thorough under- funds are critical to their continued success. standing of the Department’s responsibility The funds I have requested include money to care for America’s veterans. to carry out combat operations against the One of his first tasks as Secretary will be enemy. They include money to train the Iraqi to ensure that my administration continues and Afghan security forces to take on more to swiftly implement the recommendations responsibility for the defense of their coun- of the Dole-Shalala Commission on Wound- tries. They include money for civilian agen- ed Warriors. I am confident that he will build cies deployed in the field with our military upon our record of improving care, reducing to help build local governments and create bureaucracy, and ensuring that our veterans jobs. And they include money for intelligence receive the benefits they deserve. operations to protect our troops on the bat- tlefield. NOTE: The statement referred to former Senator Congress has had plenty of time to con- Bob Dole and former Secretary of Health and sider the emergency funds our troops need. Human Services Donna E. Shalala, Cochairs, Time is running out. And Pentagon officials President’s Commission on Care for America’s say that continued delay in funding our Returning Wounded Warriors. This item was not troops will soon begin to have a damaging received in time for publication in the appropriate issue. impact on the operations of our military. Congress’s responsibility is clear: They must deliver vital funds for our troops, and they The President’s Radio Address must do it before they leave for Christmas. Our men and women on the frontlines will December 15, 2007 be spending this holiday season far from their Good morning. In a time of war, America’s families and loved ones. And this Christmas, top priority should be to ensure that our they deserve more than words from Con- troops on the frontlines get the funding they gress; they deserve action. need. So beginning in February, I submitted Thank you for listening. detailed funding requests to Congress to NOTE: The address was recorded at 11:15 a.m. fund operations in the war on terror. Con- on December 14 in the Cabinet Room at the gress has had months to pass this funding. White House for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on De- Unfortunately, with just days to go before cember 15. The transcript was made available by Members leave for their Christmas vacation, the Office of the Press Secretary on December 1599 VerDate Aug 31 2005 11:36 Dec 27, 2007 Jkt 214250 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P51DET4.021 P51DET4 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with PRESDOCST 1600 Dec. 15 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 14 but was embargoed for release until the broad- important to say; why would he bother to cast. The Office of the Press Secretary also re- come to a place out in the country? And the leased a Spanish language transcript of this ad- answer is, because this is where jobs are cre- dress. ated; this is where dreams are lived; this is where values are upheld. And so I’m proud Statement on the Death of to be with you. It kind of reminds me of Representative Julia M. Carson being in Texas, to come to a place where December 15, 2007 there’s just down-to-earth people that are trying to do what’s best for their families and Laura and I are saddened by the death their communities. And so I’m honored to of Representative Julia Carson. Throughout be with you. I appreciate you letting me her decade of service in the U.S. House of come by. Representatives and her nearly 20 years in Ralph, thanks for the invitation. I also want the Indiana General Assembly, Representa- to thank Bob Hagin. And I’m proud to be tive Carson served her constituents in Indi- here with Congressman Eric Cantor from anapolis with passion and commitment. She Richmond, Virginia, as well as newly elected was revered as a champion for building Congressman Rob Wittman. Appreciate you strong and safe communities, working to end being here. Good luck; I’m looking forward homelessness, improving financial literacy for to working with you. I want to thank the all Americans, and helping her constituents speaker of the House of Delegates—you call achieve and maintain the dream of home them delegates, right? Yes. Bill Howell, a ownership. good man; good to see you, Mr. Speaker. Ap- Julia was a dedicated and admired public preciate you being here. Senator-elect Rich- servant who will be missed by her many ard Stuart, is that right? Yes, appreciate you, friends and colleagues both at home in Indi- Richard. Thanks for coming as well. John ana and in our Nation’s Capital. Our thoughts [James] * Lacy, past president of Rotary and prayers are with her family and friends. International has bothered to come over.
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