PLAINTIFF'S EXHIBIT AMERICAN I CER-544 eramlC• SOCIETY • ulletin October 1969 FEATURES I . Ceramic-Metal Systems Division--Composites, Enamels -~ t Carbon and Graphite on Program 917 t Timely Topics (Ceramic Educational Council) 918 Canadian Ceramic Society Host to International Com­ mission on Glass 921 • Nominations for Officers, 1970-71 ROSTERS Membership Roster Roster Addenda National Institute of Ceramic Engineers Roster Offices GSHorth Advertisers Index 24a Meetings Calendar .. ~. f Classified Ads 21a 103S j ., Members on the Move · .. ~ .. ,,,,";" AMERICAN CERAMIC SOCIETY BULLETIN Septel1l; Consulting Services 18a Necrology .......... 92S '. " .:..IMr 7, "", Vol. 48, No. ,. Publi,hed monthly by the I~ , I; . ':Ameri~o~ Coromic So~iety, ~5 N. HiS-h St., Colum· Equipment and Materials. 1034 • -:." bus, OhIO, 43214. 'nnted ,n the United St.te, cf New Products .......... 61 · ." A......ice. Subscription $12.50 a yeor. Forei..n posto..e In Print for Ceramists ... 12a : : .> '$LlIO adelitionel. Si'"1'o ccpie. $2.00 plu, pcttaQe• • :. ~lId-clo.. polta..o paid at Columbu., Ohio. Allow ; Personal Notes 211 J.0f': '<~II Journal Authors 922 • • weeks for addre•• chan..... < Cerami~ :;- ,; ::0 Copyright "" by The Amorican Society Library Shelf .. 20a Schools !':;),1';' .· CERAMICB~j ., Nominations for Officers, 1970-1971 American Ceramic Society Materials & Equipment Division President-Elect: WILLIAM J. SMOTHERS Chairman-Elect: CARL W. GARTNER • Bethlehem Steel Corp., Homer Resean:h Labs. General Color & Chemical Co., Minerva, Ohio Bethlehem, Pa. Vice Chairman: RICHARD C. HANNON Vice Presidents: Salem, Ohio (R. T. Vanderbilt Co., Inc.) EUGENE E. BRYANT, Ferro Corp., Cleveland Secretary: CARL E. HAGBERG, Trenton, N. J. RICHARD M. FULRATH, University of California, Berkeley (Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Co. Inc.) RALPH L. GIBSON, Taylor. Smith & Taylor Co. Nuclear Division East Liverpool, Ohio Trustee: JOSEPH H. HANDWERK, Beckwith Carbon Corp. Treasurer: THEODORE J. M. PLANJE Van Nuys, Calif. University of Missouri - Rolla Chairman: J. LAMBERT BATES Battelle/Northwest, Richland, Wash. "~'" Basic Science Division Vice Chairman: OWEN L. KRUGER Chairman-Elect: ROBERT L. COBLE, Massachusetts Institute Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio of Technology, Ceramics Div., Cambridge, Mass. Secretary: EUGENE D. LYNCH Vice Chairman: RICHARD M. SPRIGGS, Lehigh University Babcock & Wilcox Co., Lynchburg, Va. .,': . Materials Research Center, Bethlehem, Pa. Secretary: Refractories Division D. LYNN JOHNSON, Northwestern University Trustee: EDWIN RUH, Harbison-Walker Refractories cO. ; , Dept. of Mineral Science, Evanston, III. Garber Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. PAUL J. JORGENSEN, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Chairman: CHARLES A. McFADDEN Park, Calif. Bickley Furnaces. Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. THOMAS VASILOS, Winthrop, Mass. Vice Chairman: DAVID H. HUBBLE, Export, Pa. (AVCO Applied Technology Div.) (United States Steel Corp.) Secretary: KARL H. SANDMEYER, Carborundum Co. Ceramic-Metal Systems Division Refractories & Electronics Div., Youngstown, N. Y. Trustee: ARTHUR L. FRIEDBERG Structural Clay Products Division University of Illinois, Urbana Chairman-Elect: ROGER C. STOEN ,I. Chairman: ROBERT J. MCWILLIAMS, Pfaudler Co. Can-Tex Industries, Cannelton, Ind. .\ Div. of Sybron Corp., Rochester, N. Y. Vice Chairman: JOHN H. VAN RAVESTEIN r Vice Chairman: JAMES D. SULLIVAN J. C. Steele & Sons, Inc., Statesville, N. C. , ,.' Glascote Div., Haveg Industries, Inc., Cleveland • " Secretary: H. S. INGHAM, JR. Metco Inc., Westbury, N. Y. Counselor: LYNN E. FUSSELL Texas Instruments. Inc., Richardson, Texas ~~~~~~,~;;~~~;~:C";ii~'t 'I .'(:'. Design Division Vice Chairman: ROBERT B. OBERST'!~:~:.::;_" Industrial Ceramic Products, Inc., Columbus, Ohio ;;"t&"1f.,;;. Not available. Secreta'!': STANLEY I. WARSHAW .;';$r*~;; AmerIcan Standard. Inc., New BrunSWick, N. J. .'"'' , Electronics Division Chairman-Elect: RICHARD D. DILLENDER, JR. Ceramic Educational Council Signal Mountain, Tenn. (American Lava Corp.) President-Elect: MALCOLM G. McLAREN Vice Chairman: JAMES R. FLOYD, Reynolds Metals Co. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J. ',' .... Richmond, Va. Vice President: W. C. HACKLER Secretary: LEWIS C. HOFFMAN, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Va. Co., Wilmington, Del. Secretary: WILLIAM B. CAMPBELL Ohio State University, Columbus Corresponding Secretary: JOHN F. McMAHON Glass Division Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y. Chairman: RICHARD E. MOULD American Glass Research, Inc., Butler, Pa. National Institute of Ceramic Engineers :, First Vice Chairman: CHARLES R. KURKJIAN President-Elect: . J. R. TINKLEPAUGH, State University of New Bell Telephone Labs., Inc., Murray Hill, N. J. York College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, N. Y, Second Vice Chairman: ROBERT GARDON Vice President: E. P. McNAMARA Ford Motor Co. Scientific Labs., Dearborn, Mich. Cambridge Tile Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio Secretary: JOSEPH J. HAMMEL, PPG Industries, Inc. Secretary-Treasurer: FORREST W. NELSON Glass Research Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. A. O. Smith Corp., Milwaukee, Wise. By-Laws governing the election of officers of the American Ceramic • Society, its Divisions, and Classes, appear on the preceding page. 926 CERAMIC BULLBTDf American Ceramic Society Membership Roster ~oster is published only for the convenience of B-Basic Science Division ,~ of The American Ceramic Society. Its use as C--Ceramic-Metal Systems Division mailing list is in violation of federal copyright. D--Design Division E-Electronics Division These listings give the member's preferred mailing F-Fellow of the American Ceramic Society ddress. Where this is not his business address his com­ G-Glass Division any connection is shown in parentheses.' Divisions and I-National Institute of Ceramic Engineers. Mem· ther Society affiliations are indicated in parentheses fol­ ber Grade lwing each name, in accordance with the code given at la-National Institute of Ceramic Engineers. As· le right. The absence of any such designation indicates sociate Member Grade '!at the member is from outside North America or a J-Junior Member tudent member, neither of whom has Division affiliation. M-Materials & Equipment Division N-Nuclear Division Listings are in alphabetical order. New members re­ P-Ceramic Educational Council eived too late to be included are listed in the Addenda R-Refractories Division ,n page 1032. A separate Roster for the National losti­ S--Structural Clay Products Division ute of Ceramic Engineers, showing grades of member­ W-White Wares Division hip, is on page 1035 of this issue. X-No Division affiliation COPJfilht 1969 by The American Ceramic Society, Inc. Adem•• Edward M. lSI Amencan Olean Tole Ainsworth. John H. (R) 2534 Cenler Ave.. Co.. Lewl$port. Ky. 42351 Alillnce. OhIO 44601 (Babcock & Wilco. Co) Adem•• Frederick W. (GJ 269 S. Prospecl AIRCO·SPEER (Wilham E. Parker) 471h Ave. Clarendon Hills. III 60514 IPhilip & Packard Rd .. Nilgara Falls. NY 14302 Lochman & Co,) Aitken. Edw.rd A. lB) General Eleclric Co.. Adems. Harry P.• R.R. 2. Bo. 246. Saluda. Vallecllos Nuclear Cenler. Bo. 846. IlIIott.lteymond B.. Jr. (G) Owens-lIhnol$ s.C. 29138 Pleesanton. Calif. 94566 . Cenler. 1700 N. Westwood Ave.. Adams. L. A. (R) AlumInum Co of America. Ajami. Fauad I.. UnIversIty of J io 43607 Bo. 300. BauXlle. Ark 72011 Pennsylvan... School 01 Metallurgical A. IB) 206 North Ave.. Bryan. Adams. Milton (G) 3683 W. RIver Rd . Englneellng. PhiladelphIa. Pa 19104 • J' 1 (Texas A & M UnIversIty) Toledo. Ohio 43614 (Llbbey·Owens·Ford Akam. J. W. (5) NIICO BuildIng Products ~. Lonni. L. (XIP) UniversIty 01 Col lid. Aldershol Sub. P.O .. Burhngton. .T..... EJ Peso. EI PISO. Te•. 79999 Adams. P. Bruce (GFI CornIng Glass Works. OnLCanlda ...........eB) IBM Corp. Thomas J Research & Development. CornIng. NY Akkeron. Ludwill f. IC) Meyercord Co . Watsoll Res. Center. Bo. 218. Yorklown 14830 365 E North Ave.. Wheaton. III. 60187 Heights, N.V 10598 Adams. Robert B. IBI Ford MOlor Co . AKRON PORCELAIN CO. (George H ......... Can J. ICI 1368 Slony Brook Rd . SClenllfic Lab. 20000 Rotunda Or . Lewl$ III) Bo. 3767. Akron. Ohio 44314 Stony Brook. N.V. 11790 (Consultanli Dearborn. MlCh 48124 Aksay. llhan A.. UnIversIty of Caltlorn... ........... John H .. Jr. (GI Glass Conlainer Adems. Roland H. (Sla) 4226 Ashevolle Or . Dept. 01 Mllerial Scllnce & Englneellng. Mfg.lnlltitute. 1511 K St.. NW. Weshlngton. Garland. Te. 75040 (Reliance Clay Berkelay. Cahf. 94720 D.C.20005 Products) Albert.lli. Steph.n L. (E) Meldow Rd. RR -ms;John C. lIa) Two R,ver Road. ADAMSTON FLAT GLASS DIV.. 1. 81g Flals. NY 14814 (Corning Glass l:Iighlend Plrk. N J. 08904 ROLLAN D GLASS CO. (Joffre J Worksl -mi,;~dIB) E. I du Ponl de Nemours & Rollandl 80. 631. Clarksburg. WVa 26301 Albinlk. Marvin J. IGP) Essex CommunIty .: ~a;- Exponmenlal SIalIon. WilmIngton. Del Adcock. Lawrenc. W .• Jr. (II Cenlralab Hong College. Baillmore County. Md. 21237 Kong LId. Amoycan Induslrial Center. Nkil Albon. _.,ek (5) Clayburn-HarbIson LId.. ........William P.. 4742 Blldwln Minor Rd.. 1744 Nglu ChI Win. Kowloon. Hong Kong D,v Canadian Relrletolles. Bo. 160. ',I'lttsIiiIrQh. P. 15227 AddingtOn. Larry A.. Molitary CI.. ApI 6. Rolla. Abbolsford. B.C.. Canada 1Ilra..... Isuc. Av. Allanllca 2856. Aplo Mo. 65401 Albrecht. Emst.lm Silbertal 12.541 · 403.110 de JaneIro. BrilIl (Klabln Adel......lI. Lee M. lCI CornIng Glass Works. Hoehr-Grenzhausen 1. Wesl Germany Irnieoi. Cil.) Sullivan Plrk. Corning. N.V 14830 ALCAN SALES INC. (R M. Malhleson)
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