INDEX A Army Air Corps, 66 Army Corps of Engineers, 87 Abilene (Dickinson Co.), 22 Army of the Cumberland, 53 Abilene Heritage Center, 156 Arn, Edward F. “Ed,” 235, 236, 299, 301; photos, 236, 302 Abolitionists. See Proslavery/free-state conflict Arson, 36, 73 Abortion, 40, 48, 157, 170, 171 Assault, 206, 217, 218–19 Adams, Franklin G., 21, 46 Astor, Aaron: book reviewed by, 252 Adams, Zu, 21 Atchison (Atchison Co.), 53, 54, 73, 74, 77, 78, 163, 164, 299 Ad Astra per Aspera, 9 Atchison Champion, 53, 54 Adler, John M., 150, 151–53, 154, 155 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, 52, 61–62, 236 Affirmative action, 48, 225, 240, 241 Athletics. See Sports “Age of Brass, The: Or the Triumph of Woman’s Rights”: Atlantic City (N.J.): photo, 64 cartoon reproduced, 284 Autobiography of William Allen White, The, 143, 144–46, 147, 150, “Age of Iron, The: Man as He Expects to Be”: cartoon 151, 155 reproduced, 285 Automobile industry, 237–38 Agriculture, 9, 10, 28, 43, 44, 70, 79, 82, 86, 93, 100, 286, 291; Averill, Thomas Fox, 7, 156, 157–58; book reviewed by, 176; film article on, 60–69; drawings of, 63, 83, No. 1 back cover; and reviewed by, 161–62; “Flyover Country: Images of Kansas,” homesteading, 55, 75, 76, 188–89, 192, 196, 199, 202, 282; article by, 90–101; note on, 90 and Native Americans, 260–61, 270, 271, 272–73, 275, 278; Aviation industry, 9, 66, 67, 158, 162–64, 173, 174, 228, 308, photos, 61, 69; and politics, 170, 171, 300, 306, 311. See also 309–10, 311; plane crashes, 174, 308 individual crops; Irrigation Aylward, Paul, 301 Airport and Airways Development Act of 1970, 308, 309 Air Transportation Regulatory Reform Act of 1978, 311 B Alabamians, 33–34 Alcohol, 32, 137, 143, 144, 145–46, 147, 155, 218, 268, 286–91; Babbitt, 99 cartoons reproduced, 287, 289; drawing reproduced, 291; Bader, Robert Smith, 23, 50, 51 and Native Americans, 131, 260, 263, 265, 271 Baker, Frank, 93 Aley, Ginette: book reviewed by, 108 Baker, Howard, 313, 314 Allen, Henry J., 208, 209–11, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222; photo, 211 Baker, Nancy Landon Kassebaum, 88, 313 Allen, James B., 312 Baker University (Baldwin), 173–74, 314 Allured, Janet: book reviewed by, 181 Baking, 67, 69 Allyne, Fannie, 288 Baldwin (Douglas Co.), 173, 313, 314–15 Amazon Army: article on, 206–23 Ball, Steadman, 299 Amazon irrigation canal, 73 Banking, 75, 76, 79, 153 Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum (Atchison), 163 Barkley, Ted, 85, 86 Amelia, 158; poster reproduced, 163; reviewed, 162–64 Baron, Frank: “James H. Lane and the Origins of the Kansas American Federation of Labor (AFL), 209–10 Jayhawk,” article by, 114–27; note on, 115 American Indian Movement (AIM), 158, 166 Barton County, 26; map, 208 Amtrak, 311 Basketball, 227–28 Anarchy, 218 Battle of Black Jack, 116 Anderson, John, Jr., 298, 299, 302, 303, 308–9, 312, 314; photos, Battle of Chickamauga, 53 298, No. 3 inside front cover Battle of Hickory Point, The: painting by Samuel J. Reader And Hell Followed With It: Life and Death in a Kansas Tornado: reproduced, 114, No. 2 front cover reviewed, 105 Battle of Little Bighorn, 131 And What Remains: reviewed, 172–73, 175 Battle of Platte Bridge, 141 Angelus Novus: painting by Paul Klee, 26–27 Battle of Summit Springs, 273 Annals of Kansas, 1541–1885, The: cover reproduced, 13 Battle of Washita, 269, 272, 273 Anthony, Scott, 140 Bauer, Baker, and Baldwin City: Electrifying a Small Town’s Identity: Anthony, Susan B., 144 reviewed, 172–75 Apache Indians, 138 Bauer, William, 173–74 Appeal to Reason (Girard), 214, 217, 218 Baum, L. Frank, 91–92, 93 Arapaho Indians, 44, 133, 138, 139, 140, 259, 260, 263, 265, 266, Baxter Springs (Cherokee Co.), 8, 47 269, 270, 272, 273, 279 Bayne, Oliver P., 116 Arcadia Journal: advertisement reproduced, 219 Beaver Creek, 132 Arkansas River, 73, 92, 130, 132, 133, 136, 140, 259, 263, 265, 266, Becker, Carl, 13–14, 15, 23, 25, 51 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273 INDEX 321 Beck, James R.: “Homesteading in Union Township, Clay Bourbon County, 300 County, Kansas, 1863–1889,” article by, 186–205; note on, Bowerstock, J. D., 153 187 Boyd, McDill “Huck,” 299, 302, 309 Benjamin, Walter, 26 Bozeman Trail war, 269 Bent, Charles, 263 Breeding, J. Floyd, 303 Bent, George, 268; article on, 128–41; letters from reproduced, Brekke, Jerry: book coauthored by, reviewed, 246 128, 139; photos, 130, 133, 141 Briggs, Bob, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233 Bent, Robert, 136 Briley, Ron: book reviewed by, 318 Bentsen, Lloyd, 310 Brothers to the Buffalo Soldiers: Perspectives on the African Bent’s Fort, 130–31, 263 American Militia and Volunteers, 1865–1917: reviewed, 249 Bent, William, 130–31, 136, 137, 138, 263 Broughton (Clay Co.), 191 Bergland, Betty A.: book coedited by, reviewed, 250 Brownback, Samuel Dale “Sam,” 171 Bess Wallace Truman: Harry’s White House “Boss”: reviewed, 179 Brown, George Washington, 119, 122; drawing of, 123 Bethany College (Lindsborg), 20, 157 Brown, John, 16, 40, 41, 48, 93, 99, 116, 119, 120, 121, 123, 125, Bethune, Mary McLeod, 226 209, 223; photos, 49, 127 Beyond the American Pale: The Irish in the West, 1845–1910: Brown, Ralph: photo, 240 reviewed, 103 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, 40–42, 46; photo, 41 “Beyond the Yellow Brick Road: Sesquicentennial Visions of Brulé Indians, 129, 269 Kansas and the Great Plains in Film”: article edited and Buchanan, Rex: book reviewed by, 247 introduced by Thomas Prasch, 156–75 Buffalo, 23, 80, 83–84, 129, 135, 140, 263, 266, 267, 269, 270–71, Bickerdyke, Mary Ann “Mother,” 17 272; drawings, 264, 265 Big Red One, 227 Buffalo Chief, 259, 260 Billings, Grace Bedell, 17, 18 Buffalo Commons, 94 Bird, Roy: book reviewed by, 105 Buffalo robe trade, 130, 131, 266, 267 Birk, Megan: book reviewed by, 251 Buffalo soldiers, 52, 227 Birney, Ann, 158; film reviewed by, 162–64 Bull Bear, 268, 270 Bitter Lake, 133, 139 Bunker Hill (Russell Co.), 17 Bittner, Van A., 210, 219 Burke, Diane Mutti: book by, reviewed, 254 Black Butte Creek, 132 Burroughs, William, 156 Black Kettle, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, 268; letter from Bush, George H. W., 225, 240 reproduced, 139 Bushwhackers, 45. See also Proslavery/free-state conflict Blacks, 46–47, 49, 298; and education, article on 224–41; and Business, 43, 48, 73, 77, 130–31, 237–39, 240, 291, 308; Jews in, employment, 226, 228, 236, 240; in the military, 43–44, 229, 143, 148–49, 150, 151, 153, 154; and the proslavery/free- photo 228; in the mining industry, 216; photos, 41, 55; in state conflict, 31–32, 33, 35–36, 37–38, 39 politics, article on 224–41. See also Affirmative action; Black Butler County, 286 suffrage; Jim Crow; Racism; Segregation; Slavery Butler, Pardee: flag reproduced, 37 Black suffrage, 281–82 Butz, Earl, 306 Blackwell, Marilyn S.: book coauthored by, reviewed, 181 Blaine, James G., 144 C Bleeding Kansas, 5, 7–8, 42, 46, 52, 56, 99–100; articles on, California, 45, 239 28–39, 114–27 California Gold Rush, 115, 129, 266 Bleeding Kansas, 17 Cambodian campaign, 305–6 Blizzards, 23, 68 Campaign finance reform, 306, 312 Bloomington (Ind.), 231 Campney, Brent M. S., 44, 48 Bluemont Central College (Manhattan), 82 Canadian River, 267, 270 Blue, Robert D., 197, sidebar 200; homesteading papers Canoeing, 82, 88–89; photo, 86 reproduced, 196 Capitol, Kansas, 40, 41 Blunt, James G., 133 Carlson, Frank, 233, 300, 301, 304 Bly, Robert, 164, 165 Carnegie Hall (New York City), 209–10 Bolshevism, 218, 221 Carriker, Robert: book by, reviewed, 104 Boman, Dennis K.: book by, reviewed, 317 Carter, James Earl “Jimmy,” Jr., 310–11 Bondi, James, 116, 117, 119–20; photo, 117 Cartoons: political, reproduced 284, 285, 287, 289, 303 Bonner Springs (Wyandotte Co.), 240 “Casualties of War,” 276 Book notes, 111, 183, 255, 320 Casualties of War (book and movie), 276 Book reviews, 103–110, 176–82, 244–54, 317–19 Cattle industry, 19, 55, 64, 76, 84, 86, 87, 88, 129, 130, 135, 169, Boot Hill (Dodge City), 25 188, 266, 271, 279 Border Ruffians, 116, 121, 124. See also Jayhawkers; Proslavery/ Cawker City (Mitchell Co.), 173 free-state conflict Cawker City Twine-a-thon, The: reviewed, 172–73, 175 Border War, 47 322 KANSAS HISTORY “Centennial Portrait”: article by Emory Lindquist, 5–6 Communism, 218 Central Mine No. 51, 216 Conard, John, 301, 304 Cessna, Clyde, 174 Concordia (Cloud Co.), 187–88, 194, 196 Chanute (Neosho Co.), 236 Confederate and Neo-Confederate Reader, The: The “Great Truth” Chase County, 158, 168–69 about the “Lost Cause”: reviewed, 248 Cherokee County, 88, 89; article on, 206–23; map, 208 Confederate States Army, 131, 140, 160 Cherry Creek, 132 Congregational Church, 15–16, 233 Cherryvale (Montgomery Co.): photo, 56 Congressional Record, 16 Chetopa Advance, 287 Connelley, William, 22–23 Chetopa (Labette Co.), 283, 287 Conquering Our Great American Plains, 19 Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area, 85 Conscientious objection, 158, 164–65 Cheyenne Indians, 18, 44; articles on, 128–41, 258–79; drawings, Constitution, Kansas, 34. See also individual proposed 261, 262, 268; painting, 258, No. 4 back cover; photo, 275 constitutions Chicago (Ill.), 64, 73–74, 77, 79, 223, 226 Cook, Robert J.: book by, reviewed, 253 Chicano movement, 168 Cooper, John Sherman, 305–6 Children, 194–95, 214, 282, 283, 294; in coal camps, 207, 210, 211, Cordley, Richard, 15–16 photos 206, 212; photos, 41, 45, 64 Corn, 61, 64, 71 China, 276 Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de, 21 Chinese, 230 Cottonwood Falls (Chase Co.), 21, 87 Chisholm Trail, 52 Cottrell, Barbara J.: book coauthored by, reviewed, 245 Chivington, John M., 136, 139, 140 Council Grove (Morris Co.), 20, 271; photo, No.
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