w LIGHTING-UP TIME TIDE TABLETOR MAY Date High Water Low Water Sun- Sun- A-M- PM. A.M. P.M. rise set 1* 11.25 11JS1 550 5__4 6.22 8.09 ' 8.39 p.m. 15 12.00 12.15 6.20 6.1S *S1 8.10 | ®J|p iSmial Okzgtte mutt (EuUmtat laihj HAMILTON, BERMUDA, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1945 3D PER COPY—40/- PER ANNUM VOL. 25—NO. 1 14 900 ALLIED TASK FORCE PLANES HIT KYUSHU 10,000 PEOPLE GATHER Germans Intended To Raid Bermuda, VICTORY THANKSGIVING ENEMY ANNOUNCE HEAVY AIR BLOWS FOR Y-E DAY CEREMONY SERVICE AT CATHEDRAL Brigadier Maconochie Discloses Ceremonial Parade Of All Over 600 Persons Present AS BATTLE FOR OKINAWA REACHES That "we have concrete evidence Local Forces Yesterday to prove that it was definitely the At State Function Sunday German intention to raid these Is­ DRUM HEAD SERVICE AT lands" was a disclosure made by NEW PITCH; DRIVE FOR NAHA GAINS ACTING GOVERNOR TAKES A Brigadier tlte Hon. H. D. Macono­ PROSPECT CAMP SUNDAY WAR WAS ACRUSADE, SAYS chie, C.B.E., M.C., Officer Com­ HIS LORDSHIP THE BISHOP SALUTE ON FRONT STREET manding British Troops, at Pros­ pect Camp yesterday. Over 1,000 British Troops VICTORS MUST BE WORTHY GROWING NEED SEEN FOR An estimated 10.000 people turned Brigadier Maconochie continued "God grant," His Lordship the' JAPS ADMIT FOOD FAMINE out yesterday in Hamilton to watch that after doing as much damage as Addressed By Rev. Harman Bishop toid a State "thanksgiving Bermuda's V-E Day ceremonial par­ possible, the Germans planned to for victory" service in the Cathedral OF THEIR GREAT FORCES JOINT PLAN ON GERMANY yesterday morning, "that the spirit GROWS UNDER BLOCKADE ade, reckoned by many to be the carry out the same purpose to other Nearly a thousand British troops most outstanding in local history, Islands" where AUied bases are es­ of unity which has been the source attended an impressive Drum Head of strength to the AlUed nations including as it obi such a variety tablished. Service on the Garrison Parade ChurchiU, In War Review, Is Doenitz's Status Expected of the AlUed Nations' forces — even He was at the time paying tribute through the bitter struggle of the Del Monte Aerodrome Taken Ground at Prospect yesterday morn­ European war many continue to the Chinese members of Merchant to the work of the Bermuda Home ing preceding the special service at Exponent Of British Role To Be Clarified Soon Navy were represented. Guard whose role "was not only to bind them in a mutual understand­ On Mindanao In Philippines prevent sabotage by guarding vital the Cathedral and the ceremonial ing and a common purpose in the His ExceUency the Acting Govern­ points but to provide a static re­ march past in HamUton. time that Ues ahead-" SATS WHOLE WORLD MUST BE BIG THREE MEETING ONLY or, the Hon. William L. Murphy, in Conducted by the Rev. Keith Har­ The Cathedral was crowded witb AUSTRALIANS SCORE GAINS an enclosure which was shared by serve to combat any possible effort AVENUE TO A SOLUTION of the enemy to assault these Is­ man, Church of England Chaplain to over 600 persons including, His E_t- AT BY-PASSED WEWAK MADE SAFE AND CLEAN tbe commanders of tbe British and lands." British Troops in Bermuda, the ser­ ceUency the Acting Governor, tbe American armed foroes in tbe Is­ Tne Home Guard was stood down vice was attended by Brigadier the Hon. W. L. Murphy, who was attend­ LONDON, May 13 (Reuter).—The By JOHN MacCORMAC lands, took the salute at the march Hon. H. D. Maconochie, Officer Com­ ed by Lieut. R. A. Lee, AJ>.C; Vice- WASHINGTON, May 13 (ff).—By lar past before tbe flag pole on Front as from Sunday, May 13, the' rele­ the greatest Superfort fleet of tbe foUowing is the text of Prime Min­ Special fo The New York Times and gation of the unit to a state of in­ manding British Troops, his staff Admiral Sir Irvine Glennie, Senior ister Winston Churchill's broadcast The Royal Gazette Street. activity being revealed at the Drum officers, and detachments from all British Naval Officer, Western At­ var. "well over 500," made an incen­ Striking a colourful note in tbe diary attack on Nagoya, Japan's to tbe nation at 9 o' clock this even­ Head service when Brigadier Maco­ of the British miUtary units to these lantic, attended by Flag Lieut. Rus­ ing D.B.S.T.: LONDON, Kay 13 (through Reu­ whole ceremony was the alignment nochie addressed the Commandant Islands, and the Royal Air Force. seU Flint, and Lady Glennie; Rear- third city. ter).—Urgent inquiries have been ad­ "It was five years ago, on Thurs­ side by side in the harbour behind and officers of the Home Guard. The parade was directed by Major Admiral Frank A. Braisted, Com­ LONDON, May 13 (Reuter).—Al­ day last, that His Majesty the King dressed by the British Government I tbe flag pole of a flotilla of Royal mandant, US. Naval Operating Base, to Field Marshal Montgomery to WORK LOYALLY DONE M. E. Whitelock, Parachute Regi­ Ued planes today launched a new commissioned me to form a Nation­ Canadian light naval vessels with ment, A.A.C., G.S.O. II, and the fol­ accompanied by his aide, Lieut. large scale operation against the al Government of aU parties to car­ clear up the confusion about the myraids of flags flying overhead. - He said, "On this, your final pa­ Bailey Stortz; Brigadier General T. status of Grand Admiral Doenitz, lowing units were represented: Ber­ blockaded mainland of Japan, Tokyo ry on our affairs. rade, I want to thank you for the muda MUitia ArtiUery and Bermuda H. Jones, Commanding General, Ber­ reported tonight.. Flying from Allied caused by bis reputed appointment DENSE CROWDS GATHER work you have so loyaUy carried muda Base Command, U.S. Army; "Five years is a long time in hu­ of Field Marshal Ernst von Busch as Militia Infantry, commanded by carriers which appeared in the wa­ man life, especiaUy when there is AU along the route of the march out to my Command for the past Lieut.-Col. D. M. Moore, TH, RA.; Brigadier H. D. Maconochie, Officer ters south of Kysbu before dawn, head of all Germans in the British four long years. In this connec­ Commanding British Troops, and no remission for good conduct. zone. dense crowds congregated but, un­ Bermuda Volounteer Engineers, com­ 900 task force planes made the at­ However, this National Government doubtedly the congestion was thick­ tion you must be disappointed that manded by Captain A. W. Card, Act­ Mrs. Maconochie: the Hon. Sir tack on the airfields and military was sustained by Parliament and This appointment announced by est from Queen to Parliament so few of your unit have wished to ing O.C; Bermuda Volouteer Rifle Brooke Francis, Chief Justice, and installations of Japan's southern by the entire British nation at home Marshal Busch himself on Friday give thanks for the defeat of Ger­ Lady Francis; the Hon. WUliam H. main island. They were accompani­ Streets. Hundreds of people had many at our Drum Head Service. Corps, commanded by Lieut.-Col. and aU our fighting men abroad, night over the German radio at | good vantage points on the balconies J. C. Astwood, E.D.; "B" Force, Can­ Beck. U.S. Consul General, and Mrs. ed by a minor force of Superfort­ and by the unswerving cooperation Flensburg. made it appear that Ad­ "The Bermuda Home Guard has Beck: the Hon. W. W. Davidson, Act­ resses. ! or in the windows of Front Street adian Army, commanded by Major of the Doniinions far across the miral Doenitz, with British consent, stores, but many hundreds more done an invaluable job of work tn M. E. Gray; Royal Air Force, com­ ing Colonial Secretary, and Mrs. Two days after AlUed sources had oceans and of our Empire in every was still acting as head of the Ger­ these Islands and I appreciate, more Davidson: the Eon. J. T. TrounseU lined the sidewalk. On the Burnaby than perhaps some of you reaUse, manded by Flight Lieut. F. J. Cle­ disclosed massive operations were quarter of tbe globe. After various man State. hill, off Front Street to Reid Street, ments ; Bermuda Home Guard, com­ GUbert, Attorney General; members under way to blockade Japan by episodes had occurred it became Since no such consent has been the difficulties and troubles you of the Legislative CouncU and House sea, a Tokyo spokesman announced there was a great crowd of people have had to shoulder. The guard manded by Lieut. Col. L. G. B. Powell, clear last week that so far things given by the British Government, I making use of a natural arena. MM.; and Staff & Departments, of Assembly; and many other offi­ that the food situation was acute. have worked out pretty well, and London wanted to know whether duties that you have performed cers of the British and American The one-time normal supply of sev­ It was a field day for professional have been absolutely essential and commanded by Captain M. LynKt- that the British Commonwealth and any action by Marshal Montgomery Watson, R AS.C. armed forces. eral million bushels of rice from the Empire stands more united and could have been misconstrued. and amateur photographers. Prob­ it may interest you to know that we have concrete evidence to prove southern region had -been cut off more effectively powerful than at The London Times wfll observe to-1 ably a record number of photo­ The B.V.R.C.
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