AU tho NEWS of BED BANK SECTION and SurtouiuHnif Towns Told Fearlessly nnd Without Blaa ONE Issued Weekly, entered as Second-Class Matter at the Post- Subicri'ptton Rnten: One Year. $2.00.' VOLUME LIX, NO. 28. oflico at Kcd Bank, N. J., under tho Act of March 3, 1S79. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936. Six Months, $ 1.00. Single Copy, ic. PAGES 1 TO 10. Belford Man Buys Stork Is Santa Annual Family Large Stock Farm Claus For a Day Dinner Held By In Marlboro Twp. The stork took over the duties Middletowners of Santa Claus on Christmas and left two presents at River- H. Stuart Morrison, Newark view hospital early Chrl3tmaB Senator . W. Warren Barbour Newspaperman, Purchases morning. Among the Speakers at Event Show Place — Will Pursue The presents were two baby glrh and the recipients were at Port Monmouth Monday Hobby of Breeding Horses. Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Simp- Afternoon. son of Lovett avenue, Little Slk H. Stuart Morrison of Belford has ver, and Mr. and Mrs. William About 150 persons attended the an- Two-Story Frame Building New House Being purchased thc 100-acre Vogel farm, Sutherland of Main street, Bel- nual Middletown township -"family located In the Robertsville section of ford. Mrs. Simpson was form- dinner party" Monday afternoon at $600 £sked For Carillon Recital Some of the Properties to Marlboro township. erly Miss Katherlne Massey of Joseph Stava's White. House res- on Ocean Avenue, Sea Erected On Old Mr. Morrison, a Newark news- Peters place. taurant at Port Monmouth. This has Tonight At Rumson paper man, will reside on the prop- been given for a number of years, Nursing Work By Be Used by the Purchas- Bright, Is Bought by erty with Mrs. Morrison and their tho entire- expense being met by per- Tonight at 11:30 o'clock from. St. Powers Property two children, Harvey, an accom- sonal contributions made by thc Rumson Group George's church at Rumson the bells ers for Country Homes . pllshed 11-year-old equestrian, and 'members of the township, committee of the Mary Owen Borden carillon Eugene Gardella. Red Bank On Deck and other township officials. All will begin ringing out the old year Harry J. Oster«tock i» Having a ! Janet, aged six, pursuing his hobby and Estates^ of breeding horses^ j township ofllccs for a number of Mrs. George Dwight Appeals, to and. welcoming'in the new. Colonial Reiidence Built in (years past have been held by Re- J. Stanley Farrar, organist and Thc transaction was closed at a At Annual Motor ! publicans and the feast is always W Council for Appropriation— price which was not revealed, but choirmaster, will be at the console Shrewsbury Borough for Ap- (some extent a Republican joyfest, during this half-hour service to New York Broker Buys inasmuch as the property -was pur- ! but there is invariably a sprinkling Work Must be Curtailed If Aid proximately $16,000. chased from the New York Joint which the public has been invited. Negotiations Under Way I of Democrats present and so it \yas is Not Forthcoming. By request Mr. Farrar will play Land bank of Rochester, New York, 1 on this occasion. A fine chicken din- Monmouth Beach Home which acquired it at a foreclosure, the alma maters of Princeton, Rut- Harry X Osterst<jck of' Sycamore The National Sweepstakes Re- } ncr was served and Mr. Stava re- gers and Syracuse universities. Other For Several Other Sales avenue, Shrewsbury township, is it is believed, that ..the farm which, gatta Association to Have ; ceived many compliments on the ex- An appeal to the Rumson mayor a few years' ago was one of tho and council to include an approprla numbers on the program will in- having a large colonial house built cellence of the repast. John T. Law- clude "The National Anthem," "Lon- on the former I'dv/ers property on show places of western Monmouth Icy, a member of the township com- tion of $600 in the 1937 budget for The • I3rchm estate building on Special Booth at Big Show at nursing work was made at las donderry Air," "Smilin' Through," Six farms, two at Nutswamp, one Ocean avenue, Sea Bright, conipriH- the north side of Sycamore avenue, county. wa8 obtained for only a frac- mittee, was toastmaster. "Annie Laurie,'1 "Sylvia," "Thc Long, ea«t of Broad street. tion of the $30,000 valuation placed Grand Central Palace. week's meeting of the commissioner.) at Everett, one at Tinton Falls, one ing half the huaineaK block from u on The after dinner period was fea-by Mrs. George Dwight, president o Long Trail," "O, God Our Help In in the Harmony section of Middle- Church EtiCCt to New street, has been 'flic house will be 08 feet in lengtngth I P H before the depression. The Ages Past," "My' Faith Looks Up to . | brokers in the transaction were E. tured by a speech ....by Senator W, the Rumson, Fair Haven and Sei town township and one in Holmdel sold to Eugene S. Ganieila of that and 28 Iccl in width. It will con The stage is being set for the Na- Warren- Barbour, who recalled thc Bright Public Health asosciation Thee," "The poxology," "The Midtownship, have been sold during tha place. Charles E. Sweeney of Rum- tain eight rooms and four' baths, E. Newton of Morganvillc and Paul tional Motor Boat Show at Grand „,„.,,. „, ,..,,„ „,.,„ ,,...„„ .,„ „_ night Hour Bell" and "Auld Lang T. Howe of Woodbury. firs1=t t event of this kind which he at-Mrs. Dwight presented a letter from past week. Not since hefore the de- Hon was the broker in the transac- three largo rooms and a bath on Central Palace New York when the tended a number of years ago at theMiss Evelyn T. Walker of the Mon Syne." pression have so many sales of rural tion. Another sale elite ted by Mr.thc main floor and five rooms and boating Industry will unfold a pano- Globe hotel at Red Bank. A gift of mouth County Organization for So- Since the dedication of the Mary properties been effected in the span Sweeney iilong the Hhoic was the throe baths on the second iloor.. rama of thc 1937 pleasure fleet. More | a golden key was made to him oncial Service, in which it was stated Owen Borden carillon it has been th of a wetek. Some of the purchasers , residence property of Mrs. Edith There will be reception roams cyi than 150 manufacturers will be repre-j tnat occasion to symbolize the fact that public funds ' appropriated a custom of Bertram H. Borden of were made for the purpose of con- Carter at Monmouth teeach. J. S both the ilrst and .second 'floors. sented at the 32d consecutive annual tnat Middlefown township welcomed Rumson were small compared with Rumson to have this carillon recital verting the lands into country es- Smith, a .New York City i-tock brok- Work recently wa£_ started by thc event to be held by the National As- nim as a new resident about to movo other municipalities. of musical memories. tates. er, was the purchaser. Town and Country contractors of sociation of Engine and Boat Manu- there from Rumso'n. He referred to Mrs. Dwight said $3,700 was re Real estate brokers hereabouts re- For many yf-ain the la to John J. Monmouth street, Red Bank, The facturers. j m-g dcfeat fOr re-election in such a ceived in private contributions lasl Brchni, who v/u.-i familiarly known aa approximate cost IEJ $16,000. Tho port promising" Indications of many Yachting enthusiasts from all over j humorous way as to cause gales of year, but was not sufficient to carry more such sales. They state that in- Jack, opoiaitd the main .poition of house is expected to be completed the country will be attracted to the | laughter and1 expressed gratification on the work. She stated that unless Carol Service By tho Brehin property undur tlic nnmr April, at which time Mr. anil show and the series of boating func-! the Ian ]the borough council assisted flnan quii'ica about such properties are In- of the Wfstche.ster hfju.se. Prior to u.^over. ...., ,~.'ge vote he received in creasing. Negotiations for other Mrs. Osterstock plan to take pos- tions scheduled from January 8 to .Middletown township. He said that daily tho work of the public health prohibition tho establishment was nurses In the community would have Fifty Singers At sales are pending. The new owners one of the busiest in the shore area, KHion. 16. Fifteen events already are on the : now that he had reached- "thc end of the six farms expect to make im- The exterior of thc house will be calendar and the show dates will be I he road" it was more than ever to be curtailed. Referring to $1,400, but when the eiythcenth fimcndmcnt o f t a fund created by private individuals provements and alterations and a of brick veneer. There will bo fire- crowded with meetings, luncheons ]a pleasure to mingle with his neigh- Rumson Church went Into (fleet Mr. Brehm retired which was turned over to the asso- substantial increase in buildlnging -from busings. ^ places both up-stalra and down. The ---' -"nners of various national or-j|,or3 at tho townshipp family dln- operations and employment is looked floors will be of hard wood. A stone ganizations. ciation last year, Mrs. Dwight stated For more than 25 year? one of the ner. Subsequent speakers protested Monmouth County's "Best for as a result.
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