The Notre Dame Audio-Visual Celebrates Second Birthday March 17, 1950 Aethejud^/ FOR SMOOTHNESS AND MILDNESS ... m There's never a rough puff in a Lucky Beeaude lae/kf Stiike Ateana FineTbAaeea/ MAURICE EVANS mys: '1 always COUnt OJl Luckies for a perfect performance^ Correct, Mr. Evans... yon can always count on Luckies to give you the real smoothness, mildness and deep^own smoking enjoyment you want. And, smokers, you can depend on Luckies because Ludcy Strike means fine tobacco—fine, light, naturally mild tobacco thatfs always smooth. Yes, let your own taste and throat be the judge. Find out for yourself—get a carton of Luckies today! A. * "^'^i* «i *?v MslingMiihed ocfer Maurice Evans ployins Hamlet—en* of Ns greatest stage reies. COPR., TNK AMUIICAN TOBACCO COM' Lucky Strike.• .so round, so firm, so fully packed- •SO free and easy on the draw m The Scholastic Letters 'm^m--»^V'm Bad Connection Editor: To clear up possible misconceptions arising from recent articles and letters about the SCHOLASTIC: of the'52 names on the SCHOLASTIC'S masthead last week, 13 are those of students in the Department of Journalism; of 14 editors and department heads, 3 are Journalism students. This department has great respect for the SCHOLASTIC, but can claim no credit for its very substantial achievements. There is no connection between the SCHOLASTIC and the Department of Journalism. Neither desires any. Both are, in my opinion, right. Thomas Stritch Head of Department. Insufferable Situation Editor: Living in a community, as we are, presents many inconveniences which have to be tolerated. This fact has re­ strained me from heretofore voicing my opinion on an absolutely insufferable situation: the farce known as a "chow line" in the Notre Dame dining halls. I cannot reconcile myself to the whole­ "ARROW Gordoa O.xfords are tops on my list'' sale disregard for the line. What con­ said John in a recent campus interview. "The collars ceivable legitimate reason can there be look good and fit perfectly. The body is cut right, for it? The selfishness of the "line- doesn't bimch at the waist. They wear and buckers" is positively disgraceful. They wash well, too! Best for MY money—anv day!" are not only inconsiderate, but uncharit­ able and unjust. I would like to believe that Notre *3.95 Dame men are at least mature enough to maintain orderly lines for meals mth- out kindergarten-like supeiwision by AKROWSHIRTS & TIES faculty members or dining hall employ­ UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS * SPORTS SHIRTS ees. I find it difficult to do so. William V. Cuddy 161 Morrissey In Explanation Editor: It's Adlers for Three weeks ago a cigarette adver­ tisement that many found objectionable appeared in SCHOLASTIC. Several stu­ dents wrote to SCHOLASTIC to protest its appearance. ARRO^ SCHOLASTIC has a contract with its advertisers that sells space for several weeks, and in some cases the entire year, ahead of publication. We have no way of knowing the content of these advertisements in advance. However, because we believe there is some justification in the protests of stu­ dents, we are informing our advertising MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON agent that hereafter any advertisements that we believe objectionable to Notre March 17, 1950 Dame standards \\'ill be refused pub­ making a fair and reasonable deter­ thing approaching an adequate decision lication. mination of who was to receive the between 9:30 and 11:30 on Tuesday IMany of the leading college publica­ well-publicized $50 prize for the most night. tions in the nation come through my attractive booth at the carnival. After In view of these facts we Avould like office. After seeing the pornography talking with both Mr. Farrell and Miss to make the following recommendations: Sackley, the only judge in this "con­ and smut that is the product of the stu­ 1. That the ?50 be either split up test," the following facts were discov­ dents in many of these other schools, evenly between all the clubs participat­ it is refreshing to know that at Notre ered (statement of Miss Sackley) : ing in the Mardi Gras or be returned to Dame even comparatively mild photo­ the Foreign Students' Eelief. graphs produced not by the students but 1. She did not know anything about by an advertising agent bring protest. being a judge until about 9:15 p.m. 2. That the committee be censured Tuesday night, when she was ap­ for such sloppj' neglect. Our thanks to those who expressed proached by Ed Farrell. their opinions. ScHOL.A.STic is the pub­ 3. That future Mardi Gras prizes lication of Notre Dame men and we ap­ 2. Even then she thought it was a be awarded on the basis of a FAIR preciate it when the men speak out. joke and consequently took no notes and judgment on the merits of their booths Dale Francis made no report until Thursday night follo%ving a set schedule of points on Facultv Moderator when she happened to run into Farrell which to base that judgment. at tlie basketball game. Francis Webb, President North Dakota Club 3. .She was at no time aware of the A Fly in the Pie Off-Campus fact that she was the only judge. Editor: .•^ Before the SCHOLASTIC or the Mardi 4. She did not know several booths Entrepreneur Thanks Gi"as Committee breaks its arm con­ were in the contest and consequently Editor: gratulating the committee for its ex­ took no notice of them. The North Da­ I would like to take this opportunity cellent job on the Mardi Gras, certain kota booth she named in this group. to offer you my sincere thanks for your of their shortcomings ought to be men­ sympathetic article about my small un­ 5. She could not see and did not see tioned at least for the purpose of pre­ dertakings. I want to express my ap­ the themes of several of the booths, the venting a repetition of them at any fu­ preciation to you and especially to Jack North Dakota booth being also specially ture Mardi Gras, if not to correct them Bradshaw for his time and effort. He mentioned here. now. is to be commended for his clever han­ The one that comes to mind now and 6. That had she kno^vn in time she dling of the drab facts. the pui-pose of this letter is to protest would have made her judgment at some A. Patrick Tonti the absolute failure of the committee in other time as no one could make any­ 411 Badin University of Notre Dame Press . THEOLOGY FOR LAYMEN: NOTRE DAME: "Christian Virtues" by Fr. Charles Sheedy, Every friend of Notre Dame should own Father C.S.C.. presents moral theology in an easy to Hope's History of Notre Dame. Illustrated and understand fashion. "Gk)d and the World of easy to read, the new edition costs $4. Man" by Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, C.S.C., makes dogma understandable to the modern mind. Each volume only .$3. DOMES: The Dome is the Notre Dame annual. Each year it includes hundreds of campus pictures. PIONEER AVIATION: Our storehouse includes' a few assorted copies The collected papers of Albert Zahm have just of the 1947 and 1948 Domes and we're offering been released in two giant 9 by 12 volumes of them for general sale. They did cost $8 each, 1,000 pages complete with drawings and photo­ now only $5. Order it with any of the above graphs. It is a set that belongs in the air en­ bargains and we'll send it to you for only $4, thusiast's library. Two volume set, $15. just half the original price. Send all orders to UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME PRESS Notre Dame, Indiana The Scholastic Library Displays Exhibit 'THE WEEK Of Rare Russian Icons An unusual and interesting collection of Russian icons is currently being dis­ played in the Card Catalogue room of ^y ^ad Mc0oldrlck the University Library. A private col­ lection of Prof. Elie Denissoff, Depart­ ment of Philosophy, it contains objects of Moscovite and Byzantine origin. Top of the Week the World Series, and more like being A highlight of the collection is an Icon assigned a cell in Siberia by the secret Vaughn Monroe to broadcast from portraying the Blessed Virgin and the police. here tomorrow. Christ Child. Inscribed on the icon is Although the present bureaucratic V "The Judgment Is Just But the Judge system is more scientific, and gives the To Each His Own Is Merciful." ingenious scholar less chance to express- Shure and today is the feast of St. Another icon, dating from the days of himself, (it's no longer whom you Patrick, but for all the interest this Napoleon, was dredged from the Meuse know, but what you know) —there are grand and glorious occasion has gen­ River only recently. Prof. Denissoff be­ a few WEEKworthy tales that concern erated here on the campus, you'd think lieves that it was dropped by one of the ceremonies: it was Hungarian Independence Day. Napoleon's fleeing soldiers after their This week's story is about Jim (no We checked the news calendar last rout from Moscow. relation to "Double Dollar") Eogers, week, and this is what we found on The most valuable icon was obtained Sociology major from New York. Jim today's docket for "that little bit of from the Monastery of Vatopedy in was determined to get his old room Erin that's just outside South Bend" Greece. The rare piece pictures Christ back in Sorin Sub, and he asked for it (as the hit song from a Broadway play accompanied by St.
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