
AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA DEPARTMENT OF HRM (INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS SECTION) Tt. 4.6001 1/Misc.tzorc+ | 1g\ Fa{im 05.07.2019 eiffiftmffi ftqq; Jysnspspsncy Audit of Disclosure U/s 4 of the RTI Act,2005 by the Public Authorities-Conducted by the Central lnformation Commission ClC. As per the Transparency Audit conducted by Central lnformation Commission (ClC) in terms of disclosure of information under Section 4 of RTI Act, 2005, ffifu( 3r1zjiR-r. 3rtlmT arr.i?jftr( fifrqi qi rue c,]r{ +{ crcz r. 3mAB '{ 4rr{ qrt t{ qTq} +Tqtqq t 3T}fr ftq qrt dl 1 .Policy on grant of recognition to Officers Association in AAl. 2.Name and Address of Union/Association representatives. 3.Union Recognition. 4. Associations Recognition document. z. et q?rq rrfffi+ r5qi="q u*ft:,mermtr 1 (.ftTrf+{) rqr++ *ier+ 1wr.ri.) ri,rr+:qqffi ,\ q I ;-. rt-6^X rigs{d-reiitr{f w.d-.)-qR.S'. *.9ffin 0 \0 fi ( D -t I 1 rS q?' \)\\ qfrfrfr (l,aw)/CNo-RTI. , i) GM q,1''- q\-! ii) AGM (HR)-RK \L-'-'rt-o-\ \;'r!\-.-\-l- ( .s? u9 \**rL..J \"(\a ) O qrrftq ftqmq-f,q qlfkfr-inl AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA q No. A.600 | l,'58,'Rccog-Assoc,/:O ro-f n I l1- S S-o 0 i'' N{arch. :0 ! t -Ihe Ccneral Sccretary l hc (ieneral Secrctan Airports Authoriq oflndia Enginecrs Cuild ,4ir Traflic Controllcrs' Cuild t l) I-!'1. INA Colonl 'i - l17. Pocket-B- l\;\ Colonl F;cw I)elhi l i0 0? j Ncw flclhi I l0 0ll Ihc (icrrcral Secrctan l he ( ientrul Stcrclan Aer(nlrtllic.tl ( .,mtnur]ital ioo ()lt'iocls Airporls Autho.itl Olllccls' Ass,.r,rialion {l I .\s:Lrciittion {ll I-1,.1. Pockrt-Li. INA ( olon-r I- l 6. l',rclct'l|. I\ \ ( olon) Neu lrelhi I l0 Oli \crr l)cllrr I l(] ()ll 'fh!' (iencral SecrctarJ I hc ( rctlrrel S.'.Ial:lr\ l.'\A I Ol licers' r\s$r{lii{iorl ( \\ ( )lll.cr!' (iLlllil ilAl 0pcratrorrnl Ollices .,\-1 5. Shrrlli .\l)nrlrrrrttl.. \(.ti)r -l l (iurgaon Roatl. \crr Delhi I l0 Oil Rohirri \trr l)elhi I l{) l)lir Suh : l'ormation of Poliq on Rce osnition of Officers' "\ssoci4][!!!-gl]!I4lt!!g-.liL!U \ir. .\ Iloliur rrn llcct,gnittrtrr oJ ()lll.crs' \srr)c[1Ii()]l ()pariif,lri in r\rrl1(\rli '\LrlllLrlltr rll ln.i[r is lirmetl lnd hetehr circlllalt(i ar pcr ltpptur itl {Jl thr ( ()rnp!'lal]l ltllh.)rl1\ 2. Aucortlingly. thc I'olic1 as circuLaled are guideli[es- for grant of R.c(r-snition to Ihc Ot'ficers' Associarion in AAl. ltrr iu implemcnlatibn raitlr ilnmctiiate ell-ect. ' \'ours lirithfullr. (w",v ' .r.t , \11 (l P ,\(;(;Altl\ .,\L) Assista nt (ieneral \Ianagcr (llR) D-rs!-d-b$ie!i . Rl D \R/WR SRTLRNLR r AIrD NSCIII I (lhennai lntl. / Saldarjung.,\irport . Princilal. (.,l\l( . I:t) RCDU| FlL.l . Direcror- IAA o (iM CRSD/ L&\4 Workshop Con\ to: l. DGM (EA) 10 Chairrnan. AAI :'tKlM(EA)toiltenlber(Plg)iMcmber(!in),1!lernbel(HR)'}lenlt]er(ANs).i\,lcnlber(o|5)(]\,() -1 PSro LD(tltt),'i:D(Adnrn.)'GNI(Admn.).'GIVI (HR)- JKG KN l. Cl\'l (La*')- CHQ - lbr infirrnration & neccssarl actiort 'd 2{432950 tr.A.q {rS qac {rcr"€.nq Efi$ 3rcsl fatdl - 110003 {mq Pho.re 24632950 Rajiv Gandhr Bhawan Satdariuog Ar$r){r, Ne{ fre|hi'11m03 A POLICY ON RECOGNITION OF OFFTCERS' ASSOCIATIOI{ OPERATII\G IN AAI AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA CORPORATE I I EADQUARTER ILAJIV CANDHI BIIAWAN NEW DEI,III Q.-'. e.,,*' AIRPOR]'S AUI'IIORJ1'Y O}' I\DIA POI,ICY ON RllC0(; NI'tIO),4 OI Opf,RAl'IN(; ASSO('t..\'t.tOtiS I\I)T,\ S, lio. coi\i1'g\,I s PA(;E lio. I Cbapter I - Prezmblc -1 L 2 Chapter 2 - Definitions l Chflpter3 - Bi-Parlitc l'orums-A Multi-Dime nsion*l Approach {" Chap{er { - Ohiectives 6 5. Chaptcr5 - {icnerel Conditions 7 - l0 1-- Chapter 6 - Recognition of O{ficcrs' Assoeiations in 6. I I 13 AAI - 7 Chaptcr 7 - I'crms & Conditions of Reeognition l{, 16 R-"L.""' C}I{PTT]R - I PREr\}II}I,T- Airporls :\uthority ol'India is .l,ransport lAAt) entrusted to provide Air Servicqi a-nd co_ hesive Management ol'r\irports rurd CivilEnclaves. through thc spccializEd workforce. presently the dil'lercnt cadres arc being represcnrcd by.diffcrenr oflicers. Associations within AAI. based on the cadres or generar' I he Management has decided ro frame a poricl, for grant orrccognition ro {)llicers' Association in total tbur caregories. Airporrs Aurhority o{.rndia makes constanl endeavour to establish, maintain and continuousry improve communication with its w.rklbrcc in maintaining healthy indusrrial relations by setllement of issues amicably. J' It is cxpedienr lo make provisi.n tbr the rccognition ofAssociations in Airpo'ts Authority of India and lor cerrain other purposes. accordingly a policy is tbrmcd. I Airports Authontl' of rndia has irs corporate }leadquarrers locared al Rajiv candhi Il'rawan' Safdarjurg Airporl, New Dcrhi - I r0 (rndia) 003 besides having Regionar I teadquaners at Ilclhi' chc'nnai, Murnbai. Korkata & cu*ahari and managing Airports al, over Inrlia. CHAPTER . 2 Dl.l tNI f lotis Ijnlcss the context othrrw.ise rcquires :- (, "AAI" means the Airports Authorily of India. (i, "Management" msans thc management of thc Airports Authority of India. (iii) "Member" means any regular cxccutive of Airports Authority ol' India with hal ing valid membership of Association/Cuild antj is nol under suspcnsion termination. {iv) "}:)xecuiive" means . Regular execulive on the rolls ol'Airports Authcrity ol India. (v) "Authority" mcans - Airpons Authoriry of lndia. ("i) "l{egistrar" means - Registra-r oi'Societies. (vii) "Associalion" mcans -- Serving Assocation / Guild in AAI (viii) "Nodal Officer" means - the officer be designated by AAI e!, &,--"- CI IAPTtiIt - ] BI.PAR'I'I1'}: FORL'}'IS - A \IL L]'I DI}ICNSIO\.\L APPRO{CII The Industrial Relations in Airports .4uthorily of India are viewed with mulri-dimensional approach :u:rd broadly ()peraae in stalutory obligarions. policies and developmental oriental liame rvork. I'he basic strcngth ol thc Policies is to resolvc issues tkough bipanite discussions and continuous mutual interaction amongsl various levels of the employees. Airparts Autlority of India aiso emphasizes on heahhy relations with Associations and proactive approach in dealing u'ith the emplol,ce related issucs, 2. ln order to encourage bipartisan approach and to create a congenial & healthy environmcnt. communicaticn system needs to bc strengthened lbr resolution ofthe issues lkough discussionidclibcrations, (irievane! Redressal Iterhtnism: ln addition to Bi-partite l.'orums. a wcll-dcllncd Entployces Crievancc Redressal Mcchanism exisls in Airports Authority of lndia. ?r" 9-'"/ qIIATIEBJ_4 0I]JIlCII\ T.S AAI acknowledges the conftibution of Executives in the grouth and developmenr olrhc 'l'hc organization. broad objectivcs ol'the Associations are as under:- To safeeuard the interesi of o-lIcers es wcll as of thg Manaqomen!. by sccuring the highesr levcl o1'murual understanding and good$ill bctrveen all sections opcrating uithin thc orptnization. 'fo IL at'oid industrisl conflicts and to dcvelop harmonious rclations, which is ossential lbr productive cfliciency ol olheers and industnal progress oI thc organization and country. Il To raise produetivitt to a higher lcvel *ith an era lull of emplovment. 'Io IV {'\t:r btirh and mein aln ndustrial ha rrn 0n based on emnlovccs pafinership, not only lor sharing gains of organizfltion but also ol maragerial de,cisions. so that individuai is tllly recognized. V. To avoid slrikes, lockouts. so-slow. Drotesl ralh, mass casual leave and Ehcrros, to not to obstrucl the normal functi(rning ol-the airports and to saliguard ils propertics. -l'o VI develon and imnrove the skill of officers. to enable them lo work elliricntly in a constantlv evolving cnvironment oplimum utrlization of manpowcr & thus leading to higher productivity- VII To minirnizc conflict. -l VIII o providc zur opportunity 10 the oiflccrs to have a say on the profe.rsionci issaes arulr'or v'el/ttre related issucs of its tnc'm 6er.r. in the management dqcision makinS. process. which does not include contract of emplolmcnl and its lerms & conditions. IX To improvc officers devclopment rhrougfi kaining with a view to solvc lheir problems through urmicable mutual discussions. \ To extend and maintain industrial democracy pecce and image. 2. The Managcmcnt reserves ils righl to withdraw/ suspendl dc-recognize one / all or an1- of the Association. R-rr&** Chapter - 5 ( i U:r- (,OXI}ITI0N S L Rrsistered Office of the r\s ociation: All communications and notices to an association shall bc addrcssed ro its regisrered nllice which be rhe atldress of the central ofllce of thc associatiOn, as is entcrcd in thc rcgister maintain.d by the Regrstrar of the Societies and as intimated to A,\1. ( lh:r Addres ul s and olher rticu Iarr of lhe lion: It shall be incumhenl 1'or an Association to inform to the l.,iadal ofiicer (lR) AAI by a registered Flost or againsl acknorvledgement. in case of .ny change in the particurars of thc Association and,/or any including change in the address ol the registcred olfice ol' thc association. rvithin l4 days of r:ccurring of such change. by cncrosing a copy al the said cr:rnmunication addressed to the Rcgistrar. Membcrshio of l. As ti on: Only the regular execurives (E-l ro Fi-9) those u.ho are on the rolls of Airports Authority of Intlia and nor the member ol rvorkers union. may become membcr .l'the association. No membership of the associalion shall be taken bv any outsidcr/relired emplovcc- \o member is permitted to hold mcmbership ol two Associarions uithtn I echnical or \on-lechnical Catcgory.
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