THE COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2015 SOUTH EAST TEXAS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 1 Regional Economic Development Conditions 4 In-Depth SWOT Analysis 7 Strategies and Implementation Plan 12 Evaluation Framework/Funding 15 Project Listing 16 Economic Resilience for southeast Texas 20 This document was prepared by the South East Texas Economic Development District, Inc. in cooperation with the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission and the South East Texas Economic Development Foundation to meet requirements set forth by the United States Economic Development Administration. The mission of the Board is to promote the diversification of the economic base and the growth, development, and retention of business and industry within the three-county region. SETEDD — CEDS 2015 COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Strategy Prepared by the South East Texas Economic Development District in cooperation with the South East Texas Regional Planning Commission and the South East Texas Economic Development Foundation to meet requirements set forth by the United States Economic Development Administration. outheast Texas, which includes Har- Creek State Park in Hardin County offers a beau- din, Jefferson and Orange Counties, tiful venue for kayaking, canoeing, fishing, hiking has plenty to offer when it comes to and camping. To the north lies the Big Thicket a favorable business climate, strong National Preserve, known as the biological workforce, higher-education oppor- crossroads of North America since it is a transi- tunities and quality of life with its low tion zone where southeastern swamps, eastern Scost of living relative to the national average. The deciduous forests, central plains, pine savannas area, strategically situated around Interstate 10 and dry sand hills meet. and U.S. Highways 69/287 and 96, abounds with The region hosts several institutes of higher natural resources important for industry but also learning including Lamar University, known for ex- enjoyable to residents for boating, fishing, hiking, cellent programs and centers including the Center biking, camping and horseback riding. for Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepre- The Port of Beaumont and the Port of Port neurship (CICE), Lamar Institute of Technology, Arthur in Jefferson County and the Port of Or- Lamar State College – Port Arthur and Lamar ange in Orange County are based here, securing State College – Orange, all of which add to the the region’s importance as a major import/export industrious and educated workforce of the area. hub. The Neches and Sabine Rivers, Sabine Lake, With its business-friendly climate, strong Sabine Pass to the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf workforce, educational opportunities and natural Intracoastal Waterway are the major water routes amenities, southeast Texas is a great place to live, critical to the movement of cargo, but are also work and play. popular for water sports and recreation. Village COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 1 SETEDD — CEDS 2015 COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC nomic development districts, public and private DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY nonprofit organizations and Indian tribes. EDA This Comprehensive Economic Development helps distressed communities address problems Strategy (CEDS) is the result of a local planning associated with long-term economic distress, as process designed to guide the growth of the well as sudden and severe economic dislocations southeast Texas region. The purpose of CEDS including recovering from the economic impacts development is to establish a process that will of natural disasters, the closure of military instal- help create jobs, foster a more stable and diverse lations and other federal facilities, changing trade economy and improve living conditions. The patterns and the depletion of natural resources. intent is for this document to be a guide for eco- nomic resilience within the region. THE SOUTH EAST TEXAS It is important to recognize that this docu- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ment, while developed with broad input from DISTRICT, INC. South East Texas Economic Development District The South East Texas Economic Development members and others, carries no direct author- District, Inc. (SETEDD) was created in 1993 to ity and is a tool to be referenced and utilized in facilitate the flow of Economic Development Ad- coordinating economic development efforts in ministration grant and loan funds into the south- the region. The CEDS examines the southeast east Texas region, which is comprised of Hardin, Texas area as a region that competes globally for Jefferson and Orange Counties. The SETEDD employers and workers, and thus focuses on the is a non-profit corporation that is governed by interdependence of entities in the area. a Board of Directors composed of twenty-five people from throughout Hardin, Jefferson and THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Orange Counties. Board members are appointed ADMINISTRATION by each County Commissioners’ Court and rep- The Economic Development Administration resent a cross section of the region’s population (EDA) was established under the Public Works and economic interests. The mission of the Board and Economic Development Act of 1965 (42 is to promote the diversification of the economic U.S.C. § 3121), as amended, to generate jobs, base and the growth, development and retention help retain existing jobs and stimulate industrial of business and industry within the three-county and commercial growth in economically dis- region. tressed areas of the United States. EDA assistance Due to the presence of locally based eco- is available to rural and urban areas of the nation nomic development organizations and initiatives experiencing high unemployment, low income or throughout the service area of the SETEDD, the other severe economic distress. District’s economic development program places In fulfilling its mission, EDA is guided by the an emphasis on providing a supportive role to basic principle that distressed communities must entities focused on economic development within be empowered to develop and implement their the region such as chambers of commerce, busi- own economic development and revitalization ness associations, local government and econom- strategies. Based on these locally and regionally ic development departments. The SETEDD also developed priorities, EDA works in partnership promotes coordination of economic develop- with state and local governments, regional eco- ment planning activities among these various enti- 2 COMPREHENSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY SETEDD — CEDS 2015 ties. A key focus of the SETEDD’s work includes to offer the SBA 504 loan program. SETEDF is assisting local governments and organizations in governed by a Board of Directors composed of project and grant development and submission local business and community leaders from Har- through technical assistance. While the SETEDD din, Jefferson and Orange Counties. The SETEDF strives to be aware of economic development has a steering committee, the Regional Economic needs and potential projects in the area that will Development Initiative (REDI), that oversees the enhance the local economic base, the District’s objectives of the Foundation. role in the implementation of such projects is limited. CEDS UPDATE PROCESS The SETEDD Board of Directors served as the ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION steering committee for the development of the The SETEDD is a non-profit corporation with no 2015 Comprehensive Economic Development employees and contracts for administrative sup- Strategy and provided the necessary technical and port services with the South East Texas Regional advisory input. Committee members were relied Planning Commission (SETRPC) and the South upon to disseminate information about the CEDS East Texas Economic Development Foundation, process within their individual communities and Inc. (SETEDF). Staff at SETRPC and SETEDF con- to ensure their communities’ needs and concerns duct day-to-day operations, as well as implemen- were brought to the committee for attention. tation of activities associated with the District’s In addition, SETEDD worked closely with other planning grant from the EDA. economic development entities in the region dur- The SETRPC is a voluntary association of ing the update of the CEDS to gather input. local governments that serves the three-county Three focus-group sessions were held in region of Hardin, Jefferson and Orange Counties. the spring of 2015 to solicit input for the CEDS The Planning Commission was established in June update. Mike Barnes of Mike Barnes Group, Inc., 1970 under authority provided by the Texas Leg- whose services were provided by the SETEDF, islature in 1965. The SETRPC is one of twenty- facilitated each of these sessions. All sessions four regional planning councils that serve all of were held at the offices of the South East Texas Texas. Each of these regional councils was found- Economic Development District. These sessions ed for the purpose of solving area-wide problems gathered input for the CEDS update from the by promoting intergovernmental cooperation and Regional Economic Development Initiative, the coordination, conducting comprehensive regional steering committee for the SETEDF, which con- planning and providing a forum for the discussion sists of area economic development stakeholders and study of area issues. and professionals, the SETEDD Board of Direc- The SETEDF is an economic development tors and other interested individuals and
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