Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-11-1962 The B-G News May 11, 1962 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 11, 1962" (1962). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1663. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1663 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. *%1%-GJ<VM VoL 46 Bowling Groan Slot* University. Bowling Groan. Ohio. Friday. May 11. 1962 No. 53 Spring Week End To Feature Parade; Queen Coronation To Be At 8 Tonight Spring Week End on the of the board, serving as master The queen's court will be es- gin tomorrow at 1 p.m. from Park- Bowling Green campus be- of ceremonies. The event opens a corted by officers of their re- ing Lot No. 2 behind Overman week end of colorful floats and spective classes. Following the Hall and continue downtown and gins at 8 tonight with the a spring prom featuring the Let- presentation of flowers by the around the campus to the stadium. third annual coronation of termen and Kip Fraser and his class of 1963, the Kappa Sigma The theme this year is "A Shake- the May Queen and her court orchestra. Barbershop Quartet will serenade spearian Festival." The 1962 May Queen will be the winners of yesterday's cam. The floats will pass through in the ballroom. robed in purple velvet and white pus-wide election. the stadium and the 1962 May The Coronation is sponsored satin and escorted to the throne All candidates for queen will Queen and court will be presented by the class of 1963 and the Stu- by Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Harsh- be presented during the cere- by the presidents of the respective dent Spirit and Traditions Board man. Her crown will be a tiara monies. classes. Clark D. Tibbits, presi- with Joseph C. Hruby, chairman donated by Klever's Jewelry. Tho May Float Parade will be- dent of the Student Body, will escort the queen. * * * * * • Following the presentation the floats will be judged on quality of One-Act Plays construction, originality, beauty, and expression of Shakespearian theme. Tho winners will be an- Will Feature nounced and trophies given. The University Anniversary 4 Prom tomorrow night from 9 M1SCHA ELMAN. w.ll known rlolinill and conc.tl artist, will be featured Box And Cox' p.m. to 1 a.m. in the ballroom will In the Artist Series proqram at 8:15 Sunday awning In In* ballroom. Program Arthur ("antillon's "Pierrot close out the week-end activities. ■•Itctau Include: Outdoor Overture by Copeland. Symphony In D Minor by Before the Seven Doors," is The prom will include the pre- Frank, and Violin Concert by- Tschalkowsky. Elman will bo accompanlod by tho T sentation of the queen and her University Symphony Orchestra. one of four in the University court at the 9:45 p.m. intermis- Theatre's production of one- sion. The class of 1962 will pre- act plays scheduled for 7:30 4» sent a rotating trophy for the -o > queen's housing unit. The class tonight in the Joe E. Brown of 1962 will give permanent tro- Concert Violinist Elman Theatre. phies to each of the winners. The play centers about Pierrot In case of rain the parade will who, in despair over the loss of his be at the same time Sunday. love, seeks someone to help him forget her. Six closed doors are To Play Here Sunday behind him where Pierrot hopes to find the convolution he seeks. Judges Name Oelo Miseha Elman, the world-famous violinist, and one of However, none of the characters America's best-loved concert artists, will appear in the next behind the doors see him until he Head Cheerleader Artist Series program at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the ballroom. meets the young mnn at the play's end. Marlyn J. Gelo was chosen head He will be featured with the University Symphony Orchestra. of the varsity cheerleuding squad The cast (or the play Includes Mr. Elman was an intimate friend and colleague of the for next year. Miss Gelo, a junior Michael G. RSonehouse as Pier in the College of Education, has legendary Enrico Caruso. They made a number of records rot. Charles T. Roberts as Punch, been on the varsity squad for Nicholas W. Chaplor as Harlequin. two years. together in the golden years Amcric„ bv „,„,.,„, KivinR 22 recit. David B. Tagllalerrl at Death. Other members of the squad in- when Caruso was the world's als in New York City alone in one Donald Bulllft as Young Man. Rob clude Sonya S. Barr, junior, Shar- reigning singer and Elman was year. ert E. Guerln as Old Man. and on L. Gilmer, sophomore, Ad- the incredible youth who took The Cnruso-Klman recordings Mary L. Grcaieck as Peepaslna. rienne M. Amon, sophomore, Ruth are now collectors' items. Equally Rosemary S. Gregg Is directing the A. Crago, freshman, and Carol prized la Elman's violin ac- Play. M. Shaw, freshman. Janet M. companiment to Mary Garden in The second one-act pluy to be Fritz, sophomore, has been chosen University Sets presented tonight is a comedy the Meditation from "Thais." a THE LETTERMEN as alternate. combination inspired by Oscar called "Box and Cox." These women were selected at Hammerstein. the man who intro- The play shows what happens cheerleading tryouts held Monday Donation Mark duced Elman to America. when Mr. Box meets Mr. Cox in and Tuesduy evenings. Tryouts are Mr. Box's room, which appears Elman's memories of Caruso go UA Prom To Feature open to all University women, and to be really Mr. Cox's room. Actu- For Red Cross back to 1906, when he met the although a woman may have been tenor for the first time in London. ally, they have both been living on the cheerleading squud in the in the same room, each without A new record for blood dona- It was summer and the height of past, she must try out each year. tions was set May 3 when students knowing the other was there. For Kip Fraser, Lettermen the social season. The royalty of Mrs. Bouncer, the landlady, has and faculty members donated 1R0 the world was gathered there, and had them both fooled. The play is The University Anniversary Prom will be from 9 to 12 pinU of blood to the American the nightly soirees at the great a period farce set in England, tomorrow evening in the ballroom. Kip Fraser and his orches- Musolf To Present Red Cross Uloodmobile. mansions saw what were probably with much of the humor typical This represents the most pints the last great gatherings of high tra and the Lettermen will be featured. The 1962 May Queen Senior Recital Tonight of that time, muking use of the received on campus since the international society. and her Court will be presented at intermission. James W. Musolf, organist, will Korean War. Last fall 162 pints asides. The play is directed by present a senior recital at 8:16 As was natural then, music Kip Fraser and his orchestra will play dixieland, show of blood were donated at the Uni- David S. Campbell. tonight in the Hall of Music. played a big part in these soirees, "Mast Pierre Patclln." the third tunes, top dance tunes, old standards, and the newest melodies The first part of the program versity. and hostesses vied with one an- Both figures exceeded the 125 play of the evening. Is one of the from the latest Broadway consists of "Prelude and Fugue in other in an effort to capture the most famous of the French Medie- they sang with groups appearing E Major" by Buxtehude, "Come pint quota. rreatest musical names. Bucking- shows. Ninety people gave blood for val farces. It was written some- locally. A year ago, they met Tony Now, Savior of the Heathen" and ham Palace, however, always had The band members were all pre- in Los Angeles and decided to the first time, and 90 were re- time around 1460. but It Is far "Prelude in A Minor" by J. S. first choice, and it was there one from being outdated In Its humor, viously with such bands as Les try their luck together. Tony had Bach. peat donors. evening that the violinist, just Brown, Woody Herman, The Members of Omega Phi Alpha, fun. and audience enjoyment. already enjoyed some success with Following the intermission Mu- fresh from his London triumphs Glenn Miller Orchestra, and Tom- another group he had organized women's service fraternity, and The story of the play concerns solf will conclude his recital as a child prodigy, met Caruso. the lazy, likeable, and not too hon- my Dorsey. in 1967, tho Fourmost, with which with "Prelude, Fugue and Alpha Phi Omega, men's service Young Miseha Elman, making his A one-time missionary, a Croati. fraternity, assisted the Bloodmo- est lawyer, Pierre Patelin, who at- Connie Stevens got her start. Variation" by Franck, "Scherzet- bow before London society, wai tempts to live by his wits. Charles an, and a football player make up Tickets for the prom are now to" by Vierne, "Les Bergers" by bile staff.
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