I •• • -.-••' '•'•.:/, • HY-TOT) NOU LJT 3UST TO We Do ,THONE. NVETO" 0 "PROv/E TO Our Part COME X)OWM, ) YOU Rahway Record HERE * / PAST IS .GONE Q WE FACE TO-DAy YJH -* * RAHWAY, N.J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1933 PRICE THREE CENTS AT THE. SAME isevelt to Explain Policies Legion Red Cross Roll Call^riags—- Nmrts Nominated by Eiwanis To Reassure American Business Annual Donation Generous Kespoiise in Rahway Told Kiwanians Named by MJ6areJ EB^y^-W^aa^-^ _^_^w^ MM By CnWonpJi SmieeL _ Of Food Baskets By John Spargo Washington, Nov. 17—To reassure American EntHuBiastic Workers Report Total of $719.90 to iiness. President Roosevelt is making- a statement Presented to Senatev .f6 Appoint-Gommittee-to^Ar- ^Bate; Factories-and-indiYidiials^isted gtate of -Education -Speaks ;;Appoin.tment monetary^jpbucy, Onlversal Service is advised in high range jPiBtribtitigg~ot" Meeting Here" —Board of Education - Baakite Enthusiastic and generous response on At the. same time it is learned the revamped POST WILL AID CITY the part of.citizens and organization/vnMirrA^Innso havhntme nlMAnnialreadyr REV. FINLEY KEECH WILL SUCCEED LATE" treasury department leadership is_ consideringjssu- I.M.S.DOUGI ance'of UniferBSifes n^olEs^^enTJacKB^o'feHre' A Proclaiming that we must edu- Io recognition of many- years;; maturing Federal obligations in December. This Arrangements for the annual AnBouncement wwas made . distribution of. New Year's baskets cate all our children. If we BTC to of outstanding work in education, course is open under the Thomas amendment author- Red Cross"headquarte» that the adviser for the campaign, has both locally, and in, larger fields, to the needy of the city by Rah- Mac-bac-Kasebler-Chatfleld also recruited a new- team of can- maintain or advance' our stand- izing a maximum of $3,000,000,000 in greenbacks way post No. 5, American Legion poratlon yesterdey sent a checkvassers including H. Shannon, ard of living, John A. Spargo, Governor A. Harry Moore has^ which would have to be retired at the rate of four were begun last night at a joint for $29, representing the enroll- Franklin Budge, Lewis Springer, commissioner of elementary edu-: presented the name of Mrs.'WHlr percent annually. A decision is expected soon. meeting of the post and its auxil- ment by the firm of every man F. Jones and the Misses Natalie cation of Naw Jersey, spoke be- lam F. LltUe, 110 Elm avenue, to iary with the appointment of alnjhe_plant._ Thls_foUQwed1. the Myers, Anne Kiel. Jennie _Tara. the-State-Senate- foirappointment-- L jjjhig<gfttaaaplatedstatement,-the President-in- committee to-take charge of Ihls forelmemoersof~the~KrwanIs~cluT> contribution of $25 by the Quinn L. Braclawska, F. Banneken, S.Wednesday noon. His subject as member of the State Baard of teng^totake thematioon and the vprld into his con- work which yearly brings New Si Boden.company with $58.25 inLwHow. Aline Dunn, Olga Carl- The Bev. Flnley Keech, pas- h l ith th ld Year cheer to many destitute homes memberships from- employees of berg and Betty Simmons. wasvthe "Financial Crisis In thetor of First Baptist church, Education to succeed ttie late.Mri fidence and tell how far he plans tago with the gold The committee in cnarge •will con- that 'organization, and one $200 Educational Program of Newnominated for President _of the Mabel s: Douglass, former "deirj sist of Past Commander William Soliictors bring in stories of Kataway Kiwanis dob. purchasing ind other monetary policies, it is stated and one $60 subscription from In- gifts from those to whom the giv-Jersey." • of the New Jersey College for J. Hurd. James Mann and Charles : dividuals. ing means sacrifice, but who in- Women.- . ' j.. reliably.'^ •.••'*.• • •••! ' :r from the post and Mrs. Commissioner Spargo pointed OUR BOARDING HOUSE The exposition is designed to allay fears among »—»ja* ffSsh. Mrs. Daniel The latest available figures on sist on contributing "because the Mrs-.Iiittle, now in. her.seopndi,; out "that - unless "New-'^Jereey O'Connor and Mrs. Edward Dun-collections made by the various Bed CrossJias-been-so good to Golumbja P.-T. Ar term as president of the New'Jer- ULJ^'OM business leaders caused by uncertainty over the ad-ham of the.auxiliary. teams are as follows: St. Mary's me." makes ample provision for the sey State Congress of Parents, and: ministration's monetary goal. T>ere were sugges- church. $45; St.—Paul's-church, One canvasser-found an in-education of every child in tiie Teachers, has been active?:in- P.-/ The committee ,w01 call on all$17; First PresbytCTian, $27; Sec- valid, confined to her bed for Holds Gard Party T. A: affairs and1 service ;to;chfld^ tions of mocBfication of present policies. ~ the members of the post and state it win not be long before ond Presbyterian. $25.50;_ Junior many months who - has- received the state wffl. have to care for hood for the last 14 years,.servr',' — Official8~said~it was unlikelsrthe-Presidenfs auxtUary-tietween-Bow and theService league (stationed in •PUPS-"K)R A COUPLE the stilled care of the Bed Cross -— undfer-pTivileged_. chil- Many Prizes Awarded at ing as an officer on the. State,' '. message would be forthcoming before he leaves this distribution of the baskets for banks). $86:^individual, workers. Jiur*es.__Ever_since_Jhe_roll_ca]l. 1,000,000 Board as-county chairman, corre-;^ gifts and donations of foodstuffs $8645; Clark Township, $2. started she has been soliciting dren. Discussing the revenue for Party in GroyerGleye^" spomiing secretary, vice president"., afternoon for Warm Springs, Georgia. They look ; and money. New Workers Added memberships from every friend the state educational program, land School and - has recently • beta-'?elected'-^ for it after he reaches Georgia and has further op- A committee was appointed from who comes to her bedside and-haa the speaker polnted-ojit -that a chairman-of-the-Middle-Atlanii the-sost-to-ald-ltt-the-dtys-Red To Various Groups 1: J1 portunity to study the effect of the^monetary^schemes New workers added to thalreade y induced a number to different method of raising money More than 60 prizes were States, council. Cross drive- The committee con- Join. on the weak government bond market, federal credit, sists or Thomas Stephens, chalr- iams include Miss Eva Martin must be found.. He showed that awarded at the largely attended Has Taken. Part In Many .' ' for Second Presbyterian; Miss Again and again the workerswhile real estate' now comprises •card .party, held,.by. the Colum- National Education Conferences -traderand-American business and-industry. "Eleanor Leaden, w. Maiy-sTMIss" report that they are asked to re- man Maxwell. __ 21 percent "of the' valuations" in bian School Parent-Teacher as- A New'Jersey tepresenUtiye^f, Irene Harriman and Mrs. E. Ptur. n in a few days when house- the P.-T. A. and N.- E. A., Mrs.-- The annual turkey contest con- Iffll, St. Paul's; Mrs. Arthur hoMers expect to have secured the the state, it is carrying 90 per-sociation in Grover Cleveland m T,iWi» has taken -part irt-i ^^lurte^m^tmm^d by t.h-^m^m^^'^m^m^mim'^f port will hf ro^ n cent-of the tax hirnien eluded Monday evening. November Drawes. Daughters of 'America" membership fee, .which must be Mr. Spargo. who was the guest school last night. The affair was national conferences in various; 27 with the awarding of the prizes John A. Overton, -who has been painfully scraped together. of Superintendent of Schools A.In charge of Mrs. Roy Boilings-' parts of the nation. During the Ic-Perryr-was-iatroduced by Dr*head and~ ai of the'' government, she. .was; mittee la charge consists of Past David Engelman, member of the The prize (winners were as fol-Federal • „ Trenton, Nov. 17—Savings in payroll costs ofCommander Hurd, chairman. Board of Education. named by. Miss' Julia Lathrop, i $520,580 for the first four months of the present fis- Hans Mathleson, Edward Kearney. )ffleen Nominated lows: Non-player—Mrs. Benja- head of the Childrens Bureau. Alfred A. Olroux Harry Newman. At Meetine Wednesday min Mathis, Fred Heid, Mrs. AWashington, as a member of the.' cal year were reported to Governor A. Harry Moore Martin Oettlngs and Clifford Father's Night Reconsider Action The Rev. Knley Bteech, pastor Collins:-door prize, Mrs. William commissioTi. to' promote the. na- ~ today by the Civil Service Commission. The Gov-worth; '-... ._. ... of First Baptist church and Uonal child welfare program. She ernor disclosed that at the rate the various state agen- Three new members were ac- chainnan. of the public relations -M. Muller, Mrs. Viola was Invited by President Hoover cepted last night. They are Peter Hee Club and Band Will Informed The Record Last committee of the dub, was nomi- McCandless, Leo Seller, Mrs. At.o continue her child welfare cies are reducing their expenditures for employees, B. Copper. 29 Church street; Pe- feature Program Night He WiU Not Re- nated for president of the group Mbschberger. Louis Balon, Mrs. work during his term of office. the recommendations in the Princeton survey will ter Thelen. 81 Allen street'and for next year. Anna Pachman. Mrs. Edward Member of the Governor's William J. Ooldlng. 2| Uncota Monday Night turn to Public Office Other nominations were: Vice Maier, Mrs. Anna Mancuso,Mancuso.' WW. State School Commission : soon be met j , u avenue. J. Anthony, Mrs. W_ L Springer, The Rabway Men's Glee club Although the "faithfuls" in thepresident, A. Fred Hope-:-treas- She is also a member of the'A. v The Princeton survey, he said, urged reduction The committee In charge re- urer, A.
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